Christians have long known that the world was in desperate need of a Savior. In fact, the defining moment in a person's life is when he, or she actually becomes a Christian by acknowledging in prayer that they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Savior of the world, and they ask Him to come into their heart, forgive them of their sins, and become their personal Savior, and Lord of their life, forever. This decision is then sealed spiritually, by God, in some personal manner that confirms to them that their prayer has been answered, usually in a way that is somewhat different from what others experience, yet confirming their faith in Jesus, personally.
Now it seems that the world no longer needs Jesus, and that they have another "savior" in the person of Russian Premier Vladimier Putin who has personally volunteered his country's scientists, and technicians to dismantle all of the poison gas munitions stored in Syria, in order to prevent further gas attacks against Syria's rebel forces, and any collateral civilian populations. What a relief! Now the world can relax, especially Barak Obama who doesn't have to stammer around any more trying to talk his way out of his previous threat of retaliation, by explaining how "crossing a Red Line" is not really what it seems. And isn't it wonderful of Putin to offer his help, considering that it was Russia's scientists that gave Syria the technology to produce the poison gas in the first place, and that there would most likely be a very incriminating paper trail leading right back to the Russian sources for any other U.N. sponsored technicians to see if they began snooping around the Syrian stockpiles. Now that won't be necessary, the Russians will take care of all that themselves! How sweet!
Of course it might take a while to finish the process, like about as long as it takes for Russia to quietly fly in thousands of military "experts", ranking from Privates to Generals, all armed to the teeth, and staring hungrily at Israel, Syria's neighbor to the south. I'll bet there will still be a massive stockpile of Sarin gas available when Putin decides to stop pretending, and begins his invasion of Israel by sending a massive barrage of the poison gas on them. My what a "savior" we have in Putin! Thank God we have such brilliant, and compassionate world leaders such as himself, and Barak Obama to save us from the folly of Assad's poison gas, and Iran's soon-to-be nuclear arsenal, which they have assured us is, "only need for electrical power", and not for "genocidal power" against Israel.
The world grows palpably safer by the minute, under such wise, and benevolent leadership!
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