Up till now I have been mixing a lot of Biblical prophecy with some basic knowledge of modern technology, topped off with a hefty dose of imagination in order to explain my "vision" of what may be soon to occur in the middle-east. I make no pretense of direct divine inspiration, as I am certainly no "modern-day prophet". Yet I can't feel that what I've written so far is not at all inspired by God, to some extent. If I have been reasonably accurate in describing what is prophesied in Ezekiel 38, and 39, then at least to that extent I have been divinely inspired, for the prophecies are God's Word spoken directly to mankind. But the "jigsaw puzzle" effect of that which God has given us in His prophecies leaves gaps in the pictures He reveals to us. It's when we try to fill those gaps using our imagination, based upon technological "educated guesses" that we run the risk of making false assumptions, which can cause the picture to become distorted in our minds.
I don't feel that God is offended when we do this. I believe He wants us to meditate on the possibilities of how He will actually fulfill His prophecies, and discuss our opinions openly, as many who listen will be encouraged by it, and even some will be saved by it as well.
That said, it is important that we stress the points where we cross the line between stating the prophetic Word of God, and begin to imagine the smaller details that logically seem to follow what He says, though He has not actually said them. Sometimes, an educated guess can be made based upon various factors; the mental image that the prophecy creates can sometimes be similar to something we are familiar with in modern-day technology. Or, a Bible translation may choose an English definition for a Hebrew, or Greek word that has several different translations. In choosing one translation, someone 50, or a hundred years ago may have thought it fit the context best according to the technological limitations of their day. But with the advance in modern technology, another translation of the same original word might conjure up a completely different picture.
I'm stepping out by faith to go a bit further in stating that I believe the scriptural verse Ezekiel 38: 9 may not mean exactly what it's English translation implies. Here God is describing the appearance of the invasion force of the Gog/Magog war when He says, "Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land...". He doesn't say, " thou shalt look like a cloud", but, "thou shalt be like a cloud". Based on recent happenings in the revolt in Syria where intelligence sources have reported that the Syrian government forces have used the poison gas called Sarin to kill at least 100 to 150 people, I'm wondering if this same toxic gas will not be employed against Israel by Russian/Syrian elements before invading. As this will cross the line from conventional warfare tactics, it will logically relieve Israel of the international prohibition for using their own "weapons of mass destruction" in retaliation. It won't relieve them of the international condemnation for doing so, but at least the honest and sane people of the world will sympathize with their need to do what it takes to protect their people.
The fact that the Israeli government has been issuing gas masks to their people for years tells me there is at least some concern that my suspicions might be shared by many in the government. Biblically speaking, Matthew 24: 16 &17 says, "Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house." A characteristic of Sarin gas is that it is heavier than air, and will immediately sink to the lowest point available upon deployment. Therefore, gas masks would be necessary for survival along with the immediate evacuation to whatever high ground is available.
I believe that Israel will retaliate with some form of "Tactical Nuclear" artillery, or Air Force bombing that will destroy a large segment of the Russian/Muslim invasion force, including many of their top officers, as there seems to be an all-out panic in response, along with an immediate retreat. Ezekiel 38: 19 says, "...in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel (Neutron Nuclear devises detonating, perhaps by the thousands)". Again, God doesn't need to rely on Israel's armaments to save them, but since this does not speak of the earth opening up to swallow an army, and then closing over them like at mount Sinai, I think this might reasonably happen. Remember American scientists developed the Neutron Nuclear bomb, which can be fired as artillery shells, as well. It was designed to effectively kill large numbers of enemy personnel without significantly damaging material objects, like buildings, tanks and trucks, etc. America supposedly decided that this was too immoral of a weapon so we discontinued it's production. But what if it was quietly given to the Israelis to develop for just such a need as this. Israel has long said it would approach an overwhelming invasion force not as David faced Goliath, but rather as Sampson when he was willing to die in the process of wiping out a large amount of the enemy. Fortunately, it appears that this is so effective that it turns the survivors into a panicked retreat, in which some appear to try futilely to restore order only to be met with resistance described as, "...every man's sword (or any weapon) shall be against his brother." That's apparently how the retreaters finish each other off to the tune of 83% of the invasion force being killed.
Well, I admit I am making some assumptions here based upon slim Biblical evidence, but it all seems plausible to me. What do you think?
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