Friday, October 18, 2013

Shame America, For Raising The Debt Ceiling

The most condemning statement I can think of to describe our run-away, tax-and-spend Congress ( not even to mention our Socialist Presidency) is to remind America that, "you get what you pay for"! Any System of government that would rather be paying the interest on President Woodrow Wilson's debt for the funding of our World War I war efforts, rather than simply pay off the $35 million debt forever, is lunatic beyond belief, and apparently has been for the past 90-plus years, since it was borrowed. And now these are the same kind of elected numbskulls we have allowed to vote to raise the borrowing capacity of our government beyond its present nearly $17 trillion level. How many of you level-headed parents out there think it's a good idea to punish your shop-till-you-drop teenaged daughters who have just maxed out their credit cards ( which they don't pay for; you do!) by raising their spending capacity to unlimited credit??? Boy!!! That'll sure teach them a lesson, won't it!!!

There is an alternative to raising the debt ceiling that we didn't hear either the President, or any member of the Congress talk about during this entire Budget/Debt Ceiling fiasco. It's called, "pay off your debts, you idiots!". Wow, what an amazing concept! Unfortunately, we are faced with the necessity of not only paying off our debts, but the legal indebtedness of our fathers' governmental borrowing, and our grandfathers', and at least a couple of "greats" in there as well. Some day, and probably not too distantly in the future, this is going to have to be faced up to, one way or another. Either we must pay off our predominantly international debts, to the tune of around $17 trillion (which is roughly the equivalent to our entire Gross National Product, for one year) or we will have to willingly and permanently default on all our indebtedness, with the equally painful stipulation that all foreign indebtedness to us is permanently forgiven ( which I understand is approximately equal to our own debt).

This does not remotely resemble the Biblical form of international debt Forgiveness that is expounded in Leviticus 25, and which I described in detail in my previous blog which can be "Googled" at almost the same title ( see "The End-Times News Review"), some 5 years ago ( posted as the "Stupid..." posts; as in "It's the economy, stupid", and "Stupid is as stupid does"), but it's as close as we could manage today, under our present form of economic chaos. The only other option available to us is the one our "brilliant" (read: "cowardly", and "Greedy") politicians have chosen for us over the last near century. It's called Hyperinflation, and it is the most painful and socially destructive option of the three. The ultimate conclusion of which always gives a meglo-maniacal tyrant for a ruler, just as Hitler used the German Hyperinflation of the 1920's to rise to power in the most diabolical government history has ever known, to date. I added the last qualifier to this statement because the Bible prophecies a "future" tyrant that will one day make all his evil predecessors look like pansies by comparison to his evil tyranny ( referred to as the Antichrist). The question is: how far in the future is he? He may be waiting in the wings now, looking for his opportunity to take over!

We are trapped in a spiral of financial decline that will eventually leave our nation in a third world condition if we don't slam on the breaks before it's too late. And we know that neither Congress, nor the President has the desire, or courage to stop this economic spiral. Why should they; I suspect that most of these liberal politicians are looking out for themselves by socking away tons of money, perhaps through influence pedaling ( which is equivalent to bribe-taking, in my book), which will give them each enough of a nest-egg to be able to bail out on a "dying America", and emigrate to whatever country will fare the best after the coming international financial collapse! So much for our politicians' patriotic fervor!

So what am I suggesting as a "solution"? There is no good one, just a lesser of the evil choices! Our best choice is the most frightening in the short term: Intentional Default on our debts, and forgiveness of those owed to us ( which will be automatic anyway, as retaliation), and a permanent illegality of international borrowing to service our governmental spending, rather than paying for it all with revenue, no matter how painful in the short-term. This will surely drive us immediately into a Deflationary depression that will probably make the "Great Depression" look like peanuts. But we can survive it, as we did the last one. And afterwards we will be financially stronger than we are now. As far as our international lenders/creditors are concerned we must leave them alone and let the "chips fall where they may", sadly. But the crisis is so severe that we must look to our own house, first. One by-product of this will probably be that the illegal immigration crisis will simply dry up, as things will be worse here for immigrants than in their home countries, as the international community will initially sanction us with boycotts of all trade, to try and force us to repent of our defaulting on their loans. But after a number of years of economic isolation, our economy will rebound enough so that their greedy desperation will bring them crawling back looking for loans from our rebuilt economy to bail out their bereft Socialist economies, with the consequential resumption of international trade relations. And if we remember the Biblical principle of lending to others, but never borrowing from them we will never see a financial crisis of this scale again!

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