Thursday, June 27, 2013

Is "D.O.M.A." Dead?

Today's landmark Supreme Court ruling declaring the Federal law known as "D.O.M.A.",(Defense of Marriage Act) is just another tick in the time bomb of America's ultimate judgment by God.  We as a nation and people largely descended from "God-fearing", and God-loving generations, ought to be collectively ashamed of the perverse degradation we have allowed this nation to descend into.  For hundreds of years there has always been a collective presumption of faithful belief that the principals of the Bible were the best way to guide our nation's daily and future behavior.  Even those whose personal values, and behavior more closely resembled unabashed paganism would tend to feel that Biblical standards were important for most of society, even if they didn't wish to be constrained by those values themselves, and even if they didn't recognize that those values came from the Bible.

Now, our society is quickly approaching a state of nearly complete reversal of those values.  There was a time, some fifty or sixty years ago when Academic Historians stated fairly universally that sexual promiscuity ( especially homosexual), and other forms of personal debauchery on an overwhelming level of social acceptance was the main ingredient in the decline and eventual destruction of some of the greatest empires throughout History.  Persia, most notably Greece, and also Rome were all morally declining, and even decadent societies well before their empires were eventually overthrown, or absorbed into the control of subsequent empirical powers.  Some historians even made the case that the growth of homosexuality, and the promiscuity that prevails within their communities (whether they vociferously deny it, or not) is the most consistently obvious characteristic of a culture, and Nation that is in an imminent state of decline.  Frequently, that decline is culminated in some degree of bloody conquest by their enemies who covet economic, and military control over their population, or at least the elimination of their competition, or threat.

We Americans would be sadly remiss if we considered ourselves to be exempt from suffering the same fate as God's judgment for allowing our society to collapse into the same level of social debauchery as we've seen destroy the great empires of the past.  I believe it was the philosopher, George Santayana who once said, " Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it." Those whose entire existence is wrapped-up in the practice, and promotion of perverse forms of sexual activities as an acceptable lifestyle, have become so obsessed with the present that they consider the lessons of the past to be irrelevant.  The first seven verses of II Timothy, chapter 3, describe a time in our future when very perverse men/(people) will bear a striking resemblance to those who are in the forefront of dragging America down the road to our destruction today!  It describes these men as residing in, "perilous times" of , "the last days" ( or the "End Times", which we may well be entering!)   

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