I think I'm beginning to see what Putin is really up to. Not just in the Ukraine; that's pretty well been hashed out, with just the waiting to see if Putin will be satisfied with annexing the Crimean Peninsula, or whether he wants all of the Ukraine ( DUH!!!, three guesses!). Since Obama has reneged on any international sense of obligation to assist Ukrainian efforts to resist a Russian invasion, it would seem he can take his pick of choices as to where he goes next. Obama won't offer significant resistance, and western Europe can't, as they are held hostage by their dependence on Russian supplies of Natural Gas for their winter heating needs.
Now, if Putin could just get monopolistic control of the majority of the world's oil production countries then he could put the same kind of squeeze on the whole world, including America, and then he could blackmail the world into submission to anything he wanted. So, since it's long been accepted that the Kremlin viewed international politics as a giant Chess board, it's simply a matter of determining the most logical steps Putin will take in order to accomplish his goal of World Domination. I won't waste time bothering to convince those who foolishly believe he has any other intention; after witnessing the events in Crimea recently, coupled with a Bible-believers recognition that the Prophesied Russian, and Muslim Nations' invasion of Israel ( listed as Persia (or Iran), Ethiopia, and Lybia in Ezekiel 38, &39) seems to be drawing closer to imminent reality, all that's needed is to fill in the blanks, logically, to see where Putin is really headed, and how he plans to get there.
This Ukrainian uprising came along very conveniently for Putin (almost like God was setting him up to make his play). Historically, Russia has always treated America's Republican administrations with blustering belligerence, yet reasonable respect for their willingness to resist Russian aggression. But, they always chose what they perceived as Democratic pacifism to restrain American retaliation for their acts of aggression ( the Democratic Party seems to have a plethora of Chamberlain-esque wimps, just itching to sell out whole populations in an effort to seem to be brokering a "peace treaty") , usually through third-party client states that they would supply and advise. The Korean War, Viet Nam, and while there is no evidence to support my suspicions, I've always suspected that there might have been some sort of indirect advising ( from Kremlin strategists) behind the scenes to bring about 911! I just never thought that Osama Bin Laden, and his co-conspirators were smart enough to realize that passenger Jets could be used effectively as air-to-ground missiles, even if they had enough suicidal idiots willing to carry it out. This is the kind of diabolical planning that the K.G.B. was famous for when Putin was their boss. And, Amededijan and his Iranian students who stormed the American Embassy during the Carter administration were reputed to be heavily influenced by Russian communism, more so than fundamentalist Islamic fervor. I wonder if there might have been some K.G.B. instigation there, as well? I know I'm sounding like some kind of McCarthyite paranoid, but frankly I've always felt that McCarthy was right about a lot of his charges, he was just a little remiss in using blank pieces of paper as evidence when he stated, "I have the evidence right here!" The difference between us is I'm sighting my own speculative opinions, while he was bringing charges at Congressional Hearings, with the threat of civil charges following. Putin has nothing to fear from me, legally, or otherwise, so I guess I can slander him at will,...so I will!
Now, it seems to me that Putin needs to keep pressing at various strategic pressure points around the world until he can draw us into some kind of costly war (in terms of money and man-power) with a client-state of Russia's, in order to bog us down while he sets up his plans for invading the Middle-east. If he can keep us so distracted that we will not have the will-power to respond by coming to Israel's defense, other than the wimpy diplomatic query, "have you come to take a great spoil?" (in Ezekiel 38), then he will likely expect that his forces can simply roll over Israel (the only serious threat in the middle-east), leaving Israel to be slaughtered by the Iranian, Lebanese, and Syrian Shiite muslims, while he moves against Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf State oil monarchies, that are enemies of Putin's Muslim allies. The deal here seems to be that he'll let the Shiites slaughter Israel, and they'll let him conquer the oil-rich Gulf States. And we'll sit around and watch it all happen, not helping Israel, because we've got our hands full fighting off the Communist insurrection of Lower Slobovia!!!
Well, thank God that Jesus has other plans, and that He doesn't need America to bail Him out. Like I said, He's probably using the Ukrainian fiasco to force Putin to show his hand, so He can set him up for the final destruction of 83% of Putin's (or "Gog's") invasion force, when he delivers Israel from their enemies! As always,..."Look up..."!!! (For more on how God intends to protect Israel, and defeat the Russian Invasion Force, check out the Blog Archive in the column to the right for my posts of June 10th, and 26th of last year.)
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