Friday, February 21, 2020

On The "Inevitability" Of Trump's reelection!!!

The whole Democratic party is in horrible disarray!!!  President Trump's policies have been hugely successful, even with virtually no help from Congress, especially the do-nothing House of Representatives, which has been solely focused on their feckless impeachment efforts!!!   Yep, a real brilliant strategy!... Do-nothing but try to impeach a vastly successful President, who looks like he is headed for a landslide victory, in November, and threaten 4 more years of the same, assuming we are stupid enough to reelect control of the House back to the imbeciles who gave us the first impeachment!!!

I would certainly agree with the prognosticators, about Trump's virtual certainty of reelection, provided all things continue as they are!!!  But, those evil "Deep Staters" have one more evil trick to play, and they should probably try it soon, between now, and July!

 Back on December 29th, of last year, I worried that if things looked desperate enough for the Democrats, as they do now, they might pull out their "Trump card" ( in more ways than one!!!).  In spite of the rhetoric, the leaders of the Democratic party are not stupid, just blinded by their greedy lust for power!!!  They know that an avowed Socialist, like Bernie Sanders, can win the candidacy, but can't beat Trump in the general election!!!  At least not as well as things are going with the Trump administration, so far!!!  But, if they were to sneak a "wrench" into the works, by creating a massive and painful economic recession, then Trump's credit for turning the economy around would disappear almost over night!!!

I suspect that their greed has more to do with power that is not just their own!!!  I smell European greed behind their reckless determination to get this President impeached, and now "un-elected", as soon as possible!!!  Add to that the embarrassing truth that Trump's freeing up of the economy has created a boom, while their Socialist utopia is swooning in recession, and one can understand the desperation for removing the economic competition!!!  I suspect the Socialists in the Democratic party, here, are taking their marching orders from Brussels, Belgium, which is desperate for relief!!!  If the Democrats can win the presidency, and the Congress, they will probably immediately try to abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, which will reward their services greatly, I'm sure!!!

The Federal Reserve has nurtured an undeserved reputation for political neutrality, for centuries!!!  President Abraham Lincoln realized this during the Civil War, when he had the Fed nationalized, back into the government, for the duration, because their policies were obviously intended to hurt the war effort, and not to promote the financial well-being of the country!!!  I suspect that the tradition of the officers of  today's Fed may be more loyal to the international financial interests of the European effort to develop the "One-World" Socialist government, than for the interests of America, and certainly not for a President who has become popular by "making America great again", which will continue to make it harder for Europe to come out of the recession they are presently experiencing!!!

President "H.W." Bush learned the hard way, about how much power the Fed can wield upon an election, when he ran for reelection, before the Fed raised interest rates to an unreasonably high level, and kept them high until the resulting recession threw the election for Clinton!!!   If anyone thinks they won't try it again, just remember that we are dealing with the second most powerful force in the Universe, (Satan) who cares nothing for America, and most likely hates us, because God loves us, and has blessed us so much, in the past!!!  The Devil wants to establish his "One-World" system for his Antichrist to take over, to use against God's people, in the last days!!!

Remember, the scripture I quoted two  posts ago (from Ephesians  6: 12) "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against (Satanic powers), against spiritual wickedness in high places."!!!   Likewise, flesh and blood can not overcome these forces, but the power of prayer can, if enough of us will humble ourselves to God, and cry out for His mercy!!!   So, how many of us are enough???  We need one more,... YOU!!!

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