Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Humiliation Of False Prophecy

From day one I have always professed that I am not trying to pretend that I am a prophet of some kind, or other, fearing that my inevitable inaccuracy would soon expose the lie in that. I came dangerously close to violating that important positon last December 11th when I stated that, "I wouldn't be surprised if..." the Russian invasion of Israel (prophesied by Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago) happened either last summer, or this winter. Middle-East wars tend to be fought when the ground is dry enough to support mass transportation (chariots, in ancient times; and tanks, trucks, and artillery, in modern times). Well, I was humiliated to be pathetically wrong, even though my presumptions were sound, and the same conditions will simply roll over for each successive year until it does happen. My embarrassment was in being impatient with the apparent fulfillment of God's prophecies, for which He has been patient enough to wait 2500 years to fulfill them. Since I don't quite have another 2500 years to wait, my impatience forced me to expect immediate fulfillment (which could easily happen). The negotiations that are set to take place between Syria's Assad regime, and the rebel forces, may put my expectations on hold, while somehow giving Putin breathing room to solidify his Russian invasion forces, and tighten his alliances with the prophecied Arab countries that will unite with him. If anyone actually believes Putin's promises to begin to draw down his forces, let me remind you of the statement of one of his heroes, Lenin, who said that, "Promises are like pie crusts; they are made to be broken." But I forgot that God never asked my opinion on when He will choose to bring it all to pass, and He's not likely to do so any time soon! So, I'll swallow my pride and keep expecting it each summer, and a bit less so each following winter, until it happens. But, rest assured, it will happen, and I believe that it will happen sooner, rather than later! More than that, I can not guess.

The reason I'm writing about it now is because of yesterday's tragic terror bombings in Brussels, Belgium, which revealed the problem decent people face, worldwide, in trying to respond to the humanitarian need for compassion for the refugees of Syria's war zone, balanced against the obvious concern for not allowing terrorists to slip into our countries, undetected, to carry out further acts of domestic terrorism, on our home turf. The conundrum this creates is too difficult for our human minds to successfully deal with. My point is that we need not despair, for God is not limited by our feeble brains! The prophecy of Ezekiel 38, & 39 makes it quite clear that this apparently runaway international terrorism, for which we seem to be unable to do more than merely limit it's effects, but not stop it outright, will be brought effectively under control when He destroys (in some manner that is not quite clear) the Middle-East Invasion Force (up to 83 1/3rd %), slamming this concept of "international Jihad" to a screeching halt!!! The international terrorists will simply hide quietly, and generally stop their evil ways, if not their evil, false religion, when they realize that their belief in the Islamic worldwide Caliphate is at least not yet to be, if ever. Without the "safe" zone of their so-called Caliphate to repair to, I suspect many of these "courageous" Jihadists will become quite cowardly. I suspect that God will give them this seven year period to effectively question the correctness of their Muslim beliefs, and to repent and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, before it's too late! After which God will get the glory, and His Chosen people (Israel) will know that He still loves them, as he reveals Himself to them through their salvation from their blood enemies, for at least seven years. After that, those of us who believe will be watching what happens from Heaven, after we are "Raptured" by the Lord. And frankly, I personally don't much care what happens then, 'cause it won't directly effect me at all!!! Praise the Lord!!!

For those of you who find my enthusiasm for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel prophecy a bit bloodthirsty, I would caution you to try and view it from God's perspective. He has been patiently watching us, His creation, for thousands of years! This includes the holocaust of 6 million of His Chosen People, by the Nazis, some sixty years ago. Now we have another people bent on finishing the job that Hitler started, and adding to it those of us Christians who resist them! I don't think He appreciates that very much!!! Then there is the admonition that He, "...will have mercy on whom I will have mercy." The implication is that the opposite (in the negative) also holds true! Forgive me if I seem to have trouble believing that the I.S.I.S. head-hunters fall into the former category!!!

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