"How long,oh Lord, holy and true...?" is a famous Biblical quote from Revelation 6:10, expressing the exasperation of those martyred believers who are already in Heaven, desperately awaiting the return of Jesus Christ to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and destroy an evil and sinful world, once, and for all. They are patiently, and lovingly rebuked for their understandable impatience, while being reminded that there are still others who must be given the opportunity to be martyred so they could be brought to heaven for their ultimate, and eternal reward, which is not available for the rest of us, though the reward for all believers who die in their faith in Jesus will be equally eternal (how can one person's eternity be less than another's?) , and wonderful beyond our wildest imaginations! Whatever all this entails, it is apparently God's purpose to wait until this evil world has run it's full course, and those believers who stand for the Lord, and His Gospel, suffer martyrdom, both as a testament for their faith, and a condemnation of those who stand for the great evil that will envelope the world, in the Last Days. His plan will be carried out to the end, even though He already knows who will eventually come to a saving faith in Jesus, and who will not. I guess this is so no one can complain that they were "not given a chance" and therefore God's judgement against them is "unfair". And He is the only one who knows when that "end" will come; when the very last person to come to the Lord will already have done so! And, frankly, He ain't telling us when that will be!!!
This crazy Presidential campaign, at least for the Republican candidates, has become somewhat similar, though certainly in a much more insignificant, and less deadly manner. It's becoming clear that the Republican voters are angry at the "Washington Establishment", but I question whether they are yet "fed up". It's one thing to realize that there is a problem, and quite another to recognize the best solution for it. I think they are mostly angry at the Obama Administration, and the steady deterioration of America's position in the geopolitical world, economically, and with Obama' defunding of the military,and the defense department.
On the other hand, the Democrats appear to not only be comfortable with the degrading of our Constitutional government, but want the decline to be increased, either with a Socialist President, or an undeclared Socialist, who may be the first ever indicted candidate, to be elected President, on the way to jail! I guess they will have to learn the hard way, and force the rest of us to suffer with them while they do.
My main concern for today's political movement is the establishment wing of the Republican party; the so-called moderates. They don't realize it but they are the real cause of what is wrong with our politics, today. And you can throw in any Democrats who are uncertain about Hillary, and Bernie, but will vote for one of them just because their family members, and friends say they should! These are the real people who are most responsible for giving us someone like Obama in the White House, and likewise the Democratic idiots in Congress, who controlled the Senate for years, before 2012.
These people are so used to compromising their views, just to "get along" with others that we now have a state of government that is run by Liberals who want nothing more than to perpetuate their own aggrandizement, and fatten their own pockets. And the Federal Bureaucracy that is made up mostly of Liberals, and Moderates, acting out their own personal agendas, can not be easily fired (and perhaps not even legally, due to their labor contracts), for any level of incompetence, such as Lois Lerner's vendetta against the Tea Party movement, recently. I almost puked when I saw Hillary's campaign slogan today, which read, "Fighting for us". My reaction was, "I'll bet the 'us' in that slogan is not meant to stand for 'United States', but rather for those members of her immediate family: herself, Bill, Chelsea, and maybe (to a lesser extent) those who helped her get where she is (especially if they can finagle her out of jail-time)! After all, we must take pity on a family that is as poor as she recently characterized them. That is until it was reported that Bill was earning millions from his speaking tours.
Donald Trump seems to be cut from the same clothe; I'll bet he is fairly drooling over his prospects of profiting from a possible victory. He would presumably turn over his business holdings to his sons, who I'll bet would have no trouble getting government contracts for any Administration business dealings. Those expensive I.R.S. junkets would probably be scheduled for Donald's casinos, for the duration of his presidency.
Trump seems to be garnering all the secular, angry, Conservative voters, and sadly some of the Evangelicals seem to be swayed by his generalized diatribes, as well. Frankly, he's welcome to all of the White Supremacist voters he wants, we don't have much in common except for a hatred of Obama's Administration. I hate it for what they have done to our country; while they probably can't see past the color of his skin.
I just hope this country wakes up before November, and realizes that it takes more than anger to solve problems. Perhaps an Evangelical Christian candidate should run on a third party ticket, even if it would guarantee a Democratic victory. After all, no matter how badly the Democrats can screw things up, God is still in control, and He will clean up our mess someday!!!
Just a thought...It seems as if a split within the Republican Party could be permanent, especially if Donald Trump wins the electoral lottery, but the Party Big-Wigs (translation: Wall Street Establishment "Moderates") manage to finagle a brokered convention into choosing someone else. Perhaps the conservative wing of the party would finally wise up to the fact that the Establishment Republicans would never allow a really conservative candidate to run their Party, excluding Ronald Reagan, of course, and let the moderates try to win an election without them. That's not to say that I think Donald Trump is a conservative, but he has supported enough Conservative issues that I think the "handwriting is on the wall". Or will Trump win the nomination, outright, and the Establishment Moderates go with their wishy-washy, warmed-over candidate, Mitt Romney, for one more last-ditch effort at pablum politics???
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