The above statement was given by the high priest to the Pharisees, referring to Jesus, when he really meant the preservation of their political authority, rather than any concern for the people.
Today, we have another such "expedient" trial of an apparently innocent man, whose persecution fits the desires of our modern-day Pharisees, the Congressional Democrats, who wish to accuse him of absurd crimes in order to facilitate their desires to regain control of the Congress, after the Mid-term elections.
While I'm certainly not trying to compare Bret Kavanaugh to Christ, the approach is similar, as is the basis for it, though certainly on a smaller scale. While Christ was willing to die, for our sins (not His), Kavanaugh is suffering humiliating character assassination, in order to have his nomination to the Supreme Court be confirmed by the full Senate, or at least mostly by the Republicans.
I can't believe that God would allow him to go through this, and not be confirmed, as Jesus said we (all believing Christians) would suffer persecution ("for righteousness sake"), not for any other reason than that we believe in Him. I'm not saying that the Democrats realize that his faith in Christ is the real reason he is being persecuted, but spiritually that is the basis for it, no matter what they say is their reasoning, and certainly not for their lying excuses!!! (Jesus said, "If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also.")
The real short-term reason for their accusations, most of which border on the absurd, is simply to create a basis for endless F.B.I. investigations, that will keep the Senate from voting to confirm, until after the Mid-term elections, which historically have brought the previous losing party of the most recent presidential election to regain any lost power in the Congress. I guess this is because the losers are desperate to obstruct the winning President's efforts to govern, and many of the winning party's voters become complacent, and don't bother to vote, in the Mid-term elections. If there ever was a time when Republicans who voted for Trump, and support what he has been able to accomplish, so far, and what he has said he wants to do further, it is now, in the upcoming election, because the Democrats can be counted on to try and reverse his accomplishments, if they regain control of the Congress. And their mutually professed hatred of the President will guarantee that they will turn out a large voter block that buys into their lying, slander of everyone who agrees with the President.
There is only one way to defeat this kind of overwhelming bitterness, and that's through overcoming prayer, not only for a defeat of the Democrats, but for a nation-wide, Holy Spirit Revival. Previous Revivals have famously emptied the prisons, because people were simply not committing crimes! This is the kind of power that it will take to get these Democrats, and Socialists, to repent of their evil ways, and unite for the sake of our country, and not for their greedy power lusts!!!
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