Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Europe--Still Gasping!

Pardon the interruption, but I ran out of "paper" for my last post.  I'm still getting familiar with this blog site, and adjustments may take a while. 

I left off with a scenario that I imagine may well be used by the Antichrist to slowly rob America of it's dominant economic power in the world, without most of us realizing it until it's too late.  In a world that is already addicted to economic bailouts of basket-case economies, by the wealthier countries, I wouldn't be surprised to see the failing European economy turn to the U.S. for a series of bailouts of their debts, which we try to inflate away into the thin air.  Eventually it will catch up to us, and the worthless dollar will most likely be cancelled in favor of a more stable currency.  This will probably be some form of Gold-denominated electronic currency that Europe will be slowly establishing over the years, while it is simultaneously begging us to bail-out their indebtedness.  This would all have to happen slowly, so the average American doesn't realize what the international bankers are trying to pull off.

If this all sounds like the proverbial boiling of a live frog, you're right!  It's the issue of throwing a frog into a pot of boiling water, from which he immediately jumps out.  Alternatively, if you put the same frog in a pot of cool water, he'll just swim around as you slowly turn up the heat under the pot until he eventually boils to death.  That's what America is probably looking forward to, economically, in the not too distant future.  And we're in the early stages of it now!

In the mean time, between now and the "Rapture" of the Church, if we can't stop this from happening, we can certainly resist it to slow it's progress.  But if I'm right, and God is going to allow it in order to bring about His "Last Days" confrontation between the forces of good and evil, then at least we can rest assured that it will not be sinful for Christians to reluctantly participate in the European-based economy that will be developed from all this.  Remember that the only sin in this will be receiving the "Mark of the Beast" in our right hand, or forehead.  I can't see the Antichrist forcing this on a world that is comprised of  perhaps hundreds of millions of Christians, most of whom would revolt at this obvious evil, and many of whom are well armed!  Plus, we know that the first three years of the Antichrist's seven-year reign will be peaceful enough to solidify his power.  But after the Church is "Raptured" to Heaven few will object to receiving the "Mark", if that's the only way to buy food for their families.  Therefore it seems to me that the introduction of the new European currency will not be sinful for Christians to use, as the necessity of the "Mark" will not be forced on anyone until we are safely in Heaven with Jesus.

But, since I could be mistaken about all this, don't anyone receive anything that "smacks" of a "mark", or subcutaneous electronic implant in their right hand, or forehead anytime soon! At least not on my account, thank you very much!!!

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