Apologies to any Christians who have read my Blog, and been offended by any ads they may have seen that promote a sight that is obviously run by a Cult that is overwhelmingly considered non-Biblical, and even anti-Christian. As I have absolutely no control over which ads are selected to be run on my Blog, in advance, I have to see them before I can contact Google AdSense to ban them from my Blog. I have just done so today, after noticing an ad for some kind of "Free Course" brought to you by your friendly, neighborhood Scientology Cult. I suppose it was a Cult Instruction Course on how to become hopelessly bound up in their demonic teachings, and perhaps even graduate to the highest level of absolute Demon possession! Whoopee! Yours at absolutely no cost or obligation, until they're certain that you're hooked, and then they'll probably drain your finances to fund their Cult's survival.
I could care less what these fools do anywhere else but on my Blog. Just because I proclaim the Name of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and encourage others to do so as well, they are drawn to my Blog perhaps in the hope of luring those that I am unable to convince with the truth, into accepting their more convenient lies. And there will always be some who would be easily trapped that way. For those who haven't yet experienced the freedom of Jesus forgiveness, nor the ultimate hope of His eternal Salvation, they may look at the ridicule they have heard others speak against us and think that it's not worth it. Then some Cultists come along and fill them with a bunch of lies about how wonderful their Cult is and they fall for it. Sad, but they have a Constitutional right to choose to do so. But that right does not extend to my Blog! It is my personal property, according to the established copyright laws of the United States, and I ultimately choose what is written thereon, and who is allowed to advertise on it. Unfortunately they may get away with it briefly, until I happen to see their ads, for which I apologize. But once I do see it, they're gone!
So far this is only the second time that I've had to do this. Previously, I had to ban the ad promoting "Mormon.org" that claimed "Mormons believe in Jesus, too". I'm sure they do. But it's a different "Jesus" than the one the Bible talks about, and therefore is condemned in Revelation 22, which essentially condemns anyone who will add to, or detract from the Gospel. I forget whether it's Scientology, or Mormonism that says that Jesus and Lucifer (the Devil) are "brothers, implying that their power and authority are equal. If that were so then they would be equally worthy of our worship! It's amazing the great lengths Satan will go to in trying to trick us into worshipping him, rather than God! Also, Jesus did not come to America to preach to the Mormons that the American Indian tribes were the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Sorry but I don't buy it, and I won't have it promoted on my Blog, no matter how genuinely these people believe it, and even though I've found them to be very personable, and friendly people. They apparently accept a lot of Biblical values, but their ultimate source of "truth" is the "Book Of Mormon" which is full of a lot of Biblical contradictions, and other "hogwash". End of story!!!
UPDATE: 4/17/'14:
Just banned #3. Took one look at the title, "The real Jesus... Christians don't know.", and it was "Bye, bye!" What is it with these idiots!?? Why are they trying to seduce my readers into buying their blasphemous anti-Christian "cr@p"? If what they're selling is so much better than what Jesus gave us, then why won't it stand on it's own weight? As I said, "Cults begone! In the Name of Jesus!!!
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