Saturday, September 19, 2020

Vaccine Against War In Middle East???!!!

I do not criticise Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gillerman for his optimistic statement suggesting that the new Middle East peace agreement betwen Israel, Bahrain, and the U.A.E. will have a calming effect on the principles of the tension in the area!   But, realistically speaking, it will more than likely encourage more outrageous violent reactions from the Iranian/Russian/Moslem coalition that is prophecied to begin the "Gog.Magog War" ( and which is probably already secretly agreed to), and which seems to be on the verge of happening sooner, rather than later!!!   I am not going to make any silly predictions about when this will all start, but this is just the kind of  apparently progressive movement toward peace in the Middle East that the provacateurs can not stand for!!!  

If  anything, Iran will likely consider this a "slap in the face", which demands a retaliation-in-kind from them!   I do not suggest that this will bring about the invasion of Israel by Iran, that is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39, but it very well could!!!  In any event, Israel is very well prepared for this, and more importantly, God is thoroughly prepared, and He will show Iran what happens to those who attack what He considers to be "the apple of God's eye"!!!  Before it is all over, the Bible prophecies that 83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed, mostly by internal disputes that turn deadly, in what the Bible calls, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)!!!"

So, this peace treaty will not bring about a lasting peace, directly, but I guess you could say it will bring about peace, indirectly and eventually, after the war!!!

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