Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Must America "Decrease"?

While I certainly hope I'm wrong, I'm afraid that I am tending toward the above conclusion. I made a brief reference to this possibility in a previous post ( I forget which), stating that it's possible that American financial and military influence in world geopolitics may have to dramatically decrease, in order for God to bring to pass the coming Antichrist One-World government, and economic system. Note that I stated that God would allow this to come to pass; it is , after all His prophecy, so why would He not allow it to happen? The important thing is that we win in the end, and by that I mean the Church of Jesus Christ, the Saints of God, not necessarily the United States of America. Perhaps as a nation we may have outlived our usefulness to God, in trying to resist the evil forces of this world, at least materially, and perhaps we might be facing a decline to almost third-world economic, and military status, while God allows the Antichrist to rise to power in Satan's last-ditch effort to show that he really rules the world, before the return of Jesus Christ to set Satan and the rest of the world straight on who really is in charge, permanently! I referred to this as a sort of perversion of John the Baptist's statement concerning Jesus, "He must increase, but I must decrease". Likewise, if there is to be an Antichrist takeover of the whole world's economic, and geopolitical structure, it follows that there can't be two such powers, and that our dominance of the world's economy, with our dominant military strength would necessarily have to be greatly diminished for the Antichrist's to become dominant ( no matter how briefly).

The reason I tend to feel this is happening is because of the overwhelming lack of wisdom that exists in the power bases of our culture today. We have a presidency that seems more concerned with not offending the international "Muslim Brotherhood" movement in Egypt, and north Africa, than it is in prosecuting the war on terror, especially in bringing to swift justice the suspects in the Benghazi, Libya attack on our Embassy, with it's resulting murder of four of our officials ( considering that the F.B.I. believes that it knows who the top suspects are). Also, President Obama is so determined to keep his rash promise to withdraw American forces from Iraq, and Afganistan that he is apparently willing to watch Al Qaida, and Taliban forces regain control of those nations, as soon as we leave.

Further, we have a do-nothing Congress that is controlled by Democrats who want to keep spending inflationary tax money to create a Socialist state, until the economy collapses in on itself, making the dollar worthless in exchange for anything, when they will most likely bail-out on America, and emigrate to the Antichrist's European Socialist "Utopia", where they will probably be welcomed as heroes of the destruction of the "Great Satan", which is us. They are countered by the Republican doofisses who are so politically impotent that all they can think to do is shoot themselves in the foot with pointless government shut-downs, and cold-hearted efforts to cut off unemployment benefits, before the job market has rebounded sufficiently enough to provide jobs with life-sustaining wages to support them. This accomplishes nothing but ensuring Democratic victories in the future, with the result being more bone-headed Obama-Clones as president, like Hillary Clinton or John Kerry. And don't count on the Supreme Court to help out in the equation; they've got their hands full deciding "important" Constitutional issues, like should Homosexuals be allowed to legally marry, and should states like Colorado be allowed to legalize Marijuana, and how many illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote in our elections, since requiring a legal I.D. card would "obviously" violate their "Constitutional rights" ( I guess swimming the Rio Grande now qualifies one for Constitutional rights)?

See what I mean??? May God save us from ourselves!!!

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