In keeping with the spirit ( pardon the pun) of Halloween, let me go on record as saying this is clearly the most utterly perverse concept for a "holiday" that any predominantly Christian world has ever had the sheer audacity to invent in the history of the church. First of all, to use the term of "holiday" to categorize it is blasphemously inaccurate at best, as there is certainly nothing Holy about the concept as it has evolved today, and rather lame Christian reasoning when it was first conceived. The concept of dressing up like witches, ghouls, and goblins was originally intended to "frighten" away the evil spirits on All Saints Eve, or "All Hallows Eve", thereby protecting the parishoners of the local Catholic church in the dark ages, which was more than likely meant to pacify the locals who probably kept some pagan festival at that time, and the local preists wanted to seem to "Christianize" the revelry to make it seem they were having an effect on the populace, which was difficult since those few who were literate were kept from reading the Bible, the sole responsibility, and even the sole property of the priests.
Jesus himself put the lie to the concept of frightening demonic forces away with scarey costumes when he said, "How can Satan cast out Satan..." since, "a house divided can not stand". Jesus is the only one that really scares Satan and his minions, along with Christian believers willing to resist them in the name of Jesus. Satan knows that he has no authority over Christians, in Jesus' name, and that Jesus has the ultimate authority over them to cast them into Hell, which He will do when the time is right. In the mean time Satan is trying to frighten as many of us as he can into believing that all that I've just written is wrong, and that he is the most powerful force in the world, not God.
The thing that really nauseates me is the stampede of T.V. shows and movies that are falling all over themselves to produce some new story about how the heroes and heroins struggle mightily to kill off the millions of Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies that are roaming the earth, usually after some cataclysmic event which they blasphemously describe with what they obviously consider to be a generic term, of "Apocalypse".
There is nothing generic about the Apocalypse. There is only one source for the word itself ( the Bible), and it's use is found only in the book of Revelation, which also is the definition of "Apocalypse" (meaning "revelation", or "uncovering"). I have come to be convinced that Hollywood's perverse obsession with producing such an overwhelming flood of Vampire, and Zombie flicks, and the audiences' even greater thirst ( again, pardon the pun) to view them is no less than additional evidence that the End Times are upon us and that Satan is trying to prepare as many as he can to rationalize the inexplicable disappearance of multiple millions of born-again Christians around the world, simultaneously, when Jesus "Raptures" the Church and takes us all to heaven. Those who remain will be desperate for some comfortable explanation, and I guess they'll prefer to believe that all the Vampires, and Zombies flew in from Mars in their flying saucers to round up all the Christians to take home to Mars, for food. ( New meaning to the term, "guess who's coming to dinner?", huh!) Perhaps we should all think twice before eating any candy made by the Mars Corporation, including "Snickers", and "Three Musketeers". ( Parents, check your childrens' "Trick Or Treat" bags carefully tomorrow!)
Anyway, it is interesting to see just how much publicity Hollywood, and more recently all the "reality" Cable networks, are giving to the concept of "surviving" the Apocalypse and having to deal with the chaos that they imagine will follow. I get tickled to watch some of these so-called "Prepper" shows to see the unbelievable lengths to which some people are desperately willing to go to "protect" their families, and their property from the hoards of starving survivors of the Apocalypse, who've figured out that their food stores are the only supplies left after the grocery stores have all been pillaged to emptiness. It's sad to realize all the money that's being spent, and all the back-breaking labor they're putting into their preparations, just so they don't have to ask Jesus to save their souls now, and their whole beings later. There is even one formerly disgraced televangelist who apparently finances his new show ( since his prison record most likely prohibits his establishing a non-profit ministry to raise donations) by selling freeze-dried foods, and other emergency-preparedness stuff that is consistent with the Prepper mentality. He gets around this apparent Biblical inconsistency by saying it's just to prepare for any emergency social breakdown, but it does sound very similar to the old Howard Ruff financial collapse scenario of the 1980's, when he was pushing his freeze-dried Mormon concept of preparedness. There's certainly nothing wrong with the concept, but it seems so silly if they are trusting in their freeze-dried foods, instead of trusting in Jesus to save them from having to survive the aftermath of the real Apocalypse, which may not be too far off. What are they going to do when Jesus comes? Are the going to ask Jesus to take along their freeze-dried supplies? I guess they'll have to leave it all behind for the "survivors" to fight over. Oh wait, I forgot that Vampires, and Zombies don't eat regular food. So I guess that leaves the Zombies to try and eat the brains of all the Vampires, while the Vampires are trying to drink the blood of the Zombies ( if they have any left). And on that pleasant thought, let me say "Happy Halloween, everybody"!
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