I really hate to reduce a serious problem to seemingly patronizing, childlike simplicity, but in the case of Barak Obama, and the Democratic Congressmen who doggedly defend him in the face of his absurd dishonesty, perhaps childlike faith requires kiddietalk logic. This man, regrettably our president, is so combustible he is a walking matchstick, not in the sense of his slender frame, but in the sense of that old childish taunt, "liar, liar, pants on fire...". The amazing thing about it is the absurdly blatant manner with which he and his Democratic cohorts continue to defend their lies, way beyond the point of absurdly unbelievable logic. I hate lies, whether they come from the Left, or the Right, male or female, Obama or Putin! But the more these idiots continue to defend their lies, the more they expose the source of their true values; namely Karl Marx!
It has long been a central premise of Communism ( especially Russian) that the way to stay in power is to lie to the masses, the so-called "proletariat". Since we are all such bumbling cattle-brains, we can be expected to swallow any lie, no matter how blatantly absurd, if it is professed repeatedly, to the exclusion of all contradicting views. The last phrase is the most important; it doesn't work if the opposing views, especially the truth, are expressed openly enough and often enough to expose the liars for what they are. We "stupid cattle-brains" can only be expected to swallow so many lies, for so long before even the most naively loyal supporters begin to recognize the truth, and then we also begin to resent the liars for treating us like the buffoons that they obviously take us for.
Thank God for Fox News!!! I recognize that their Conservative bias sometimes extends only as far as the Libertarian Party line allows ( which seems to be very conservative economically, with a heavy bias for Big Business Capitalism, as opposed to Free Market protections for small businesses that are run so efficiently that they don't need infusions of huge bank, or investment loans to stay afloat in dire economic times). Capitalistic hostile take-overs of small, profitable businesses by larger, bloated and inefficient Global Corporations only makes both corporations inefficient, but saves the larger from bankruptcy temporarily, while enriching the banks, and investment companies that finance it all. It would be better to allow the big corporations to fail, and then their assets could be auctioned off to smaller, more efficient companies who will eventually become the larger corporations of the future, and will avoid future bankruptcies by maintaining their efficiency.
Aside from economics, Libertarian values don't extend to other Conservative principles; such as Military Preparedness ( they are just as likely to disarm our military as the liberal Democrats; only they would do so to balance the budget, while the Democrats would search high and low for more useless pork to waste the savings on). So the Libertarians would create another evil, in order to lessen our budgetary crisis. We all know what they say about, "two wrongs making a right". As far as "domestic issues" Libertarians believe in a Laissez Faire concept of morality; namely leave everyone alone and we will eventually all get along, in spite of our moral conflicts. Christians believe that some forms of outrageous immorality must be discouraged and even suppressed ( like abortion, addictive drug use, and euthanasia), due to the over-all moral degradation that it promotes on society as a whole. And as society becomes more corrupt, through it's collective immorality, it will eventually have dangerous effects upon those who try to live according to a higher standard of morality. It's the reverse effect of the "Golden Rule". In treating others as we wish to be treated we stimulate a higher level of reciprocal kindness from others, even if they don't share our over-all values. Conversely, if everyone is living for their own greedy self interest, sooner or later they will be in conflict with the innocent needs of others, forcing a choice that will generally end harmfully for the innocent. The old testament condemned societies that degenerated to this point which were described as, "every man did that which seemed right in his own eyes". Moreover, we believe God will hold our nation accountable if we do not restrain such immorality.
Anyway, Fox News seems to be the only major media outlet that is holding Obama's heels to the fire. They are the only News Channel that won't let the Benghazi terrorism cover-up die for lack of coverage. And the I.R.S. scandal of harassing those Tea Party spin-offs ( who have the "audacity" to apply for non-profit status) with unprecedented bureaucratic investigations, and repetitive financial audits that they don't harass liberal applicants with is so blatantly political ( and therefor un-constitutional), that a six-year-old could see it. So, now we have to wait until the mid-term elections to see just how effectively the Communist principle of lying in the face of obvious truthful contradiction succeeds. And then, in 2016, we will see if the repetitive blatant lying of one White House staff, at the behest of their Communist-leaning President, and the lock-step bureaucracy the does his evil bidding, with the incompetent Foreign Service that lies to cover-up their mistakes, will actually be replaced with another one just as bad, if Hillary can lie her way into the White House. Hopefully, Fox News will persist in exposing these liars for what they are, for long enough till the nation will get fed up with the Democratic Party's patronizing ways of deceiving the voting public. It worked when the Washington Post held Nixon's White House staff accountable for Watergate, but the Liberal Media apparently has a myopic view of what constitutes political outrage, and unconstitutional political intrigue. The Liberal press is outraged at the President's protestation of, "I am not a crook!", but gives a smirk, and a wink to, "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman!".
Yesterday's Congressional hearings on the I.R.S. harassment scandal was an obnoxiously obvious case in point. Some lady was being interviewed at a hearing ( I think it was in the Senate) about her Tea Party-related company's application for non-profit status. The Democratic Senator was brow-beating her to try and prove her charges of I.R.S harassment were untrue, until a Republican Senator calmly asked her if she had been investigated by O.S.C.E.A, the F.B.I., or audited by the I.R.S. before her company had applied for non-profit status. She answered in the negative. He then asked the same question of her for the time after they had applied for non-profit status. She testified that those same bureaucratic institutions had each investigated, or audited her company several times since their application, with each occurrence requiring significant financial expense to comply with their investigations.
If that isn't blatant proof of intentional and even conspiratorial efforts to stifle opposing political dissent through White House directed harassment, I don't know what is! And yet Obama has the audacity to appear on Fox's O'Reilly Factor and deny to Bill O'Reilly's face that there was any I.R.S conspiracy of harassment for the Tea Party applications. This can be true only in considering the conspiracy to be a White House conspiracy, rather than that of the I.R.S.! America, who is the blatant, compulsive liar here??? This is such a blatant violation of Constitutional rights that it would be an impeachable offense if it could be proven that Obama ordered it, as he obviously must have. But he has so carefully surrounded himself with so many willing liars that it would take a miracle to prove the truth, or perhaps the repentance of at least one courageous whistle-blower!
And even if we found one ( as I've stated before) the prospects of impeaching, and convicting Obama, as I believe he deserves, would leave us with the horrible prospect of a President Joe Biden. He is not only as big a liar as Obama, but he has been doing it for a lot longer in the Senate! And he is not as smart as Obama, which creates a double-whammy effect in the White House! Oh God, save us from ourselves!!!
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