We Just Don't Get It!!! Wealthy, insensitive politicians, from both parties, insensitive and mindless bureaucrats, unscrupulous single-issue corporate lobbyists, Lawyers who write our laws in thousands of pages, when a couple of paragraphs will do, simply to obfuscate the issue so that no one can know what it means without hiring them to explain it all, greedy corporate managers, and board members, whose amoral values only extend as far as the bottom line; WE are cannibalizing our society from the inside out, and most of us are too blind, and self-serving to realize it. And the single most powerful man on the planet, President Obama certainly doesn't get it, and he never will until WE as a society collectively "get it"! And then as Ronald Reagan would put it, if we can't get him to see the light, we can at least get him to, "feel the heat". I seriously tremble for our future ( should Jesus tarry), without the regeneration of a Holy Spirit breathed spiritual revival across this whole nation!
Our economy is on the verge of total collapse. We probably should have experienced a massive deflationary depression about seven years ago, that would have made the "Great Depression of the 1930's look like a party, and we may not have accomplished anything more with all our hyper-inflationary "Quantitative Easing" than to temporarily postpone the pain of uncontrollable Deflation, once the final bubble bursts, and the dollar becomes so worthless that no one will accept it as currency. And by postponing it, we have probably made the inevitable pain much worse when we are finally forced to deal with it.
Yesterday, President Obama decided that his administration was setting a goal of reducing the size of the military to 450,000 troops, from a previous 525,000, as a way of reducing the defense budget. God only knows what he and the Democrats in Congress will do with the savings, but we can rest assured that it will not be used to reduce the deficit, or even balance the budget. I'm sure that the Senate is already salivating over many completely useless and unnecessary projects that they want to fund with that money, in order to give money to union-run companies who will kick-back a large portion of it into their own re-election campaigns. The capacity of our troops to defend our nation is not nearly as important to them as getting re-elected, and preserving their undeserved salaries. This new goal of 450,000 troops is fewer than our pre-World War II levels, which were so horribly inadequate that we came dangerously close to losing that war! Now with an aggressive Russia probably on the verge of invading the middle-east, to try and take over the majority of the world's oil supplies, and an equally aggressive China, boasting an army of roughly 200,000,000, how are we supposed to scare them into self-restraint with a military of a paltry 450,000 troops! Sure our technology makes a big difference, but both Russian and Chinese technology is not so far behind that we can rest in our capacity to overwhelm an all-out confrontation with either.
Republicans, who are correctly outraged at these developments, in turn want to shut down all so-called government entitlements, which are the largest drain upon the economy as a whole. That's a great idea, in a perfect world, with something approaching full employment, and sufficient jobs available to hire those who will need them. But that world doesn't exist today. And what about those who can't work, due to old age, illnesses, or mothers who need to take care of their children? Their short-sighted solution would leave millions of innocent people on the streets, penniless, and soon facing starvation as a Republican Congress would simply dissolve all benefits to people who would mostly be unable to replace them with paychecks. I can't think of a better way to guarantee that a Republican Presidency, and/or Congress would be more speedily ousted, with the promise that no one from their party would ever be elected to office again!
And thanks to our belligerently Leftist system of public education, and their massive job of brainwashing our children into embracing Socialism as the only hope for mankind, we can likely expect that the next generation would probably prefer to accept Russian, or Chinese domination of the world, while they sit around all day, smoking their legal supply of marijuana, or shooting-up their government-supplied dose of heroin, rather than submit to an emergency draft into the military, to defend against any threat of invasion.
People, we are in desperate trouble! And most of us probably won't believe it until it's too late to avoid it. Thank God we have Jesus to call upon to save us from ourselves, but the material consequences of our foolish and profligate living over the last 70 odd years will be unnecessarily painful for all of us. And I expect that we have at least a number of years yet to go before He comes back to deliver us from the world, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
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