I might as well get this beef off my chest, since I've started my tirade against political and business practices that I feel are foolish at best, and down right evil at worst.
I am convinced that the number one, most destructive, and culturally corruptive force in America today is the concept of Federal regulated Public Education, as it has evolved to today's evil and perverse standard. We have allowed the concept of educating an overwhelmingly illiterate society (as was the laudable goal of 100 years ago) to degenerate into a format for propagandizing our youth, at their most innocent, and gullible levels, into believing in the Socialist dogma that our predominately liberal teachers foment upon them, without remorse (because they truly believe they are helping the children by doing so). It has now degenerated to the point that perverse concepts of morality are regularly taught as acceptable lifestyles, such as pre-marital, and recreational sex is not only acceptable for teenagers, and even younger (with the only caution being the lame attempt at avoiding pregnancies, and STD.'s), but that it is practically "a right", regardless of whether it is same-sex, or hetero. No wonder we have whole populations of states so thoroughly indoctrinated to this perverse agenda that the concept of Same Sex Marriage is actually given increasing credibility, and is being "legalized" by their idiot legislatures (many of whom were likely educated by the same Leftist-Zomby teachers in their Public Schools). And should anyone dare to stand in opposition to their beliefs, no matter how reasonably, they are ridiculed, and dismissed as Racists, and Bigots, since their only great success at changing political and social mores was the civil rights movement of the 1960's, and when they are threatened reasonably they fall back on their tired old laurels in order to seem to legitimize their weak positions.
Speaking from the experience of one who was likewise educated in what was locally acclaimed as "the number one rated public school system in the country", at the time ( true or not, I don't know), with a couple of years of Private High School thrown in for balance, I became unwittingly indoctrinated into the same leftist dogma of the day. I think it must have been through subliminal messaging, as I had become amazingly adept at sleeping through classes ( which I perfected in my college years), while somehow managing to pass my courses, though sometimes just barely. It really was quite an intellectual struggle to overcome the effects of my leftist brain-washing, once I became saved. I was confronted by the fact that the people who shared the same values of my new found faith tended overwhelmingly to disagree with the political, and moral values that I believed in. It actually took years of Bible study for me to recognize that their conservative values were directly related to their understanding of the Bible. Therefore, either I had to change my thinking, or I had to convince God that He was wrong, and that He needed to re-write the Bible. I decided that the former was easier, though we occasionally hear about some fool that decides to "help God out" by writing a new, "gender-neutral translation", or some translation that makes homosexual behavior appear acceptable to God.
After watching the decades-long continual slide into a deeper, and deeper morass of moral, and political lunacy, I have become convinced that the only way for us to reverse the cultural self-destruction we have been allowing to be fomented upon us, and our children is to permanently defund Public Education. This must begin at the Federal level, by shutting down the Education Department, and allowing tax money to be returned to the parents ( in the form of Vouchers), to be given to private, parochial, and other religious schools, or State financed and regulated public schools, or allowing parents who choose to Home-School their children to spend the same amount of tax refund as they choose, so long as their children perform acceptably on annual state proficiency tests. And those tests need to be non-discriminatory towards Biblical values, allowing for any questions concerning controversial issues, such as evolution, (which many Christians believe to be a flawed, and unproven theory), to simply ask what evolution means, rather than asking questions that will trigger responses that indicate belief, or disbelief, giving an unfair opportunity to fail a test that does not agree with the examiner's personal beliefs. The point here is to get these leftist brain-washing "educators" out of their heavy-handed control over what our children are being taught. Their influence has become so pervasive that even the textbook manufacturers will rely on their approval of new textbooks before they go into print, in order to assure their nationwide distribution. Remove their influence, and the manufacturers will have to cater to the more wholesome values of the people who actually care about the academic, and moral development of their children. If we don't begin to re-take control of the educating of our children, we will soon see our national moral, and political values decline to the point where social chaos will soon become the order of the day. Of course this is the ultimate goal of the international Socialists who have been orchestrating this educational self-destruct for the past half-century. Marxist doctrine has always taught that, "out of chaos comes order". And that the best way to bring this about is for the children to be indoctrinated, wrong-headedly. I believe that God is allowing America's morality to degenerate slowly while He watches us to see how serious we are about repenting, personally first; and culturally, and nationally as a consequence. How many adults educated before 1970 can recall stories about children bringing guns to school and opening fire indiscriminately; a situation that is becoming commonplace today in our public schools.
We have seen what passes for "order" according to this Marxist view. It developed into Hitler's National Socialism, and the Communism of Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and the endless list of Leftist Dictators who desired to enslave the people of their nations. America... WAKE UP!!! Before it is too late!
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