I wrote a preliminary post on the Russian threat to the Ukraine's safety last month ( on the 21st, titled, "Ukraine's Migraine"). That was followed by three Updates as things began to unfold, with Putin's desire to invade the Ukraine becoming more and more obvious, until he finally did, by swallowing up the Crimean Peninsula in one day. It may seem fairly reasonable for him to be concerned with protecting Russian interests there, as their only warm-water Naval Base is located there. But does anyone really expect him to stop there?
The next likely step will probably be moving his forces north, to take complete control of the entire southeastern part of the Ukraine, where the citizens are mostly of Russian descent, and overwhelming Russian sympathy. He will probably use the excuse that he is protecting these Ukrainian people from the "hostility" of the other half of the population that is more sympathetic with the western European nations. Of course there is no discernible threat from the western side, but Putin does not need to rely on the truth to rationalize his blatant power grabs. After that, and when there is no serious response by either the U.S., or the N.A.T.O. nations, he will finally move into the rest of the Ukraine's territory, claiming that the "threat" that exists only in his imagination forced him to take control of the entire country, in order to "stabilize the situation". Eventually, he will simply annex the Ukraine into his newly created 2nd Soviet Union Empire, which will effectively serve notice on the rest of the former Soviet satellite countries, that they can reasonably expect to be next.
Between Putin's blatant aggression, with his obvious expectation of impunity, which is rightly discerned due to the lily-livered response of our do-nothing President, and the inability of the western European nations to respond ( as they are dependent upon Russia to supply 80% of their Natural Gas heating needs, and fear an embargo if they tick-off Putin too much), I am nearly convinced that Putin must be the "Gog" of God's prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39; unless it could be one of his generals carrying out his orders. I can't imagine anyone being more likely to respond to his future invasion of Israel with the ultra-cowardly query of, "have you come to take a great spoil?", than our sitting "buffoon in chief", in the White House. If my reasoning is sound, then that means that the Gog/Magog invasion of Israel will likely take place before Obama leaves office in 2-1/2 years. And that means we should all hold on to our hats, and "look up, for ( our) redemption draweth nigh"!!! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus...!
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