Two professional blowhards blasted the airwaves with their hot air today. One was American, and really should know better. The other has spent a lifetime doing nothing else, and has professed so many lies so glibly that he probably believes his own lies, no matter how outrageous they are. The former would be laughably pathetic, if the issue at hand were not so traumatic; the latter is far too dangerous to ignore.
First, we have Planned Parenthood's excuse for a CEO., Cecilia Richards crying foul against the investigative journalists who made the clandestine films showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the "harvesting" of fetal tissue samples from abortions, in order to sell the samples to stem cell research laboratories, as if the moral outrage should be against the manner in which the evidence was gathered (hello "Miranda Law", which requires a silly Lawyerese recitation, lest all evidence against the accused perpetrator be forcefully disregarded, no matter how pertinent, or how heinous the crime), and not the doctors who are professionally sworn to "do no one any harm". Where is the moral perspective in this? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that today's Public Relations courses, in agreement with most Law Schools in the land, teach their students that lying, in the face of obvious guilt, no matter how blatant, is an effective way of trying to throw their accusers off balance long enough to minimize the appearance of guilt. I really don't see much hope of it being effective here, as far as eliminating the appearance of guilt. But, as far as stopping the horrible abuse to unborn babies, for which they are absolutely guilty, I'm afraid there are too many dogmatic Feminists in the land, and too many cowardly, and immoral Democratic politicians in Congress who are either afraid, or unwilling to stand up to them, even with a painful government shutdown. We'll have to leave the punishment for this sinful practice up to the Lord, and believe me He will settle accounts in this regard, eventually!
Secondly, we have Russia's President Putin formally getting "permission" to deploy Russian Army troops in Syria, which is supposedly required by Russian Law (as if Putin were not the absolute dictator that we all know he is). Then, he has the gall to demand that American jets (and presumably N.A.T.O. jets) stop flying over Syrian territory, which essentially means "butt out of the war, altogether". If we were to do that, Russia would quickly obliterate both I.S.I.S., and any legitimate Syrian rebels immediately. Since that is out of the question, he is saying we risk an American/Russian conflict which could quickly escalate into a nuclear confrontation. As we all recognize that President Obama has the backbone of a paramecium, when it comes to military confrontation, and Putin knows this, too (and is counting on this, no doubt), I expect that Obama, and his cowardly Democrats in Congress will cave in and back out of any possible Syrian confrontation. He will probably declare victory (which is typical) before he withdraws, with his "tail between his legs". Then, Putin will have free reign to execute his Middle-East invasion, which is his true purpose, without the risk of any American jets around to hinder his plans (which Obama wouldn't have the guts to do, anyway). Thank God that He is not afraid to clean up the mess that Obama has allowed to develop, and He will protect Israel in the process. Then we'll see how fast Putin can "turn tail, and run"!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Nature Abhors A Vacuum; And So Does Putin
I'm so glad that Putin met with Obama yesterday to work out their concerns for any misunderstandings concerning the recent Russian military buildup at a Syrian Air Base, in northwestern Syria. One might easily misinterpret such a buildup (which has been described as the, "largest buildup of Russian military forces, outside of the former U.S.S.R. borders, in Russia's history") for a full-scale Russian invasion of the entire Middle-East! I'm so glad that Mr. Putin set the record straight in that regard. After all, we know that he has such an excellent track record in telling us the truth about his intentions, especially concerning his humanitarian efforts to help the poor, afflicted Ukrainian rebels, who spontaneously rebelled against their former government, totally without any Russian instigation, or any Russian troops disguised as civilian rebel troops, although they all wore the same type of camouflage fatigues, making it appear as though they had been issued from the same army supplies. And isn't it strange that they were all carrying weapons similar to those that would be issued to the most crack Russian Army units, as well as that passenger aircraft that was mistakenly shot down by non-Russian soldiers, firing non-Russian missiles, that had not been given to them by their non-Russian forces, just across their border with non-Russia!
I love it when potential enemies can get together and work out their differences peacefully, even while the rest of the world seems to be going to "Hell-in-a-hand-basket". Thank God for Obama's great Diplomatic wisdom, which has to rank every bit as highly (in my estimation) with the likes of that great "Collaborator", British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. He, of the great treaty with Adolph Hitler, who proudly proclaimed, "peace in our time", just before Germany invaded Poland at the outset of World War II. Or as Julius Caesar might easily gasp out, if he were alive today, "Et tu, Obama?", as he pulled yet another dagger out of his back.
But, now we know that the sole purpose for the Russian military buildup in Syria is to fill the void left when Obama pulled the American forces out of Iraq, only to create the opportunity for the likes of I.S.I.S. to take over, with disastrous consequences. But, what I don't understand is why Putin continues the buildup way beyond what would be necessary to wipe out the I.S.I.S. rebels. It almost seems like he has an ulterior motive that he is not telling us about. Could it be that he is really intending to invade the entire Middle-East, with the goal of conquering the Gulf-States' oil reserves, while sicking the Israelis' Muslim neighbors on them to keep them from interfering with his plans??? Naw, that couldn't be the devious intentions of a man who is so openly agreeable with our great Diplomat-In-Chief. Why, I can just hear Obama now, asking Putin if he, "has take a great spoil?" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for that one; it's got Obama's fingerprints all over it.)
Oh well...I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same, right Mr. Chamberlain??? Someone please tell Putin to put the vacuum away, when he's done with it. Obama might need it again sometime later.
I love it when potential enemies can get together and work out their differences peacefully, even while the rest of the world seems to be going to "Hell-in-a-hand-basket". Thank God for Obama's great Diplomatic wisdom, which has to rank every bit as highly (in my estimation) with the likes of that great "Collaborator", British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. He, of the great treaty with Adolph Hitler, who proudly proclaimed, "peace in our time", just before Germany invaded Poland at the outset of World War II. Or as Julius Caesar might easily gasp out, if he were alive today, "Et tu, Obama?", as he pulled yet another dagger out of his back.
But, now we know that the sole purpose for the Russian military buildup in Syria is to fill the void left when Obama pulled the American forces out of Iraq, only to create the opportunity for the likes of I.S.I.S. to take over, with disastrous consequences. But, what I don't understand is why Putin continues the buildup way beyond what would be necessary to wipe out the I.S.I.S. rebels. It almost seems like he has an ulterior motive that he is not telling us about. Could it be that he is really intending to invade the entire Middle-East, with the goal of conquering the Gulf-States' oil reserves, while sicking the Israelis' Muslim neighbors on them to keep them from interfering with his plans??? Naw, that couldn't be the devious intentions of a man who is so openly agreeable with our great Diplomat-In-Chief. Why, I can just hear Obama now, asking Putin if he, "has take a great spoil?" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for that one; it's got Obama's fingerprints all over it.)
Oh well...I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same, right Mr. Chamberlain??? Someone please tell Putin to put the vacuum away, when he's done with it. Obama might need it again sometime later.
Monday, September 28, 2015
I Think I Missed The "Blood Moon"
If you missed seeing the final "Blood Moon" of this current Tetrad, because you read my post which said it would be visible on September 28th, then I did not intentionally deceive you. I was simply misinformed, and am still not certain of the truth of the matter. I read that it was due tonight, the 28th., and read nothing about the so-called "Super Moon Eclipse", but heard it reported last night, in time to view it. It wasn't much to the naked eye, as it is difficult for non-astronomers to discern the difference between the Moon's orbiting distances from the earth, varying from 250,000 miles away, to 220,000 miles (which was the distance of the Full Moon last night, hence the exaggerated title of "Super Moon Eclipse", simply because it was when the Moon was at it's closest point to the earth). I saw no "Blood Moon" effect, and did not wait long for it since I believed that wouldn't happen until tonight. I'm still not certain that it won't.
In any case, please remember that I never said that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy of "Gog's" (or probably Putin's) Russian invasion of the Middle-East would definitely happen between the dates of this year's Jewish celebration of "Yom Kippur" (dusk of Sept. 22, through dusk of Sept. 23), and finish on the date of the "Blood Moon", which I understood to be tonight. I merely stated that I, "wouldn't be surprised if..." it all came to pass between these dates. More than that, I am surprised that nothing has happened, other than Putin's unusually large buildup of military force, especially aircraft, at a Syrian airport in northern Syria. I am certainly guilty of allowing my imagination to exceed my information in presuming that these "Blood Moons" indicated that God's judgment would be completed by this date. But, frankly, I never said definitively that it would. I'm not quite that stupid! I will not place dates on God's prophecies that He hasn't given me. When, and if, He does, I'll let you all know about it. But, don't hold your breath, because that's not the way He tends to operate. He tells us He is going to do something, and then expects us to wait for it to happen, confident that He will do it, even though we don't know when.
I suppose I am guilty of getting caught up in all this "Blood Moon" hype, when I should have simply waited quietly for God to reveal His will, in His good time. If the "Blood Moons", and eclipses were in any way indicative of what He is about to do, we will all understand the perfect logic of His timing of it all (afterwards), even if I have proven to be clueless in this regard. Again, I apologize for any feelings of misleading that my presumptuousness may have caused.
In any case, please remember that I never said that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy of "Gog's" (or probably Putin's) Russian invasion of the Middle-East would definitely happen between the dates of this year's Jewish celebration of "Yom Kippur" (dusk of Sept. 22, through dusk of Sept. 23), and finish on the date of the "Blood Moon", which I understood to be tonight. I merely stated that I, "wouldn't be surprised if..." it all came to pass between these dates. More than that, I am surprised that nothing has happened, other than Putin's unusually large buildup of military force, especially aircraft, at a Syrian airport in northern Syria. I am certainly guilty of allowing my imagination to exceed my information in presuming that these "Blood Moons" indicated that God's judgment would be completed by this date. But, frankly, I never said definitively that it would. I'm not quite that stupid! I will not place dates on God's prophecies that He hasn't given me. When, and if, He does, I'll let you all know about it. But, don't hold your breath, because that's not the way He tends to operate. He tells us He is going to do something, and then expects us to wait for it to happen, confident that He will do it, even though we don't know when.
I suppose I am guilty of getting caught up in all this "Blood Moon" hype, when I should have simply waited quietly for God to reveal His will, in His good time. If the "Blood Moons", and eclipses were in any way indicative of what He is about to do, we will all understand the perfect logic of His timing of it all (afterwards), even if I have proven to be clueless in this regard. Again, I apologize for any feelings of misleading that my presumptuousness may have caused.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Dislike Is Christian; Hatred, And Murder Are Not!!!
The Apostle Paul made this distinction clear when he wrote the admonishment to, "Be angry, and sin not". For any true believing Christian, this is an unimpeachable distinction. I believe there is also a clear distinction between, "Thou shalt not kill" (meaning the taking of a life that is innocent of any capital crime) and the execution of those who are legally convicted of such (the "Death Penalty").
I recently received a comment that I did not feel was worthy of general publication which was apparently in response to some of my criticism of our moronic President (the most pathetic form of idiocy: that of dogmatic, philosophical choice, rather than an abiding lack of intelligence, of which Obama is definitely not lacking in the latter and overwhelmed by the former) , stating that this person did not feel the President would "finish his second term". I suppose he felt I would agree with this sympathetically, and he even felt there was Biblical evidence to support such hate-mongering.
Well, let's be clear that I do not! It is one thing to be appalled at the buffoonery that emotes daily from the White House, and another thing to think that it can be rectified by Gestapo tactics, or even the desire for such. Jesus dealt with that when He said, "He that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword." That applies to knives, guns, bazookas, bombs, etc. Another way of expressing this is the old adage, "what goes around comes around." Any way of removing this or any other politician from office, other than by legal election would have dire consequences for any desirable politician who replaced him, or her. I would dearly like to see Obama out of office, and the rest of his imbecilic administration with him. But what's the point, if he is just going to be replaced by someone just as bad, or even worse (like any of the current, and one of the projected possible Democratic Presidential candidates). I wrote last July that it seemed to me that Obama might actually be trying to get himself impeached, with all of his quasi-legal Executive Actions, that could not possibly stand a righteous Supreme Court challenge. But recent Supreme Court rulings have shown us we can expect this Court to use every opportunity to overstep it's authority, rather than be restrained by it's Constitutional powers. It would be the greatest mistake for the Republican House to impeach Obama, realizing that the Democratic-heavy Senate would never convict him; and even if it did we would be giving the likes of our truly moronic Vice President the opportunity to pretend to act presidential, just in time to throw the 2016 election in his favor, and then we'd be right back in the same mess we're in now, for four more, or even eight more years.
The problem, in America today, is not the moronic politicians in office. I'm sorry to say it, folks, but we elected these idiots, and we deserve what we got! They are not the problem; we are!!! And until, or unless, we repent of our collective sinful lunacy we can expect more of these idiots to be running rough-shod over our nation, until we no longer have it! America is rushing head-long into God's judgment and we by-and-large don't even believe in the God who is going to judge us, and who warned us thousands of years ago that He would do so if we didn't repent. The so-called "progressives" of the liberal Democrats, and Socialists honestly believe that the principles He gave us thousands of years ago are "out of date" and need to be replaced, by the modern morality of today. The book of Romans told us of the foolishness of contemporary morality that rejected time-honored principles when it described those that professed, "...themselves wise," only to find they've "...become fools".
The judgment of Sodom, and Gomorrah may be just around the corner!
I recently received a comment that I did not feel was worthy of general publication which was apparently in response to some of my criticism of our moronic President (the most pathetic form of idiocy: that of dogmatic, philosophical choice, rather than an abiding lack of intelligence, of which Obama is definitely not lacking in the latter and overwhelmed by the former) , stating that this person did not feel the President would "finish his second term". I suppose he felt I would agree with this sympathetically, and he even felt there was Biblical evidence to support such hate-mongering.
Well, let's be clear that I do not! It is one thing to be appalled at the buffoonery that emotes daily from the White House, and another thing to think that it can be rectified by Gestapo tactics, or even the desire for such. Jesus dealt with that when He said, "He that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword." That applies to knives, guns, bazookas, bombs, etc. Another way of expressing this is the old adage, "what goes around comes around." Any way of removing this or any other politician from office, other than by legal election would have dire consequences for any desirable politician who replaced him, or her. I would dearly like to see Obama out of office, and the rest of his imbecilic administration with him. But what's the point, if he is just going to be replaced by someone just as bad, or even worse (like any of the current, and one of the projected possible Democratic Presidential candidates). I wrote last July that it seemed to me that Obama might actually be trying to get himself impeached, with all of his quasi-legal Executive Actions, that could not possibly stand a righteous Supreme Court challenge. But recent Supreme Court rulings have shown us we can expect this Court to use every opportunity to overstep it's authority, rather than be restrained by it's Constitutional powers. It would be the greatest mistake for the Republican House to impeach Obama, realizing that the Democratic-heavy Senate would never convict him; and even if it did we would be giving the likes of our truly moronic Vice President the opportunity to pretend to act presidential, just in time to throw the 2016 election in his favor, and then we'd be right back in the same mess we're in now, for four more, or even eight more years.
The problem, in America today, is not the moronic politicians in office. I'm sorry to say it, folks, but we elected these idiots, and we deserve what we got! They are not the problem; we are!!! And until, or unless, we repent of our collective sinful lunacy we can expect more of these idiots to be running rough-shod over our nation, until we no longer have it! America is rushing head-long into God's judgment and we by-and-large don't even believe in the God who is going to judge us, and who warned us thousands of years ago that He would do so if we didn't repent. The so-called "progressives" of the liberal Democrats, and Socialists honestly believe that the principles He gave us thousands of years ago are "out of date" and need to be replaced, by the modern morality of today. The book of Romans told us of the foolishness of contemporary morality that rejected time-honored principles when it described those that professed, "...themselves wise," only to find they've "...become fools".
The judgment of Sodom, and Gomorrah may be just around the corner!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Hallelujah!!! For Yom Kippor!!!
Today is the full day of "Yom Kippur", or the Jewish "High Holy Day" of the annual day of repentance, when all believing Jews (without discerning the degree of believing this requires; I'm sure God knows each person's heart) traditionally ask God to forgive them of all their sins. Generally, it is presumed that each individual asks God to forgive him, or her, for the sins they have committed in the past year, since they presumably asked forgiveness in each of the previous years. I don't presume to understand how God deals with all this, but I have a strong sense that this year He intends to forgive all the Jews of all their sins, even for rejecting Jesus Christ as their Messiah, nearly 2000 years ago!!! Even in rejecting Jesus, they have held to the belief that the one true Messiah would be revealed at some point in the future. Perhaps that time is shortly to come upon us! It makes sense, logically, that if this revelation is truly to come to pass, and if Jesus is the true Messiah of Israel, as I certainly believe He is now, and always has been (whether they believed it, or not), then God must truly forgive His Chosen People for not receiving Him, originally. What more appropriate time to do so than at this time of year! The reason I feel it may be now is because of all the clues that suggest that Russia's Putin seems to be determined to set the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies into motion. If so, these prophecies have as their ultimate purpose God's spoken intention to "reveal" Himself to His Chosen People. He cannot "reveal" Himself to someone unless He has not already done so, (or, at least, He has not yet done so in a sufficiently dramatic way to convince even the greatest skeptics) therefore, I as a believing Christian expect that this means He will reveal Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ!
Certainly, this is all predicated on my presumption that Putin is about to bring his Russian Army's invasion into the Middle-East soon, so God can "glorify Himself" by defeating them, and their allied Muslim Nations' Armies, by somehow turning their evil ways back on each other ("every man's sword shall be against his brother"-- Ezekiel 38:21), until they have destroyed up to 83 1/3rd.% of their Invasion force. I am fully prepared to become the laughing stock of the Internet Blogging World, if none of this comes to pass as soon as I expect it will. God has not given me any special insight that I'm aware of concerning these prophecies; it's all there, in black and white for all of you to check out and see if what I'm expecting makes sense, or not. Of course, even if it makes sense, it doesn't have to meet my expectations. God has not yet asked my permission to bring about anything that He has prophecied, and I don't expect Him to do so, any time soon! But it does all seem to fit into His prophetic "Jigsaw Puzzle", at least to me. But, make no mistake! It will all come to pass, I just can't be certain of the timing. But it will all happen, whether tomorrow, or long after I'm gone; it will happen! Of that much I am confident in saying!
I have to wonder if chemical warfare will be a part of this invasion. The Muslim armies will be intent upon total genocidal murder of every man, woman, and child residing in Israel today (and their previous use of local Muslim civilian populations as shields from Israeli retaliation shows they have no concern for their own Muslim civilians living there). The Syrian rebellion has shown a willingness to use chemical warfare on each other, by both sides. And the Russians interceded to voluntarily "dispose of" Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons. Perhaps they did so as efficiently as the Iranians are expected to self-regulate any violations of their recently signed Nuclear development treaty! The description of Jesus' prophetic warnings, in Matthew 24, verses 15 through 24 (admonishing all believing Jews to, "head for the hills", in effect, or to remain in high-level buildings) sounds like chemical warfare to me (when many of the chemical toxins are heavier than air, and will hug the earth's surface until they dissipate). But those warnings seem to be His prophecies about the timing of His return, which the Ezekiel prophecies seem to precede, at least to my understanding. Perhaps chemical warfare will be tried, unsuccessfully now, with God perhaps causing the prevailing winds to blow the chemicals back on the perpetrators (would this fit the bill for, "every man's sword..."?). Then future invaders might think they could do a better job than their predecessors, not that it will make any difference with God!
Anyway, we shall know if I'm right about any, or all of this real soon. And while I hope I'm not about to become the world's biggest internet buffoon, if that's the way of it, then fine! I don't really mind. I've been a fool for myself all my life, so I might as well try being a fool for Christ, only I hope I don't sully His Name in the process. It's not as bad as having some hungry, Roman lion drag me around the Circus Maximus, with my throat in his jaws! And I've seen that portrayed on some of their murals! If this is what constitutes being a "fool for Christ", then so be it! Only, if I'm wrong about the timing, don't think for a second that this means I'm wrong about the whole prophecy! God never told me of the "when" of these prophecies; only the "what", in general. So don't pack your bags, and wait to be picked up by Angelic flying saucers on some hillside. I'm merely making an "educated guess" about the timing. But the rest of the prophecy will stand on it's own merit, for those who care to consider it. It will not need my approval to come to pass in God's own good time, whether I'm correct in my guess, or not.
Certainly, this is all predicated on my presumption that Putin is about to bring his Russian Army's invasion into the Middle-East soon, so God can "glorify Himself" by defeating them, and their allied Muslim Nations' Armies, by somehow turning their evil ways back on each other ("every man's sword shall be against his brother"-- Ezekiel 38:21), until they have destroyed up to 83 1/3rd.% of their Invasion force. I am fully prepared to become the laughing stock of the Internet Blogging World, if none of this comes to pass as soon as I expect it will. God has not given me any special insight that I'm aware of concerning these prophecies; it's all there, in black and white for all of you to check out and see if what I'm expecting makes sense, or not. Of course, even if it makes sense, it doesn't have to meet my expectations. God has not yet asked my permission to bring about anything that He has prophecied, and I don't expect Him to do so, any time soon! But it does all seem to fit into His prophetic "Jigsaw Puzzle", at least to me. But, make no mistake! It will all come to pass, I just can't be certain of the timing. But it will all happen, whether tomorrow, or long after I'm gone; it will happen! Of that much I am confident in saying!
I have to wonder if chemical warfare will be a part of this invasion. The Muslim armies will be intent upon total genocidal murder of every man, woman, and child residing in Israel today (and their previous use of local Muslim civilian populations as shields from Israeli retaliation shows they have no concern for their own Muslim civilians living there). The Syrian rebellion has shown a willingness to use chemical warfare on each other, by both sides. And the Russians interceded to voluntarily "dispose of" Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons. Perhaps they did so as efficiently as the Iranians are expected to self-regulate any violations of their recently signed Nuclear development treaty! The description of Jesus' prophetic warnings, in Matthew 24, verses 15 through 24 (admonishing all believing Jews to, "head for the hills", in effect, or to remain in high-level buildings) sounds like chemical warfare to me (when many of the chemical toxins are heavier than air, and will hug the earth's surface until they dissipate). But those warnings seem to be His prophecies about the timing of His return, which the Ezekiel prophecies seem to precede, at least to my understanding. Perhaps chemical warfare will be tried, unsuccessfully now, with God perhaps causing the prevailing winds to blow the chemicals back on the perpetrators (would this fit the bill for, "every man's sword..."?). Then future invaders might think they could do a better job than their predecessors, not that it will make any difference with God!
Anyway, we shall know if I'm right about any, or all of this real soon. And while I hope I'm not about to become the world's biggest internet buffoon, if that's the way of it, then fine! I don't really mind. I've been a fool for myself all my life, so I might as well try being a fool for Christ, only I hope I don't sully His Name in the process. It's not as bad as having some hungry, Roman lion drag me around the Circus Maximus, with my throat in his jaws! And I've seen that portrayed on some of their murals! If this is what constitutes being a "fool for Christ", then so be it! Only, if I'm wrong about the timing, don't think for a second that this means I'm wrong about the whole prophecy! God never told me of the "when" of these prophecies; only the "what", in general. So don't pack your bags, and wait to be picked up by Angelic flying saucers on some hillside. I'm merely making an "educated guess" about the timing. But the rest of the prophecy will stand on it's own merit, for those who care to consider it. It will not need my approval to come to pass in God's own good time, whether I'm correct in my guess, or not.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Blood On The Moon
Much has been written, especially in the past year, about the so-called Tetrarch of "Blood Moons" that have appeared in the past year, when the partial eclipse of the sun causes the refraction of sunlight on one part of the earth's atmosphere to cause the Moon to seem to glow a reddish, or rose color, thus the moniker of "Blood Moons". The current so-called "Tetrarch" of "Blood Moons" refers to the sequence of four successive "Blood Moons, occurring between the dates that coincided with the Jewish Passover celebrations of 2014, and 2015, and the date coinciding with the commemoration of the Jewish High Holy Day of "Yom Kippur", in 2014. The final "Blood Moon" of this Tetrarch is set to coincide, roughly, with the keeping of "Yom Kippur" this year, which will be on September 22nd, and 23rd. The "Blood Moon" will not actually appear until September 28th, however.
So, what is the significance of all this? Perhaps nothing. But, it has been noted that this rare sequence of phenomenon has coincided in the past with events that had a special significance for the Jewish people throughout history.
First, it coincided in 1492 with Columbus' discovery of "the new world" which included America, a land which would be relatively receptive to Jewish immigration, over the next several centuries. This was especially significant because of the Spanish eviction of all Jews, on pain of death, from Spain, shortly before King Ferdinand's (or more specifically, his wife, Queen Isabella's) commissioning of Columbus' expedition to find the "new world".
Secondly, in 1948 another "Tetrarch" coincided roughly with the vote of the U.N. to re-establish the Jewish homeland in present-day Israel. Thirdly, another one coincided roughly with the capture of East Jerusalem (in 1967), re-uniting their capital city for the first time in almost 2000 years. So, Biblical scholars have placed spirirtual significance upon these phenomenon over the centuries, and it seems believable that this one may be the most significant of all!
To appreciate fully the possible significance of all this, one must bare in mind that God has not given up on His "Chosen people" (Israel), even though He has seemed to have turned a deaf ear to them for most of the nearly 2000 years, since "they" (or their spiritual Leaders, the "Pharisees", and "Sadducees" of the day) rejected Jesus as their Messiah, and had Him crucified. He has provided various homelands for them, and even returned them to their original Homeland, Israel, which may be about to endure it's greatest threat in history, with the possible Gog/Magog invasion of the Middle-East being set up now, with Russia leading the way by equipping an Air Base along the Northwest coast of Syria, austensably to aid Syria's defense against their rebel invaders. But, unless I miss my guess, I'll bet the real purpose for the buildup is to facilitate Putin's plan to invade the entire Middle-East region, and capture the Arab oil fields of the Gulf States. I expect that he will try to do this while keeping Israel at bay with an invasion by their murderous Muslim neighbors, while our lily-livered President sits in the White House, and makes profound Diplomatic inquiries of Putin, like, "have you take a great spoil???" (see Ezekiel 38: 13, for that one).
The ultimate significance of the timing, in coincidence with the "Blood Moons" is that the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur commemorates the time of year when all Jews are supposed to ask God to forgive them of their sins. The Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies state that God is going to "reveal" himself to His "Chosen People", by delivering them, somehow, from their would-be murderous invaders, in turning their violence back on themselves ("every man's sword shall be against his brother"), until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force ("upon the mountains of Israel"). This is apparently how God intends to reveal to the Jewish people of Israel that He still loves them, and He will protect them from their enemies! I wouldn't be surprised if this all took place between the dates of Yom Kippur, on September 23rd., and the appearance of the last "Blood Moon", on September 28th. I believe it was the 1972 Arab/Israeli War that was dubbed the "Yom Kippur War", because the Arabs initiated their invasion on the day Israeli Jews were about to celebrate Yom Kippur, knowing that this would complicate the assembling of the Israeli Army Reserves. They might be stupid enough to think it could work better this time around.
I realize I'm hanging what little credibility I have up for potential ridicule if these biblical fantasies turn out to be nothing more than that. Perhaps I'm wrong; but if I'm right get set for the "Rapture"!!!
Stay tuned, and remember to keep "looking up"!
So, what is the significance of all this? Perhaps nothing. But, it has been noted that this rare sequence of phenomenon has coincided in the past with events that had a special significance for the Jewish people throughout history.
First, it coincided in 1492 with Columbus' discovery of "the new world" which included America, a land which would be relatively receptive to Jewish immigration, over the next several centuries. This was especially significant because of the Spanish eviction of all Jews, on pain of death, from Spain, shortly before King Ferdinand's (or more specifically, his wife, Queen Isabella's) commissioning of Columbus' expedition to find the "new world".
Secondly, in 1948 another "Tetrarch" coincided roughly with the vote of the U.N. to re-establish the Jewish homeland in present-day Israel. Thirdly, another one coincided roughly with the capture of East Jerusalem (in 1967), re-uniting their capital city for the first time in almost 2000 years. So, Biblical scholars have placed spirirtual significance upon these phenomenon over the centuries, and it seems believable that this one may be the most significant of all!
To appreciate fully the possible significance of all this, one must bare in mind that God has not given up on His "Chosen people" (Israel), even though He has seemed to have turned a deaf ear to them for most of the nearly 2000 years, since "they" (or their spiritual Leaders, the "Pharisees", and "Sadducees" of the day) rejected Jesus as their Messiah, and had Him crucified. He has provided various homelands for them, and even returned them to their original Homeland, Israel, which may be about to endure it's greatest threat in history, with the possible Gog/Magog invasion of the Middle-East being set up now, with Russia leading the way by equipping an Air Base along the Northwest coast of Syria, austensably to aid Syria's defense against their rebel invaders. But, unless I miss my guess, I'll bet the real purpose for the buildup is to facilitate Putin's plan to invade the entire Middle-East region, and capture the Arab oil fields of the Gulf States. I expect that he will try to do this while keeping Israel at bay with an invasion by their murderous Muslim neighbors, while our lily-livered President sits in the White House, and makes profound Diplomatic inquiries of Putin, like, "have you take a great spoil???" (see Ezekiel 38: 13, for that one).
The ultimate significance of the timing, in coincidence with the "Blood Moons" is that the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur commemorates the time of year when all Jews are supposed to ask God to forgive them of their sins. The Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies state that God is going to "reveal" himself to His "Chosen People", by delivering them, somehow, from their would-be murderous invaders, in turning their violence back on themselves ("every man's sword shall be against his brother"), until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force ("upon the mountains of Israel"). This is apparently how God intends to reveal to the Jewish people of Israel that He still loves them, and He will protect them from their enemies! I wouldn't be surprised if this all took place between the dates of Yom Kippur, on September 23rd., and the appearance of the last "Blood Moon", on September 28th. I believe it was the 1972 Arab/Israeli War that was dubbed the "Yom Kippur War", because the Arabs initiated their invasion on the day Israeli Jews were about to celebrate Yom Kippur, knowing that this would complicate the assembling of the Israeli Army Reserves. They might be stupid enough to think it could work better this time around.
I realize I'm hanging what little credibility I have up for potential ridicule if these biblical fantasies turn out to be nothing more than that. Perhaps I'm wrong; but if I'm right get set for the "Rapture"!!!
Stay tuned, and remember to keep "looking up"!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
The Second Republican Debate
I have become very impressed with some of the candidates of the Republican Party's campaign for the 2016 Presidential election. That is why I am convinced that they will lose the election, not because they are unqualified to restore America to it's former position as the leader of world's geopolitical system, but because they are indeed very capable of doing just that, and I don't see that as being consistent with God's plan for the last days. There are several candidates who seem very capable (with the exception of Donald Trump, and his insufferable ego).
Remember, God is interested in saving the whole world from it's sinful foolishness, at least those who will repent, before it's too late. He is not interested in saving America, and letting the rest of the world go to Hell (literally), which would be very easy for me to do, if I were God. But let us all rejoice that I am not God, nor is He anyone like me, because if He were, we would all be sent to Hell, in spite of Jesus' dying upon the cross for our sins; simply because we deserved it! And I would have to include myself, as The Apostle Paul said of himself, for I am, "the cheifest of sinners". So, if I were God, the entire Human race would have to be condemned to Hell, and I would have to start over, with a new "Human race". Thank God he sent Jesus to the earth, to die for our sins, that we all might be saved from the judgement we deserve! (At least those of us who will admit we are sinners, in need of His forgiveness, and salvation.)
Anyway, as I've written before, I don't see America being restored to it's previous prominence, and God allowing the Antichrist to rise to his position as the leader of the One-world, international socialist system. If we are indeed in the last days, before the Lord returns to judge the world, then America must "decrease", as John the Baptist said, about his ministry declining, so that Jesus' ministry could "increase". The Antichrist must have his free reign to establish his system (counterfeiting the Lord's Kingdom of Heaven, on earth), so everyone can chose between his, and the Lord's plan, to establish His Kingdom. If the qualified Republican candidates actually win in 2016, then we must not yet be in the last days, as I believe we are. In the words of that great philosopher, Rosanna Danna, from the "Saturday Night Live", of the 1980's, I would have to humbly say, "never mind!", and wait for evidence of that day, yet to come.
But, as I do believe we are rushing headlong into the last days, I also believe that Satan's delusions will cause enough people to want some simpering socialist, like Hillary, Joe, or Bernie to lead us into our final destruction of America's Constitutional government, so the Antichrist can come to his position of world domination. Then those who receive his "mark of the Beast" will have seven years of economic ease, and a whole eternity to regret taking the easy way out.
Don't get me wrong; I am not saying we should not vote for the best candidate. We certainly have a responsibility to do just that. But, if I'm right, it won't be enough to overcome Satan's strong delusion, which God will have to allow, to bring about the trying of the world, in the Last Days.
May God have mercy on us all!!!
Remember, God is interested in saving the whole world from it's sinful foolishness, at least those who will repent, before it's too late. He is not interested in saving America, and letting the rest of the world go to Hell (literally), which would be very easy for me to do, if I were God. But let us all rejoice that I am not God, nor is He anyone like me, because if He were, we would all be sent to Hell, in spite of Jesus' dying upon the cross for our sins; simply because we deserved it! And I would have to include myself, as The Apostle Paul said of himself, for I am, "the cheifest of sinners". So, if I were God, the entire Human race would have to be condemned to Hell, and I would have to start over, with a new "Human race". Thank God he sent Jesus to the earth, to die for our sins, that we all might be saved from the judgement we deserve! (At least those of us who will admit we are sinners, in need of His forgiveness, and salvation.)
Anyway, as I've written before, I don't see America being restored to it's previous prominence, and God allowing the Antichrist to rise to his position as the leader of the One-world, international socialist system. If we are indeed in the last days, before the Lord returns to judge the world, then America must "decrease", as John the Baptist said, about his ministry declining, so that Jesus' ministry could "increase". The Antichrist must have his free reign to establish his system (counterfeiting the Lord's Kingdom of Heaven, on earth), so everyone can chose between his, and the Lord's plan, to establish His Kingdom. If the qualified Republican candidates actually win in 2016, then we must not yet be in the last days, as I believe we are. In the words of that great philosopher, Rosanna Danna, from the "Saturday Night Live", of the 1980's, I would have to humbly say, "never mind!", and wait for evidence of that day, yet to come.
But, as I do believe we are rushing headlong into the last days, I also believe that Satan's delusions will cause enough people to want some simpering socialist, like Hillary, Joe, or Bernie to lead us into our final destruction of America's Constitutional government, so the Antichrist can come to his position of world domination. Then those who receive his "mark of the Beast" will have seven years of economic ease, and a whole eternity to regret taking the easy way out.
Don't get me wrong; I am not saying we should not vote for the best candidate. We certainly have a responsibility to do just that. But, if I'm right, it won't be enough to overcome Satan's strong delusion, which God will have to allow, to bring about the trying of the world, in the Last Days.
May God have mercy on us all!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
"What's Putin Up To???"
Yesterday's "700 Club" reported that our great Wizards of the White House are not certain what Russia's President Putin is planning with his recent move to build up the forces around a Syrian Air Base, in northwestern Syria, in which they have brought in Russian tanks and artillery, as if they are planning for an armed resistance of major proportions. Well, I can help in that regard; all they have to do is check my recent posts, in the "Archives" column, to the right of this column. I've written extensively on the prophecies that God gave to Ezekiel, in chapters 38, &39, and while I don't claim any special wisdom in understanding these prophecies, I am convinced that anybody of average intelligence can understand what God is about to do in the region, if they bring a believing heart to the table. But, that is the great problem with this White House. No one apparently believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, and the Father of Jesus Christ in this Administration. Though I'll bet there are plenty in the White House who believe in "Allah", including our great Muslim-in-Chief, President Obama.
Even Pat Robertson, whose Biblical understanding I have a great respect for, in most issues, said that Putin's intentions were obviously to try and fill the void left in Syria, and Iraq when Obama pulled America's ground forces out of the region. That's part of what I expect, if I am reading Ezekiel 38, & 39 correctly. But, I expect that Putin's desires for Middle-East conquest do not stop there!!! He wants it all!!! Especially the oil deposits of the Arab Gulf States, which he knows he can't take without strong resistance from Israel (not because of their great friendship with their Arab neighbors, but because they know that Russia will be harder to live with than their present neighbors). So, Putin knows that he will have to at least keep Israel busy while he conquers the rest of the Middle-East, and what better way than to turn all the neighboring Muslim States loose that hate Israel, and wish to massacre their entire population, and thus the basis of the Russian/Muslim nations confederation that Ezekiel prophecied about. I think it's pretty obvious that Putin is preparing for something big in the region. The real question is whether it is of an offensive, or defensive nature. We'll know before too long whether he is building up to defend Syria from the rebel forces that threaten them (which will not take nearly the strength of force that an all-out invasion of the Middle-East will take) once everyone realizes what he is really up to. If he keeps building up beyond what is realistically necessary for Syria's defense, then we'll know that Ezekiel's prophecies are about to be fulfilled, right before our eyes!
And, Again I say, "...look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
Even Pat Robertson, whose Biblical understanding I have a great respect for, in most issues, said that Putin's intentions were obviously to try and fill the void left in Syria, and Iraq when Obama pulled America's ground forces out of the region. That's part of what I expect, if I am reading Ezekiel 38, & 39 correctly. But, I expect that Putin's desires for Middle-East conquest do not stop there!!! He wants it all!!! Especially the oil deposits of the Arab Gulf States, which he knows he can't take without strong resistance from Israel (not because of their great friendship with their Arab neighbors, but because they know that Russia will be harder to live with than their present neighbors). So, Putin knows that he will have to at least keep Israel busy while he conquers the rest of the Middle-East, and what better way than to turn all the neighboring Muslim States loose that hate Israel, and wish to massacre their entire population, and thus the basis of the Russian/Muslim nations confederation that Ezekiel prophecied about. I think it's pretty obvious that Putin is preparing for something big in the region. The real question is whether it is of an offensive, or defensive nature. We'll know before too long whether he is building up to defend Syria from the rebel forces that threaten them (which will not take nearly the strength of force that an all-out invasion of the Middle-East will take) once everyone realizes what he is really up to. If he keeps building up beyond what is realistically necessary for Syria's defense, then we'll know that Ezekiel's prophecies are about to be fulfilled, right before our eyes!
And, Again I say, "...look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
Friday, September 11, 2015
"Happy" 911 Anniversary Celebration !!!
I'm sure our "friendly, neighborhood Muslim Jihadists" would just love to help us "Celebrate" the 14th Anniversary of the 911 airplane attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York City, on September 11th, 2001, killing some 3000-plus innocent people, along with another attack on the Pentagon, the smoke of whose subsequent fire I could see from the front steps of my apartment building, when I was living in Arlington, Va. And let us not forget those brave passengers who foiled the attempt by a fourth terror group trying to plunge their hijacked plane into either the White House, or the Capital Building, when they stormed the terrorist-controlled cockpit, knowing that they probably faced certain death, as they did when the plane was forced to crash in the Pennsylvania countryside, killing all on board, yet sparing further loss of life in D.C., or else ware.
I'm sure that our "neighborhood Jihadists" would love to contribute enough "fireworks" to make any 4th of July celebration pale by comparison. I'm sure that that they have plenty of pipe bombs, and pressure-cooker bombs available for today's remembrance of those innocents who died needlessly, in order for these numbskulls to prove nothing more than their evil, perverse lust for murderous violence, in the name of their false religion. (Those Jihadists are certainly sorry, now, and will be for a long, long time [known as "eternity"], while they futilely search for their falsely promised 72 virgins, and can find nothing but billions of taunting demons, with nothing to do but torment them with the foolishness of their first-life deception.) A perfect location for their "Celebration" would be the planned memorial service at the original site of the destruction of the "Twin Towers", in New York City, now referred to as, "Ground Zero". I'll bet that the organizers of this memorial service are the same people who planned the re-building of the "Ground Zero" tower, and their concern for the safety of those in attendance doesn't extend further than publicizing their architectural prowess, and their potential lease-sales to future business tenants. They are expecting thousands to show up for this service, and I can't help but fear for the safety of those who foolishly attend, as the Modis Opporendi of these murderous Jihadists is to mark their "celebration" of previously "successful" terrorist attacks, by instituting follow-up bombings on the "anniversary dates" of successive years.
I believe the Boston Marathon bombing also took place on September 11th, a few years ago, and if I'm correct, that establishes the basis for my concern, along with the debacle in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012; though we had the assurance of our great minds in the State Department, that that fiasco was because of some "offensive" anti-Islamic film, that Muslims were supposed to be outraged about. It would be nice if we could actually find some people to serve in the State Department, and the Foreign service as a whole, who actually had half a clue as to what was going on in the world, today! Instead we have former "First Ladies" actually believing that they can transmit and receive Top Secret messages over unsecured internet E-mail lines, without risking interception by hostile foreign "hackers" (like the Chinese, and Russians, who have demonstrated that foreign intelligence "hacking", both offensively, and defensively, is an important part of their espionage efforts). Or, we have her successor telling us that we should accept a "treaty" with Iran that will apparently not hinder their efforts to develop nuclear weapons, but will relieve them from the sanctions that withheld hundreds of billions of dollars from their trading capacity, for their agreement to do absolutely nothing in return. I wonder if the original intent of those sanctions was really to punish Iran for their non-cooperation, or for our greedy international bankers to get their filthy hands on the Iranian assets so they could invest it all, and recoup the profits, before releasing the principle back to Iran. So much for the supposed hostility of Democratic Administrations to Wall Street chicanery, if my suspicions are correct. One must wonder if there was some under-the-table bribery taking place, when these sanctions where set up, and if so, how high up in the Administration would they have gone??? (Like I've said previously, I've rarely found a conspiracy theory that I didn't like, even if I had to create one, out of thin air, myself!)
Anyway, we should all be deeply in prayer for any such memorial services, today, though I believe I heard a news report of one such Jihadist conspiracy being broken up by local police, though I don't remember what city this was in. Let's pray that any others will be likewise foiled, and we can make it through this day peacefully, to the great chagrin of our "friendly, neighborhood Jihadists"!!! And, ultimately, to the praise, and glory of God, in Jesus' name!!!
I'm sure that our "neighborhood Jihadists" would love to contribute enough "fireworks" to make any 4th of July celebration pale by comparison. I'm sure that that they have plenty of pipe bombs, and pressure-cooker bombs available for today's remembrance of those innocents who died needlessly, in order for these numbskulls to prove nothing more than their evil, perverse lust for murderous violence, in the name of their false religion. (Those Jihadists are certainly sorry, now, and will be for a long, long time [known as "eternity"], while they futilely search for their falsely promised 72 virgins, and can find nothing but billions of taunting demons, with nothing to do but torment them with the foolishness of their first-life deception.) A perfect location for their "Celebration" would be the planned memorial service at the original site of the destruction of the "Twin Towers", in New York City, now referred to as, "Ground Zero". I'll bet that the organizers of this memorial service are the same people who planned the re-building of the "Ground Zero" tower, and their concern for the safety of those in attendance doesn't extend further than publicizing their architectural prowess, and their potential lease-sales to future business tenants. They are expecting thousands to show up for this service, and I can't help but fear for the safety of those who foolishly attend, as the Modis Opporendi of these murderous Jihadists is to mark their "celebration" of previously "successful" terrorist attacks, by instituting follow-up bombings on the "anniversary dates" of successive years.
I believe the Boston Marathon bombing also took place on September 11th, a few years ago, and if I'm correct, that establishes the basis for my concern, along with the debacle in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012; though we had the assurance of our great minds in the State Department, that that fiasco was because of some "offensive" anti-Islamic film, that Muslims were supposed to be outraged about. It would be nice if we could actually find some people to serve in the State Department, and the Foreign service as a whole, who actually had half a clue as to what was going on in the world, today! Instead we have former "First Ladies" actually believing that they can transmit and receive Top Secret messages over unsecured internet E-mail lines, without risking interception by hostile foreign "hackers" (like the Chinese, and Russians, who have demonstrated that foreign intelligence "hacking", both offensively, and defensively, is an important part of their espionage efforts). Or, we have her successor telling us that we should accept a "treaty" with Iran that will apparently not hinder their efforts to develop nuclear weapons, but will relieve them from the sanctions that withheld hundreds of billions of dollars from their trading capacity, for their agreement to do absolutely nothing in return. I wonder if the original intent of those sanctions was really to punish Iran for their non-cooperation, or for our greedy international bankers to get their filthy hands on the Iranian assets so they could invest it all, and recoup the profits, before releasing the principle back to Iran. So much for the supposed hostility of Democratic Administrations to Wall Street chicanery, if my suspicions are correct. One must wonder if there was some under-the-table bribery taking place, when these sanctions where set up, and if so, how high up in the Administration would they have gone??? (Like I've said previously, I've rarely found a conspiracy theory that I didn't like, even if I had to create one, out of thin air, myself!)
Anyway, we should all be deeply in prayer for any such memorial services, today, though I believe I heard a news report of one such Jihadist conspiracy being broken up by local police, though I don't remember what city this was in. Let's pray that any others will be likewise foiled, and we can make it through this day peacefully, to the great chagrin of our "friendly, neighborhood Jihadists"!!! And, ultimately, to the praise, and glory of God, in Jesus' name!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
We Have Become Our Own Oppressors
I am reminded of the wisdom of that great philosopher of the 1950's, and the 1960's, "Pogo" (of the syndicated comic strip that was almost universally carried by most newspapers around the country), who profoundly described the predicament we find ourselves in today, in an America that has horrendously forgotten the principles it was founded upon. He proclaimed, sadly, that, "we have met the enemy, and he is us..."!!!
This nation was founded by Christian Separatists, in the Plymouth Colony of Massachusetts, and the more secular Jamestown Colony of Virginia (which was founded upon much the same principles, though without the degree of a religious theme as it's guiding influence). One of the most important issues our founding fathers were concerned with, and one of the issues that drove our fathers to fight an almost impossible war against the most powerful military of it's day, was the right of the people to exercise their religious beliefs without interference from the government. That, and the freedom to pursue whatever business endeavor they chose without having to pay punitive, and excessive taxes to a greedy, and wasteful government. They eventually reached the collective conclusion that there comes a point where a government becomes so tyrannically intrusive that it is not only permissible, but it is incumbent upon those who stand for righteousness to openly resist that government, even to the point of their own great risk of harm.
We have apparently reached such a point in America today, and our oppressors are now the political descendants of those Founding Fathers who decided that tyranny must be resisted, peacefully at first, and militarily if that is not effective. The absolutely evil decision by those five Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that somehow the Constitution carries an unwritten "right" for Lesbians, and Homosexuals to be legally "married", when the Constitution says nothing about any form of marriage, at all, and in fact states that all powers, and authority not expressly given to the federal government by that document are automatically reserved, "for the States, and the people (meaning their local governments)". How anyone who has undertaken a lifetime of Constitutional study, as these Justices have demonstrated they have, can come up with such a blatantly false decision "out of thin air", absolutely escapes me!!! I don't claim any particular expertise in Constitutional Law, but even I can understand when a document says nothing about a subject, and says that all unwritten authority belongs to someone else! Come on, you Supreme Court Justices, catch a clue!!! Can you even read the document that is your main responsibility to interpret, and uphold?
Now, we have Kim Davis, a local government official, in Kentucky, who has been imprisoned for voluntarily resisting this outrageous overreach of the Federal Supreme Court, into an area that the Constitution has expressly reserved for the government that employs her. She is doing precisely what our Founding Fathers declared a free, and righteous people ought to do. Only, she has employed the principle of peaceful resistance, rather than the concept of armed resistance that our Founding Fathers decided was necessary, in light of an unresponsive government. Let us hope that it never becomes necessary to resort to violence to rid ourselves of these evil Politicians, Judges, and Bureaucrats who are trying to run roughshod over our Constitutional form of government today!!!
And, for those whimpy Presidential candidates who are trying desperately to "straddle the fence" on this issue (Chris Christy, and John Kasich, specifically), your statements that Mrs. Davis has a "responsibility to uphold the Law" is so profoundly ignorant of the facts that it disqualifies you for the office you are seeking, at least in my opinion!!! The Supreme Court has no authority to create laws, and in this case, there is nothing stated in the Constitution for them to interpret, one way or another! She is upholding the Law, as expressed in the Constitution, and it is these rogue Justices that are trying to subvert it!!!
[UPDATE: 9/9/2015---]
As of this morning, Mrs. Davis has been released from the local jail where she had been incarcerated for the past 5 days. Her original objection to providing marriage licenses to same-sex couples has not been resolved, however. The Kentucky Federal Judge who had her arrested seems to feel the situation has been resolved since her assistants are willingly providing the licenses requested. However, Mrs. Davis objected to the fact that these licenses carry her name as the official clerk authorizing them. As she refuses to resign, knowing that a very conservative State Legislature is unlikely to fire her, as is required by law in such cases, we have what amounts to a legal stand-off. The Judge has ordered her not to interfere with the assistants' provision of the same-sex licenses; but without removing her name from the authorization of those forms, one can logically expect that the next move will be some effort to do just that. She will likely do something that the Judge will interpret as "interference", and he'll throw her back in jail, to the greater outrage of her supporters.
This thing ain't over yet, folks! So, stay tuned!!!
This nation was founded by Christian Separatists, in the Plymouth Colony of Massachusetts, and the more secular Jamestown Colony of Virginia (which was founded upon much the same principles, though without the degree of a religious theme as it's guiding influence). One of the most important issues our founding fathers were concerned with, and one of the issues that drove our fathers to fight an almost impossible war against the most powerful military of it's day, was the right of the people to exercise their religious beliefs without interference from the government. That, and the freedom to pursue whatever business endeavor they chose without having to pay punitive, and excessive taxes to a greedy, and wasteful government. They eventually reached the collective conclusion that there comes a point where a government becomes so tyrannically intrusive that it is not only permissible, but it is incumbent upon those who stand for righteousness to openly resist that government, even to the point of their own great risk of harm.
We have apparently reached such a point in America today, and our oppressors are now the political descendants of those Founding Fathers who decided that tyranny must be resisted, peacefully at first, and militarily if that is not effective. The absolutely evil decision by those five Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that somehow the Constitution carries an unwritten "right" for Lesbians, and Homosexuals to be legally "married", when the Constitution says nothing about any form of marriage, at all, and in fact states that all powers, and authority not expressly given to the federal government by that document are automatically reserved, "for the States, and the people (meaning their local governments)". How anyone who has undertaken a lifetime of Constitutional study, as these Justices have demonstrated they have, can come up with such a blatantly false decision "out of thin air", absolutely escapes me!!! I don't claim any particular expertise in Constitutional Law, but even I can understand when a document says nothing about a subject, and says that all unwritten authority belongs to someone else! Come on, you Supreme Court Justices, catch a clue!!! Can you even read the document that is your main responsibility to interpret, and uphold?
Now, we have Kim Davis, a local government official, in Kentucky, who has been imprisoned for voluntarily resisting this outrageous overreach of the Federal Supreme Court, into an area that the Constitution has expressly reserved for the government that employs her. She is doing precisely what our Founding Fathers declared a free, and righteous people ought to do. Only, she has employed the principle of peaceful resistance, rather than the concept of armed resistance that our Founding Fathers decided was necessary, in light of an unresponsive government. Let us hope that it never becomes necessary to resort to violence to rid ourselves of these evil Politicians, Judges, and Bureaucrats who are trying to run roughshod over our Constitutional form of government today!!!
And, for those whimpy Presidential candidates who are trying desperately to "straddle the fence" on this issue (Chris Christy, and John Kasich, specifically), your statements that Mrs. Davis has a "responsibility to uphold the Law" is so profoundly ignorant of the facts that it disqualifies you for the office you are seeking, at least in my opinion!!! The Supreme Court has no authority to create laws, and in this case, there is nothing stated in the Constitution for them to interpret, one way or another! She is upholding the Law, as expressed in the Constitution, and it is these rogue Justices that are trying to subvert it!!!
[UPDATE: 9/9/2015---]
As of this morning, Mrs. Davis has been released from the local jail where she had been incarcerated for the past 5 days. Her original objection to providing marriage licenses to same-sex couples has not been resolved, however. The Kentucky Federal Judge who had her arrested seems to feel the situation has been resolved since her assistants are willingly providing the licenses requested. However, Mrs. Davis objected to the fact that these licenses carry her name as the official clerk authorizing them. As she refuses to resign, knowing that a very conservative State Legislature is unlikely to fire her, as is required by law in such cases, we have what amounts to a legal stand-off. The Judge has ordered her not to interfere with the assistants' provision of the same-sex licenses; but without removing her name from the authorization of those forms, one can logically expect that the next move will be some effort to do just that. She will likely do something that the Judge will interpret as "interference", and he'll throw her back in jail, to the greater outrage of her supporters.
This thing ain't over yet, folks! So, stay tuned!!!
Sunday, September 6, 2015
U.S. State Dept. Wakes Up To Ezekiel Prophecies
God said it would happen about 2500 years ago! Today, the U.S. State Department just figured out what God said way back then.
The news reports today are saying that Secretary of State, John Kerry, called Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to "express concern" (whoa, big news!) about what appears to be, "an imminent Russian military buildup in Syria". The prophet Ezekiel called this, at God's inspiration over 2500 years ago, and our State Department is probably shocked by this, "new development". I've been calling it a certainty for about seven years, because I'm so brilliant that I can actually read what's written on the pages of the Bible in front of me, and I have the simplistic naivete to actually believe what it says! Whoa, what a wizard I must be! To actually believe something that's right in front of my eyes! Wow! It must be miraculous wisdom (or what the Bible calls, "faith").
Would that there were some Bible-believing Christians in the State Department, and they would actually be given credibility when they tried to attach prophetic significance to current events. The fact that Ezekiel"s prophecies are probably laughed at (or outright dismissed) is exactly what God means when He says that He will, "confound the wisdom of the wise",and (speaking of the secular non-believers) that, "professing themselves wise, they become fools" (I realize this is a bit out of context, but it applies).
Anyway, the State Dept. is likely concerned that this military buildup is meant to support Bashar Assad's Syrian defense against the Rebel forces that are trying to overthrow him, and his government. But you can bet that the ultimate Russian intent is more likely to conquer the whole Middle-East, especially the Arab Oil Fields, and that the genocidal slaughter of the entire nation of Israel is a "necessary" part of their strategy. (For my explanation as to why this would be considered "necessary", see the Archive list to the right of this column. I've written extensively about this in many of my previous posts, and now it's being set up, almost as expected.)
Thank God that He is not going to allow this to happen! All the "best laid plans..." of these Russian conspirators, and their Muslim allies, will be turned against them, somehow, by God and they will destroy themselves, which is good, because you can bet that the Obama Administration will be no help for the Israelis! God will reserve all the glory for Himself, because no one else will help Israel. Thank God no one else will be needed, because He is more than able, by Himself!!!
The news reports today are saying that Secretary of State, John Kerry, called Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to "express concern" (whoa, big news!) about what appears to be, "an imminent Russian military buildup in Syria". The prophet Ezekiel called this, at God's inspiration over 2500 years ago, and our State Department is probably shocked by this, "new development". I've been calling it a certainty for about seven years, because I'm so brilliant that I can actually read what's written on the pages of the Bible in front of me, and I have the simplistic naivete to actually believe what it says! Whoa, what a wizard I must be! To actually believe something that's right in front of my eyes! Wow! It must be miraculous wisdom (or what the Bible calls, "faith").
Would that there were some Bible-believing Christians in the State Department, and they would actually be given credibility when they tried to attach prophetic significance to current events. The fact that Ezekiel"s prophecies are probably laughed at (or outright dismissed) is exactly what God means when He says that He will, "confound the wisdom of the wise",and (speaking of the secular non-believers) that, "professing themselves wise, they become fools" (I realize this is a bit out of context, but it applies).
Anyway, the State Dept. is likely concerned that this military buildup is meant to support Bashar Assad's Syrian defense against the Rebel forces that are trying to overthrow him, and his government. But you can bet that the ultimate Russian intent is more likely to conquer the whole Middle-East, especially the Arab Oil Fields, and that the genocidal slaughter of the entire nation of Israel is a "necessary" part of their strategy. (For my explanation as to why this would be considered "necessary", see the Archive list to the right of this column. I've written extensively about this in many of my previous posts, and now it's being set up, almost as expected.)
Thank God that He is not going to allow this to happen! All the "best laid plans..." of these Russian conspirators, and their Muslim allies, will be turned against them, somehow, by God and they will destroy themselves, which is good, because you can bet that the Obama Administration will be no help for the Israelis! God will reserve all the glory for Himself, because no one else will help Israel. Thank God no one else will be needed, because He is more than able, by Himself!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Do I Smell A "Humanitarian" Rat In The White House???
I admit to being a bit of a conspiracy paranoid, having rarely found a conspiracy that I didn't like, or believe in, at least partially. But, today my conspiracy antennae went haywire when I read a byline on FOX News saying that the Obama Administration has offered assistance to the European countries caught in a quagmire of illegal immigration swarming from North African, and Middle-Eastern nations, desperately trying to reach their "promised land" of Germany, France, and England.
On the surface, this appears to simply be an offer of Humanitarian aid; namely food, water and medical supplies. If that's all, then perhaps my paranoia is nothing more than just that. But, why am I suspicious of the most evil, Democratic administration in the history of American presidencies, especially when it comes to illegal immigration? This administration sees illegal immigration as a political opportunity to recruit new voters, even if they have to bend citizenship requirements to get them to vote, and by giving them "Humanitarian" aid, they obviously intend to persuade these new immigrants to vote for the political status quo, which in this case just happens to be the Democratic party. Their interests in the immigrants do not extend a bit beyond their voting potential. Yet, they portray themselves as being so concerned for the humanitarian needs of these people, so long as they don't have to pay for it themselves; let the nameless, faceless taxpayers pay for it all.
It's bad enough that they allow illegal immigration to flow almost unchecked across our southern border. But, how long before these hyper-humanistic Liberals will determine that offering Europe food, water, and medical supplies is not enough; "we've got to open our doors to let these poor people immigrate to America", I can almost hear them proclaiming. Is this just the paranoid imagination of a hopeless Conservative, in a demonic Liberal America? Or will our Muslim President decide that these poor Muslim immigrants need a refuge, and America fits the bill? Fine for most of the people, who are just trying to escape the murderous bloodshed of their regional homelands, and just want a place to raise their families in peace. But, the Muslim terrorists who drove them out in the first place are famous for hiding within their numbers, making themselves virtually invisible, so they can spread their terrorist international "Jihad" to other nations, undetected, until they blow themselves up in American market places, schools, and nursery schools, etc. How do you sift between the sincere, peaceful families, and the murderous terrorists, who look identical? And worse, how do you determine that the non-radical adolescent child will not become a radicalized teen-aged terrorist, suicide bomber in a few years, after steady indoctrination by the local Imams who are preaching "Jihad" in American Mosques today? These radical Imams are taking advantage of our first Amendment privileges, while a Christian woman has been jailed for resisting an immoral Supreme Court judgment, in Kentucky.
One might almost suggest that what we need in this country is a truly Holy Ghost breathed Spiritual revival, but, naah! The government would never allow that, would they???
On the surface, this appears to simply be an offer of Humanitarian aid; namely food, water and medical supplies. If that's all, then perhaps my paranoia is nothing more than just that. But, why am I suspicious of the most evil, Democratic administration in the history of American presidencies, especially when it comes to illegal immigration? This administration sees illegal immigration as a political opportunity to recruit new voters, even if they have to bend citizenship requirements to get them to vote, and by giving them "Humanitarian" aid, they obviously intend to persuade these new immigrants to vote for the political status quo, which in this case just happens to be the Democratic party. Their interests in the immigrants do not extend a bit beyond their voting potential. Yet, they portray themselves as being so concerned for the humanitarian needs of these people, so long as they don't have to pay for it themselves; let the nameless, faceless taxpayers pay for it all.
It's bad enough that they allow illegal immigration to flow almost unchecked across our southern border. But, how long before these hyper-humanistic Liberals will determine that offering Europe food, water, and medical supplies is not enough; "we've got to open our doors to let these poor people immigrate to America", I can almost hear them proclaiming. Is this just the paranoid imagination of a hopeless Conservative, in a demonic Liberal America? Or will our Muslim President decide that these poor Muslim immigrants need a refuge, and America fits the bill? Fine for most of the people, who are just trying to escape the murderous bloodshed of their regional homelands, and just want a place to raise their families in peace. But, the Muslim terrorists who drove them out in the first place are famous for hiding within their numbers, making themselves virtually invisible, so they can spread their terrorist international "Jihad" to other nations, undetected, until they blow themselves up in American market places, schools, and nursery schools, etc. How do you sift between the sincere, peaceful families, and the murderous terrorists, who look identical? And worse, how do you determine that the non-radical adolescent child will not become a radicalized teen-aged terrorist, suicide bomber in a few years, after steady indoctrination by the local Imams who are preaching "Jihad" in American Mosques today? These radical Imams are taking advantage of our first Amendment privileges, while a Christian woman has been jailed for resisting an immoral Supreme Court judgment, in Kentucky.
One might almost suggest that what we need in this country is a truly Holy Ghost breathed Spiritual revival, but, naah! The government would never allow that, would they???
Friday, September 4, 2015
Trump Signs A Worthless Pledge
Pardon my cynicism, but I can't get all excited about Donald Trump's signature on an admittedly worthless piece of paper, that carries no legal authority whatsoever. He does not strike me as the kind of trustworthy man to keep his word, just because he,"said so". If he wins the Republican nomination, you can bet that he will not run as a third-party candidate. If he does not win, all bets are off; and this is a man whose life is built around betting! He not only wants to win, he is used to winning, and when he doesn't get his way, he can buy it, anyway! Well, Mr. Trump, the presidency of the United States of America is one thing you can't buy. Your money can fund an independent campaign, and even help you win a nomination, but without enough substance to your platform, you can't win the presidency. In the case of all those Democratic presidents, whose platforms I disagreed with, especially the present one, they at least held up to their platforms, foolish as they were!
But, if Donald Trump doesn't win the Republican nomination, I'd expect a third party to be instantly created out of thin air. It would probably be called the Trump Party, or the Aces High Party, or some such.
As soon as he creates his third Party, you can kiss any Republican presidency hopes, "goodbye"! While I don"t particularly like Trump, myself, I recognize there are many conservative voters who do. And without their votes, no Republican candidate can hope to win the presidency. So, another 4, to 8 years of "Obama-esque" foolishness out of the White House is probably what we're in for.
Regrettably, this is what I've gone on record as expecting, though I certainly don't want it. I don't see how God can allow the Antichrist to come to power in his One-World government system, if America is restored to it's previous state of international prominence. Remember, just as the Devil is, "God's devil" (which He will allow to run amok, for a "short time", to test us to see who will stand for the Lord, and who will not), the Antichrist belongs to God also, and He must allow him to come to power for his seven-year reign, to test us to see who will take "the mark of the beast" (which is condemned), and who will not! If America is preeminent in the world, the Antichrist would have to conquer us first, and there is nothing about that in prophecy. In fact, America may not even exist by that time (see previous posts in the Archive list). So, it makes sense that the Demon-ocrats (sorry about the "completely unconscious" typo!) will win the 2016 election, and have their way finishing Obama's start to the destruction of America, economically, militarily, morally, and just about every other way, until we are left with a third-world-nation status!!!
But, if Donald Trump doesn't win the Republican nomination, I'd expect a third party to be instantly created out of thin air. It would probably be called the Trump Party, or the Aces High Party, or some such.
As soon as he creates his third Party, you can kiss any Republican presidency hopes, "goodbye"! While I don"t particularly like Trump, myself, I recognize there are many conservative voters who do. And without their votes, no Republican candidate can hope to win the presidency. So, another 4, to 8 years of "Obama-esque" foolishness out of the White House is probably what we're in for.
Regrettably, this is what I've gone on record as expecting, though I certainly don't want it. I don't see how God can allow the Antichrist to come to power in his One-World government system, if America is restored to it's previous state of international prominence. Remember, just as the Devil is, "God's devil" (which He will allow to run amok, for a "short time", to test us to see who will stand for the Lord, and who will not), the Antichrist belongs to God also, and He must allow him to come to power for his seven-year reign, to test us to see who will take "the mark of the beast" (which is condemned), and who will not! If America is preeminent in the world, the Antichrist would have to conquer us first, and there is nothing about that in prophecy. In fact, America may not even exist by that time (see previous posts in the Archive list). So, it makes sense that the Demon-ocrats (sorry about the "completely unconscious" typo!) will win the 2016 election, and have their way finishing Obama's start to the destruction of America, economically, militarily, morally, and just about every other way, until we are left with a third-world-nation status!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Ain't It Wonderful!!! Oil Prices Have Rebounded!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise OPEC!!!
Pardon the above sarcasm, but I have to feel sorry for the desperate investors who are looking for any reason to be optimistic about oil prices, specifically, and stock market trends, in general. Bloomberg reported the last three days have seen international oil prices rise at the highest rate ever, for the past 25 years! All the way up to an average price of around $50.00 per barrel of oil! Whoopee! That's all the way up to exactly half of what Russia needs to feed their starving economy (as I wrote in my 8/25/'15 post, as an update of my 12/16/'14 post). If the economists who meddle with the OPEC oil prices don't shut off the spigots soon, to stop production until the price rises to around $100.00 per barrel, we'll soon see the Russian invasion of the Middle-East that I've been boring my readers about for the past several years!
I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies are about to unfold before our eyes, and that the desperation of the Russian economy will be the driving force that will cause Putin to invade the Middle-East, including Israel. Between the collapsing price of oil (which Russia needs to maintain at around $100.00 per barrel to fund their economy) and the effects of the western nations' sanctions against Russia for it's invasion of the Ukraine, God has put His "hooks" in Putin's jaw, (the imagery of a horse's bridle "bit"), in order to drive his armies into the Middle-East. There He will somehow cause a fragile truce between the various Muslim armies that will be confederate with him to implode in the self destruction of nearly 85% of their invasion force, "upon the mountains of Israel". Russia blatantly denies their Ukrainian invasion; as if the "revolution" there was a spontaneous revolt against those foolish government officials who actually wanted their country to remain independent, and not be overrun by Russian proxy troops! I'm sure Putin will also deny that his forces, "have come to...take a great spoil" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for this quote) in the Middle-East (is it a divine coincidence that the English words, "spoil" and "oil" rime? I think not, since English is our national language, and Biblical scholars have long believed that it will be American diplomats asking this inane question.)
Putin's intent will obviously be to conquer the various Arab oil fields, so he can control the international price of oil himself, with about 75% of the world's oil reserves under his control. Then he could either shut off the production (in the "mother of all oil embargoes"), or speed up production so much that he could fund his economy, no matter how low the price dropped. Thank God that he will not be given that choice, or we would soon see him as the "One-world Ruler" of a communist world! God is first going to spare the world that prospect, then (after seven years) He will deal with the Antichrist's "One-world Socialist" government. Between these two situations, I believe Jesus will send His Angels to the earth to "Rapture" the Church (the world-wide body of "Born-again" believers in Jesus Christ), to be with Him in Heaven. And I believe it's coming sooner, rather than later! So, as I keep writing, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh". For those readers who are not sure if they are "Born-again", also, "look up..." to the top of this page. Under the "End Times News Review" heading are detailed instructions that Jesus gave us in how to be "Born-again". Then you too may "look up, for your redemption..."!!!
I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies are about to unfold before our eyes, and that the desperation of the Russian economy will be the driving force that will cause Putin to invade the Middle-East, including Israel. Between the collapsing price of oil (which Russia needs to maintain at around $100.00 per barrel to fund their economy) and the effects of the western nations' sanctions against Russia for it's invasion of the Ukraine, God has put His "hooks" in Putin's jaw, (the imagery of a horse's bridle "bit"), in order to drive his armies into the Middle-East. There He will somehow cause a fragile truce between the various Muslim armies that will be confederate with him to implode in the self destruction of nearly 85% of their invasion force, "upon the mountains of Israel". Russia blatantly denies their Ukrainian invasion; as if the "revolution" there was a spontaneous revolt against those foolish government officials who actually wanted their country to remain independent, and not be overrun by Russian proxy troops! I'm sure Putin will also deny that his forces, "have come to...take a great spoil" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for this quote) in the Middle-East (is it a divine coincidence that the English words, "spoil" and "oil" rime? I think not, since English is our national language, and Biblical scholars have long believed that it will be American diplomats asking this inane question.)
Putin's intent will obviously be to conquer the various Arab oil fields, so he can control the international price of oil himself, with about 75% of the world's oil reserves under his control. Then he could either shut off the production (in the "mother of all oil embargoes"), or speed up production so much that he could fund his economy, no matter how low the price dropped. Thank God that he will not be given that choice, or we would soon see him as the "One-world Ruler" of a communist world! God is first going to spare the world that prospect, then (after seven years) He will deal with the Antichrist's "One-world Socialist" government. Between these two situations, I believe Jesus will send His Angels to the earth to "Rapture" the Church (the world-wide body of "Born-again" believers in Jesus Christ), to be with Him in Heaven. And I believe it's coming sooner, rather than later! So, as I keep writing, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh". For those readers who are not sure if they are "Born-again", also, "look up..." to the top of this page. Under the "End Times News Review" heading are detailed instructions that Jesus gave us in how to be "Born-again". Then you too may "look up, for your redemption..."!!!
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