Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Politics Of Desperation!

When the left finally realized that there was little they could do to stop Republicans from confirming Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, since the 2/3rds majority rule was ruled out by their former Democratic majority leader, they resorted to desperate histrionics to try and stall the proceedings until they can hopefully win back control of the Congress, in November.

First, they raised the issue of postponing the confirmation hearings until the remaining 150,000 documents they had asked for were released, with sufficient time to study them.  They have already had over 400,000 documents to study for months, more than the past five nominees, combined,  and it was obvious the documents were merely a stall tactic.

Today, as the confirmation hearings began, the Democratic Senators took turns interrupting the chairman's opening sentences to loudly protest their feigned outrage at not being given their desired postponement.  When they were ignored, several protestors (as if on cue) took turns disrupting the proceedings with their shouted tirades, until they were "escorted"  out of the chambers by the Capitol Police.

I'll admit the formal proceedings of the hearing were tiresome, and a bit pompous,  but such are the normal Congressional proceedings.  The disruptions were not only rude, they demonstrated the overall desperation of the Left, as they realize how hopelessly irrelevant their political power has become.  They are left with only two main efforts to stop the Trump agenda;  Deep State interference,  which may prove to be illegal, and prosecutable, after the Mid-term elections;  and public disruption of normal proceedings, which proves nothing but their own desperation!

All I can say is, thank God that Hillary Clinton lost!!!  May she continue to "rest" in the humiliating Hell of her own creation!!!

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