I have become very impressed with some of the candidates of the Republican Party's campaign for the 2016 Presidential election. That is why I am convinced that they will lose the election, not because they are unqualified to restore America to it's former position as the leader of world's geopolitical system, but because they are indeed very capable of doing just that, and I don't see that as being consistent with God's plan for the last days. There are several candidates who seem very capable (with the exception of Donald Trump, and his insufferable ego).
Remember, God is interested in saving the whole world from it's sinful foolishness, at least those who will repent, before it's too late. He is not interested in saving America, and letting the rest of the world go to Hell (literally), which would be very easy for me to do, if I were God. But let us all rejoice that I am not God, nor is He anyone like me, because if He were, we would all be sent to Hell, in spite of Jesus' dying upon the cross for our sins; simply because we deserved it! And I would have to include myself, as The Apostle Paul said of himself, for I am, "the cheifest of sinners". So, if I were God, the entire Human race would have to be condemned to Hell, and I would have to start over, with a new "Human race". Thank God he sent Jesus to the earth, to die for our sins, that we all might be saved from the judgement we deserve! (At least those of us who will admit we are sinners, in need of His forgiveness, and salvation.)
Anyway, as I've written before, I don't see America being restored to it's previous prominence, and God allowing the Antichrist to rise to his position as the leader of the One-world, international socialist system. If we are indeed in the last days, before the Lord returns to judge the world, then America must "decrease", as John the Baptist said, about his ministry declining, so that Jesus' ministry could "increase". The Antichrist must have his free reign to establish his system (counterfeiting the Lord's Kingdom of Heaven, on earth), so everyone can chose between his, and the Lord's plan, to establish His Kingdom. If the qualified Republican candidates actually win in 2016, then we must not yet be in the last days, as I believe we are. In the words of that great philosopher, Rosanna Danna, from the "Saturday Night Live", of the 1980's, I would have to humbly say, "never mind!", and wait for evidence of that day, yet to come.
But, as I do believe we are rushing headlong into the last days, I also believe that Satan's delusions will cause enough people to want some simpering socialist, like Hillary, Joe, or Bernie to lead us into our final destruction of America's Constitutional government, so the Antichrist can come to his position of world domination. Then those who receive his "mark of the Beast" will have seven years of economic ease, and a whole eternity to regret taking the easy way out.
Don't get me wrong; I am not saying we should not vote for the best candidate. We certainly have a responsibility to do just that. But, if I'm right, it won't be enough to overcome Satan's strong delusion, which God will have to allow, to bring about the trying of the world, in the Last Days.
May God have mercy on us all!!!
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