Last night's "Tucker Carlson Show", on Fox News, exonerated my wildest and most suspicious thoughts about the massive evil of the Chinese government!!!
I remember that some time ago, I speculated that "I wouldn't be surprised if the Coronavirus was actually developed in some Chinese laboatory, and released intentionally on their own people (whom the Communists really don't care much about, anyway!!!), as a way of debunking suspicion of their doing exactly that, because the callousness of such a move would be too horrible to contemplate!!! [Actually that's not quite true, I am quite surprised, even in spite of my massive distrust of the Communists in China!!!] Then they could export infected people around the world, forceing other countries to lock down their economies, giving China the opportunity to become the primary economy in the world, once they locked down the locality of the disease's inception (the Wuhan province), and kept it from spreading further, in China (which they did)!!!
Also, since China was the main supplyer of masks, and other surgical equipment that protected people from spreading the disease, it would be necessary to sell these supplies to other countries, instead of America, in order to give the pandemic enough time to ruin America's economy, since we are their main competitor in dominating the global eonomy (which they did, also)!!! Any harm they could do to America's economy would also help their freind, Joe Biden, to beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election!!!
Last night, Tucker Carlson's guest was Dr. Li-MengYan, a Chinese Virologist, who works for the World Health Organization, and she said that W.H.O. records show that China did indeed do exactly as I imagined they might have done! (I hope Dr. Yan has a squad of S.W.A.T. team police acting as her bodyguards; the Chinese are not above using assasinations to eliminate embarrasing whistleblowers, as seemed to be, coincidentally, when the first chinese laboratory worker proclaimed the disease had been released in Wuhan, only to suspisciuosly die of the disease, shortly thereafter!!! (He probably contracted the disease from a bullett passing through his brain!!!) They created the virus in their laboratory and released it intentionally upon the whole world, just to gain economic advantage over the rest of the world!!! I admit the charge that they might have done so seemed to be so diabollical that even I felt it might be going too far with my suspicions, but since I presented it in a hypothetic manner, I felt it was reasonable for people to speculate on. My point was not that they had done so, but that they were evil enough to do so!!!
I just spent an hour, or so, going through the list of previouse posts, to see if I could find the one where I made the facetious charge, in my Archives, but I could not recall the title of the post!!! I remember writing it, but I don't recall the main point of the post! If anyone wants to search the archive list to the right of this column, I would appreciate their informing me of it's location! It would have to be a post written after the January outbreak of the pandemic!!! You can contact me through the "No Comments" indication, at the bottom of this page! I know it seems to suggest that comments are unwelcome, but that is not the case. I suppose that is my blog server's way of letting me know that there are no comments, yet! God Bless!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
God has exonerated me from my most rediculous suspicion of China's evil empire!!! IT'S ALL TRUE!!!
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