Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nature Abhors A Vacuum; And So Does Putin

I'm so glad that Putin met with Obama yesterday to work out their concerns for any misunderstandings concerning the recent Russian military buildup at a Syrian Air Base, in northwestern Syria. One might easily misinterpret such a buildup (which has been described as the, "largest buildup of Russian military forces, outside of the former U.S.S.R. borders, in Russia's history") for a full-scale Russian invasion of the entire Middle-East! I'm so glad that Mr. Putin set the record straight in that regard. After all, we know that he has such an excellent track record in telling us the truth about his intentions, especially concerning his humanitarian efforts to help the poor, afflicted Ukrainian rebels, who spontaneously rebelled against their former government, totally without any Russian instigation, or any Russian troops disguised as civilian rebel troops, although they all wore the same type of camouflage fatigues, making it appear as though they had been issued from the same army supplies. And isn't it strange that they were all carrying weapons similar to those that would be issued to the most crack Russian Army units, as well as that passenger aircraft that was mistakenly shot down by non-Russian soldiers, firing non-Russian missiles, that had not been given to them by their non-Russian forces, just across their border with non-Russia!

I love it when potential enemies can get together and work out their differences peacefully, even while the rest of the world seems to be going to "Hell-in-a-hand-basket". Thank God for Obama's great Diplomatic wisdom, which has to rank every bit as highly (in my estimation) with the likes of that great "Collaborator", British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. He, of the great treaty with Adolph Hitler, who proudly proclaimed, "peace in our time", just before Germany invaded Poland at the outset of World War II. Or as Julius Caesar might easily gasp out, if he were alive today, "Et tu, Obama?", as he pulled yet another dagger out of his back.

But, now we know that the sole purpose for the Russian military buildup in Syria is to fill the void left when Obama pulled the American forces out of Iraq, only to create the opportunity for the likes of I.S.I.S. to take over, with disastrous consequences. But, what I don't understand is why Putin continues the buildup way beyond what would be necessary to wipe out the I.S.I.S. rebels. It almost seems like he has an ulterior motive that he is not telling us about. Could it be that he is really intending to invade the entire Middle-East, with the goal of conquering the Gulf-States' oil reserves, while sicking the Israelis' Muslim neighbors on them to keep them from interfering with his plans??? Naw, that couldn't be the devious intentions of a man who is so openly agreeable with our great Diplomat-In-Chief. Why, I can just hear Obama now, asking Putin if he, "has come...to take a great spoil?" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for that one; it's got Obama's fingerprints all over it.)

Oh well...I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same, right Mr. Chamberlain??? Someone please tell Putin to put the vacuum away, when he's done with it. Obama might need it again sometime later.

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