Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is Obama Trying To Force Impeachment?

One has to wonder; as much as I dislike the Obama administration, and as little respect as I have for him as President, I'm not stupid enough to call him an idiot. Yet the obvious facts are pointing to that conclusion. Either he is ( which I don't think anyone really believes), or there is some maniacal logic behind his continual efforts to flaunt the sacred principles of the Constitution that he took a solemn oath ( twice) "to protect, and defend." Counting his Senate confirmation, he took the oath three times. What does it take for him to get it??? Since he is certainly not stupid, the only other logical conclusion one can draw is that he has no respect for the Constitution, and that he intends to trample on it's principles as much as he can possibly get away with. That, to me, is a highly impeachable attitude that is only awaiting the final act where his attitude forces him to cross over the line and violate the law to the point where Congress will be forced to impeach him. I guess he figures that a Democratic Senate would never convict him no matter how tyrannical his administration becomes. Unfortunately, he may be right! Fortunately, he may not have a Democratic majority in the Senate for much longer, and he may be forced to abandon his apparently intended movement of the country towards totalitarianism simply by sensing the Congressional intent to impeach. Let's hope so, lest we be faced with the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency, which may be worse; not so much by intent as by incompetence!

Today, Fox news is reporting that the F.C.C. is notifying various agencies of the News Media that they must submit to an investigation to determine the ideological perspective of their news reporting. This is a clear and blatant violation of the, "freedom of the press, and free speech" clauses of the first amendment to the Constitution! As Obama certainly knows this, and his White House staff knows it even better, it is clearly an attempt to harass these organizations ( which I'm sure must all be of conservative perspective) into recognizing that they believe conservative ideology is not protected by the first amendment, but liberal, socialistic ideology is protected. There can be no clearer demonstration of totalitarian intent than this. Of course they recognize that the Supreme Court would never allow this to survive a court challenge, so they will simply find some excuse to back off, and "re-evaluate their request". Then, after the media outrage dies down, they will find some other way to harass conservative institutions, as with the I.R.S. making unreasonable, and repeated costly investigations of Tea Party organizations that applied for non-profit status. People, you and I are the idiots here! We were stupid enough not to see through this man's good looks, and genial manner, and his articulate speech enough to elect him. And not only that, but we compounded our stupidity by re-electing him!

Is his brand of intended totalitarian government really any better than that of King George III's, or is it actually worse? See if you can guess where I stand on this issue!

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