Thursday, October 18, 2018

I've Read The Last Chapter Of The Book...

...And I know how the story ends!!!

Last night I was watching Laura Ingraham, on her FOX NEWS program.  She was lamenting the obvious change in the Democrats of today, from the Democrats of the past.  It used to be understood that the Democrats of years past were merely the "loyal opposition", with differing views of socialist government versus capitalism.  Now, there is nothing loyal about today's Democrats...they just want to oppose everything!!!

I have been writing for years that I don't believe the Socialist Left, which includes the Democrats (whether they will admit it, or not) remain "loyal" Americans, any more.  They have found a government that they feel suits their "values", and they want it to supplant our own government, and they don't consider this as disloyal, at all!  They seem to believe in the textbook communist ideal that collective anarchy will lead to social change, for the better.  (Change, perhaps, but rarely for the better.)  Instead of blatantly wanting another country to take over ours, they seem to feel that our voluntary abolishing of the Constitution (which they consider to be a useless, and obsolete document), and agreeing to join the European One-World Socialist system would be the answer to all the world's problems,,, a sort of Utopian world, created by man, but somehow devoid of all the greedy, hegemonistic squabbling that has created all the problems of the world, throughout history.  How they intend to find a Leader to reign over all this power, benevolently, I can't guess!  The Bible (the book with the afore mentioned, "last chapter") prophesies that this One-World government will fail, disastrously, because it will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will reign over the most evil system in history, for seven years, until Jesus returns to destroy all the unsaved sinners of the world, and establish His truly benevolent Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

Like I said, "...I know how the story ends!", but how do you get people to believe it???  People who spend their entire lives searching for the best leader often find it hard to believe that God is the only one benevolent enough to rule the entire world peacefully.  They make bad choices, after bad choices, endlessly searching for better than the likes of Nixon, Bill Clinton, (and God forbid, Hillary!!!), or Obama.  I won't include Trump, yet;  he's done well, so far, but he's only human, and can only do so well, compared to God (in the incarnate form of His Son, Jesus Christ).  But, to drive the point home further, God will allow us to give the ultimate power of the world to a man who flatters his way into the world's confidence, only to reveal himself to be exponentially worse than Adolph Hitler!!!

What remains for us today is to resist this trend as long as possible, and leave the rest to God!!!  At this point in my writing, I usually say, "...look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!"

UPDATE;  10/20/2018--

Boy, those Russians (whomever they are) are sure clever!!!  Recently, I discovered that the three digit daily Pageview interest that had frequently shocked me, that was always attributed to Russian origin, had shifted first to a country called, "unknown origin" (which I am still ignorant as to where that is located), and later to France.   It usually occurred after I wrote a post about Russia's behavior, or that of their prophesied allies, in the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecies, and how their behavior seemed to be setting up for the possible fulfillment of the Last Days prophecy of their Middle-East invasion, given to Ezekiel, over 2000 years ago!  I immediately presumed that whomever it was in Russia that took such unusual interest in what I wrote, was somehow trying to disguise their place of origin, by re-locating to France, or that wonderful country of "unknown origin".

Today, I find that the unexpected triple-digit Pageviews, for yesterday's post, comes from a       country called America!  Some of you may have heard of it!

While I am flattered to think that my own country has finally taken such unusual interest in what I have to say, I can't help but be skeptical.  It seems more likely that whomever is responsible for disguising Russian origin is still trying to disguise his, or their origin.  But, I have trouble believing a 900% increase in my average daily American Pageview stats, is really from here!  But, keep on trying, whomever is doing this.  This is getting to be fun.  I wonder where they will be next?  Perhaps Swaziland, or Mongolia, or maybe Lower Slabovia!!!  They must be spending a lot of Russian capitol on multiple plane tickets, just to read my blog!!!

UPDATE, TO THE ABOVE UPDATE:  (ten minutes later)--

Interesting!   Just as I finished the above update, but before I could select the "Publish" button,  the whole page (original post, and all) simply disappeared, and left a blank page!!!  That leaves me to wonder if my blog server simply malfunctioned, or has "someone" (gee, I can't guess who!) taken to reading my posts as I type them, and trying to force me to not publish them!  As it only took a  few minutes to recover my post, I expect that more clever methods will be imposed on me, in the future!

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