Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Weaponizing The Corornavirus Outbreak Could Be Dangerous for Democrats!!!

As usual, what I am about to write should be taken with a hefty "grain of salt", and I write it with Biblical, "fear and trembling"!   I am merely speculating, based upon inconclusive facts, which is always dangerous, but occasionally correct!!!

On Tuesday, I wrote an addendum to my post, speculating that perhaps God was allowing the Coronavirus to spread in near Pandemic rates, worldwide, as an answer to our prayers  to keep hostile efforts from trying to scuttle the Trump reelection effort, and the Republican effort to take back control of the House of Representatives!!!  I recalled when the Federal Reserve seemingly jacked up the interest rates to inexplicable heights, to defeat Bush "Sr.'s" reelection bid, so Clinton could bring his "Deep State" administration into power!   I speculated that the Democrats would probably try  something like that again, soon, but a natural recession (brought on by this disease outbreak) would cause the Fed, to be reluctant to try that, now, because it might well drive us all into an international depression, and the blame would be very difficult to avoid!!!

[Update:  (3/4/ 2020)   The Fed just dropped the interest rate 1/2 point, indicating their concern that the stock market could turn into a wholesale crash!  The drop resulted in a brief recovery before the market  started to drop again!  I guess more interest rate drops will follow, but at least the Fed has figured out that they had better not raise rates anytime soon!!!]

Now, an even more crazy thought has just occurred to me, and I warn the readers that what I write, I also cowardly disavow. (I wish I could blame it all on someone else, but I can't)!!!

It occurred to me that this may be God's answer to our prayers, to deliver our nation from the horrible disunity that afflicts us now, with seemingly no hope of unifying our political parties, to compromise between conservatism, and pure Marxist Socialism, which are poles apart ideologically!!!

Lately, the Democrat's knee-jerk reaction to everything Trump proposes,  calling it all evil, illegal, and stupid, has been extended to his attempts to prepare for this threat to our public safety!  The Democrats can't make up their minds whether they are criticizing his preparations as being inadequate, or that he has requested too little in funds for treating the infected!  It's clear they are desperately looking for something (anything) to fault him for, or as the Republicans call it, they are trying to "weaponize" a potential national disaster, to use it for their own political gain, even at the expense of our national health, and safety!!!   The public outrage could backfire against these idiots, to the point where the more reasonable Democrats realize that they had better stop this, and begin to work with the President, and the Republicans, if they want to be reelected, come November!!!  Those who persist in promoting their hatred of Trump ahead of their Congressional responsibilities may be looking for new employment this Fall!!!   (Let's hope so!!!)

Like I said in my last Post, God sometimes uses natural crises to work His will miraculously upon His people!!!   Is this another example of  that, or not???   I don't know, but as Trump likes to say, "So, we'll see what happens"!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Israel Is Stuck Between The Proverbial, "Rock And A Hard Place"!!!

Israel knows something about Proverbs!!!  The Book of Proverbs has lent much comfort to the people of Israel, for thousands of years, yet they find themselves, "up against it", once again!   What should Israel do???  If they don't retaliate against the unprovoked rocket launches from Syria, and the Gaza strip, they will face increased rocket attacks against their civilian population in the future!   But, their very retaliation will be used by the Palestinians, at some point in the future, as "justification" for the beginning of the prophecied "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, that is foretold in the book of Ezekiel, in chapters 38, and 39!!!

Israel is just as "stupid" as I am, because we are all convinced that a Biblical Prophecy, given to the Prophet Ezekiel over 2500 years ago (with the stipulation that it would be withheld until the "latter days", just before the end of time) is about to unfold upon them!!!  I guess I am the greater fool, because I don't have rockets falling around me, providing evidence of the monstrous violence that the Palestinian terrorists intend for the Israelis, yet the rest of the world looks at Israel as if they are inviting this kind of violence, by simply trying to exist on their land!!!   It's hard for the Israelis to ignore the hateful violence that these terrorists project towards them, yet they are condemned for retaliating, in order to discourage more of the same!!!

What more can the terrorists do to Israel  besides an all-out invasion of Israeli territory, which is exactly what the Ezekiel Prophecy foretells???  The prophecy predicts a total victory for Israel, as the outcome, yet the painful effects of war, and the unnecessary loss of life, discourage the willful beginning of the conflict, on Israel's part!   The Palestinians, and their Russian instigators do not believe in this prophecy...yet,!!!  But, they will shortly!!!

 In the mean time,  I will continue on, proclaiming myself to be a blithering idiot, because I believe in a God who, "is the same, yesterday, today and forever", capable of predicting something that He is going to do thousands of years in the future, and then bringing it to pass,  regardless of the overwhelming hatred that the Russian, and Muslim world projects at God's chosen people!!!

 Soon. they will all know what happens to those who poke their fingers into, "the apple of God's eye"!!!   Praise the Lord!!!    

Just A Thought-- (2/25/20) [ A few Hours Later]:

Last Friday, I wrote some of my concerns that the "left-of-center", and not-at-all-neutral Federal Reserve (a non-government entity) might take it upon themselves to throw an election for the Democrats, which has been looking more and more like a potential run-away victory for President Trump, and the Republicans!!!  They did it before, when it looked like George Bush "Sr." was headed for reelection, but the Fed raised the bank rates, driving the markets into recession, and kept them high until Clinton won the election, scuttling it all!!!

I suspect that the sympathies of the Fed's directors lie more in line with the silicon valley corporations (i.e., with the European  "One-World" Socialist government movement), than with any American sense of patriotism.  The whole "Never-Trumpers" movement may have originated in that section of California, for all I know!  These companies must be salivating over the prospect of a Socialist government controlling the world's business markets, which has no problem accepting bribes to endorse control of large sections of the market to various preferred corporations!!!

I am not ready to proclaim the following as a certainty, but, consider the following:  As a Bible-believing Christian, I believe that certain so-called "Natural" events seem to serve the desired intentions of God, and therefore I have difficulty writing them off as mere "coincidence"!!!  Also, God has historically used natural disasters to serve His purposes, and has prophesied that He may do so again, when the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel threatens to destroy that country, and it seems possible that a devastating earthquake may turn the invasion into a rout of the panic-stricken invaders!!!

Just perhaps (???), could He be using the Coronavirus out-break to cause the Directors of the Fed to withhold their suspected plans to raise interest rates, to drive the country into a recession???  They may want to create a recession, but I think their efforts would be recognized, and roundly condemned if they compounded the natural recession created by the fear of the disease, and turned it into a wholesale international depression, which could not be so easily blamed on Trump's policies!  So, this could be God's way of delivering us from the Fed's desire to meddle in the election (not for Russia's sake, but for the Democrats)!!!  (Refer to the Update in the middle of my post of 2/26/2020!)

We will know for sure, as we watch the spread of the disease around the world!  So far, America has been spared the worst of the out-break, which may have resulted from the careless handling of the virus' spores by the Chinese technicians in the Wuhan province, which is known to be developing biological warfare products!  (God has frequently turned the efforts of those who hate Him, and conspire to destroy His people, back on themselves, until they suffer the very disaster they intended for others!!!)

 If God continues to allow the American effort to stay ahead of the spreading disease, to be reasonably controlled, with few,  or even  no deaths,  while having a much more devastating effect upon those countries that hate us (like China, Iran, as well as other communist countries), then I guess the evidence will be pretty clear, except for those who belligerently refuse to accept that there is a God in control of things!!!

To borrow from President Trump's seemingly favorite expression:  We'll see!!!

Friday, February 21, 2020

On The "Inevitability" Of Trump's reelection!!!

The whole Democratic party is in horrible disarray!!!  President Trump's policies have been hugely successful, even with virtually no help from Congress, especially the do-nothing House of Representatives, which has been solely focused on their feckless impeachment efforts!!!   Yep, a real brilliant strategy!... Do-nothing but try to impeach a vastly successful President, who looks like he is headed for a landslide victory, in November, and threaten 4 more years of the same, assuming we are stupid enough to reelect control of the House back to the imbeciles who gave us the first impeachment!!!

I would certainly agree with the prognosticators, about Trump's virtual certainty of reelection, provided all things continue as they are!!!  But, those evil "Deep Staters" have one more evil trick to play, and they should probably try it soon, between now, and July!

 Back on December 29th, of last year, I worried that if things looked desperate enough for the Democrats, as they do now, they might pull out their "Trump card" ( in more ways than one!!!).  In spite of the rhetoric, the leaders of the Democratic party are not stupid, just blinded by their greedy lust for power!!!  They know that an avowed Socialist, like Bernie Sanders, can win the candidacy, but can't beat Trump in the general election!!!  At least not as well as things are going with the Trump administration, so far!!!  But, if they were to sneak a "wrench" into the works, by creating a massive and painful economic recession, then Trump's credit for turning the economy around would disappear almost over night!!!

I suspect that their greed has more to do with power that is not just their own!!!  I smell European greed behind their reckless determination to get this President impeached, and now "un-elected", as soon as possible!!!  Add to that the embarrassing truth that Trump's freeing up of the economy has created a boom, while their Socialist utopia is swooning in recession, and one can understand the desperation for removing the economic competition!!!  I suspect the Socialists in the Democratic party, here, are taking their marching orders from Brussels, Belgium, which is desperate for relief!!!  If the Democrats can win the presidency, and the Congress, they will probably immediately try to abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, which will reward their services greatly, I'm sure!!!

The Federal Reserve has nurtured an undeserved reputation for political neutrality, for centuries!!!  President Abraham Lincoln realized this during the Civil War, when he had the Fed nationalized, back into the government, for the duration, because their policies were obviously intended to hurt the war effort, and not to promote the financial well-being of the country!!!  I suspect that the tradition of the officers of  today's Fed may be more loyal to the international financial interests of the European effort to develop the "One-World" Socialist government, than for the interests of America, and certainly not for a President who has become popular by "making America great again", which will continue to make it harder for Europe to come out of the recession they are presently experiencing!!!

President "H.W." Bush learned the hard way, about how much power the Fed can wield upon an election, when he ran for reelection, before the Fed raised interest rates to an unreasonably high level, and kept them high until the resulting recession threw the election for Clinton!!!   If anyone thinks they won't try it again, just remember that we are dealing with the second most powerful force in the Universe, (Satan) who cares nothing for America, and most likely hates us, because God loves us, and has blessed us so much, in the past!!!  The Devil wants to establish his "One-World" system for his Antichrist to take over, to use against God's people, in the last days!!!

Remember, the scripture I quoted two  posts ago (from Ephesians  6: 12) "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against (Satanic powers), against spiritual wickedness in high places."!!!   Likewise, flesh and blood can not overcome these forces, but the power of prayer can, if enough of us will humble ourselves to God, and cry out for His mercy!!!   So, how many of us are enough???  We need one more,... YOU!!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Credible Threat From China, Balanced Against Biblical Prophecy!!!

What I am about to write, I do with fear and trembling, because I am certainly unsure of the correctness of my understanding, and I am cognizant of the risk of fomenting an unnecessary, and unfounded panic among the American people!   I make my statements recognizing the limits of my authority, as an amateur analyst of  international developments, coupled with a significant balance in Biblical prophecy, which most others who have infinitely more understanding of world trends simply discount as irrelevant!

I have frequently written about the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy,  which was given by God to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago, to be fulfilled, "in the last days", (which was a term God used to describe the general era, somewhat before the end of the age, and preceding the return of Jesus to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth)!!!

This is both the basis for Bible-believing Christians to lend credibility to the prophecy, and the excuse for the unbelieving cynics to utterly discount it!!!  It is difficult even for Christians to believe in an unfulfilled prophecy that has lain dormant for 2500 years, until one views the developments of the world as setting up the very scenario that God described in His prophecy!

Today we have a very hostile Russia, that is sorely over-burdened by the trade sanctions placed upon them by President Trump, as a result of Russia's invasion of the Crimean peninsula, and subsequent annexation of half of the Ukraine.  Plus, we also have Iran chafing  under the sanctions that the Trump Administration placed upon them, to force them to the negotiating table over their continued efforts to develop a nuclear weapon capable of carrying out their professed plans to vaporize Israel, before they use the same nuclear missiles against us!!!

Before we dismiss these sanctions as being mere negotiating pressures, bare in mind that the World War II conflict in the Pacific began with Japan's invasion of  Pearl Harbor, in response to the sanctions that America placed upon them!!!   Remember,  the old adage, "'Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it!"  Could Russia,  and Iran form a malevolent invasion force, together with other Muslim nations, to invade Israel, to destroy the only Middle-Eastern threat to inhibit their desired conquest of the Arabian oil fields, which would give them relief from American sanctions, as well as  empower them to boycott all the Western  nations that cooperated with the American sanctions against them???  I submit that it is not only possible, but perhaps preferable to aggressive nations that resent America's interference in their hegemony,  to conquer the world!!!

I certainly agree with Trump's use of sanctions to curb the evil behavior of these nations.  But, I recognize that these nations' inclination is to resist violently, as long as they think they can get away with it!   For atheistic Russia, and the Muslim nations that believe in their own "prophecy" of Muslim conquest of the world, who also hate Israel, this scenario must seem to be very possible to carry out!!!  But, there is one great flaw in their thinking!!! The God of the Bible ( which none of these counties believe in) is not going to stand idly by while they destroy Israel off the map!!!  He has prophecied that He will miraculously help Israel victoriously overcome it's enemies, and turn their invasion into a panicked retreat!!!

Now, what follows is mostly speculation on my part!   No absolute credibility should  be extended to it!   I offer this as merely a possibility, which I would not even suggest, if the consequences of my being correct would not be so dire, for those who have no advance warning!!!

Ezekiel 39: 6 describes God as sending, "a fire (nuclear???) upon Magog (the retreating army of the nation, whose  ancient name was for the tribe that settled near Moscow), and among those that dwell carelessly in the ("coastlands", long considered to be America).  This could be Israel's response to the evil intended upon them, by Russia, coupled by an angry response by some other country who sympathizes with Russia  (like China???) and recognizes that this could be an opportunity to remove America's dominance of the world, as well as the sanctions we have placed upon them!!!  China certainly has the capacity to do so, the only question is, do they have the will to do it???   I for one don't trust them not to!!!  I leave the final judgement up to the individual reader!!!

For those who agree with my surmises,  if I am wrong, there is no reason to panic!!!   And, if I am right, there is still no reason to panic, for those of us who are Born-again Christians, for God has promised to protect us, even if it means He will "rapture" us all to Heaven before such a crisis can develop!!!   But, that same protection is not available for those who have not given their lives to Jesus, asking Him to forgive them of their sins, and be their personal Lord, and Savior!!!   I leave it to the individual reader, do you feel safe that all this is my wild imagination, and won't come to pass???  Or, should you prepare yourself, and your loved-ones, just in case!!!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Mea Culpa!!! I Repent, And I Hope Others Will Follow!!!

For the past several years, as I have written this Blog, I have written some terrible things about those whom I consider to be the outspoken, and demonstrable enemies of my country, and everything we stand for!!!  I am not sorry for any of it, as I have made a faithful effort to only write what I knew to be true, or what I believed others have demonstrated to be true, or what those who belligerently stand against us have admitted, themselves, to be true of themselves!!!

In doing so, it has been easy for me to seem to be spouting hatred  for those who stand against our country's values, when I have sincerely felt that I was merely condemning the values that they preached, while not intentionally preaching a consequential hatred of those who do the preaching!!!  I have intended that this was obvious in my writing, but upon reflection, I can see that it may not have been as obvious to the reader!!!

Since the intended readers of my Blog are hopefully of a like-minded Christian faith, or are subsequently moved to apply the principles of the heading at the top of each published page, to become "Born-Again" Christians, by faith in Jesus, it behooves me to clarify my editorial perspective, as "hating the sin, while loving the sinner"!!!  I realize that this "Christian cliché" is too easily professed, while hardly felt, but it is adamantly commanded by our Lord, for us all!   Even Nancy Pelosi was careful to correct the reporter who intimated that she hated conservatives, whether one tends to believe her protests, or not!  If she felt the need to confess her innocence of the charge, how can I not do the same, in case there is any confusion of my intentions!!!

I have frequently encouraged my readers to pray for a Holy Ghost Revival to sweep over this land to deliver us from the terrible disunity that is destroying our nation!!!  All the human reasoning of either the left, or right, will not effect great change on either side!  This is a spiritual battle we struggle with!  As the Bible says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."--Ephesians 6:12!!!

 Satan is the second most powerful force in the universe, second only to God, Himself, and he derives all of his power from God!!!  God can stop his evil ways at any time, but He chooses not to, unless enough of us earnestly pray that He will do so!!!  So, essentially, all this evil is our responsibility, to fall on our collective knees, and pray without ceasing, according to 2nd Chronicles 7:14, which says, "If my people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves,  and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land!!!"  

 Notice He says nothing about us thumping the sinners over their heads with the biggest Bible we can find, regardless of our desire to do so!!!  He is concerned with us recognizing our own sinful ways, which we can assume are nonexistent because of our faith in Jesus!!!  But, when we search our own hearts to examine if their is any unrepentant sin we have ignored within us, and we ask Jesus to forgive us of all of it, then He will, "cleanse us from all unrighteousness",  and heal our land!!!  We frequently get too caught up in trying to convince the other side of their sinful ways, which are obvious to us!  But they do not consider them as sins, so they will not repent, on their own!!!

But, if we examine ourselves, and repent of our sins, God will supernaturally do the rest, and bring them to their knees, in repentance!!!

There you have it folks!!!  The heavenly formula for saving this nation from the spiritual  depravity that the left has labored for so diligently , for several decades in this country, and for centuries in other countries, and God can defeat instantly, when He is satisfied that the above conditions have been met!!!  It's all up to us!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Philosophical Slide To Destroy America's Values, Over The Past 200 Years!!!

It began in the early 19th century, while America was in "it's infancy", having recently won an astounding victory over the most powerful military force in the world, in it's Revolutionary War!  Much of the rest of the world was awed by the success of this brash young nation, and some philosophers began to search out the reasons for America's success, against seemingly overwhelming odds!!!  France was especially interested, having just overthrown their monarchy, and faced an international war with that same "most powerful military force"!!!

One such philosopher was Alexis De Tocqueville, who travelled to America, to study what made America so great that they could defeat Britain, with a bunch of farmers, with muskets, and little else!  His conclusion was summed up in his famous quote that,  "America is great because America is good.  When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!!!"

The simplistic truth of this quote has been proven out many times over the past 200 years, in wars against totalitarian forces, that wished to enslave America, or at least destroy it's ability to resist their efforts to conquer other more hapless nations!

Now, we have a philosophy that accepts the truth of  De Tocqueville's analysis, but twists it around to use it to defeat America's ability to resist it's effort to conquer the world!!!  It's called "Communism", and it's more diabolical, yet seemingly innocuous form, "Socialism", which has captured the hearts of  millions of poverty-stricken people around the world!!!  By implying a great revolution to enrich the poor of the world, it really intends to enslave us all, and give us a "tip", while taking all the rest of our wealth, for themselves!

The formula for doing so, is to simply turn De Tocqueville's quote around, and "make America bad again", (or, "cease to be good") which is why so many people who strive to bring this to pass are so hostile to President Trump's efforts to, "make America great again"!!!   To corrupt America's values, from the inside, will automatically bring about De Tocqueville's  threat that, "...America will cease to be great!!!"

I have written before that the primary method for accomplishing this corruption, is to capture the hearts of the children, and to convince their gullible minds that America is evil, and that Socialism is the only true hope of "peace and freedom" for the world !!!   The "Deep Staters" within the Department of Education have been trying to do just that for decades, and until we abolish that department, and let the various States decide what the curriculum should be for their students, we will continue to have the disunion in our society, that is tearing us apart!!!

The impediment for this to happen is the fear that reverting the authority to decide the curriculum back to the states may open the door for racial discrimination, like we had in the early part of the 20th century!!!   But, the risk of that must be balanced against the reality of all of our children being turned into "good little Socialists", and driving us into the Antichrist's "One-World" Socialist government!!!

 It is no coincidence that the values to, "make America great again" are promoted mostly by the adult generations, while the resistance comes mostly from the youth, and those who recently graduated from the very colleges that used to teach the very values that have made America great for centuries, but now promote  Socialism, on their campuses!!!  The open hostility to conservatism on the campuses today, is reflective of the Socialist, and Communist, view that in order to get people (especially children) to believe a lie, it must be repeated over, and over again, to the exclusion of all opposing views!!!   Therefore, promoting groups like "Antifa", which supposedly stands for Anti-fascism, but uses violent, fascist tactics to drive anti-socialist speakers off their campuses, is a necessary tool to keep our children from ever learning the truth!!!  This is so successful that it frequently takes years for these students to realize the lies they have been taught, for decades, and some (like Bernie Sanders) apparently never do!!!

The choice, folks, is up to us!!!   We can cruise along blissfully allowing our children to be raised by Socialist teachers, while we visit them briefly, at night, and over the weekends, or we can put a stop to this lunacy, and take back control  of our children's education, and throw these "Deep Staters" out of work, permanently!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How To Rid Ourselves Of The Media Oligarchs Of Silicon Valley!!!

So, we thought that our Constitution guaranteed freedom of speech, and the press, etc.???   Well, we should guess again, folks!!!

The freedoms that were intentionally written by our Founding Fathers into the Constitution,  over two hundred, and thirty years ago could not have foreseen the development of  today's silicon valley oligarchs who have bought up major media outlets, to turn them into political propaganda distributors, and disseminators of misinformation along the lines of the Nazi German propaganda machine of the days before, and during the second world war!!!

Today, we have leftist oligarchs controlling most of the major news media outlets across the nation, (as we have recently seen in the President Trump impeachment process)!!!  So far, we have relief from this propaganda assault by way of the one conservative oligarch, and his major outlet, FOX NEWS, but what will happen when he passes away???  Will his children be as reliable as he has been in broadcasting the truth, or will they be tempted by the liberals to promote their disinformation lies???

The threat to the freedoms of our nation is so severe that drastic measures may need to be enforced!!!  Perhaps the stock market laws might be changed to not allow more than 100 shares of any media outlet to be owned by any single person, or, 200 shares to be owned by any person, plus a family member, no matter how distant the relationship!   And certainly no corporation, or conglomerate should be able to own more than 1000 shares of media stock, or a total of 1000 shares of a media stock, with its' derivatives!!!

I realize that these draconian rules will cause a brief disruption of the stock market, but the threat to our sovereignty is very real, and we can not allow despotic billionaires (like George Soros) to try and force us into trashing our Constitution, and joining the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, just because they drool over prospects of bribing Socialist bureaucrats to allow them to control the world's markets for their products!!!  Perhaps the advance notice of these rule changes, due to be enforced after the election, would give investors time to divest themselves safely, with no great disruption in the overall market!   But, something along this line must be done, to protect our nation, and our Constitution from the greedy manipulations of corporate billionaires, who have sacrificed  all patriotic fervor, for  their own selfish, greedy, desires!!!

And now, a shout out to all, "lying dog-faced pony soldiers", who are probably the same people that Hillary Clinton described as her, "basket of deplorables"!  I don't think Joe Biden has any more credibility at discerning character than Hillary did!!!  We should wear such slanderous terms as a badge of honor, considering the source!!!  Remember, the Bible says, " we wrestle not against flesh and blood", (no matter how offensive, and ignorant the source may be),..."but against the powers of darkness,... and spiritual wickedness in high places"!!!  Since God is on the side of those of us who bear such unwarranted, slanderous persecution (such as President Trump being impeached  for unfounded charges, only to be righteously acquitted), we should, "count it all joy when" we are "persecuted for righteousness sake"!!!  For we know that God will work it all out for our benefit , eventually!!!