Will Donald ever develop the capacity to hear criticism without trying, lamely, to defend himself on Twitter? Recently, he was castigated by Irving Kristol, who said, "Just when you think a Trump administration might be all right..." Trump voluntarily puts his foot in his mouth, to make us wonder if he is capable of being President, after all. Someone has got to convince him to stop the Twitter remarks that he seems determined to use to challenge his critics upon. He must recognize that criticism comes with the job, and if you continue to try to defend yourself, you will only encourage more of the same. Shut up, Donald, and let others defend you, who can do a much better job, and will defer the rebuttals upon themselves.
I reiterate my previous opinion that Trump must surround himself with excellent (mostly Conservative) advisers, and counselors. But mostly, he has got to listen to them, and practice Ronald Reagan's habit of "delegating authority" to them. Especially since he seems to have such a "thin skin" for criticism. He should certainly expect it from the Losers of the Left, but his silly defenses encourage criticism from Conservatives as well.
It's nice to have a President who agrees with Conservative values, but if he can't keep his feet out of his mouth, how will that help Conservative values to be accepted by the nation as a whole?
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
What's Going On At Blogger???
Pleeeeeeeease stop messing with my blog!!! I suspect Blogger (or it's subsidiary "Blogspot") has just hired some new Geek who thinks he, or she has to establish the worth of their hiring by changing the format of our blogs. GROW UP IDIOT!!! Change is not always better. Please learn the difference between changing what was fine, into something that is less so, and changing something bad into something better! Apparently you have not figure that out yet!!!
When I have trouble figuring out how to sign-in to my own blog, so I can write my next Post, I fail to see that as an improvement, which should be the deciding factor in determining the need to "change things". Also, when your blurb touting the wonderful effects of your changes can't seem to be removed from the screen, after we have "got it", and are already sick of it, your blurb makes using your blog that much more difficult. It is getting to be so bad, that one has to contemplate leaving your service, and finding another service that will be more stable in their procedures!
I wonder if your bosses think your meddling with our abilities to use your advertised service is really an improvement to their system? I wonder if losing clients is really their intended purpose, too!
"Blogger's" customer interference continues...
When I first opened this Blog, several years ago, I opened it with my original E-mail address, from Yahoo.com. This year I also opened a G-mail account, for no particular reason. Lately I've discovered that someone, presumably with "Blogger", or their subsidiary at "Blogspot", has decided that my Yahoo address is no longer valid, and that I must sign in with my G-mail address. ("Coincidentally", G-mail is an account that is owned by Google, as are "Blogger", and "Blogspot". I wonder if that has anything to do with their decision that only their account would be acceptable in the future???)
This does not create a difficulty for me, but, on principle, it bugs me that someone is making these kinds of decisions for me about my blog, and there is nothing I can do about it!!! It is not bad enough yet, but if the trend continues, I will be forced to find another Blog Server!!! I did not give my server permission to edit, or change my Blog as it suits them! So far, they have not gotten to the point of censoring my Post content, but if it ever does, I will immediately be gone!!!
When I have trouble figuring out how to sign-in to my own blog, so I can write my next Post, I fail to see that as an improvement, which should be the deciding factor in determining the need to "change things". Also, when your blurb touting the wonderful effects of your changes can't seem to be removed from the screen, after we have "got it", and are already sick of it, your blurb makes using your blog that much more difficult. It is getting to be so bad, that one has to contemplate leaving your service, and finding another service that will be more stable in their procedures!
I wonder if your bosses think your meddling with our abilities to use your advertised service is really an improvement to their system? I wonder if losing clients is really their intended purpose, too!
"Blogger's" customer interference continues...
When I first opened this Blog, several years ago, I opened it with my original E-mail address, from Yahoo.com. This year I also opened a G-mail account, for no particular reason. Lately I've discovered that someone, presumably with "Blogger", or their subsidiary at "Blogspot", has decided that my Yahoo address is no longer valid, and that I must sign in with my G-mail address. ("Coincidentally", G-mail is an account that is owned by Google, as are "Blogger", and "Blogspot". I wonder if that has anything to do with their decision that only their account would be acceptable in the future???)
This does not create a difficulty for me, but, on principle, it bugs me that someone is making these kinds of decisions for me about my blog, and there is nothing I can do about it!!! It is not bad enough yet, but if the trend continues, I will be forced to find another Blog Server!!! I did not give my server permission to edit, or change my Blog as it suits them! So far, they have not gotten to the point of censoring my Post content, but if it ever does, I will immediately be gone!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
And Now The Campuses Are Rioting, Too...
What a surprise!!! The last bastion of overgrown spoiled brats is in turmoil over their favorite candidate losing the election for President. What a surprise!!! So, true to form for spoiled brats, they throw the over-grown equivalent of a tantrum, when they don't get their way, like when Hillary Clinton loses the election! [See update below...]
I wonder how many of these people actually bothered to vote? I strongly suspect that many of them didn't bother, because the mainstream media (see previous Post) had convinced them that Hillary was going to win, even without their votes. If so, it's another fine job of propaganda backfiring against their proponents, and again I say, "Does anyone, besides me, sense God's fingerprints all over this???"The Bible is replete with accounts of God making those who resist Him, and especially those who attack His people, do something stupid, in order to cause them to negate their overwhelming advantage, and bring about a shocking defeat. It's called, "God delights in using the foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the 'wise'"(quotation marks added). If I close my eyes, I think I can almost hear God chuckling to Himself! (Does God "chuckle"???)
But, I find it hard to believe this will continue long. Look at the demographics, here. We have what I strongly believe to be paid professional protesters rioting in the streets of California, and now we have our overgrown spoiled brats imitating them on college campuses. The difference is one of measurable self interest here. One is paid to riot, and the other pays a huge fee to get an education so they can earn an acceptable living upon graduation. I don't think the Campus rioting will continue long.
Having lived through the rioting on Kent State's Campus 45 years ago, I sense a totally different attitude now. We were a largely politically apathetic campus, then, and it took off-campus agitators (paid professionals???) to stir up enough angst to bring about the killing of four students, and wounding of 9 others. The issue then was the expansion of the fighting in the Viet Nam war, which the students knew they were a large part of the feeding grounds for military recruitment. They carefully protected their "student deferment" status, but they knew that expansion meant they might be drafted after graduation, if the war continued to escalate.
Today, students don't fear being drafted (we have an, "all volunteer military") and they are probably merely "acting out" their foolish fantasies (probably stimulated by my generation of leftist professors), before they calm down, and get back to studying, and attending classes. So, I expect this will calm down, soon. But the Secret Service, is really going to have their hands full protecting Trump, over the next four years. I wonder how many of those professional rioters are capable of following John Hinckley's example, with, or without Jodie Foster!
[Update: (Wed., 11/16/2016): Today I heard on FOX NEWS that, "112 protesters were arrested in Portland, Ore., by the police. During interviews it was discovered that 70% of them either didn't register to vote in the election, or didn't bother to vote." How about that, for my hunch turning out to be true!!! (Refer above to the second paragraph.)]
I wonder how many of these people actually bothered to vote? I strongly suspect that many of them didn't bother, because the mainstream media (see previous Post) had convinced them that Hillary was going to win, even without their votes. If so, it's another fine job of propaganda backfiring against their proponents, and again I say, "Does anyone, besides me, sense God's fingerprints all over this???"The Bible is replete with accounts of God making those who resist Him, and especially those who attack His people, do something stupid, in order to cause them to negate their overwhelming advantage, and bring about a shocking defeat. It's called, "God delights in using the foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the 'wise'"(quotation marks added). If I close my eyes, I think I can almost hear God chuckling to Himself! (Does God "chuckle"???)
But, I find it hard to believe this will continue long. Look at the demographics, here. We have what I strongly believe to be paid professional protesters rioting in the streets of California, and now we have our overgrown spoiled brats imitating them on college campuses. The difference is one of measurable self interest here. One is paid to riot, and the other pays a huge fee to get an education so they can earn an acceptable living upon graduation. I don't think the Campus rioting will continue long.
Having lived through the rioting on Kent State's Campus 45 years ago, I sense a totally different attitude now. We were a largely politically apathetic campus, then, and it took off-campus agitators (paid professionals???) to stir up enough angst to bring about the killing of four students, and wounding of 9 others. The issue then was the expansion of the fighting in the Viet Nam war, which the students knew they were a large part of the feeding grounds for military recruitment. They carefully protected their "student deferment" status, but they knew that expansion meant they might be drafted after graduation, if the war continued to escalate.
Today, students don't fear being drafted (we have an, "all volunteer military") and they are probably merely "acting out" their foolish fantasies (probably stimulated by my generation of leftist professors), before they calm down, and get back to studying, and attending classes. So, I expect this will calm down, soon. But the Secret Service, is really going to have their hands full protecting Trump, over the next four years. I wonder how many of those professional rioters are capable of following John Hinckley's example, with, or without Jodie Foster!
[Update: (Wed., 11/16/2016): Today I heard on FOX NEWS that, "112 protesters were arrested in Portland, Ore., by the police. During interviews it was discovered that 70% of them either didn't register to vote in the election, or didn't bother to vote." How about that, for my hunch turning out to be true!!! (Refer above to the second paragraph.)]
Friday, November 11, 2016
On Mainstream Media Bias...
I can't tell you how much I respect the mainstream media news outlets for their decades of "unbiased news reporting", especially leading up to this past Presidential election. "I can't tell you", at least not without using an outburst of profane expletives.
It was on October 17th (check the "Archive" list to the right of this column) that I bemoaned a report that I think was seen on an N.B.C. News broadcast, that said the "polls" indicated that "the Evangelical vote was apparently split evenly between Trump and Clinton". I followed that statement up by saying that I didn't "automatically trust any report heard on one of the 'mainstream media' news outlets", because they were well reputed to use their networks for the dissemination of propaganda, rather than accurrate news reporting, on a scale not seen since Hitler's Nazi Germany! I admit that the mere possibility that the story was accurate caused me quite a bit of concern, since it would render the influence of the Evangelical vote to zero; those for one candidate effectively cancelling out those for the other.
As it turns out, N.B.C. missed it by just "a little bit"!!! Results of the election indicate that Evangelicals voted about 81% for Trump, and 19% (or less?) for Hillary! And, their votes made up around 26% of the total vote!!! Way to go N.B.C. News! You've raised new standards for unfair-media-biased reporting, and your candidate lost, anyway! Does anybody sense God's "fingerprints" on these election results, besides me??? I've noted before that God delights in making fools of those who claim to be "wise", as many media pundits would have us believe they are. Perhaps the reporting of how effectively Hillary was supposed to be winning, against Trump, in spite of all the charges of illegal use of her position as Secretary of State, may have caused some Democrats to feel that voting was unnecessary for her to win the election, so they may not have bothered to go to the polls??? (I wonder how many Democrats remember [was it a New York Paper?] that proudly proclaimed, "Dewey Wins!!!" for their early morning edition. They apparently didn't ask Harry Truman's campaign about that!) If that's so, it would be a perfect case of lying propaganda having a completely reverse effect, from it's intent! I wonder how many of those outraged "Millennials", especially those who are showing their displeasure by rioting in the streets out on the "Left Coast", put half as much energy into going to the polls???
I said before that, "God delights in making fools of those who would be considered wise". Well, the converse is also true. He delights in using the "foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the wise"! If only Trump will recognize that his election victory was not a "plus" for his ego, but a resounding repudiation of Hillary Clinton, and her lackeys, he could be remembered as a great President. If he can keep from philandering with other women, he might even get re-elected in four years!
It was on October 17th (check the "Archive" list to the right of this column) that I bemoaned a report that I think was seen on an N.B.C. News broadcast, that said the "polls" indicated that "the Evangelical vote was apparently split evenly between Trump and Clinton". I followed that statement up by saying that I didn't "automatically trust any report heard on one of the 'mainstream media' news outlets", because they were well reputed to use their networks for the dissemination of propaganda, rather than accurrate news reporting, on a scale not seen since Hitler's Nazi Germany! I admit that the mere possibility that the story was accurate caused me quite a bit of concern, since it would render the influence of the Evangelical vote to zero; those for one candidate effectively cancelling out those for the other.
As it turns out, N.B.C. missed it by just "a little bit"!!! Results of the election indicate that Evangelicals voted about 81% for Trump, and 19% (or less?) for Hillary! And, their votes made up around 26% of the total vote!!! Way to go N.B.C. News! You've raised new standards for unfair-media-biased reporting, and your candidate lost, anyway! Does anybody sense God's "fingerprints" on these election results, besides me??? I've noted before that God delights in making fools of those who claim to be "wise", as many media pundits would have us believe they are. Perhaps the reporting of how effectively Hillary was supposed to be winning, against Trump, in spite of all the charges of illegal use of her position as Secretary of State, may have caused some Democrats to feel that voting was unnecessary for her to win the election, so they may not have bothered to go to the polls??? (I wonder how many Democrats remember [was it a New York Paper?] that proudly proclaimed, "Dewey Wins!!!" for their early morning edition. They apparently didn't ask Harry Truman's campaign about that!) If that's so, it would be a perfect case of lying propaganda having a completely reverse effect, from it's intent! I wonder how many of those outraged "Millennials", especially those who are showing their displeasure by rioting in the streets out on the "Left Coast", put half as much energy into going to the polls???
I said before that, "God delights in making fools of those who would be considered wise". Well, the converse is also true. He delights in using the "foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the wise"! If only Trump will recognize that his election victory was not a "plus" for his ego, but a resounding repudiation of Hillary Clinton, and her lackeys, he could be remembered as a great President. If he can keep from philandering with other women, he might even get re-elected in four years!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
So, Trump Is President... Now what???
I heard an interesting interview, today, on the "700 Club" T.V. show. It was an interview of an economist who has been advising Donald Trump on what he should do now, as he begins his term in office. He advised that the first thing he should do is scrap all the Executive Orders of President Obama, the first day of his term, and the first hour of the first day!!! I hardily concur!!!
Presidents, who are leaving office soon, traditionally make some of the most dastardly obnoxious pardons, and Executive Orders, of their entire administrations, simply because they can legally, and they don't have to stick around to "weather the storm" of criticism, for having done so. For that matter, Obama has already made some of the most obnoxious Executive Orders in history (consider the Guantanamo Bay releases). And, he still has almost three more months left to try and mess up the country as much as he can (and he can!), before he leaves office. Do I believe all this Democratic rot about how he, and the Clintons, are trying to unite with Trump's incoming administration to work out as "smooth a transition" as possible? Absolutely not!!! I wrote yesterday that I suspect they're playing "nicey-nice" to keep Trump from prosecuting Hillary, as he said he would. I wonder...
I remember Vice President Al Gore's staff leaving the White House with many telephone wires having been cut. This kind of petty behavior is juvenile,to say the least! It shows the kind of bitter mentality that is prevalent in the Democratic Party, when they lose elections. I would expect much worse from Obama's idiots in the White House, and will be flabbergasted if they manage to leave peacefully, let alone facilitate a "smooth transition"!
One point that the "700 Club" interviewee speculated on was that perhaps we are seeing a complete reversal of the party make -ups of the Democratic and Republican Parties. For decades the Democrats have been known as the party of the blue collar workers, and the Republicans have catered to the Wall Street corporate interests. Those trends were completely reversed in this election, and he wondered if a new trend has been formed, or was this an anomaly? I guess only God knows!
Presidents, who are leaving office soon, traditionally make some of the most dastardly obnoxious pardons, and Executive Orders, of their entire administrations, simply because they can legally, and they don't have to stick around to "weather the storm" of criticism, for having done so. For that matter, Obama has already made some of the most obnoxious Executive Orders in history (consider the Guantanamo Bay releases). And, he still has almost three more months left to try and mess up the country as much as he can (and he can!), before he leaves office. Do I believe all this Democratic rot about how he, and the Clintons, are trying to unite with Trump's incoming administration to work out as "smooth a transition" as possible? Absolutely not!!! I wrote yesterday that I suspect they're playing "nicey-nice" to keep Trump from prosecuting Hillary, as he said he would. I wonder...
I remember Vice President Al Gore's staff leaving the White House with many telephone wires having been cut. This kind of petty behavior is juvenile,to say the least! It shows the kind of bitter mentality that is prevalent in the Democratic Party, when they lose elections. I would expect much worse from Obama's idiots in the White House, and will be flabbergasted if they manage to leave peacefully, let alone facilitate a "smooth transition"!
One point that the "700 Club" interviewee speculated on was that perhaps we are seeing a complete reversal of the party make -ups of the Democratic and Republican Parties. For decades the Democrats have been known as the party of the blue collar workers, and the Republicans have catered to the Wall Street corporate interests. Those trends were completely reversed in this election, and he wondered if a new trend has been formed, or was this an anomaly? I guess only God knows!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
So, Now That Trump Won, Is Everything "Golden"???
No....We all have heard the adage about the "Price of freedom is eternal vigilance", and it is perhaps more pertinent than ever! A man like Trump may be "light years better" than Hillary, but anyone who says he is perfect wasn't listening during the campaign! The man is swamped in a massive ego problem, and winning the election can easily go to his swollen head, as it did for J.F.K., and F.D.R., who didn't appear to have Trump's ego problem, yet foolishly believed that infidelity could be kept from the public, and wouldn't effect their presidency at all. Trump's groping scandals will negate any efforts to sweep any philandering under the table. As hard as the mainstream media tried to put Clinton in office, they will be watching for any opportunity to force Trump out. Multiple sex scandals will be played up repeatedly, until a hostile Congress (with bitter Democrats, and self-serving establishment Republicans) would just love to impeach him! And, he'd better recognize this!
Trump has elucidated an ambitious platform throughout his campaign, and if he can comply with most of it, re-election will be easy. But, he must behave himself, after hours, and his reputation doesn't indicate he has the ability to do so. If he hires wise counselors, and actually listens to them, he may be able to do this. But, if he foolishly believes that his election was a mandate of personality worship rather than a blatant repudiation of the Clintons' corruption practices, he may go off on one of his old ego-manic delusions, where he imagines that every beautiful woman wants to sleep with him! If he does, we will see him shipped back to Trump Tower, and we'll be talking about President Pense, from then on!
As a side issue, I wonder if all this Democratic talk of "smooth transition", and popular unity behind the next administration, is genuine, or is it a negotiating ploy to get Trump to back off of any Clinton prosecution? And, will the Clinton camp try to claim voter fraud (from Russian hackers interfering with the ballot count)? I don't believe this thing is really over, yet!!!
For that matter, we don't even know yet if Trump is willing to accept these results as final! All his spouting about the election being "rigged", I wonder if he will accept winning any more than he probably wouldn't have accepted losing???
Trump has elucidated an ambitious platform throughout his campaign, and if he can comply with most of it, re-election will be easy. But, he must behave himself, after hours, and his reputation doesn't indicate he has the ability to do so. If he hires wise counselors, and actually listens to them, he may be able to do this. But, if he foolishly believes that his election was a mandate of personality worship rather than a blatant repudiation of the Clintons' corruption practices, he may go off on one of his old ego-manic delusions, where he imagines that every beautiful woman wants to sleep with him! If he does, we will see him shipped back to Trump Tower, and we'll be talking about President Pense, from then on!
As a side issue, I wonder if all this Democratic talk of "smooth transition", and popular unity behind the next administration, is genuine, or is it a negotiating ploy to get Trump to back off of any Clinton prosecution? And, will the Clinton camp try to claim voter fraud (from Russian hackers interfering with the ballot count)? I don't believe this thing is really over, yet!!!
For that matter, we don't even know yet if Trump is willing to accept these results as final! All his spouting about the election being "rigged", I wonder if he will accept winning any more than he probably wouldn't have accepted losing???
Sunday, November 6, 2016
If Trump Loses, Are We Lost???
Not as "Born-Again" Christians, we're not, though America may be down the tubes. If Hillary Wins, America will probably be inexorably driven away from it's Constitutional freedoms, beginning with the second Amendment (freedom to keep and bear arms), as was recently imposed upon Australia. An armed society can become dangerous when the Government tries to impose itself upon society, by taking away it's Constitutional freedoms, as Hillary seems bound to try. I strongly suspect that's the real motivation behind her desperate drive to take away the weapons from a free society. I don't believe she really cares a wit for the crime statistics; she wants to protect her imposing bureaucracy from outraged citizens when they finally realize what her administration is going to try to pull off.
Don't worry Mr. F.B.I agent, I don't own any guns, and I'm not promoting some kind of armed resistance to Hillary' administration. But, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see it all coming when gun owners (who will probably be duped into voting for Hillary) realize what they actually got for their vote, and realize that they have been horribly betrayed. Like I said , I don't have any guns, and I can take losing the election, even if it means my country ends up part of the Antichrist's socialist system, for One-World domination. But, I can see this coming, and as a Christian, I know that God is in control, and we will be all right, anyway. Pity the poor fool who is in for a very rude awakening, courtesy of Hillary's unconstitutional plans; and if they have guns,and don't believe in God, that's the very "powder keg" that Hillary fears the most. And rightly so!!!
As Christians, I don't believe we will have to live long in an Antichrist system, if at all, but we may have to endure the inexorable slide down the proverbial "slippery slope' into it. I don't believe America can be duped into willingly participating in this system. Not with so many Christians around. But if something caused all the Christians to disappear (like, maybe a "Rapture"???), then all the non-Christians could be easily duped into accepting it! Perhaps that's what lies ahead in the very near future! If so, again I say, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!" Praise the Lord!
Don't worry Mr. F.B.I agent, I don't own any guns, and I'm not promoting some kind of armed resistance to Hillary' administration. But, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see it all coming when gun owners (who will probably be duped into voting for Hillary) realize what they actually got for their vote, and realize that they have been horribly betrayed. Like I said , I don't have any guns, and I can take losing the election, even if it means my country ends up part of the Antichrist's socialist system, for One-World domination. But, I can see this coming, and as a Christian, I know that God is in control, and we will be all right, anyway. Pity the poor fool who is in for a very rude awakening, courtesy of Hillary's unconstitutional plans; and if they have guns,and don't believe in God, that's the very "powder keg" that Hillary fears the most. And rightly so!!!
As Christians, I don't believe we will have to live long in an Antichrist system, if at all, but we may have to endure the inexorable slide down the proverbial "slippery slope' into it. I don't believe America can be duped into willingly participating in this system. Not with so many Christians around. But if something caused all the Christians to disappear (like, maybe a "Rapture"???), then all the non-Christians could be easily duped into accepting it! Perhaps that's what lies ahead in the very near future! If so, again I say, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!" Praise the Lord!
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