One has to wonder what makes the "Brain Trust" of the White House, and the Left (in general), tick. It is certainly not for lack of intelligence, or insufficient education (though the perspective of schools such as Harvard is certainly debatable). I tend to categorize this deficiency as "Dogmatic Lunacy" (meaning that the proponents choose to reject common sense logic, in favor of comfortable dogma, with the rationale that only the intellectually sophisticated (most of whom reside, pompously, in the Democratic party) can understand their reasoning. But, in order to sway the voting public (which includes the rest of us "intellectually deficient" poor souls), they commonly try to publicly attach an unpopular concept (such as the expense of "fighting Global Warming") with a concern that is widely shared by the Left, and Conservatives, alike.
Such seems to be the case with the most recent effort by President Obama to attach our concern for the fight against I.S.I.S., and other International Terrorist organizations, with his intentions to spend millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars on the "fight" to stop "Global Warming". He seems determined to try and equate the threat of encroaching "Global Warming", which may seem hard to fear, in the immediate future, at least, with the obvious threat of runaway murderous terrorists trying to kill us, simply because we reject their foul false religion.
I'm sorry, Mr. President, but I can't get as worked up about someone knocking on my door to warn me that the earth is getting warmer, as I would be if a terrorist showed up with a butcher knife, wanting to decapitate me, for the "glory of Allah"!!! Where is the logical perspective of the Left???
The obvious truth is the the Left, in general, and the White House in particular are adamant in their obsession with spending our money on boondoggles such as wind turbines, which work, but are no where near cost-effectiveness, and they are not at all determined to really fight the Muslim hoards at the gates. I guess it all boils down to one's perspective of Prophetic beliefs, and the fulfillment of Prophecy in our time. If one believes (as I am convinced that Obama does) that the world will soon be "saved" by the coming "Mahdi" prophecied by the Koran, then it makes sense to distract us all from our natural fears of those who are attempting to set the stage for "his coming". Give us something else to concern ourselves with, such as "Global Warming" and maybe we'll become so obsessed with this that the terrorists will have time to behead all of us who resist them. The concept of "saving us" apparently only extends to those who believe in Islam, or those who will lie about it to save their lives. The reversal of the effects of "Global Warming" then becomes crucial for those that expect to live in their Muslim concept of a Utopian world.
As a believer that Jesus Christ is coming soon, beginning with God's destruction of the armies that surround Israel, who intend to murder all the Jews, I have to reject that Muslim concept of "Prophecy". It's either one, or the other, they conflict as totally as can be! They can't both be true, and I know "in whom I do believe". When Jesus does return, to establish His 1000-year "Millennial Kingdom", He is prophecied to create "a new heaven (the earth's atmosphere, referred to Biblically as the "first heaven", of the three levels of heaven God created), and a new earth". I don 't think we'll have too much trouble dealing with any more "Global Warming" then. And He will not have to tax us to smithereens to pay for it.
That does not give us, as believers, the freedom to ruin this planet today, because "Jesus is gonna fix it all when He comes". There is still our responsibility to be "good stewards" of God's creation while we wait for the Lord's return. However, the Left want to go way beyond the reasonable efforts of stewardship, to reverse something that they will eventually fail at anyway, as long as they don't have to pay for it all themselves (let the nameless, faceless Taxpayers pay for it all), while they destroy our economy and allow "developing economies" (like China) to increase their polluting ways, in order to grow their economies, at our expense. I guess they would all rather live under a communist regime, anyway! I wish they would all just go live in China, and leave America alone!!!
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