Monday, January 20, 2014

Isaiah's "Burdens"

Continuing in the discussion of Biblical Prophecies, especially concerning the prophecies of the apparently soon-coming Gog/Magog invasion of Israel, which the world may prefer to call World War III, I believe God led me to the various chapters of Isaiah which I call "Isaiah's Burdens". Beginning in Chapter 13, which Isaiah titles "the burden of Babylon", he describes a battle upon the mountains of Israel involving "a multitude ...of the kingdoms of nations gathered together" at what seems to be God's own bidding. It seems God has called them together to deliver His own judgment against them all at the same time, under the ruse of thinking they are going to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. But God has other plans, as Isaiah calls this the "day of the Lord" and a day of, "destruction from the Almighty."

Verses 7, and 8 describe a time when, "every man's heart shall melt...and pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth". Sarin gas is said to effect men in this manner; they begin to experience a tightness in their chests, their noses begin to bleed, they vomit, and their bowels and bladders empty uncontrollably, and painfully, creating the effect of experiencing the pain of a woman giving birth. But, even in the cases of large exposure, Sarin is not always fatal, merely painful enough to debilitate, like, say, the entire nation of Israel for a time long enough for Russia to conquer it, or for their muslim nations' allied armies to move in and perform their desired genocidal slaughter. Either way, since God knows all our thoughts before we can even act upon them, we can see why He will run out of patience with all these nations and allow them to be driven away in panic, turning their fear into violence against each other until 84% of the invading force is killed. The Sarin gas will be less than effective because the Israeli government has been distributing free gas masks to their citizens for decades, probably because their scientists have recognized the description of the attack for what it will be, and recommended the precautions even if they don't believe in God, which is an outrageous hypocrisy, in my opinion. The effects of the gas attack should be fairly brief, though painful even with the gas masks, which may be the reason for Jesus' warning to the Apostles, as proxies for all believers in the future that they should seek higher ground, when they see " all these things come to pass". As Sarin gas is heavier than air it immediately seeks out the lowest point to concentrate, thus making higher ground the only completely safe place to reside.

Since I described in my previous post that there is strong evidence that Israel has used small, Tactical Nuclear weapons to attack a large weapons depot in Homs, Syria ( shown to the world on Youtube), it may be that Israel was using this as a warning to Syria of their defensive capabilities should the Gog/Magog invasion become a reality.

I went on to describe in the last post how I believe this defeat of the invasion may precipitate a sequence of events that include a nuclear exchange between Russia and America( "the stars of heaven shall fall"), the "Rapture" of the believers in Jesus Christ, the seven-year Tribulation period, and the final return of Jesus to judge the world and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

So I'll repeat the words of Jesus in closing, that we should, "look up, for [our] redemption draweth nigh"!!!

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