How do you convince the belligerent skeptics? You pray that God will open their eyes, then you speak the truth whether they want to hear it or not, then you pray for them some more. After that you move on, and let God sort it all out. It's not our job to force skeptics to believe, but merely to give them the opportunity to at least hear the truth.
Yet it sticks in my craw (whatever that is) when I hear things about absolute Lunacy masquerading as Biblical truth, which is thereby equated with everything else that true Bible believers hold sacred. It just gives the belligerent skeptics more fuel to throw on the fire surrounding the stakes they wish to roast our views upon, rather than having to consider them as possibly valid.
The account of Paul being harmlessly bitten by a poisonous Viper, after he had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would preach the Gospel to Caesar, in Rome, was indeed miraculous! But he believed the power of the Holy Spirit was true, and the fear of a snake was temporal. But just because some second, or third century monk decided to add something to the Gospel he was copying, about taking up serpents harmlessly, you're not going to see me dancing around some pulpit with a rattlesnake in my mouth, and another in each hand! Thank you very much, but no thanks!
Today I came across a story about some "Catholic" Loonie who is promoting the pre-Gallileo belief that the Solar System actually does revolve around a stationary Earth! This guy supposedly believes that the Jewish Holecaust was a lie, a doctrine that is popular with Neo-Nazi's, and Muslim anti-semites. But to think that this guy's foolishness is labeled as "Creationism" because he uses scripture to support his views, is humiliating to those who believe that there are many flaws in Darwin's Theory of evolution, that the Bible debunks. But now our beliefs will be lumped together with this idiot's ravings, and guess which one will get the most exposure from the Leftist Media?
Bearing this in mind I've been feeling the need lately to restate my views on the perhaps soon-coming "Gog/Magog" Invasion of Israel, which I speculated that the world may well refer to as World War III, at least after the fact. I again caution the readers that I am not trying to set myself up as some kind of modern-day Prophet. I merely see the events of the world lining up
in very recognizable ways, which agree with various Biblical accounts of this war, and draw the logical conclusion that it may all come to pass very soon... or not! That's as Prophetic as I can manage to be. I believe it's soon to be, but how many Zealots have prophesied the "End of the World" only to be humiliatingly wrong! So, don't pack your bags on my account, and don't go sit on a Mountain top, or pass the Kool Aid around. But do keep your spiritual eyes open to what's going on in the world today, and if you think I'm right, then, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!"
A quick perusal of Ezekiel Chapters 38, & 39 tell us of a time when God says He will draw a malevolent leader of a northern Nation, which Biblical scholars have long believed to be Russia, to enter the Middle-East with an army bent on destroying Israel. This leader (whom God refers to as "Gog") leads his own army, combined with the forces of the present-day nations of Iran, Lybia, and Ethiopia (and possibly Turkey, as well), and I speculated that his main goal would likely be to continue on to conquer the Gulf States' oil reserves, so he can blackmail the rest of the world into submission. I reasoned that he doesn't much care about Israel, but he needs the approval of most of the surrounding Muslim nations, so I'm betting he will make a deal with these nations that he'll help them wipe out Israel, whom they hate with a passion, if they'll let him keep the oil reserves without objection. So, while he doesn't really care if Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth, except that they are the only military force in the Middle-East capable of serious resistance to his invasion forces, he's in for a big surprise when he finds out that God does care, and He'll see to it that "Gog's" army, along with those of Israel's self-appointed blood enemies (the Muslim allies of Russia) are wiped out instead, to the tune of some 83%. The Biblical description of how God will do this sounds to me as though He causes the Israelis to strike their invaders with an artillery barrage, or aerial bombardment of Neutron Nuclear devises, which kill large numbers of enemy personnel, but render material objects unharmed, and I suspect there is little radiation fallout, as this will occur near their own population centers. This will be done with no regard for international outrage for using Weapons of Mass Destruction, because I believe the Ezekiel 39 account describes a First-Strike attack upon Israel with poison gas (most likely the Sarin gas used in Syria recently, that Russia agreed to destroy, but has footdragged by only destroying about 4%, so far). Since this gas attack initiates the conflict, Israel should be considered blameless for retaliating with Neutron Bombs, but I'm sure that will not be the case.
Since the Israeli government has been distributing free gas masks to its citizens for decades, I suspect that the gas attack will be largely unsuccessful, but the Nuclear retaliation seems to set Gog's forces into a panicked retreat. It seems that some try to turn the forces back, and the resulting conflict finishes off what the Israelis started. God described this as, "every man's sword (or any weapon) shall be against his brother (or ally)". He later adds that this is His way of Glorifying Himself, when He brings about the destruction of the people who intended to destroy His people (Israel).
There is much more to this story, which I have written about extensively, some with strong Biblical evidence to support my beliefs, and some with admittedly weak evidence, but I believe some very reasonable deductions, based upon the character of God as He has revealed Himself in His Prophesies. I direct the reader to my Post for June 10th, of last year, titled, "Revelation's Sixth & Seventh Seals" for what I believe will follow God's awesome victory on the part of His people, Israel. Caution: My beliefs here carry some frightening details, if correct. But for those of us who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it's not frightening, but ultimately Joyous!!!
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