The more I consider the prophecies of Ezekiel 38,&39, Joel 2:20, and similar prophecies in Isaiah, and other books of the Bible, and compare these to what we see developing in the Ukraine today, the more I think I'm beginning to see what is really motivating Russia's president Putin, and how God is likely to draw him into an invasion of Israel. God has prophesied that He would, "put hooks in (Putin's) jaw" to turn him around and drive him into a Middle-East Invasion. If you have been reading this Blog regularly, you will notice that I have stopped referring to the Russian leader of the invasion as "Gog", as God has described the leader of the country of "Magog", which Bible scholars have long believed to be the Biblical name for the tribe that migrated to the region surrounding Moscow. I've become so convinced that Putin is the very same person that God calls "Gog" that I don't think there is much point in not saying so. I don't know who is the Antichrist, but Putin is working overtime to convince us all that he is "Gog". The funny thing about it is there must be many Russians who are knowledgeable about Bible prophesies that could inform him of the disaster that God has in store for him, and his army. Does he really not know, or is he so arrogant that he knows and can't believe that it's referring to his armies' future annihilation? Is God "hardening" Putin's heart the same way He did with Pharaoh, when He had Moses tell him to, "Let My people go!"?
I have been writing frequently that I believe that there is a direct connection between today's military blustering along Russia's border with the Ukraine, and the future Russian Invasion of Israel. Now I think I've figured out how God is going to tempt Putin into invading Israel. It's a simple matter of putting the pieces of God' prophetic jig-saw puzzle together to form a more complete picture, or if you prefer the symbolism of a chess game, since the Russians are very fond of the game, and use it to develop military strategy, God will allow Putin to put Him (or His people, Israel) in "Check", one move before God puts Putin (and his Armies) in permanent "Checkmate"!
The missing piece to the puzzle I feel will be supplied by our great "military strategist", and brilliant world leader (pardon the sarcasm), Barak Obama. He, of the profound wisdom of heading off military incursion with the "horrible threat" of economic sanctions. I, like probably everyone else, believed that these sanctions would create stress in Russia, but nothing severe enough to cause Putin to refrain from invading the Ukraine. And that is probably correct. But it occurred to me today that God was using Putin's meglo-maniacal arrogance to cause him to counter Obama's pathetic "Chess move" with his own move in retaliation. It seems almost certain that he will invade the Ukraine, and then Obama will "retaliate" with more painful economic sanctions. One wonders how comforting this will be to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who will die in a futile effort to resist an overwhelming Russian Invasion. But after easily defeating the Ukrainian forces, Putin must decide how to finance the military occupation, as well as defeat the purposes of the sanctions that Obama will bring against Russia. There is one very obvious way. Invade the Middle-East!
I have long believed that Putin's real motive for invading the Middle-east was not to conquer Israel, but to conquer the Arab oil fields so he could blackmail the rest of the world into complete submission, with the threat of an oil embargo of shutting off access to three-fourths of the world's oil supplies. But any military strategist will tell you that you don't bypass a dangerous enemy in your rear, while you attack your main objective. Israel is the only major threat to defend Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states, which they would certainly do if Putin attacked them directly. So, Putin would see that Israel must be neutralized before he could conquer the Gulf states. Plus, if he were to involve an alliance with the various Arab nations that hate Israel (as the Bible states he will with Libya, Ethiopia (at least the muslim people there), and Iran (which is on record as wanting to blow-up Israel off the face of the earth, and are trying to build nuclear missiles to do just that), he could appease them enough to perhaps get them to agree to let him keep control of the Arab states' oil reserves. And with control over three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, he would have effectively negated the economic sanctions that Obama, or anyone else would try to enforce. Just like an over-grown spoiled brat who doesn't want to be punished for throwing a tantrum, this strategy must seem too good to pass up to Putin. So, first expect him to invade and conquer the Ukraine, and then he will immediately set about planning his Invasion of Israel, rather than his original plans to re-take the other former Soviet nations. Of course he would prefer to retake all the former Soviet client states, without any objection, or retaliatory sanctions from the West. But since Obama could not, and will not allow that, Putin will realize that he must change strategies before the financial effects of the American and any European sanctions will be financially harmful enough to make his plans unmanageable. Israel must therefore fall next, before the sanctions become too painful, and after he has conquered the entire Middle-East, and their oil reserves, the former Soviet nations can be expected to come begging to rejoin their former alliance. Can the rest of the world be far behind???
The only solution to this world-domination threat is precisely the one that God has promised in Ezekiel 38, & 39. When Israel is Invaded, God is going to cause the invasion forces to be soundly defeated upon "the Mountains of Israel", driving them into a panicked retreat in which, "every mans' (weapons) will be against his brother". The total effect of this will be the destruction of 83% of the entire invading force. God says that this will be His way of Glorifying Himself, before His people (Israel), and letting them know that he has not abandoned them. So, stay tuned. I don't expect this to be too far in the distant future.
For more details about Russia's future Invasion of Israel, check out the Archive references in the column to the right of this post titled "Blood Moons...", and "World War III...".
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