Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Credible Threat From China, Balanced Against Biblical Prophecy!!!

What I am about to write, I do with fear and trembling, because I am certainly unsure of the correctness of my understanding, and I am cognizant of the risk of fomenting an unnecessary, and unfounded panic among the American people!   I make my statements recognizing the limits of my authority, as an amateur analyst of  international developments, coupled with a significant balance in Biblical prophecy, which most others who have infinitely more understanding of world trends simply discount as irrelevant!

I have frequently written about the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy,  which was given by God to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago, to be fulfilled, "in the last days", (which was a term God used to describe the general era, somewhat before the end of the age, and preceding the return of Jesus to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth)!!!

This is both the basis for Bible-believing Christians to lend credibility to the prophecy, and the excuse for the unbelieving cynics to utterly discount it!!!  It is difficult even for Christians to believe in an unfulfilled prophecy that has lain dormant for 2500 years, until one views the developments of the world as setting up the very scenario that God described in His prophecy!

Today we have a very hostile Russia, that is sorely over-burdened by the trade sanctions placed upon them by President Trump, as a result of Russia's invasion of the Crimean peninsula, and subsequent annexation of half of the Ukraine.  Plus, we also have Iran chafing  under the sanctions that the Trump Administration placed upon them, to force them to the negotiating table over their continued efforts to develop a nuclear weapon capable of carrying out their professed plans to vaporize Israel, before they use the same nuclear missiles against us!!!

Before we dismiss these sanctions as being mere negotiating pressures, bare in mind that the World War II conflict in the Pacific began with Japan's invasion of  Pearl Harbor, in response to the sanctions that America placed upon them!!!   Remember,  the old adage, "'Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it!"  Could Russia,  and Iran form a malevolent invasion force, together with other Muslim nations, to invade Israel, to destroy the only Middle-Eastern threat to inhibit their desired conquest of the Arabian oil fields, which would give them relief from American sanctions, as well as  empower them to boycott all the Western  nations that cooperated with the American sanctions against them???  I submit that it is not only possible, but perhaps preferable to aggressive nations that resent America's interference in their hegemony,  to conquer the world!!!

I certainly agree with Trump's use of sanctions to curb the evil behavior of these nations.  But, I recognize that these nations' inclination is to resist violently, as long as they think they can get away with it!   For atheistic Russia, and the Muslim nations that believe in their own "prophecy" of Muslim conquest of the world, who also hate Israel, this scenario must seem to be very possible to carry out!!!  But, there is one great flaw in their thinking!!! The God of the Bible ( which none of these counties believe in) is not going to stand idly by while they destroy Israel off the map!!!  He has prophecied that He will miraculously help Israel victoriously overcome it's enemies, and turn their invasion into a panicked retreat!!!

Now, what follows is mostly speculation on my part!   No absolute credibility should  be extended to it!   I offer this as merely a possibility, which I would not even suggest, if the consequences of my being correct would not be so dire, for those who have no advance warning!!!

Ezekiel 39: 6 describes God as sending, "a fire (nuclear???) upon Magog (the retreating army of the nation, whose  ancient name was for the tribe that settled near Moscow), and among those that dwell carelessly in the ("coastlands", long considered to be America).  This could be Israel's response to the evil intended upon them, by Russia, coupled by an angry response by some other country who sympathizes with Russia  (like China???) and recognizes that this could be an opportunity to remove America's dominance of the world, as well as the sanctions we have placed upon them!!!  China certainly has the capacity to do so, the only question is, do they have the will to do it???   I for one don't trust them not to!!!  I leave the final judgement up to the individual reader!!!

For those who agree with my surmises,  if I am wrong, there is no reason to panic!!!   And, if I am right, there is still no reason to panic, for those of us who are Born-again Christians, for God has promised to protect us, even if it means He will "rapture" us all to Heaven before such a crisis can develop!!!   But, that same protection is not available for those who have not given their lives to Jesus, asking Him to forgive them of their sins, and be their personal Lord, and Savior!!!   I leave it to the individual reader, do you feel safe that all this is my wild imagination, and won't come to pass???  Or, should you prepare yourself, and your loved-ones, just in case!!!

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