Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How To Rid Ourselves Of The Media Oligarchs Of Silicon Valley!!!

So, we thought that our Constitution guaranteed freedom of speech, and the press, etc.???   Well, we should guess again, folks!!!

The freedoms that were intentionally written by our Founding Fathers into the Constitution,  over two hundred, and thirty years ago could not have foreseen the development of  today's silicon valley oligarchs who have bought up major media outlets, to turn them into political propaganda distributors, and disseminators of misinformation along the lines of the Nazi German propaganda machine of the days before, and during the second world war!!!

Today, we have leftist oligarchs controlling most of the major news media outlets across the nation, (as we have recently seen in the President Trump impeachment process)!!!  So far, we have relief from this propaganda assault by way of the one conservative oligarch, and his major outlet, FOX NEWS, but what will happen when he passes away???  Will his children be as reliable as he has been in broadcasting the truth, or will they be tempted by the liberals to promote their disinformation lies???

The threat to the freedoms of our nation is so severe that drastic measures may need to be enforced!!!  Perhaps the stock market laws might be changed to not allow more than 100 shares of any media outlet to be owned by any single person, or, 200 shares to be owned by any person, plus a family member, no matter how distant the relationship!   And certainly no corporation, or conglomerate should be able to own more than 1000 shares of media stock, or a total of 1000 shares of a media stock, with its' derivatives!!!

I realize that these draconian rules will cause a brief disruption of the stock market, but the threat to our sovereignty is very real, and we can not allow despotic billionaires (like George Soros) to try and force us into trashing our Constitution, and joining the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, just because they drool over prospects of bribing Socialist bureaucrats to allow them to control the world's markets for their products!!!  Perhaps the advance notice of these rule changes, due to be enforced after the election, would give investors time to divest themselves safely, with no great disruption in the overall market!   But, something along this line must be done, to protect our nation, and our Constitution from the greedy manipulations of corporate billionaires, who have sacrificed  all patriotic fervor, for  their own selfish, greedy, desires!!!

And now, a shout out to all, "lying dog-faced pony soldiers", who are probably the same people that Hillary Clinton described as her, "basket of deplorables"!  I don't think Joe Biden has any more credibility at discerning character than Hillary did!!!  We should wear such slanderous terms as a badge of honor, considering the source!!!  Remember, the Bible says, " we wrestle not against flesh and blood", (no matter how offensive, and ignorant the source may be),..."but against the powers of darkness,... and spiritual wickedness in high places"!!!  Since God is on the side of those of us who bear such unwarranted, slanderous persecution (such as President Trump being impeached  for unfounded charges, only to be righteously acquitted), we should, "count it all joy when" we are "persecuted for righteousness sake"!!!  For we know that God will work it all out for our benefit , eventually!!!

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