The Apostle Paul made this distinction clear when he wrote the admonishment to, "Be angry, and sin not". For any true believing Christian, this is an unimpeachable distinction. I believe there is also a clear distinction between, "Thou shalt not kill" (meaning the taking of a life that is innocent of any capital crime) and the execution of those who are legally convicted of such (the "Death Penalty").
I recently received a comment that I did not feel was worthy of general publication which was apparently in response to some of my criticism of our moronic President (the most pathetic form of idiocy: that of dogmatic, philosophical choice, rather than an abiding lack of intelligence, of which Obama is definitely not lacking in the latter and overwhelmed by the former) , stating that this person did not feel the President would "finish his second term". I suppose he felt I would agree with this sympathetically, and he even felt there was Biblical evidence to support such hate-mongering.
Well, let's be clear that I do not! It is one thing to be appalled at the buffoonery that emotes daily from the White House, and another thing to think that it can be rectified by Gestapo tactics, or even the desire for such. Jesus dealt with that when He said, "He that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword." That applies to knives, guns, bazookas, bombs, etc. Another way of expressing this is the old adage, "what goes around comes around." Any way of removing this or any other politician from office, other than by legal election would have dire consequences for any desirable politician who replaced him, or her. I would dearly like to see Obama out of office, and the rest of his imbecilic administration with him. But what's the point, if he is just going to be replaced by someone just as bad, or even worse (like any of the current, and one of the projected possible Democratic Presidential candidates). I wrote last July that it seemed to me that Obama might actually be trying to get himself impeached, with all of his quasi-legal Executive Actions, that could not possibly stand a righteous Supreme Court challenge. But recent Supreme Court rulings have shown us we can expect this Court to use every opportunity to overstep it's authority, rather than be restrained by it's Constitutional powers. It would be the greatest mistake for the Republican House to impeach Obama, realizing that the Democratic-heavy Senate would never convict him; and even if it did we would be giving the likes of our truly moronic Vice President the opportunity to pretend to act presidential, just in time to throw the 2016 election in his favor, and then we'd be right back in the same mess we're in now, for four more, or even eight more years.
The problem, in America today, is not the moronic politicians in office. I'm sorry to say it, folks, but we elected these idiots, and we deserve what we got! They are not the problem; we are!!! And until, or unless, we repent of our collective sinful lunacy we can expect more of these idiots to be running rough-shod over our nation, until we no longer have it! America is rushing head-long into God's judgment and we by-and-large don't even believe in the God who is going to judge us, and who warned us thousands of years ago that He would do so if we didn't repent. The so-called "progressives" of the liberal Democrats, and Socialists honestly believe that the principles He gave us thousands of years ago are "out of date" and need to be replaced, by the modern morality of today. The book of Romans told us of the foolishness of contemporary morality that rejected time-honored principles when it described those that professed, "...themselves wise," only to find they've "...become fools".
The judgment of Sodom, and Gomorrah may be just around the corner!
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