I am so sick of American politics, as usual!!! What does it take to get through to us, as a nation??? I understand that God tends to allow a people that have become cold, and spiritually dead, to get worse before He brings about a spiritual revival to restore them. But what I don't understand is how we as a predominately Christian nation can look upon the blatant corruption of our society and not realize that we need to repent, and pray for a Holy Spirit revival now, instead of waiting for things to get much worse. What kind of thick-headed, and hard-hearted idiots have we allowed ourselves to become???
I apologize for my self-flagellating outburst, on behalf of all of us, but I tremble for this nation because we seem to be so caught up in traditional foolishness, and self-interests, that we collectively fail to recognize the dangers that are creeping upon us. It's like we're crossing a deep river by stepping on lily pads with several ravenous crocodiles snapping at our heels! Our worst enemy, I.S.I.S., is laughing at us, and deservedly so, because they openly mock us, while telling us exactly what their intentions are for us (killing us in our streets, and even our own homes) and recognize that we don't have the stomach to do what is necessary to combat them! How long till this nation wakes up to the obvious!!!
The initiation of my frustration this morning was a report on Fox News that showed the results of a "hypothetical election" between Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump for president, in next year's election, if it were held today. Hillary beat "the Donald", with 37%, to 36% of the vote. That must mean that 27% of the voters polled voted for "none of the above", which was clearly the best choice, if anyone cared about my opinion! Unfortunately, they apparently don't! And that's sad for us, not because I'm so "smart" that my opinion should be automatically agreed to, but because these candidates are both so poor that an idiot should be able to see that we should not elect either one of them! I guess that makes me the idiot, but I'm smart enough to realize that our president is not going to save us from ourselves, in spite of "the Donald's" massive ego. And Hillary simply doesn't have a clue, and probably doesn't care, beyond the prestige of getting elected. Once elected, she would most likely turn over her authority to her chief adviser, the man who will most likely be sleeping in a separate bedroom at the White House (with his mistress, Monica)! What a pathetic condemnation for our country, if we can't find any better candidate to be our president!!! But half of the Republicans are unfit, if you ask me ( and even if you don't, for that matter) and none of the Democrats have a clue!!! Even if they are better than Obama (and that would have to be measured in the smallest of degrees) it is unlikely that any of them would have the courage to reverse his policies. Without that, America can expect to be a third rate power, both Militarily and Economically, probably before the decade is ended! And I am already on record as saying that that is what I suspect will happen, not because I want it to be so, but because I believe that we are so far into the "Last Days" that God must allow us to decline, in order to allow His Antichrist to come to power, and create his one-world government. I don't see how that could happen if a strong America were being led by a wise president, elected by a wise, and righteous populous! So, sadly I feel resigned to waste my vote on someone who will not likely get elected, and I will get no satisfaction out of being able to say,"I told you so!"
Remember, God must allow this idiotic, and rebellious world to try and run things without Him, and He's chosen to allow the Antichrist to do his "best" (with the resulting chaos) before He says, "enough is enough!", and destroys all those who placed their trust in the Antichrist, rather than Him! And if "the Donald " thinks he can do any better he is sadly mistaken! A man who uses Hitler's techniques to rise to popularity (and looks like Benito Mussolini, with hair, at least the "comb-over" variety) is patently untrustworthy in my book! Does anyone out there agree with me on this?
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Reviewing My Thoughts About The "Rapture" Timing, In Relation To The Ezekiel Prophecies
I just spent some time re-reading my second, third and fourth posts on this blog site (since I left my original blog server, which I was dissatisfied with the service they provided) (see the archive list to the right of this column, for the posts dated "June 6th through June 10th" of 2013), which detailed extensively my reasoning on the possible timing of Jesus' "Rapture" of the Church of His believers, worldwide, instantaneously ("in the twinkling of an eye"), and the subsequent Nuclear Holocaust which may well befall those who remain, as a result of the conclusion of the "Gog/Magog" war, and the "sour grapes" attitude of the Russian losers, who may "push the button" in order to get even with the ones they hold as ultimately responsible (namely us!). Justifiable, or not, any surviving Russian leaders may blame us for giving Israel the technology which they may use to somehow defeat the overwhelming Russian/Muslim- allies invasion force, that comes against Israel. Even though it seems that God will cause the hatred that the Muslims have for each other, (Sunni verses Shiite, or I.S.I.S. verses Iran) to boil over into in-fighting that will destroy 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force, the Russians may find it more believable to blame America, since many of their leaders are probably atheists, and can't blame a God that they don't believe exists. Therefore, we who believe in Jesus may be the only "survivors" of a Russian Nuclear attack, while the Russian "survivors" (excluding those who likewise are believers) will apparently take refuge in their anti-Nuclear tunnels, which double as subway tubes in peacetime, and may be the ancestors of the generation that will live underground for 1000 years. ( I can't guess how they will survive, but "God said it, and I believe it, and that settles it, for me!")
I am impressed by the Biblical reasoning of whoever wrote those posts (I wonder who that could be?), and I think anyone who can stand any of my twisted writing since, will find it all interesting, too. It took three posts to detail it all, and I don't have the patience to re-write it now. So check it out if you're interested, and "may God have mercy on your soul", if you're not!!!
I am impressed by the Biblical reasoning of whoever wrote those posts (I wonder who that could be?), and I think anyone who can stand any of my twisted writing since, will find it all interesting, too. It took three posts to detail it all, and I don't have the patience to re-write it now. So check it out if you're interested, and "may God have mercy on your soul", if you're not!!!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Putin Gives Trump His "Kiss-Of-Death" Endorsement
One has to be suspicious of an endorsement of any presidential candidate, by any Russian President, Premiere, Foreign Minister, or dog catcher, for that matter. Vladimir Putin especially! Remember, Russian political figures tend to view everything through the eyes of a chess-playing Grand Master, trying to speculate on what each move will bring as a counter move, and to anticipate how to best counter that move.
When Putin volunteered that he had great respect for Donald Trump, and he was looking forward to working with him, you have to figure that that's a bunch of cr**, at the very least!!! But more, you have to wonder why he volunteered that, and what reaction was he trying to get with it? He certainly knows that American opinions of Russian intentions, internationally, have not mellowed much since the height of the "Cold War"; and he is certain to know that Republican voters think less of his opinion than they do of Obama's. An accurate description of the typical Republican view of his opinion would necessitate another four-letter word, which I will spare the reader of here.
So why does he even bother to voice his opinion publicly? Obviously, he wants to form an American back-lash to his spoken opinion. I suppose he is concerned that Trump's capacity to "shoot from the lip", without considering the potential consequences, might be very dangerous for the man who sits in the Oval Office, with his finger on the button of the only Nuclear System in the world that is more powerful than his own. If Trump gets P.O.'ed at Russian misdeeds (like, say, an unprovoked attack upon Israel by Russian, and Muslim allies, which can be determined as an eventual effort to conquer the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oil supplies [i.e., see Ezekiel 38, & 39]) would he be more likely than other candidates to "push the button"??? Perhaps his uncertainty on this issue urged Putin to praise Trump, hoping that his praise will have the calculated effect of offending enough Republican voters to get them to elect some more timid, and easily intimidated candidate (like Hillary, who thinks America is "right where we ought to be", on international issues).
One thing is certain, Putin does not praise Americans because he likes them! He's up to something, and I think we'll find out what real soon!!!
[Addendum-- By the way, am I the only person who sees Benito Mussolini, with a generous "comb-over" hair style when Donald Trump is listening to someone's opinion that he obviously disagrees with??? If Trump shaved his head bald, would he look like the second coming of Mussolini??? Just a thought.]
When Putin volunteered that he had great respect for Donald Trump, and he was looking forward to working with him, you have to figure that that's a bunch of cr**, at the very least!!! But more, you have to wonder why he volunteered that, and what reaction was he trying to get with it? He certainly knows that American opinions of Russian intentions, internationally, have not mellowed much since the height of the "Cold War"; and he is certain to know that Republican voters think less of his opinion than they do of Obama's. An accurate description of the typical Republican view of his opinion would necessitate another four-letter word, which I will spare the reader of here.
So why does he even bother to voice his opinion publicly? Obviously, he wants to form an American back-lash to his spoken opinion. I suppose he is concerned that Trump's capacity to "shoot from the lip", without considering the potential consequences, might be very dangerous for the man who sits in the Oval Office, with his finger on the button of the only Nuclear System in the world that is more powerful than his own. If Trump gets P.O.'ed at Russian misdeeds (like, say, an unprovoked attack upon Israel by Russian, and Muslim allies, which can be determined as an eventual effort to conquer the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oil supplies [i.e., see Ezekiel 38, & 39]) would he be more likely than other candidates to "push the button"??? Perhaps his uncertainty on this issue urged Putin to praise Trump, hoping that his praise will have the calculated effect of offending enough Republican voters to get them to elect some more timid, and easily intimidated candidate (like Hillary, who thinks America is "right where we ought to be", on international issues).
One thing is certain, Putin does not praise Americans because he likes them! He's up to something, and I think we'll find out what real soon!!!
[Addendum-- By the way, am I the only person who sees Benito Mussolini, with a generous "comb-over" hair style when Donald Trump is listening to someone's opinion that he obviously disagrees with??? If Trump shaved his head bald, would he look like the second coming of Mussolini??? Just a thought.]
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Let's Talk Turkey!!!
No, this is not a belated tribute to Thanksgiving dinner celebrations, nor a hint at desired Christmas dinner expectations, although it could well be, as turkey dinners are perhaps my favorite culinary temptation.
My true interest today is my fascination with (and apologies to friends who have come close to characterizing my interest in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies as an obsession [I plead guilty as charged, on that one]) the makeup of the prophecied Middle-East invasion force that Russia is expected to bring against the, "mountains of Israel". Specifically, the supposed role that Turkey (the nation, not the bird) will play in their diabolical alliance with Russia, and other nations that are made up of mostly Sunni Muslim forces, which hate the Shiite forces of Iran, perhaps the primary Muslim ally of the Russian invasion force, and are quite deadly enemies of each other. On the surface, this would seem to be an utterly impossible alliance, but upon closer examination, it is perhaps plausible, especially for believers that God is bringing this force together in order to present what seems to be an overwhelming enemy invasion force upon His Chosen People (Israel) in order for Him to receive greater glory when He causes them to fight among themselves, destroying up to 83 1/3% of their forces. Remember, if the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then, "all things are possible with God", including an unlikely alliance between hated enemies, each of whom hates Israel more than they hate each other. I suspect they will rationalize that they are allying themselves with Russia, and not with each other, for the greater "good" of slaughtering all the innocent men, women and children of Israel, and taking "back" the Holy Land, which they believe was stolen from them, by Israel. First, it was not their land to begin with. And, second, God sovereignly chose to drive out the original inhabitants of the land, for their unrepentant evil practices, and He gave the land to Israel for a, "perpetual possession". Since God can not lie, and "perpetual" includes today, I'd say that Israel still holds title to the land, and God's about to prove it!
So, as unlikely as it seems, in the natural, I guess Russia will somehow swing a tentative alliance with the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, allying with the blood-thirsty Sunni Muslims of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, and the Muslim nations that support them. This would seem to include Turkey, which is referred to in the Ezekiel prophecies by it's ancient name of "Togarmah", and which is reputed to be clandestinely cooperating with the I.S.I.S. forces in Syria to sell the oil they produce from their captured Iraqi oil fields, which has netted them an estimated $1 million dollars per day, to finance their murderous invasion of Syria. If Russia can get these combatants to at least profess a willingness to temporarily lay aside their personal hatreds, in order to attack Israel, this would bring the set-stage for the prophecied invasion of Israel, and it would seem to provide the powder-keg of mutual hatred that God will likely use to bring about the fighting between themselves that is likewise prophecied.
This perspective is even more illogical when one considers that Turkey has been a N.A.T.O. ally for decades. But the recent election of Prime Minister Erdogan was recently forecast as a movement to bring a more "fundamentalist" leaning to his government. I guess they consider clandestine cooperation with I.S.I.S. to be what our liberal Media likes to categorize as "fundamentalist". That smacks of an insult to Bible-believing Christians whom they love to categorize with the same term, when they are not trying to connect us with Hitler's Nazis by calling us both "Right Wingers", even though the term Nazi is short for National Socialists. I guess they figure if we're to the right of Stalin's Communism, they can call us "Right Wingers". I wonder were that leaves them???
An offshoot of the destruction of this invasion force will probably be the recognition by any would-be "Lone Wolf Terrorists" internationally, that they no longer have a safe haven "Caliphate" to repair to, at least for the few who survive their usually suicidal escapades. And God will have given pause to even the most dogmatic "Jihadists" that perhaps their suicide will be in vain, after all. This should bring an end to the spread of international terrorism that plagues us today (at least for seven years), and if the Rapture follows soon after, as I suspect it may, any resumption of it later will not effect Christian believers, anyway!
I'm going way out on a limb by calling for this, but since I have repeatedly explained that I am no Prophet, and therefore am quite allowed to be wrong in my predictions, I stand upon my right of calculated error with my best-guess perspective. There you have it, folks; take it or leave it, as you choose. Either way, it makes watching the developments in the Middle-East fascinating, since I've read the, "last chapter of the book" (so to speak) and I believe I know how it will all turn out!!!
Stay tuned!!!
My true interest today is my fascination with (and apologies to friends who have come close to characterizing my interest in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies as an obsession [I plead guilty as charged, on that one]) the makeup of the prophecied Middle-East invasion force that Russia is expected to bring against the, "mountains of Israel". Specifically, the supposed role that Turkey (the nation, not the bird) will play in their diabolical alliance with Russia, and other nations that are made up of mostly Sunni Muslim forces, which hate the Shiite forces of Iran, perhaps the primary Muslim ally of the Russian invasion force, and are quite deadly enemies of each other. On the surface, this would seem to be an utterly impossible alliance, but upon closer examination, it is perhaps plausible, especially for believers that God is bringing this force together in order to present what seems to be an overwhelming enemy invasion force upon His Chosen People (Israel) in order for Him to receive greater glory when He causes them to fight among themselves, destroying up to 83 1/3% of their forces. Remember, if the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then, "all things are possible with God", including an unlikely alliance between hated enemies, each of whom hates Israel more than they hate each other. I suspect they will rationalize that they are allying themselves with Russia, and not with each other, for the greater "good" of slaughtering all the innocent men, women and children of Israel, and taking "back" the Holy Land, which they believe was stolen from them, by Israel. First, it was not their land to begin with. And, second, God sovereignly chose to drive out the original inhabitants of the land, for their unrepentant evil practices, and He gave the land to Israel for a, "perpetual possession". Since God can not lie, and "perpetual" includes today, I'd say that Israel still holds title to the land, and God's about to prove it!
So, as unlikely as it seems, in the natural, I guess Russia will somehow swing a tentative alliance with the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, allying with the blood-thirsty Sunni Muslims of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, and the Muslim nations that support them. This would seem to include Turkey, which is referred to in the Ezekiel prophecies by it's ancient name of "Togarmah", and which is reputed to be clandestinely cooperating with the I.S.I.S. forces in Syria to sell the oil they produce from their captured Iraqi oil fields, which has netted them an estimated $1 million dollars per day, to finance their murderous invasion of Syria. If Russia can get these combatants to at least profess a willingness to temporarily lay aside their personal hatreds, in order to attack Israel, this would bring the set-stage for the prophecied invasion of Israel, and it would seem to provide the powder-keg of mutual hatred that God will likely use to bring about the fighting between themselves that is likewise prophecied.
This perspective is even more illogical when one considers that Turkey has been a N.A.T.O. ally for decades. But the recent election of Prime Minister Erdogan was recently forecast as a movement to bring a more "fundamentalist" leaning to his government. I guess they consider clandestine cooperation with I.S.I.S. to be what our liberal Media likes to categorize as "fundamentalist". That smacks of an insult to Bible-believing Christians whom they love to categorize with the same term, when they are not trying to connect us with Hitler's Nazis by calling us both "Right Wingers", even though the term Nazi is short for National Socialists. I guess they figure if we're to the right of Stalin's Communism, they can call us "Right Wingers". I wonder were that leaves them???
An offshoot of the destruction of this invasion force will probably be the recognition by any would-be "Lone Wolf Terrorists" internationally, that they no longer have a safe haven "Caliphate" to repair to, at least for the few who survive their usually suicidal escapades. And God will have given pause to even the most dogmatic "Jihadists" that perhaps their suicide will be in vain, after all. This should bring an end to the spread of international terrorism that plagues us today (at least for seven years), and if the Rapture follows soon after, as I suspect it may, any resumption of it later will not effect Christian believers, anyway!
I'm going way out on a limb by calling for this, but since I have repeatedly explained that I am no Prophet, and therefore am quite allowed to be wrong in my predictions, I stand upon my right of calculated error with my best-guess perspective. There you have it, folks; take it or leave it, as you choose. Either way, it makes watching the developments in the Middle-East fascinating, since I've read the, "last chapter of the book" (so to speak) and I believe I know how it will all turn out!!!
Stay tuned!!!
Monday, December 14, 2015
The Republican Plan To Lose The Election
I am on record as stating in previous posts that I find it difficult to believe that a really strong Conservative Republican, let alone an evangelical Christian, will likely win the Presidential election next year. My reasoning comes from my belief that God is still in control, and it may serve His purpose to allow the Evil in America to increase for a bit longer, in order to try the hearts of the complacent non-believers, and get them to choose which way they're going to go in these last days. Are they comfortable with the evil, and willing to submit to the Devil's authority as many are prophecied to do in the last days, or are they troubled by what they see, and ready to admit that they need a savior for the whole world, and that a new President of the United States is not good enough for what ails us all, in the world today. A truly righteous President would immediately begin to try and restore America's "greatness",as Donald Trump rather presumptuously proclaims that he intends to do. Well, even if he is sincere (and I'm not sure I trust him) if God has determined to allow America to decline in world preeminence, then even "the Donald" won't be able to stop it. God will simply bring it to pass through some other source; perhaps Congressional, or Supreme Court interference, or maybe the overall rebellion of an amoral society (which some might say we are not far from now) might cause it to come to pass.
The prophecies of the last days, or the "end times", that many believe we are well into already, tell of a future time (especially in the book of Revelation) when a one-world, evil dictator will be welcomed to power over the whole world by a world population that has become so corrupt, and callous to the principles of God that they will fairly worship him as the true god, receiving a "mark of the Beast" on their right hand, or fore-head (presumably for amputees), which will determine their personal ability to participate in the One-World economy, or simply starve. We now have the capacity to discriminate between the haves, and the have-nots, thusly, by simply injecting an electronic computer chip under our skin, similar to those identification chips that are being injected under the skin of many pets today, to restore runaways to their owners. The same thing could easily be done to those who wanted to "protect" themselves from identity theft, of their credit cards. And if the Antichrist decided to make it mandatory, for buying, or selling, I'm sure many would be willing to comply, on the surface. But, God has clearly proclaimed that to receive this mark would instantly condemn the recipient to an eternity in Hell!!! And that sounds pretty serious to me! We don't need to consider if it is reasonable, or not; just believe that God said it, and if you want to challenge Him on that, well, the consequences will be pretty severe, for a very long time!!! Take your choice!
Anyway, I'm beginning to get a picture of how God may cause a corrupt America to reject the truly good Republican candidates, and elect some Bozzo like Hillary, or Bernie to complete the destruction of America's preeminence in world Geo-politics, that Obama has so craftily begun. Donald Trump has intimated that if he does not feel he has been "treated fairly" by the G.O.P., he may run as a third party candidate. I suspect that anything less than winning the Republican nomination will constitute "unfairness" in his book. Therefore, we can expect either he will win, and we will have a Republican president who won in a very similar fashion as Adolph Hitler (with a matching disposition???), or his third party candidacy will throw the election to one of the Democratic Bozzos.
As I stated clearly in the last post, I do not claim to be a prophet myself, so none of this has to happen just because I think it might. But, I would not be surprised if this is similar to what God has in store for us in the near future. Remember, there has never been a spiritual revival in history, without a proceeding social decline of strong enough proportions to cause many to feel that a revival was needed. I'm not sure we've reached a chaotic enough state in America yet today for this to become a generally accepted view. But with another 4, to 8 years of another Democratic Bozzo President, we may well have. We might even be ready to decide if we'll accept, or reject the Antichrist's system of One-World government, and econmic system! Which side will you stand on???
The prophecies of the last days, or the "end times", that many believe we are well into already, tell of a future time (especially in the book of Revelation) when a one-world, evil dictator will be welcomed to power over the whole world by a world population that has become so corrupt, and callous to the principles of God that they will fairly worship him as the true god, receiving a "mark of the Beast" on their right hand, or fore-head (presumably for amputees), which will determine their personal ability to participate in the One-World economy, or simply starve. We now have the capacity to discriminate between the haves, and the have-nots, thusly, by simply injecting an electronic computer chip under our skin, similar to those identification chips that are being injected under the skin of many pets today, to restore runaways to their owners. The same thing could easily be done to those who wanted to "protect" themselves from identity theft, of their credit cards. And if the Antichrist decided to make it mandatory, for buying, or selling, I'm sure many would be willing to comply, on the surface. But, God has clearly proclaimed that to receive this mark would instantly condemn the recipient to an eternity in Hell!!! And that sounds pretty serious to me! We don't need to consider if it is reasonable, or not; just believe that God said it, and if you want to challenge Him on that, well, the consequences will be pretty severe, for a very long time!!! Take your choice!
Anyway, I'm beginning to get a picture of how God may cause a corrupt America to reject the truly good Republican candidates, and elect some Bozzo like Hillary, or Bernie to complete the destruction of America's preeminence in world Geo-politics, that Obama has so craftily begun. Donald Trump has intimated that if he does not feel he has been "treated fairly" by the G.O.P., he may run as a third party candidate. I suspect that anything less than winning the Republican nomination will constitute "unfairness" in his book. Therefore, we can expect either he will win, and we will have a Republican president who won in a very similar fashion as Adolph Hitler (with a matching disposition???), or his third party candidacy will throw the election to one of the Democratic Bozzos.
As I stated clearly in the last post, I do not claim to be a prophet myself, so none of this has to happen just because I think it might. But, I would not be surprised if this is similar to what God has in store for us in the near future. Remember, there has never been a spiritual revival in history, without a proceeding social decline of strong enough proportions to cause many to feel that a revival was needed. I'm not sure we've reached a chaotic enough state in America yet today for this to become a generally accepted view. But with another 4, to 8 years of another Democratic Bozzo President, we may well have. We might even be ready to decide if we'll accept, or reject the Antichrist's system of One-World government, and econmic system! Which side will you stand on???
Friday, December 11, 2015
Updating Ezekiel 38, & 39...
I haven't posted much lately on the main prophecy that I am convinced is about to be fulfilled, and probably sooner, rather than later!!! I must admit that I frankly expected the recent "Blood Moons" to have heralded some great event that God was about to bring to pass. Logically, I wrote that I wouldn't have been surprised if the Middle-East war between Russia, with several Muslim nations' armies, or terrorist militias, fighting against lonely Israel (with no allies to help them, thanks to the cowardly Obama administration) would begin to take place last summer, and be brought to an astounding conclusion by this Fall, with God's miraculous deliverance of His people (Israel) when He turns the armies invading Israel against each other, until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd % of their invasion force.
If this all happened without my being aware of it, somebody please let me know, because I didn't notice any news reports about it!!! I don't think even the most deceptive liberal media news corporations could keep a story like this from breaking publicly. So, once again, I have to reassert that I am no Prophet, and never have claimed to be! Now the whole world has conclusive proof to that fact, although I will state that I never predicted any time frame for this to come to pass; only my best guess as to what God was up to. I should have remembered that one always asks for trouble when he tries to out-guess God, and I am certainly capable of eating my share of "Humble Pie" when I have deserved it.
That said, it changes nothing concerning the ultimate fulfillment of the Ezekiel Prophecies, even if they aren't fulfilled precisely as I had expected. All this goes to show us is that God is not as much of an idiot as I am (thank God for that!). So, what does this mean about the "Blood Moons", and their relation to the Prophecies, if any? I have to confess that I am clueless on that one (to absolutely no one's surprise, I'm sure).
I suspect He is waiting for two main things to happen: one, He may be waiting for the Muslims of the world who collectively hate Israel worse than they hate each other, to congregate in the area of Syria/Iraq to decide to invade Israel, and, two, He is probably giving Putin's Russian forces time to build their army in the area to sufficient strength (slowly enough as to not cause America, and the European nations to realize that this is actually an invasion) until he thinks it's too late for them to try and stop him. This could go on for a couple of years, with the western nations so wrapped-up in detecting potential domestic terrorist attacks, and foiling them before they happen, that they won't hardly suspect this is an invasion until the real shooting starts.
Then, the whole world had better "fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy ride!!!"
If this all happened without my being aware of it, somebody please let me know, because I didn't notice any news reports about it!!! I don't think even the most deceptive liberal media news corporations could keep a story like this from breaking publicly. So, once again, I have to reassert that I am no Prophet, and never have claimed to be! Now the whole world has conclusive proof to that fact, although I will state that I never predicted any time frame for this to come to pass; only my best guess as to what God was up to. I should have remembered that one always asks for trouble when he tries to out-guess God, and I am certainly capable of eating my share of "Humble Pie" when I have deserved it.
That said, it changes nothing concerning the ultimate fulfillment of the Ezekiel Prophecies, even if they aren't fulfilled precisely as I had expected. All this goes to show us is that God is not as much of an idiot as I am (thank God for that!). So, what does this mean about the "Blood Moons", and their relation to the Prophecies, if any? I have to confess that I am clueless on that one (to absolutely no one's surprise, I'm sure).
I suspect He is waiting for two main things to happen: one, He may be waiting for the Muslims of the world who collectively hate Israel worse than they hate each other, to congregate in the area of Syria/Iraq to decide to invade Israel, and, two, He is probably giving Putin's Russian forces time to build their army in the area to sufficient strength (slowly enough as to not cause America, and the European nations to realize that this is actually an invasion) until he thinks it's too late for them to try and stop him. This could go on for a couple of years, with the western nations so wrapped-up in detecting potential domestic terrorist attacks, and foiling them before they happen, that they won't hardly suspect this is an invasion until the real shooting starts.
Then, the whole world had better "fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy ride!!!"
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The Right Way To Shut Down The Bureaucracy
It is way past time to pay the Federal bureaucracy it's comeuppance, and I'm afraid it may necessitate the firing of the whole bunch of them, the good, as well as the bad, to clean the whole house of the cr**! The source of the problem it appears to me, is not within Congress, that can be addressed by the filibustering of future debt ceiling legislation. That may have been well-intended as a painful demonstration, in the past, but what did it accomplish, except a lot of political animosity between those Republicans who pretend to be Conservative, and those who truly are, but feel their hands are tied by the rest of Congress; and the Democrats, who simply like the Federal chaos that has been largely created by themselves, and their predecessors.
I suspect the real source of the problem is not the Congress, as a whole, but in the Government Employee's Contracts that have been negotiated, in bad faith, by the Government Employees Union, which over time has made it virtually impossible to, "throw the rascals out", by firing those bureaucrats who are demonstrably guilty of malfeasance, and corruption, such as has been reported at various branches of the Government, the most shocking examples being in the I.R.S., and the Veterans Administration, in which political vendettas and illegal corruption is rampant, and those who are obviously guilty are not fired, let alone prosecuted, when warranted. Political appointees are sometimes fingered for the excesses of their underlings, guilty, or not, but the bureaucrats are not punished in any significant manner. Why is this??? It seems obvious to me that there are contractual restrictions that prevent the firing of these bureaucratic incompetents, and even criminals, or make it so difficult to accomplish that the decision is made that it is just not worth the effort. I understand the importance of protecting career bureaucrats from the potential of being fired simply because they were hired by a political opponent, in a previous administration. But, if their contract has gone so far beyond that that it is virtually impossible to fire anybody, for any reason, no matter how deserving their behavior is, then we have the "tyranny of the Bureaucracy" that we have today. The only solution,
as I see it, is to repudiate all employee contracts of the past, and rehire only those bureaucrats who will sign a new contract that allows their firing for certain acts of incompetence, and downright criminal behavior, and criminal negligence (as we've seen is rampant in the V.A., lately). This will certainly bring many lawsuits by the Employees' Union, and will require endless appeals to higher courts, all the way up through the Supreme Court, which can not be counted upon to rule conservatively, as we've seen recently. But, most of the good bureaucrats (including those who will belligerently support their union's contracts) will probably sign the new contract rather than be unemployed, while awaiting a final judgement. I suspect that enough of them will sign that the Government will be able to function well, with the remaining jobs filled by others, who will be on notice that their job security depends upon their good, and legal performance. And perhaps a congressional threat to either "pack the court" with more conservative justices, or to form a Constitutional Convention to discuss a possible amendment allowing for the removal of the lifetime terms of the Justices (perhaps a bluff in this regard will be sufficient to swing a responsible decision) perhaps will result in an end to this absurd contractual overreach by the corrupt trade union of the employees, serving notice to all that "We the people..." mean to take back control of our government, both through political, and legal means!!!
It's time for us to take back the ability to "throw the rascals out", instead of our lazy congressmen simply signing a contract to keep the status quo, and avoid the hassle of Union trouble. And I strongly suspect there is some level of organized crime involved here!
I suspect the real source of the problem is not the Congress, as a whole, but in the Government Employee's Contracts that have been negotiated, in bad faith, by the Government Employees Union, which over time has made it virtually impossible to, "throw the rascals out", by firing those bureaucrats who are demonstrably guilty of malfeasance, and corruption, such as has been reported at various branches of the Government, the most shocking examples being in the I.R.S., and the Veterans Administration, in which political vendettas and illegal corruption is rampant, and those who are obviously guilty are not fired, let alone prosecuted, when warranted. Political appointees are sometimes fingered for the excesses of their underlings, guilty, or not, but the bureaucrats are not punished in any significant manner. Why is this??? It seems obvious to me that there are contractual restrictions that prevent the firing of these bureaucratic incompetents, and even criminals, or make it so difficult to accomplish that the decision is made that it is just not worth the effort. I understand the importance of protecting career bureaucrats from the potential of being fired simply because they were hired by a political opponent, in a previous administration. But, if their contract has gone so far beyond that that it is virtually impossible to fire anybody, for any reason, no matter how deserving their behavior is, then we have the "tyranny of the Bureaucracy" that we have today. The only solution,
as I see it, is to repudiate all employee contracts of the past, and rehire only those bureaucrats who will sign a new contract that allows their firing for certain acts of incompetence, and downright criminal behavior, and criminal negligence (as we've seen is rampant in the V.A., lately). This will certainly bring many lawsuits by the Employees' Union, and will require endless appeals to higher courts, all the way up through the Supreme Court, which can not be counted upon to rule conservatively, as we've seen recently. But, most of the good bureaucrats (including those who will belligerently support their union's contracts) will probably sign the new contract rather than be unemployed, while awaiting a final judgement. I suspect that enough of them will sign that the Government will be able to function well, with the remaining jobs filled by others, who will be on notice that their job security depends upon their good, and legal performance. And perhaps a congressional threat to either "pack the court" with more conservative justices, or to form a Constitutional Convention to discuss a possible amendment allowing for the removal of the lifetime terms of the Justices (perhaps a bluff in this regard will be sufficient to swing a responsible decision) perhaps will result in an end to this absurd contractual overreach by the corrupt trade union of the employees, serving notice to all that "We the people..." mean to take back control of our government, both through political, and legal means!!!
It's time for us to take back the ability to "throw the rascals out", instead of our lazy congressmen simply signing a contract to keep the status quo, and avoid the hassle of Union trouble. And I strongly suspect there is some level of organized crime involved here!
Monday, December 7, 2015
Jesus Loves Muslims, Too!!!
Three days ago I wrote of my concern that we might well be facing an imminent Black/White race war in America, due to the vast movement away from the overwhelming Christian faith of the newly freed slaves of the Confederacy, after the civil war. As bad as slavery was, for the Blacks, one good did come out of it. An overwhelming Christian revival exploded among these slaves, probably from overhearing their White owners talking among themselves, and even overhearing the Gospel preached, while they waited to serve their masters, who were apparently devout believers, whether their faith could justify their slave ownership, or not. After all, Jesus came to save the poor, and the oppressed primarily, and who fit the bill at that time more than the slaves of the South? Yet their descendants have repudiated the faith of their ancestors because the apparent passivity of their parents, during the "Jim Crow" era, which led to the castigation of "Uncle Tom" being attached to those who tolerated the further persecution of that time. While their outrage was surely just, their reaction to the persecution, in being offended towards Christianity was foolish, as it drove many into the cultish search for an alternative religion, to that of their parents' "White Man's religion" (the frequent portrayal on church bulletins of Jesus, as a blue-eyed, and even blond-haired young man surely didn't help matters either). The result is the movement of many American Blacks into cultish Black Muslim "churches",like the one Obama reputedly attended for twenty some-odd years, in Chicago, where the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright preached what was reputed to be a blend of Christian, Muslim, and Socialist values, or the "Nation of Islam". As a result, we have a hot bed of potentially radical Islamic terrorists, especially the hot-blooded teen-agers, who believe that everything Muslim is good, and everything Christian is evil (regardless of whether they associate Christianity with Whites, today, or not.
I may have spoken rashly, when I said we may be in danger of a race war. A report on today's "700 Club" may have been God's way of correcting me, and reminding me that He is still in control. A story of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus calling them to believe in Him, and their willingly obeying His call, in spite of the threat of a death sentence in their countries for anyone who does so, inspired me to wonder if this whole threat of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida terrorism is not being used by God to offend any so-called "moderate" Muslims who have simply ignored the violent terms of their religion, and now are forced to either embrace them, or look elsewhere for a true faith of peace.
If it can happen in countries where "Sharia Law" demands the death of any Muslims who convert to Christianity, then it can certainly happen here!!! We, as Christians must be prepared to share the Gospel, in love, to any questioning Blacks, no matter how apparently hostile they might be to it, at first. I suspect that Jesus appears in dreams, and visions in countries where Christian Missionaries are not allowed to preach, but in countries like ours, He probably expects us to do the work for Him. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this should be easily done, and we may turn this country back to a revived Christian faith, yet!!!
I may have spoken rashly, when I said we may be in danger of a race war. A report on today's "700 Club" may have been God's way of correcting me, and reminding me that He is still in control. A story of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus calling them to believe in Him, and their willingly obeying His call, in spite of the threat of a death sentence in their countries for anyone who does so, inspired me to wonder if this whole threat of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida terrorism is not being used by God to offend any so-called "moderate" Muslims who have simply ignored the violent terms of their religion, and now are forced to either embrace them, or look elsewhere for a true faith of peace.
If it can happen in countries where "Sharia Law" demands the death of any Muslims who convert to Christianity, then it can certainly happen here!!! We, as Christians must be prepared to share the Gospel, in love, to any questioning Blacks, no matter how apparently hostile they might be to it, at first. I suspect that Jesus appears in dreams, and visions in countries where Christian Missionaries are not allowed to preach, but in countries like ours, He probably expects us to do the work for Him. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this should be easily done, and we may turn this country back to a revived Christian faith, yet!!!
Friday, December 4, 2015
Are We In Danger Of An All-Out Race War???
I am writing this post with a feeling of great "fear and trepidation", not for the error of my concerns, but for the potential of great wrong to be taken from what I am about to write, by those who would twist my meaning to suit their own perverse agendas. However, the peril exists today at such an obviously high level that I feel it must be openly examined by those who would keep cooler heads in the midst of great turbulence. I am concerned that America is running a great risk today of descending into an all-out race war that would be both senseless, and unnecessary, and potentially very bloody for all those involved. (I don't mean to side with either the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton, or the K.K.K./White Supremacist clans, either way!)
I am also convinced that this is the main reason the the Obama administration is so blatantly reluctant to call obvious acts of terrorism, like the rampage in San Bernardino, Ca. this past week by it's obviously correct title. The pathetic vacillation of the Federal investigators, who probably recognize an act of domestic terrorism when they see it, but are reluctant to call it such without conclusive overwhelming proof, indicates to me that they fear retribution from higher administration officials if they should incorrectly brand something as terrorism, which turns out not to be provable. This kind of official paranoia must have a deep concern behind it, and I can think of only one possible issue that may cause it.
Traditionally, many African-Americans have gravitated away from the Christian faith of the newly freed slaves, after the Civil War, because of their resentment of the "Uncle Tom" stigma so easily attached to any southern Blacks who seemed to embrace any of the values of their former white slave owners. They didn't seem to consider that these slave owners might simply be confused between their Christian values, and their material loss of economic power with the loss of their cheap labor source. It was too easy to blame their former slave owners' religious views for their racism, instead of realizing that their economic concerns were corrupting their Christian values. So, it was too easy to seek out another religion (since, "all roads lead to heaven", anyway [yeah right, guess again, folks]), and thus we have the acceptance of the Black Muslim belief system that led to the formation of large congregations such as the Nation of Islam, and the "church" that the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright pastored, in Chicago, which was reputed to have been attended by Barak Obama for some twenty years. Even if "Reverend" Wright tried to mix Christian principles in with his reputed blend of Islam, and Socialism, what he had to have ended up with was nowhere near the truth of the Gospel.
But since there has been such a wide-spread acceptance of Islamic principles in the Black communities, there is a real risk that this recent trend of mostly youthful exuberance to support I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida internationally could spread to the Black Muslim community, as well. Satan is certainly well aware of this potential, and I suspect that he is using all these cases lately of Police brutality (mostly in the Mid-West, but Baltimore as well) between white officers, especially, against blacks, who may have been unarmed, and even innocent, to stir up latent reverse-racism hatred. Mix this hatred together with the appearance that the long-"prophecied" coming of their Muslim "Mahdi" (the Islamic equivalent of their Messiah), to take over the world, and kill all of us wretched, non-believing Infidels, and you have the basis for some bitter black Muslims to follow the recent trend of the lone-wolf terrorists, to become blatant murderers, and even suicide bombers. After all, they would believe they would escape legal punishment, and be rewarded with the Muslim concept of 72 virgins for their "sacrifice". The Biblical concept of "Thou shalt not kill (meaning murder)" bares no relevance to them. (I have to wonder if the female suicide bombers expect to get 72 bumbling, teen-aged husbands for their efforts, or does Islam allow for 72 Lesbian lovers in their concept of "Paradise"?)
One can easily see how this could easily become a chaotic Black/White race war, which would suit the Islamic terrorists just fine, as it would divert America's attention from the international war on terrorism. That's probably why both the Obama administration, and the Bush administration before them, tried so hard to delineate between "Radical Islam" and main stream Islam, which they categorized as, "a religion of peace". True, for those who believe in Islam, only; but for the rest of us "evil infidels" it's open season, and the more of us are beheaded, the better, in their judgement! I'm sorry, but I have trouble calling that a "religion of peace"! They even don't allow for "denominational differences", which is why they fight among themselves (Sunnis verses Shiites, etc.).
The bottom line for us now is that we will need to be much in prayer, for the foreseeable future. This could all blow up upon us very easily, or the Lord could deliver Israel from the murderous threat of the armies (and terrorist Militias) that surround them, which are mostly Muslim, which might cause the Muslims around the world to have second thoughts about their "religion of peace", at least for several years! (Check the Archives list for more on my guesses about how this could all turn out, based on the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, if I'm reading my Bible correctly.)
I am also convinced that this is the main reason the the Obama administration is so blatantly reluctant to call obvious acts of terrorism, like the rampage in San Bernardino, Ca. this past week by it's obviously correct title. The pathetic vacillation of the Federal investigators, who probably recognize an act of domestic terrorism when they see it, but are reluctant to call it such without conclusive overwhelming proof, indicates to me that they fear retribution from higher administration officials if they should incorrectly brand something as terrorism, which turns out not to be provable. This kind of official paranoia must have a deep concern behind it, and I can think of only one possible issue that may cause it.
Traditionally, many African-Americans have gravitated away from the Christian faith of the newly freed slaves, after the Civil War, because of their resentment of the "Uncle Tom" stigma so easily attached to any southern Blacks who seemed to embrace any of the values of their former white slave owners. They didn't seem to consider that these slave owners might simply be confused between their Christian values, and their material loss of economic power with the loss of their cheap labor source. It was too easy to blame their former slave owners' religious views for their racism, instead of realizing that their economic concerns were corrupting their Christian values. So, it was too easy to seek out another religion (since, "all roads lead to heaven", anyway [yeah right, guess again, folks]), and thus we have the acceptance of the Black Muslim belief system that led to the formation of large congregations such as the Nation of Islam, and the "church" that the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright pastored, in Chicago, which was reputed to have been attended by Barak Obama for some twenty years. Even if "Reverend" Wright tried to mix Christian principles in with his reputed blend of Islam, and Socialism, what he had to have ended up with was nowhere near the truth of the Gospel.
But since there has been such a wide-spread acceptance of Islamic principles in the Black communities, there is a real risk that this recent trend of mostly youthful exuberance to support I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida internationally could spread to the Black Muslim community, as well. Satan is certainly well aware of this potential, and I suspect that he is using all these cases lately of Police brutality (mostly in the Mid-West, but Baltimore as well) between white officers, especially, against blacks, who may have been unarmed, and even innocent, to stir up latent reverse-racism hatred. Mix this hatred together with the appearance that the long-"prophecied" coming of their Muslim "Mahdi" (the Islamic equivalent of their Messiah), to take over the world, and kill all of us wretched, non-believing Infidels, and you have the basis for some bitter black Muslims to follow the recent trend of the lone-wolf terrorists, to become blatant murderers, and even suicide bombers. After all, they would believe they would escape legal punishment, and be rewarded with the Muslim concept of 72 virgins for their "sacrifice". The Biblical concept of "Thou shalt not kill (meaning murder)" bares no relevance to them. (I have to wonder if the female suicide bombers expect to get 72 bumbling, teen-aged husbands for their efforts, or does Islam allow for 72 Lesbian lovers in their concept of "Paradise"?)
One can easily see how this could easily become a chaotic Black/White race war, which would suit the Islamic terrorists just fine, as it would divert America's attention from the international war on terrorism. That's probably why both the Obama administration, and the Bush administration before them, tried so hard to delineate between "Radical Islam" and main stream Islam, which they categorized as, "a religion of peace". True, for those who believe in Islam, only; but for the rest of us "evil infidels" it's open season, and the more of us are beheaded, the better, in their judgement! I'm sorry, but I have trouble calling that a "religion of peace"! They even don't allow for "denominational differences", which is why they fight among themselves (Sunnis verses Shiites, etc.).
The bottom line for us now is that we will need to be much in prayer, for the foreseeable future. This could all blow up upon us very easily, or the Lord could deliver Israel from the murderous threat of the armies (and terrorist Militias) that surround them, which are mostly Muslim, which might cause the Muslims around the world to have second thoughts about their "religion of peace", at least for several years! (Check the Archives list for more on my guesses about how this could all turn out, based on the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, if I'm reading my Bible correctly.)
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Lunacy In High Places
One has to wonder what makes the "Brain Trust" of the White House, and the Left (in general), tick. It is certainly not for lack of intelligence, or insufficient education (though the perspective of schools such as Harvard is certainly debatable). I tend to categorize this deficiency as "Dogmatic Lunacy" (meaning that the proponents choose to reject common sense logic, in favor of comfortable dogma, with the rationale that only the intellectually sophisticated (most of whom reside, pompously, in the Democratic party) can understand their reasoning. But, in order to sway the voting public (which includes the rest of us "intellectually deficient" poor souls), they commonly try to publicly attach an unpopular concept (such as the expense of "fighting Global Warming") with a concern that is widely shared by the Left, and Conservatives, alike.
Such seems to be the case with the most recent effort by President Obama to attach our concern for the fight against I.S.I.S., and other International Terrorist organizations, with his intentions to spend millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars on the "fight" to stop "Global Warming". He seems determined to try and equate the threat of encroaching "Global Warming", which may seem hard to fear, in the immediate future, at least, with the obvious threat of runaway murderous terrorists trying to kill us, simply because we reject their foul false religion.
I'm sorry, Mr. President, but I can't get as worked up about someone knocking on my door to warn me that the earth is getting warmer, as I would be if a terrorist showed up with a butcher knife, wanting to decapitate me, for the "glory of Allah"!!! Where is the logical perspective of the Left???
The obvious truth is the the Left, in general, and the White House in particular are adamant in their obsession with spending our money on boondoggles such as wind turbines, which work, but are no where near cost-effectiveness, and they are not at all determined to really fight the Muslim hoards at the gates. I guess it all boils down to one's perspective of Prophetic beliefs, and the fulfillment of Prophecy in our time. If one believes (as I am convinced that Obama does) that the world will soon be "saved" by the coming "Mahdi" prophecied by the Koran, then it makes sense to distract us all from our natural fears of those who are attempting to set the stage for "his coming". Give us something else to concern ourselves with, such as "Global Warming" and maybe we'll become so obsessed with this that the terrorists will have time to behead all of us who resist them. The concept of "saving us" apparently only extends to those who believe in Islam, or those who will lie about it to save their lives. The reversal of the effects of "Global Warming" then becomes crucial for those that expect to live in their Muslim concept of a Utopian world.
As a believer that Jesus Christ is coming soon, beginning with God's destruction of the armies that surround Israel, who intend to murder all the Jews, I have to reject that Muslim concept of "Prophecy". It's either one, or the other, they conflict as totally as can be! They can't both be true, and I know "in whom I do believe". When Jesus does return, to establish His 1000-year "Millennial Kingdom", He is prophecied to create "a new heaven (the earth's atmosphere, referred to Biblically as the "first heaven", of the three levels of heaven God created), and a new earth". I don 't think we'll have too much trouble dealing with any more "Global Warming" then. And He will not have to tax us to smithereens to pay for it.
That does not give us, as believers, the freedom to ruin this planet today, because "Jesus is gonna fix it all when He comes". There is still our responsibility to be "good stewards" of God's creation while we wait for the Lord's return. However, the Left want to go way beyond the reasonable efforts of stewardship, to reverse something that they will eventually fail at anyway, as long as they don't have to pay for it all themselves (let the nameless, faceless Taxpayers pay for it all), while they destroy our economy and allow "developing economies" (like China) to increase their polluting ways, in order to grow their economies, at our expense. I guess they would all rather live under a communist regime, anyway! I wish they would all just go live in China, and leave America alone!!!
Such seems to be the case with the most recent effort by President Obama to attach our concern for the fight against I.S.I.S., and other International Terrorist organizations, with his intentions to spend millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars on the "fight" to stop "Global Warming". He seems determined to try and equate the threat of encroaching "Global Warming", which may seem hard to fear, in the immediate future, at least, with the obvious threat of runaway murderous terrorists trying to kill us, simply because we reject their foul false religion.
I'm sorry, Mr. President, but I can't get as worked up about someone knocking on my door to warn me that the earth is getting warmer, as I would be if a terrorist showed up with a butcher knife, wanting to decapitate me, for the "glory of Allah"!!! Where is the logical perspective of the Left???
The obvious truth is the the Left, in general, and the White House in particular are adamant in their obsession with spending our money on boondoggles such as wind turbines, which work, but are no where near cost-effectiveness, and they are not at all determined to really fight the Muslim hoards at the gates. I guess it all boils down to one's perspective of Prophetic beliefs, and the fulfillment of Prophecy in our time. If one believes (as I am convinced that Obama does) that the world will soon be "saved" by the coming "Mahdi" prophecied by the Koran, then it makes sense to distract us all from our natural fears of those who are attempting to set the stage for "his coming". Give us something else to concern ourselves with, such as "Global Warming" and maybe we'll become so obsessed with this that the terrorists will have time to behead all of us who resist them. The concept of "saving us" apparently only extends to those who believe in Islam, or those who will lie about it to save their lives. The reversal of the effects of "Global Warming" then becomes crucial for those that expect to live in their Muslim concept of a Utopian world.
As a believer that Jesus Christ is coming soon, beginning with God's destruction of the armies that surround Israel, who intend to murder all the Jews, I have to reject that Muslim concept of "Prophecy". It's either one, or the other, they conflict as totally as can be! They can't both be true, and I know "in whom I do believe". When Jesus does return, to establish His 1000-year "Millennial Kingdom", He is prophecied to create "a new heaven (the earth's atmosphere, referred to Biblically as the "first heaven", of the three levels of heaven God created), and a new earth". I don 't think we'll have too much trouble dealing with any more "Global Warming" then. And He will not have to tax us to smithereens to pay for it.
That does not give us, as believers, the freedom to ruin this planet today, because "Jesus is gonna fix it all when He comes". There is still our responsibility to be "good stewards" of God's creation while we wait for the Lord's return. However, the Left want to go way beyond the reasonable efforts of stewardship, to reverse something that they will eventually fail at anyway, as long as they don't have to pay for it all themselves (let the nameless, faceless Taxpayers pay for it all), while they destroy our economy and allow "developing economies" (like China) to increase their polluting ways, in order to grow their economies, at our expense. I guess they would all rather live under a communist regime, anyway! I wish they would all just go live in China, and leave America alone!!!
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