Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Putin's War Of Distraction

As Russia's President Putin apparently continues to maneuver to set up the invasion of the Middle-East ( spoken of by God in Ezekiel chapters 38,& 39), I suspect that he is looking to find an ally that is insanely suicidal enough to instigate a war with America that will keep us tied up militarily to the point that we will not lift a finger to help Israel resist his invasion forces. I'm wondering if he has found just such a demonic nincompoop in the person of North Korea's President Kim? He has been blustering, and threatening to invade South Korea again, ever since he inherited his "throne" with the death of his father, knowing full well that this would force America to commit it's full military to the defense of our South Korean allies. It seems plausible that this could be just the distraction that Putin needs to carry out his obvious plans to invade Israel without fear of America coming to Israel's aid. And the North Koreans wouldn't have to fear our nuclear arms, since we know that they have sufficient nuclear capacity to wipe out South Korea, and any American troops stationed there, if we tried that.

Recently, North Korea fired two intermediate missiles into the South China Sea, close enough to the coastal waters of South Korea that it was taken to be an obvious threat, supposedly in retaliation for American, and South Korean military maneuvers that were carried out near the border between the two countries. This would seem a reasonable enough excuse, except that these were annual maneuvers that were carried out with North Korea's full knowledge, and expectation. But the missiles they fired in response seems to be a clear escalation of hostilities. So the question arises, is North Korea intending to continue escalating until they provoke us into responding to them in such a way that it gives them an excuse to re-invade South Korean territory? I would not be surprised if that turned out to be the case.

North Korea has been battling economic depression for decades, and their people have been struggling to cope with widespread poverty on a massive scale, as most of the G.D.P. has gone to finance the "care and feeding" of their monstrous military build up. They have long desired to find a way to retake the more prosperous South, as if that will serve to give their communist society more than just a brief respite from their endemic poverty. In the mean time, there seems to be only two ways for North Korea to conjure up enough cash to placate his people enough so that they will not rise up in revolt and throw the son-of-ill-repute out of power. One was to blackmail the west, namely America, into paying ransom to keep North Korea from further developing, testing, or exporting the technology of their Nuclear bomb, and missile capabilities. This has been done, with American politicians lamely painting it in terms of charitable compassion for the starving people of North Korea. Well, that money appears to be running out, and thus the renewed aggression of North Korea towards our ally in the South.

But there may be an alternative way of raising quick cash for the North Korean people. Perhaps Putin has, or will have in the future, the idea to tempt President Kim into invading South Korea by offering him a few billion dollars worth of blood-money to do it. First, it will bring in some cash, and second it will significantly reduce the North's over-population problem in a way that will stir up nationalistic fervor ( rather than the revolutionary outrage that mass starvation tends to create) when the war will produce thousands, or even tens of thousands of casualties. And don't think for a second that this meglo-maniacal little dwarf cares a wit about the unnecessary loss of life this will bring. He has proven that he only cares about his people in so far as it will keep himself in power. And lastly, any such war with America, combined with a simultaneous invasion of the Middle-East could bring about one of two conclusions, at least. Either the war with North Korea will significantly draw down our troop reserves, which Obama and the Congressional Democrats are in the process of reducing to pre-World War II levels now, so that we could not respond effectively to Putin's Invasion of the Middle-East, or if we chose to help Israel, as we should ( but won't), then North Korea would have a greatly enhanced chance of winning the war to force South Korea into surrendering. Or, if not, when Russia conquers Saudi Arabia and all the other oil-rich Gulf States, after wiping out Israel, Russia could force a defeated America to withdraw from South Korea by threatening the whole western economy of the world with a massive oil embargo, that would make the 1973 embargo look like infantile play-time. Either way, it all might seem very plausible to both the North Koreans, and to Putin, and his Army. Fortunately, no one could possibly expect little Israel to defeat the Russian Invasion, without the help of America. No one except for God, who doesn't need America's help to bring about His own Glory, when He will defeat 83% of Russia's invasion forces to protect His Chosen People, Israel ( as he Prophecied that he would do, in Ezekiel 38, &39). Praise the Lord!!!

[For more on what could be developing into God's prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel, and presumably with the intention of conquering all of the Middle-Eastern oil Gulf States, scroll down two posts and check out what I'm guessing to be Putin's over-all plan, and how God plans to have it all work out for His own Glory!]

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