One has to wonder just how absurdly insane must Vladimir Putin have become to actually believe that he can pull off an invasion of the Middle-East, and the total destruction of Israel! As I have said previously, I am now so convinced that he is that very leader of the Northern Nation that God refers to as "Gog", from the Nation of "Magog", that I don't even consider it important to refer to any distinction between them as relevant. Moreover, I am sensing that he has become so Meglomaniacly full of himself that there is little point in distinguishing between him and the spirit of self-delusion that Isaiah prophesied about in Chapter 14: verses 13, & 14, when he said, referring to Lucifer, the angelic name for Satan:
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (God)."
While this is certainly ascribed to Lucifer (Satan), and not to "Gog", it is an example of the spirit of egocentric blindness that must consume someone who is so foolish as to believe that he can pull off such an invasion as described in Ezekiel 38,& 39; especially as there are many Christians living in Russia today, both Clergy, and Laymen, who would certainly be able to recognize the signs of his intentions, and that they are very reminiscent of the invasion described by Ezekiel. Has his Totalitarian despotism become so complete that there is no one in all of Russia with enough courage to warn him of the horrible consequences this invasion will bring upon his army, and the armies of his Muslim-nations allies? If so, it is another example of the awesome power of God, that He can so consume His enemies with their own Meglomaniacal lust for world-domination, that they simply cannot believe the clear-cut warning that God has given him in Ezekiel 38,& 39. So, Putin seems desperate to rush headlong into a direct confrontation with God Almighty, that can only end disastrously for him and his armies, and will! Ezekiel, and Zechariah 14 describe the disaster that will follow his foolish invasion, when God will cause 83% of the invading armies to be destroyed.
This will probably seem as a trivial example of Putin's behavior, which I use as an indication of the personality I have described above, yet it is not the actions that I think are most indicative, but rather the high degree of foolish egotism that these actions would certainly require. First, recall the recent publicity photos released to the international press, one of Putin riding "bareback" on a horse (not that the horse was saddle-less, but that Putin was ridiculously shirtless, displaying his chest in all it's massive cellulite glory, for the whole world to "admire"). Then, this past week, we were "treated" to a publicity video showing Putin skating in a hockey rink past what was presumably some of Russia's top-rated hockey players, who obligingly skated aside to allow him to score a goal, for the admiring cameras! How pathetically absurd for a grown man to think that these two obviously staged publicity events would impress the world with his "heroic manliness", any more than did that picture of the late Mao Tse Tung when, in the few years before his death, he was pictured "swimming" in the muddy Yank Tse River. Funny thing was we could easily see that the only parts of his body that were visible above, or near the surface were his head and shoulders. As everyone knows, it is impossible to "swim", or even tread water with your arms by your side, as Mao's apparently were, so it was safe to assume he was merely squatting in the Muddy water, to try and fool the world into believing that he was out for some robust exercise, thus refuting any reports of his ill health.
And as for Putin's horseback ride, any time I have ever gone riding, which had been fairly frequent in younger years, I have been struck by the frequency of being attacked by some of the most vicious, blood-sucking, carnivorous animals on the face of the earth: namely Horseflies. These flies bare no resemblance to the common Houseflies, which merely pester one by buzzing around your face and occasionally landing upon you, until you swipe the away. But Horseflies will bite you viciously and repeatedly on any patch of exposed skin, which they consider to be a delicacy by comparison to the hairy hide of your horse. It would therefor seem absolutely superfluous for Putin to be riding shirtless, unless his ego was so swollen that he thought the world would be impressed by his "massively muscular frame", encased as it was in the afore-mentioned tub of Lard!
As I said, these are hardly condemning traits of behavior. However it is indicative of a grown man who has become so in love with himself that he cannot imagine that the rest of the world could not be equally impressed with his manly wonderfulness! This is the same kind of self-worshipping ego-mania that God used to drive the Pharoah of Moses' day into stubbornly resisting His demands, so that God could Glorify Himself before His people, when He destroyed Pharoah's army in the Red Sea! Now Putin seems to be rushing head-long into a similar situation that God has been setting up for him, so that He can Glorify Himself again, by destroying the enemies of His people! How little has been learned in the past 4000 years!
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