On Jan. 2nd I wrote that I felt that America's Public School system had outlived it usefulness ( in most cases) and should be abolished nationally, and only kept in states where it was fairly, competently and frugally run by state and local officials that had to face voters' wrath for their incompetence, or corruption. The overwhelming immorality, leftist-biased ideology, and downright hostility to the concept that an all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful God is actually in control of the universe, and will require an accounting of our individual, and collective behavior when we die, that permeates the classroom instruction in public schools across the nation is a scandal long ignored by a voting public that seems so concerned with earning a living that they prefer to warehouse their kids in schools that teach values that are contrary to the family values that many of these same people profess to hold. It's time for America to wake up and re-take control of the education of their children, primarily through the abolishment of the Education Department, and all direct federal control of the nation's school systems, while allowing all federal tax money to be returned to the parents in the form of vouchers, intended to be given to the schools that teach their kids. This would include the options of Private, parochial, home schooling, tutorial, or state and local managed public schools, as the parents chose.
Now, in today's Washington Post, I read an account of a Virginia State delegate who is calling for an investigation into their state law to determine if their loosely regulated law that allows parents to opt out of public education on religious grounds was allowing the defacto abuse of children by disrupting their ability to receive a basic education. As one reads on in this article, it implies that the real issue here is not so much a concern for children that are being denied the right to receive a competent education, as it is a sneaky way of forcing parents to justify their need to withdraw their children from public schools by requiring approval of the local school boards. This is significantly different from requiring all children to pass standardized proficiency tests annually, that are morally, and politically, as well as religiously neutral, which should be all that is necessary to determine if all minimal standards of educational proficiency are being met. To require further approval from school boards seems not only unnecessary, but a blatant power-grab by generally hostile "professional educationists" who wish to legitimize their control over our children, and cement their reputations as the foremost experts in education, even if that reputation is pathetically undeserved. It would seem that Federal , state, and local education officials are beginning to feel the heat from an increasingly frustrated populace, that recognizes they are being scammed at what passes for education in America's Public Schools today, and they are desperately trying to plan for the backlash of parental outrage that may soon turn them onto the unemployment lines, like so many of the rest of us in recent years. They may be frightened at the thought that they might have to get a real job, where their salary might require competency evaluations based upon their success at producing the results that they were hired for. Certainly a new, and probably frightening experience for many of the socialist, and humanist-leaning public school teachers who have been shaping our children's minds for decades, not to mention the absolute terror that must be tormenting the union officials of the N.E.A.!
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