"... meant it for good!"
One recalls the famous quote of Joseph, who had been cast into an Egyptian prison by his treacherous owners; a slave, sold by his jealous brothers, falsely accused of something he was innocent of...only to be raised up as the Egyptian equivalent of what we might call today the "Prime Minister" of the Egyptian empire. It couldn't have looked much worse for him, while in prison, and yet God had great future plans for him, because He knew Joseph's obedient heart. God even knew of the four Hundred years of slavery that Joseph's people would endure, just so He could glorify Himself by forcing another Pharaoh to "Let my people go!", or ELSE!!! (times ten!).
This same God works the same today as He did thousands of years ago, with the faithful people of this generation, who will wait for His good timing. Case in point: Cuba, that bastion of Marxist domination, and atheistic persecution of His people in their land, since the early 1960's. Obama has endeavored to "open the doors" to the worst Communist nation in the western hemisphere, this year. I'm sure he did not intend to stimulate the Christian revival that is spreading like wildfire across the island, which has been apparently growing in thousands of house-churches since the Communist regime collapsed in Russia, in the late 1980's.
Obama's intent could more likely be presumed to open America to the increased communist indoctrination that could be expected to grow out of increased trade between our two countries. But, a story on today's "700 CLUB" showed that God is still in the business of using evil people to accomplish His good purposes, in spite of their evil intentions.
When Russia's Communist empire collapsed, they intended to cut their financial ties with all their satellite dependents, in order to desperately try and hold onto their own country's economy. Meanwhile, God used this opportunity to bring about His Revival among the churches of those countries that had been so starved for Christian faith for nearly 100 years. Apparently, what we're seeing in Cuba stems from that. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Cuban missionaries coming to that heathen nation, America, soon!
On the same show ,today, a story about the turmoil in Syria, and Iraq leading to a new semi-allied cooperation between the historical enemies of Israel, and their formerly hostile neighbors Egypt, and Saudi Arabia! (God truly does, "work in mysterious ways,..."!) The Egyptians, and the Saudis apparently have concluded that the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon are more of an immediate threat to their safety, than Israel is, and therefore, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", etc. I wouldn't be surprised to see a scenario work out something like this: Iran decides it's nuclear missiles are so deadly, that it tries to launch a first-strike attack on Saudi Arabia...and Israel's American supplied Patriot anti-missile missiles knock them down. Then Israel retaliates with it's own strike, pulverizing Iran (see Jeremiah 50, and 51???). Russia would be bound to honor it's alliance with Iran, by attacking Israel, which would probably have enough Patriots left to shoot down their missiles, and then wipe out the Russian forces in Syria. America would then be forced to consider defending our ally, Israel, by attacking Russia, knowing that a full scale nuclear war would break out between us. (Is this the "fire" that God promises in Ezekiel 38, & 39 that He will bring upon Magog [an ancient name for the tribe that would eventually settle in the area of present-day Moscow], and a country that He refers to as living peacefully on their "coastlands"?) Is America that country??? Many Bible scholars have thought so, for many years!
This could never happen on Obama's watch, and probably not, under president "Hillary", or "Bernie", either. So, am I about to change my presumption that some idiot Democrat will win the 2016 Presidential election, so they can further destroy America's greatness, in preparation for the Anti-Christ's rise to control over a one-world government? Perhaps so; Donald Trump seems to be bent on proving that the Republicans can come up with every bit as good of an idiot as the Democrats can! My earlier assumption was that we would still be here, and that we would have to be a third-rate power by then. But, perhaps we aren't even around any more! Perhaps "President Trump" pushes the button for a strike on Russia, and Jesus sends his angels to "Rapture" His Church, before Russia can retaliate! Frankly, I don't much care which!!! I am convinced the "Rapture" is coming, I just can't guess when. But, either way, "Even so! Come quickly, Lord Jesus...!"
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