Monday, September 10, 2018

The Left Is Terified Of Being Left...Behind!!!

Over the weekend we had Barack Obama explaining that the Trump economic expansion was really his, after all.  Why should this surprise us?   The main tool of deception used consistently by Leftist politicians is blatant outrageous lies.  They really believe that the American voter is a gullible idiot that will believe anything, no matter how much material evidence there is to the contrary.

The upcoming Mid-term elections should prove their beliefs either correct, or not, at least to this extent.  The extra cash the voters will carry in their pockets should be very material evidence that President Trump's policies (especially the Tax cuts, and the dissolving of the many Obama-era regulations that have been stifling American business for twelve years) are directly responsible for the recent economic recovery.  This is all so obvious that it has the Democrats desperately trying to confuse the issue by lying about the source of the recovery.

Obama had the gall to claim that the recovery started near the end of his presidency, as if by magic, through the natural development of his policies.  Well that's true, if you consider the economic growth of fractions of percentage points to signal the economic recovery from his record recession.  But, the rapid growth we have seen in the few months since Trump took over can only be truly explained by the policies he has instituted.

Yet, the very desperation of the Left to try and claim the recovery for themselves, shows how worried they are that they might not recover lost political power, and that they may actually lose some of what they still have (and deservedly so!).

They are desperate to recover their lost power, and as soon as possible, not because they want to help America, but because they want to destroy it!  I have written before that I believe the Left hates our Constitutional form of government, and wants to regain control of it so they can slowly destroy our economy, until we can be convinced that the Constitution is obsolete, and must be dissolved in favor of accepting membership in the European Socialist, One-World government.  This amounts to treason, in my book, yet we continue to view these people as the"loyal opposition" party!   "Opposition" certainly, but there is nothing loyal about them!!!  They recognize that they can have no unified One-World system as long as there is a better one here in America!  This is the real reason they hate Trump so much!  He represents the greatest obstacle to their conspiracy, yet!  He wants to "Make America Great Again",  right when they thought they were about to make it poor, with Hillary's continuance of Obama's destructive policies.  Trump was in their eyes the anti-Obama-era-contraction of the economy that would frustrate the people to the point of dissolving the Constitution!  Now we see why they want to get rid of Trump so badly, along with anyone else who wants to make America great, again!

The sad thing about these people is that they really believe the One-World Socialist system will work!  But the Bible clearly prophecies that the Antichrist will eventually take control of it, and use it to facilitate his reign of terror, that will make Nazi Germany look like kindergarten, by comparison!

Fortunately, God will only allow this to continue for seven years, after which He will allow Jesus to return, and establish His Kingdom, forever!!!  As I frequently have closed  previous posts, "...look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!

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