Monday, December 28, 2020

Pardon My "Spiritual Rambling", But My Faith Is Struggling With The Events Of The Day!!!

I ramble not because I can not think of anything to say, but because I don't wish my discouragement to effect others!   This discouragement will pass,  I'm sure,  but in the mean time I grieve for the America that appears to have been stolen by foolish Socialists, who believe that their brand of  "Utopia" is much better than our Constitutional government! 

They will eventually realize their mistake, but will it come to them, before they have abolished our Constitution, and driven us into the "One-World" Socialist government that Europe is trying to develop, and that the Bible tells us will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist  and used to kill many Christians, and Jews!!!    This may well be God's ultimate test of our obedience, to see if we will " practice what we preach", and pray for those who "despitefully use us"!!!    Pray, not for God to destroy them, which might seem tempting, but that He will bless them, and change their hearts ,and save their souls!!!    

He knows what it will take to change their hearts, and bring us back to a united  America!!!     Without that unity, our nation can not survive!!!    If our nation is dissolved, it will be because God is getting us ready for the return of Jesus, to establish His Kingdom of Heaven, On Earth!!!   There may be a lot of pain and suffering between then and now, but it will all be for the best, somehow!!!   +

Remember, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the wonders that God has prepared for those that love Him!!!"   Hallelujah!!!


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I Would Hate To Weigh My "Mustard Seed" Against Anyone Else's, Right Now.......

 The descrepancy would be embarassing!!!   But, thank God, He never said anything about the size of the individual "seed", just that having it would be sufficient!!!   

I admit to being very discouraged, right now, as I'm sure many Christians in America are also!    It's not fun to watch our freedoms  being flushed down the proverbial tubes, knowing that our own people have voluntarily brought this upon us!!!   Between the liberal conspirators who carried out this sham election fraud, and the cowardly judges, who refuse to reverse what is clearly the most obviously illegal election scandal in American history, and the apparent approval of the Department of Justice officials who "see no evil, hear no evil, etc....." we now have the beginning of "America, the Bannana Republic"!!! 

There was a time when great political differences would stop short of treasonous efforts, regardlrss of which party one supported, and "Communism Light", or Socialism, was considered a treasonous doctrine!!!   But, after decades of soft propaganda, and an absence of American history, and civics being taught in our schools an universities, we now have a voting public that buys into the propaganda that Socialism is good, and everything American is evil!!! 

Let'a be clear on why Socialism is so evil!    The proponents claim they want 

'equality for all!   That's a lie!    What they call "equality" implies that more of the obscene wealth of the rich should be shared with the poor, like Roin Hood"s , "steal from the rich and give to the poor"!!!   But, what they really do  is bring the rich down to the near poverty of the poor, while they redistribute the leftover wealth to themselves, and their lackies!!!   Put simply, they steal from the rich, the"upwardly mobile", and the middle class, and keep the wealth for themselves!!!   So, they live like kings, and the rest of the people live in near destitute poverty!!!   That's what Socialists call"equality"!!!   The  old opressive elites are deposed for new oppressive elites!!!   And the businesses that made the wealthy rich suffer because no one wants to work for them, when the Socialists will steal most of their financial incentive!!!  There are preferred excaptions, as the Silicon Valley Elites, who are given monopolistic preferencial treatment, for supporting their efforts, and not condemning their destructive laws against their competitors, and the loss of our Constitutional freedoms!!!   That is why the techies accept the communist Chinese totalitarianism,and the trampling upon our freedoms, while they salivate over the prospect of monopolistic concessions over a billion and a half Chinee citizens!!!

I wonder if God is testing us to see if our faith is as strong as those who have lived in totalitarian states all their lives, and still remained faithful!    We have been so blessed not to have to suffer through the persecution of Christians that other countries have had to deal with, I wonder if God is testing us to see how genuine our faith really is!!!   

I think back to the first century Christians, who went willingly into the Roman arena, knowing they were about to be torn to shreds by half-starved lions, praisng God because they knew that their pain, and suffering would be only momentary, and then they would soon be in heaven with the Lord!!!     Our momentary persecutions, which we can now expect from all sides, legal, and illegal, will not compare to the blessings rhat God  has prepared for us in Heaven!!!    

This is not a time to dispair, O Chrisatians, our reward is just  around the corner!!!   

One thing I must consider!    The first century Christians could have committed suicide. as easily as any generation, but they chose not to, I think for two reaons!   First their courageous deaths were a testimony againt their persecutors, that, as the Lord said, "after they kill the body, they have nothing  that they can do to you."    And second, I'm not convinced that suicide will get one into Heaven!!!   I'm not saying it won't, but the Bible is silent on  the issue!!! I suspect that God is reserving this judgement for Himself, on a case by case basis!!!    But frankly, I would not want to die,  hoping that God might  take me home to be with Him in Heaven!   If we die, not of our own selves, as believers we are assured  of His mercy, to take us to Heaven!!!   I'm not sure that suicide guarantees the same!!!   I will not take the chance that I might not be correct, and possibly spend an eternity in Hell, for my error in judgemnt!!!    If any of you think I'm wrong, please consider the consequences of being wrong on this issue!!!   An eternity in Hell is a long time to be sorry for a missed oportunity!!!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Have The Corruption Rats Migrated to The D.O.J.???

 I smell Rats from somewhere!    I thought it was mostly at the top of the F.B.I., but it seems to be also in the Department of Justice and it may be rampant!!!   

Two facts make me wonder!   First, Durham's investigtion was "due"  to be released last summer,  then he said it might not be released until "after the election"!    Why???     The name of the winning President should not matter if the evidence of corruption is uncovered, unless you are trying to protect your "good buddies" in the D.O.J., who will be fired, if Trump wins, and perhaps prosecuted, but if Biden wins, the whole investigastion will be tabled, and soon forgotten!!!   

Second, Attorney General Barr says they find no evidence of election fraud, that would overturn the election!!!   That could only happen if their "eyes are wide shut"!!!  Has Barr become bought-and-paid-for by the Socialists???    What does it take to get some honesty in our federal government???   We were assured vociferously that Barr, and Durham were the most reputable, and honest members of the D.O.J., and now I have to wonder if there is any honesty anywhere in the federal government!!!    Is this America, or are we living in the "Union of Soviet Socialist States of America"???    

I have been worried that some of the end of the Ezekiel Prophecy might be directed towards a firey judgement that could  be directed towards us, from either China, or Russia!   I think I see reason to suspect that God might be wondering if America is worth saving, as a whole!    If He allowed us to be wiped out, the Christians would all be safe in heaven, and who would miss the rest!!

Barr and Durham must have uncovered a massive amount of corruption in the D.O.J., enough to make them decide that they need to protect the "good old boys" of the D.O.J., at the expense of our Constitutional government, as a whole, or see the bunch go to jail!!!   That kind of betrayal of our governmental freedoms is absolutely unforgivable!!!

Friday, December 11, 2020

The Real TWO-PRONGED Democrats' Conspiracy To Steal The Presiential Election...

 The first, and most obvious effort to steal the election is being talked about now in the press; outraged Conservatives, wanting accountbility, and lying Democrats denying the obvious, with the Main Stream Media siding, as usual, with the Democrats!!!    But the secondary effort, or the back-up plan for the real effort to oust Trump, and insert a Democrat into the White House, is being down-played for the moment, for the chaos of the former!!!    I submit that the whole point of the Democrats' absurd defense of their clumsy effort to steal the election is less to defend Joe Biden's "victory", and more about creating a stall, regardless of the final decision!!!   They realize the evidence of fraudulent election corruption is widespread, and would be easly proven, given enough time, so they merely want to confuse the issue, to stall the outcome until after January 20th of next year!!!    That is the last day that Presdent Trump can serve in office, unless the corrupt election results are overturned by the Supreme Court, and Biden can't serve if the issue is still being legally challenged!!!   The Constitution says that  if no clear winner is determined by the 20th, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives automatically becomes the President, and serves for the next four years!!!     There will be no make-up election, no decison on which party should win, "do not pass Go, do not collect $200.00"!!!   It"s over, for the next 4 years!!!

And if the prospect of Joe Biden as President was scarey enough, guess what the prospect of  a President Nancy Pelosi should do for all Conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who cares about the freedoms of  Americans, now, and forever, Ahmen!!!   Not only is she a total incompetant, but she is easily swayed by whatever position is most popuilar by the majority in her party!!!

Just how long do you think they would wait before trying to abolish the Constitution, and force us all to join the European effort to create a"One-World" Socialist government, that the Bible pophesies will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will kill  many Christians, and Jews!!!  Sure, Donald Trump could try and run again in 2024, but what if there was no Constitutional America any more???    Would he want to run against the Antichrist, in a forum that is designed to favor Socialist candidates???   At that point, it would probably make more sense to wait for the return of Jesus, to settle the issue!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is There A Real "China Syndrome"???

 Pardon my paranoia, but what if the Covid 19 pandemic was not accidental, or even a natural  phenominon???   I expect my suspiscions will be dismissed by all Chinese Communist pals, like those who might soon inhabit the White House, as xenophobic paranoia, but I do not denigrate the Chinese people!!!  Their Communist Party-controlled government, though, is so evil that it is worthy of the most virolent denigration possible, especially if my most paranoid suspiscions are true!!!

In my wildest conspiracy-theory prone imagination, I wonder if there is a demonstrable Chinese connection to the most recent viral outbreaks that have developed into pandemic proportions recently?!!    Did Ebola, and Sars have a demonstrable connection to China???     I wonder!!!   

I recently speculated that the Covid 19 pandemic may well have been intentionally released upon the Chinese people of the Wuhon province, from their Labratory there, which may be experimentally trying to develop various pandemic viruses as a form of international Bio-terrorism, not intended to destroy the world's population, just to cripple  it's economy, so China can dominate the whole world, as it's Communist government has always intended!!!   Why not???   China doesn't care much for it's people, after all, there's much more where that came from!!!
This very evil conspiracy has been charged recently, by the Chinese Dr. who fled China, to America, claiming that W.H.O. records indicate just such an evil effort by the Chunese government!!!   She has subsequently disappeared, whether intentionlly trying to escape official Chinese government retaliation, or whether the Chinese goverment actually helped her to disappear, permanently!!!   

Also, I recently commented on the FOX NEWS story by their China-expert  contributor, Gordon Chang, who reported that China has been collecting D.N.A. data on citizens of various countries, with  which he speculated that their scientists might be trying to develop viruses that are debillitating, if not potentially deadly to various ethnic groups, but not others!     The fact that the Covid 19 virus originated in the Wuhan province, which was immediately isolated from the rest of China, while infected Chinese were allowed to travel  internationally, spreading the pandemic, displays a dabollical callousness, if  not a demonic intent by the officials in charge, who presumably took their orders from the Chinese Communist government!!!

At some point a wild  paranoid conspiracy theory begins to take on credibility, when coincidental incriminating facts keep pointing to the same source!!!    If the Covid 19 vaccinations do in fact irradicate this pandemic, only to be followed by another viral pandemic, that can possibly be traced back to Chinese sources, then the incriminating evidence becomes overwhelming, no matter how circumstantial it may seem!!!   At some point the wildest of conspiracy theoriies become fact!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Who Is Talking In The Ezekiel: 38, And 39 prophecies? God, or Jesus?

Either is accurate when He says repeatedly that the people of Israel , "shall know that I am the Lord", as a direct consequence of His miraculous deliverance, from the invading armies!   But, one can only speculate as to whether God The Father is referring to Himself, in His Old Testament manner as, "the Lord your God", or is this decisive victory somehow a revealing moment that convinces many Jews that Jesus Christ is the one true Messiah, to the point that they receive Him as their Lord, and Savior???   I tend to be skeptical of the latter, as this would seem to suggest that Jesus' return should be immediate, rendering the events of the seven-year Tribulation period, and the battle of Armageddon unnecessary!!!   Perhaps many will reach this conclusion, but I doubt that this will be the overwhelming majority opinion, which means the rest of the Gospel, in the book of Revelation, must be fulfilled before Jesus' return!!!   I believe that Jesus' own words referred to this when He said to the Jews who were trying Him, "him you will receive", obviously referring to the Antichrist, so I guess they need to see his evil ways, to  prepare them to recognize that Jesus is the Lord!!!    

Getting back to the Ezekiel prophecy, I think the Lord purposely chose to refer to the opening of the invasion with the ambiguously symbolic terms, that the army should come upon Israel, "like a cloud", or, "as a cloud", in order to confuse the issue for those who only considered it lightly!    Further consideration leads to the possibility of their using noxiously incapacitating, or even fatal, poison gas, as opposed to the large body of invaders merely swarming over the land, as a cloud in appearance!!!   I think God revealed this clearly to those who really seriously examined it, while intentionally deceiving those who really didn't take it seriously!!!     Those who will take precautions will be safe, while those who remain skeptical will suffer unnecessarily!!!    

As to the reason for America's apparent non-involvement in coming to the aid of Israel, verse 13, of chapter 38 says, that, "Sheba and Dedan (which are probably Saudi Arabia), and the merchants of Tarshish"  ask the invaders what their intentions are!   (Duh!!!)   The Merchants of Tarshish are the colonies of Britain!   Does this mean that America is unwilling, or unable to help Israel???   An un- supporting American Presidency, like Biden's, might mean that the war would come during his term!!!

The description of the invaders coming on horses could simply refer to them riding in  vehicles whose speed is registered in horsepower!    The reference to a "great shaking" in Israel might be the Lord's way of showing that He is Israel's savior, in the lack of America's direct assistance!    An earthquake that affects the invaders only, might create the panicked retreat that seems to follow!!!   This seems to be the basis for the invaders fighting among themselves, which destroys their forces to the tune of more than 80%!!!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Did China Release Corona Virus From Their Bio -weapons Lab, To Spread Throughout The World???

Gordon, Chang, an expert on things China, who is a frequent FOX NEWS contributor raised the question   on FOX !   I have wondered about this myself, especially after a Chinese doctor fled to America to make claims of such, based upon W.H.O. reports that she claimed confirm this!  The fact that she has been reported as missing seems to confirm it even more so, if the Chinese government decided to silence her, and cause her to disappear!!!

According to Chang, China has been collecting DNA information on various ethnic groups around the world which he suspects they may be planning to use for "nefarious reasons"!!!   He suggested that they might be trying to develop viruses that effect one ethnic group, but not others, since they have discovered that the corona virus has been very effective in harming the American economy, as well as Europe's and other countries, whether they intentionally released it, or not!!!    Could they really be so ruthless as to use biological weaponry just to  gain economic power over their competitors???   I personally would not be surprised if this were proven true, after we have seen the predatory ways in which the Chinese Communist Government bullies the companies of other countries, into revealing trade secrets as a price for participating in the Chinese economy!!!   

The Democrats in America see a "racist" under every rock, so I wonder if they would call trying to produce biological weapons that can potentially kill members of one race, but not another, as racist or not?  If this proved true, I wonder if Biden would have the guts to condemn the country that has so enriched his family, and perhaps himself!   I wonder if being a "cash cow" exempts one from being a racist???

Monday, November 30, 2020

Israel is Threatened By Iran!!!

So what's new about that???  Israel is always threatened by Iran!!!   Recently, the death of a top nuclear scientist, killed in an assassination by gunmen, similarly to other Iranian officials who where gunned down, and were attributed to Israeli agents, this must come as quite a shock to Iran, as it may slow their efforts to develop nuclear weapons to use against Israel, in their spoken effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth!!!

But, this creates a real dilemma for Israel!   I'm sure the Israelis  are really worried  about public opinion for killing a top scientist who was helping Iran to develop weapons of mass destruction, so they could commit a greater genocide against Israeli Jews than Nazi Germany did in World War II!!!   Uh-huh!!!  

But with the typical self control of Iran's government, this could bring about an escalation of tensions between the two countries, that might cause Iran to move against Israel, without waiting to complete their development of a nuclear bomb!!!    They could decide to invade Israel by barrowing one of their neighbors' favorite weapons of mass destruction, such as Syria's stockpile of poison gas, which they promised to destroy(until Russia kindly volunteered to take it all off their hands!!!   I'm sure that by now the Russians have "gotten rid of it all" by giving it back to the Syrians!!!   The prophecy in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, says that the invaders will come against Israel, "like a cloud" to begin the invasion!!!   Will that cloud be poison gas???  Many people in Israel's government apparently think so, as they have been giving out gas masks to their citizens for years!!!  But since poison gas has been outlawed internationally, Israel will probably feel exonerated in retaliating with Neutron  Nuclear bombs,  and artillery, which are also banned by international law!!!   (Neutron Nuclear technology is designed to kill large segments of personnel, while leaving buildings, and vehicles unharmed!)   And, God might throw in a few earthquakes against the invasion forces, for good measure!!!

The resulting panic of the invaders is prophesied to cause, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) to be against his brother", as the retreaters are fighting against those who are trying to stop them, I suppose!!!   In this manner God prophesied that the invaders would destroy their armies, to the tune of 83%!!!  So Israel should be real concerned that Iran is upset at the elimination of their modern Nazi scientist!!!   Yeah, right!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Who Is Gog, And How Far Is "North"???

I am somewhat gratified to know that Pat Robertson, of the Christian Broadcasting Network, has come to recognize the imminence of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and Israel in particular (as desribed in Ezekiel: Chapter 38, and 39)!!!   I have been writing about what has seemed to me to be a build-up, for this invasion for several years!    (Please see the archives list to the right of this column, for June 26, 2013's post.)   I assumed that the reason more of the geat televangelists were not speculating about this was that they had large ministries to protect, and didn't feel the evidence was profound enough to take a controversial position on somthing that might be several years from developing!!!    But I have no large ministry to protect, and no reputation to be damaged by making a call that turns out to be in error!   Therefore I merely tried to share my opinions with my readers,  more for the exercise of recounting my views, than any realistic effort to convince anyone of the  truth of my opinions!

I can't help but disagree with Pat to a minor extent, as he seems convinced that president Erdogan of Turkey seems to be the likely culprit that God calls "Gog", the leader of this predominately Muslim invasion of Israel!!!   Pat's reasoning is compelling, except for some minor points!   Pat points to the reference of "Gog" being referred to as the leader of a tribe known as "Magog",  which originated in the area of present-day Turkey, but does not consider the reports I've read that this same tribe eventually migrated to the area around present-day Mosow, Russia!   Turkey will certainly play a major role in the invasion, since other tribes are mentioned as allies, called "Gomer", and "Togarmah", which also resided in the area of present-dayTurkey.  But it is my opinion that the leader whom God refers to as "Gog" must be from Russia, either Putin, or some future Russian President (though Putin seems to be setting himself up to be President-for-life)!!!   

Either way, the leader is doomed to fail, along with his forces,  because God says His, "fury will come up in my face!!!"   I don't think anyone will be happy after God becomes furious with them!!!   Between what seems to be earthquakes, and possible neutron nuclear devices ( which are designed to kill large numbers of personnel, while leaving buildings and vehicles undamaged), used by the Israeli forces, in response to the invading Iranian  army's use of what seems to be a poison gas against Israel (fatal, or temporarily incapacitating), God turns the invasion into a panicked rout, between those who want to flee, and those who try to stop them, saying "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother", and they will destroy their own invasion force to the tune of 80%, or more!!!   This is a familier way of God's bringing judgement upon the enemies of Israel, such as parting the Red Sea for the Israelites, and drowning the Egyptian pursuers, after them!!!   They tried to drive the Isrealites into the sea, so God did to them what they tried to do to the Israelites!!!   

Some scholars tend to couple this war with the later account of Armageddon!  But, between accounts of these two wars, God describes a period of seven years of apparent peace during which Israel will be burning the weapons of their dead enemies!  Recent reports of  Russian development of  pressuized composite  wood being used for weapons (which is reportedly stronger, and more flexible than steel), and vehicles, such as tanks, and trucks, also makes this seem plausible!   Could this be during the seven-year period referred to as the Great Tribulation, between "Gog/Magog" and Armagedddon???

Only time will tell, and I agree with Pat,  that it's looking as though there won't be much left of that!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

"Republican Temper Tantrum"???...Are You Kidding Me!?!?!?

Believe it, or not, that's what some Democrats are calling President Trump's lawsuits calling for investigations, recounts of ballots in various states, and charges of ballot tampering that has now become rather widespread!!!   

Now we have Trump's Attorney, Sidney Powell explaining on Fox news how a corrupt company has designed a computer ballot-counter that can be adjusted to completely alter the ballots that are being counted!!!    With appropriate soft ware, it can easily change thousands of ballots from one candidate to another, and this same machine was apparently used in many state, and county election offices!!!! This same machine has been used in questionable elections throughout South, and Central America!!!

 So much for the Democrats saying that the Republicans have no evidence of voter fraud!!!   Powell also has afidavits (or sworn testimony, under threat of felony purgery charges) that this was the case when various polling  places abruptly paused their counting, with Trump clearly ahead, only to have Biden suddenly pull ahead after counting resumed!!!    Hmmmm, just enough time to make some adjustments in the machine, I guess!!! 

Another Trump Attorney, Rudy Gullianni said much the same thing!!!   He claimed the evidece is strong enough "to overturn the election"!!!

Monday, November 9, 2020

How Things Stand So Far!

There have been many irregularities in many state ballot counts across the nation!   Perhaps some will prove unfounded, but even if a few prove legitimate, the whole election could turn around on these issues!   

In the worst case scenario, Biden could remain as President, and the only remaining check on keeping  the insane Democratic platform from  becoming  law would be if the Senate remains in Republican control!!!    We would then have two, to four years of bickering, in which nothing gets done, good, or bad,!   As it stands now, the Senate is  tied at 48 seats for both side!   But there is a runoff election scheduled for January 5th of next year, for the Georgia Senators' seats, which were too close to call!!!   The control of the Senate hangs in the balance of these two runoff elections!!!

The Republicans must gain these seats, or America will be pushed into a Socialist state, in which corrupt Socialists will plunder our economy, and leave us flat while they skip off to their utopian "One-World" Socialist European government!!!

The time for intercessory prayer for our country has never been greater that it is right now!!!

UPDATE==  (11/12/2020)

Perhaps we should all pray against the latest Democratic ploy  to steal the elction!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

"Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart, And Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding..."

"...In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths!!!"

In times like these, we must hang on desperately to truths like these words from the Bible!  We have now come to perhaps the most dangerous moment in our history, when our entire Constitutional government has been blatantly stolen from us, in an illegal coup attempt by the party of the Socialists, who could reasonably be expected to try and abolish the Constitution itself, as an old and obsolete document, in order to force us into joining in the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, that the Bible predicts, clearly, that Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to destroy many of God's people, in the last days!!!  If any had previously doubted that we are within the "Last Days",  this clearly confirms that we are, and probobly have been for some time!!!   

I don't think that a coup attempt this blatant could ever have been pulled off, unless the deceiving power of Satan was not behind it, blinding the eyes of those who had the power to avoid it, because they just could'nt believe that such an unscrupulous and devious plan could ever have been brought against our nation's government!!!   I guess the righteous people in Germany, in the 1930's just couldn't belive that such a diabolical coup as Hitler's Nazis (led by a World War I Corporal, and former house painter) could take over their government, and turn it into the most evil government of their day!!!   It's astounding the evil that Satan can bring upon an unsuspecting world, when we let our guards down!!!

But, remember that Satan is God's devil, and he only has as much power as God allows, and no more!!!  God is still in control, even when it may be hard for us to see it!  Satan is only the second most powerful force in the universe,and God remains the first!!!  We have the ear of God, when things seem too hard for us to control, and He will turn things around, if enough of us pray for Him to do so!!!  The only way for Satan to triumph is if he can decieve us into believing that he has won, and there is nothing that we can do about it!!!   Well, there may be nothing that we can do about it, but there is always plenty that God can do about it, and we all need to pray that He will!!!    Remeber, "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much"!!!

So, how many of us praying "fervently" is "enough"???   I can't give you the final total, but I can tell you it starts with you, and me!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

When Shakespeare Wrote," Something Is Rotten In Denmark!", I Wonder If The Democrats Were In Denmark!!!

The Democrats sure are rotten in America!!!   

Last night's shenanegans will go down in history as a new low for Democratic meddling in the Constitutional election process!!!   But, this really should come as no surprise to anyone!   I think we all suspected that they were planning to try and cheat somehow!   Still it's absolutely criminal that they should try and interfere in the election process, after claiming vociferously that  the Trump campaign "colluded with Russia" to steal the last election, only to have their own investigation prove that they didn't!!!  It seems to be that the Dems. always accuse the Republicans of what they are guilty of themselves (or, in this case, what they are planning)!

Trump was leading in many states, even though the tabulations had not offiiallly been called as such, though the remaining uncounted votes left too few for Biden to reverse the projections!   When it became clear that Trump might soon also win in Pennsylvania, suddenly the counting was called off, or, "paused", with Democratic strongholds, in Philadephia, and Pittsburgh, still uncounted!   It's then that the whole process began to stink like "Denmark", and we all began to wonder what scullduggery the Dems. were up to!!!   

It wouldn't surprise me if  a  few hundred thousand ballots will be miraculously discovered in those two cities, with unrecognisable signatures, which the courts have already said would be allowed, "in good faith" (are you kiidding???), just before the counting resumes today!   Since they probably couldn't have forged them all overnight, the damns, I  mean, the Dems., probably would have had to prepare them in advance, just in case they were needed!!!

Sounds a bit like something you might expect from someone like the F.B.I.'s Peter Strozk, of e-mail fame!!!

Someone should start the chanting, "Lock them up!!!", again!!!

Let's pray that an honest investigation will convene, and end before Jan. 20th.,or we will be forced to deal with Nancy Pelosi as President for the next 4 years!!!  Uggghhh!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Communist Chinese Propaganda Taught In American Classrooms!!!

Last week, I posted a concern that Marxism was being taught in our schools, in place of American history and civics!   Since then I've been reading Newt Gingrich's book,"Trump Vs. China", in which he details the movement to allow "Confusius Institutes" to be part of the curriculum on some 90 college campuses, and smaller clasrooms to teach what amounts to Chinese propaganda at over 500 secondary schools across America!!!   These colleges are graciously allowing these Chinese indoctrination plans because they come with benefits that range from hundreds of thousands of dollas, to millions!!!   This, in a country where the education department has virtually banned the teaching of American History, and civics in our schools!!!  No wonder we have today's youth marching in protest for every flaw in America's government (sometimes for school credit), and perhaps even partaking in the rioting, and violence, that the anarchists' foment after the protests wind down!!!

Perhaps my concern was a bit off, when I thought that Marxism was being taught in our schools!   Actually, I believe that Leninism is the more popular form of Communist doctrine preferred by the Chinese Communist Party!!!   While Marxism is perhaps more theoretical, Leninism is the more practical appliction of the theory!!!   Marxism teaches that Communist revolution must be developed, while Leninism teaches you how to do it!!!   When our children are taught these values, without our own values to compensate, they will be easily lured into what appears to them to be a revolution in front of them, which is really nothing more than rioting and looting criminality!!!   

There was a time when the point of going to college was to get an education so you could earn a living with it!!!   Lately, it seems that college has degenerated into the "cash cow" of the education department, and it really doesn't matter if the kids learn anything at all, except how to be good little Socialists,  and Communists!!!   

Wake up America!!!

Friday, October 23, 2020

`I Have Been Studying Socialism, Lately!!!

Don't worry, I am not" jumping ship" to join the other side!!!  But, I have been reading a book of that title, by William Federer, subtitled, "The real history from Plato to the present".  It begins with Plato's ficticious description of an imaginary island, Atlantis, which is run by a governmental system, that matches what we call Socialism today!  Of course, being fiction, Plato made everything about it seem to work perfectly, whereas the idiots who tried to put the dream into reality found it not to be so idealic, including some of my own ancestors!!!   

My family is related to the lay preacher of the Pilgrims of the Plymouth colony that settled in Massachusettes, in 1620, William Brewster.  Their Pastor, John Robinson, decided to stay with those who didn't come to what would become America, so Elder Brewster became the unofficial pastor of the colony.  While William Bradford was the elected Governor of the colony, Elder Brewster retained significant authority, partly from his role as surrogate father to Bradford during Bradford's young years living with the Brewsters in Scrooby,  in Nottinghamshire, in England! 

 Apparently, they had borrowed the money for the passage from some English investors, who stipulated that they should set up a commonwealth society, that basically borrowed the tenants of Plato's "Utopian" dream, which amounted to the first Socialist community in America!!!  I don't mean to suggest that the PIlgrims were the idiots I was referring to.  They had no choice, if they wanted the investors money to pay for the trip.  The real idiots are the investors who thought that Plaio had a good idea!  Doesn't it amaze that the social "elites" are the idiots, but they trap others to carry out their ludicrius plans!!!  Reference today's Hollywood Bozos!!!

After some 50% of the colony died that first winter, due to malnutrition making them vulnerable to disease, they soon discovered that communal ownership of all property, and all profits of their labors, made for lax workers' idleness, and resentment of women having to do laundery for other families than their own!  

Soon they rejected the communal approach to labor, and property ownership, and divided the farm plots up between individual owners, and allowed them to keep all that they grew!!!  This turned out to be the key to their growing sufficient food for all  (presumably those who grew more than they needed sold their excess to those who did not)!  So the Pilgrims were the first to experiment with Socialism in America, and the first to reject it as impractical!!!

There were subsequently several other such experiments in the 19th century, all of which failed, mostly because they attracted indogent followers who wanted to get free food and shelter, but were unwilling to do their fair share of labor to produce the commonwealth of the community!  This is the basic flaw of the philosophy, it rewards laziness, equally with hard workers,who don't get to keep the profits of their labors!!!  

The education system in America today doesn't recognise these flaws, and failures, and promotes Socialist values, mostly in our colleges and universties, after 12 years of silence in early school years, concerning American civics, and history, not to mention the Christian religion which has been relegated to the educational trash heep of society!!!

We have allowed Leftist "Deep State" bureaucrats to dictate curriculum to our schools, nationwide, without challenge, or censorship!  Our colleges have been turned into Marxist training grounds, that our children soak up since they are ignorant of any historical alternative, like their own country's!!!

The only solution is three-part!!!   First, we must "fire" the Deep State bureaucrats in the Education Department!   But, the collective bargaining contract of all federal employees makes this darn near impossible!!!  So, we must abollish the whole Department, and send them all packing!!!  Then, return control of the schools to the States, and local governments, and let them decide if they really want to rehire all those leftist teachers to teach the children, whose parents live so close to them, now,and have to vote them back into office periodically!!!

 "Secondly, as far as the colleges go, the federal government should tell them to fire any professors who are known to teach Marxist values as part of their course curriculum, or lose all federal funding immediately!!!  Any communities that financed their own Marxist indoctrination of it's chidren would have to worry about their parents "voting with their feet", and moving to better communities!!!

Finally, it's up to the parents to determine if their local schools  teach valuable education standards.  If the schools want to teach Marxist dogma, fine!  As long as the taxpayers don't have to pay for it, they can teach what they want... to their probably empty classrooms!!!

The same attitude should be directed towards Radical Muslim teachers who want to propagate Sharia Law as an alternative to our Constitution, or any other doctrine that is intended to subvert American values!!!

We would not be telling these school systems that they can't teach Marxism, or any other un-American doctrine! Just that if they do they'll have to pay for it somehow other than with taxpayers' money!!! 

It's time we wake up and stop funding the communist indoctrination of our children!!!

Addendum--  I understand that the Education Department was created under President Jimmy Carter, in 1979.  I remember, as a new Born Again Christian, I was very impressed that we had a President who claimed to be Born Again, also!   I don't mean to judge the truth of his claim, or not, but the Lord said, "By their fruits (words, and deeds) you shall know them!"  Federer's book has a section titled, "Can a Christian also be a Socialist???"  Overall student proficiency has declined markedly since the Education Department was created, especially in the areas of math, literature, and science!!!  Was that coincidental, or intentional???

Carter also presided over that fiasco of an intended rescue of the Embassy personnel that were taken prisoner in Tehran, Iran, and held hostage for some 400 days!  The rescue was doomed when a sand storm caused their helicopters to crash, killing all eight soldiers! 

 Carter seemed to be a better submarine commander than an army helicopter commander!  I guess he didn't have much experience with sand storms under the ocean!!! I don't mean to blame him for the tragedy, but whomever commanded that action was picked by Carter, directly, or indirectly!!!  The same is true for whomever has been running the  Education Department, and creating that socialist "Dummy-Down" system!!!  God doesn't seem to bless Socialist "Fruit Pickers"!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Has Consistantly Proven Herself To Be The Intellectual Giant, Among The Democratic Lilliputians!!!

Answering perjoritive questions repeatedly by different Democratic Senators, who stupidly expected to get different answers than the previous Senators got to the same questions, Judge Barrett showed superhuman tollerence, and patience with the intellectual dwarves that opressed her!!!  

Friday, October 9, 2020

Trump's Treatment Seems Good Enough, Maybe We Don't Need Expensive Vaccines!!!

I respect Dr, Fauchi, and the opinions of  other medical  professionals, but if there is an effective treatment for coronavirus  (as the President's recovery suggests), why not distribute it now???  I wonder sometimes if the medical profesionals are so concerned about us placing too much confidence in treatments, in order to protect the big pharma companies' interests, for fear that they might decide to stop trying to prepare a vaccine!  The Pharma compnies only care about the ability to charge massive amounts of money, either from us or the government, and if a treatment works now, they might feel disincentivized!!!   But, if the treatment works now, why wait until Decmber, or even March, for the vaccine!!!   How many lives could be saved by applying effective treatments now???

Of course I am assuming that the President's rapid recovery contiues, and the antibodies that have shown some evidence increase to a satisfactory level.   It may even develope that all Nancy Pelosi's prayers for the President will no longer be necessary!  (Of course she never said wether she was praying for him to get well, or for him to die!   I wonder!!!)

I'm sure it will be a big disappointment to her to see him looking healthy, while she tries to get the 25th ammendment to get him declared unfit for office!   I don't think that he can be declared unfit because the Democrats don't like him!   But, crazy Nancy will probably try it anyway!!!

How long must we endure these hatemongers masquerding as Congressmen, and women???

Thursday, September 24, 2020

It's TimeTo Stop The Communist Insurection In America!!!

I have written many times about my concern for the leftist bent of the public schools, and especially the colleges and univrsities, in America.  I felt that the Education Department should be disolved, and the authority for school curriculum, etc., should be returned to the states and local governments!  If their was concern for the possibility of racial predudice being restored to various local districts that produced the discrimination of the early 20th century, the courts can rebuke that trend, and even place the offending school system  under receivership until that violation is corrected! 

But the major issue should not be the curriculum that is being taught, but the fact that  taxpayers' money is being used to fund the teaching of doctrine that is offensive to the parents of our children today!!!  If there is a community anywhere in America today that wishes their children to be taught the wonders of Marxism, fine!   Let them send their kids to those schools ( in California, and Oregon, likely!!!) and let those people pay for the total cost of their schools, but let them receive no taxpayer funds, at all!!!  The same should go for the universities that have been blatantly indoctrinating our children, increasingly openly, in Marxist dogma, for decades!!!  Also, there shoild be no more governmet -backed loans given to students that wish to attend the universities that teach that Socialism is good, and everything about America is bad.  If they prefer that Marxist dogma, fine, so let them pay for it on their own!!!  The effect  is that now many of those children are probably on the streets, protesting, and maybe even participating in the violent rioting and looting, because the Marxist formula for overthrowing a government, in a communist revolution, is to first create chaos, and then demand a despotic tyrant to end it all!!!  I don;t think Biden would satisfy them, but prhaps Pelosi, or Harris would!!!  They don't need to be tough, just evil!!!

So, today we have our children being taught that they must stay home from school, for fear of coronovirus infection, while their older brothers and sisters take a break from college, in order to riot, and loot in the cities!!!  ( I guess rioters and looters are exempt from coronavirus contagion!!!)

But, what else should we expect, after paying for their Marxist indoctrination for decades, with taxpayer funds???!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

America Is About To Be Judged By God!!!

It's coming, and it's coming soon!!!  The only thing we can do about it is to decide which of us will be judged, and which of us will be spared, if any, when it comes!!! 

Today, we have two Americas:  the one of the left; the Socialists, and Anarchists, and the one on the right; the conservative, Constitution-loving, Patriotic America!  I'm sure that God wants to bless, and protect the latter, but I am conviced that He will not automatically do so!   

As callous, and unfeeling as this may sound, I believe that the death of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was not an accidental timing, but a specific timing of God, to clear the way for those of us who hate the scourge of abortion to finally, and legally put an end to it!!!  It is possibly God's final test to see if we have the courage of our convictions, to undo the evil of "Roe V. Wade", and end the slaughter of millions of innocent, unborn children every year!!!  [In the Ten Commandments, God said,"Thou shalt not kill."  The translation of the word "kill" means literally the shedding of innocent blood!!!  As all are born into a sinful world, the unborn are the most innocent of all!!!  And we are guilty of killing tens of millions of the most innocent of all!!!  Hitler was an amateur compared to us!!!]

It may also be the last opportunity we have to re-elect President Trump, and even retake control of the House of Representatives, while maintaining controll of the Senate!!!  The polls have continuously shown that this seems unlikely!  I know that the polls can easily be manipulated by the hostile Media, but they at least speak of a closeness that should make us all rather uncomfortable!!!  To think of our governmennt in the hands of  Anarchists, and Socialists, should cause all God-fearing, and patriotic Americans to shudder at the prospect!!!   I don't care if we're talking about Biden as President, or if he resigns shortly after being inaugerated, so that Kamala Harris can take over, or if the process is so boondoggled that a winner can't be determined by January 20th, and Nancy Pelosi is awarded the Presidency, legally!!!   Any of these possibilities will put America in the hands of  the Socialist, Deep State bureauracy, who take their marching orders from the likes of Bernie Sanders, and A.O.C.!!!  We would then shortly see our Consttution abollished, and America would shortly join the European "One-World" Socialist government, that the Bible prophecies will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist!!! 

I believe God has been waiting patiently to see if we would end this abomination of abortion, and has been listening to the prayers of his people, and now has provided the "golden opportunity" to finally take back control of the Supreme Court, to  allow the abollition of the abortion laws, nation-wide, and to withstand the flood of lawsuits that will follow to try and reverse our efforts!!!  

I am also convinced that if we fail to take advantage of this opportunity, God will allow the Democrats to  take control of the government, and His Judgement will be upon us all!!!  He will not judge any of us, only, but he will end America's abortion abomination, without sparing us any more than he will those who support abortions!!!  Remember the old addage "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good (people) to do, nothing"!!! And we have allowed evil to prevail since 1972!!!

If we fail to take advantage of the opportunity that God has given us now, then we will bare the same resposibility as the pro-abortionists for the judgement that will surely follow!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Vaccine Against War In Middle East???!!!

I do not criticise Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gillerman for his optimistic statement suggesting that the new Middle East peace agreement betwen Israel, Bahrain, and the U.A.E. will have a calming effect on the principles of the tension in the area!   But, realistically speaking, it will more than likely encourage more outrageous violent reactions from the Iranian/Russian/Moslem coalition that is prophecied to begin the "Gog.Magog War" ( and which is probably already secretly agreed to), and which seems to be on the verge of happening sooner, rather than later!!!   I am not going to make any silly predictions about when this will all start, but this is just the kind of  apparently progressive movement toward peace in the Middle East that the provacateurs can not stand for!!!  

If  anything, Iran will likely consider this a "slap in the face", which demands a retaliation-in-kind from them!   I do not suggest that this will bring about the invasion of Israel by Iran, that is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39, but it very well could!!!  In any event, Israel is very well prepared for this, and more importantly, God is thoroughly prepared, and He will show Iran what happens to those who attack what He considers to be "the apple of God's eye"!!!  Before it is all over, the Bible prophecies that 83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed, mostly by internal disputes that turn deadly, in what the Bible calls, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)!!!"

So, this peace treaty will not bring about a lasting peace, directly, but I guess you could say it will bring about peace, indirectly and eventually, after the war!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

God has exonerated me from my most rediculous suspicion of China's evil empire!!! IT'S ALL TRUE!!!

Last night's "Tucker Carlson Show", on Fox News, exonerated my wildest and most suspicious thoughts about the massive evil of the Chinese government!!! 

 I remember that some time ago, I speculated that "I wouldn't be surprised if the Coronavirus was actually developed in some Chinese laboatory, and released intentionally on their own people (whom the Communists really don't care much about, anyway!!!), as a way of  debunking suspicion of their doing exactly that, because the callousness of such a move would be too horrible to contemplate!!!   [Actually that's not quite true, I am quite surprised, even in spite of my massive distrust of the Communists in China!!!] Then they could export infected people around the world, forceing other countries to lock down their economies, giving China the opportunity to become the primary economy in the world, once they locked down the locality of the disease's inception (the Wuhan province), and kept it from spreading further, in China (which they did)!!!   

Also, since China was the main supplyer of masks, and other surgical equipment that protected people from spreading the disease, it would be necessary to sell these supplies to other countries, instead of America, in order to give the pandemic enough time to ruin America's economy, since we are their main competitor in dominating the global eonomy (which they did, also)!!!  Any harm they could do to America's economy would also help their freind, Joe Biden, to beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election!!!

Last night, Tucker Carlson's guest was Dr. Li-MengYan, a Chinese Virologist, who works for the World Health Organization, and she said that W.H.O. records show that China did indeed do exactly as I imagined they might have done!  (I hope Dr. Yan has a squad of S.W.A.T. team police acting as her bodyguards; the Chinese are not above using assasinations to eliminate embarrasing whistleblowers, as seemed to be, coincidentally, when the first chinese laboratory worker proclaimed the disease had been released in Wuhan, only to suspisciuosly die of the disease, shortly thereafter!!!  (He probably contracted the disease from a bullett passing through his brain!!!) They created the virus in their laboratory and released it intentionally upon the whole world, just to gain economic advantage over the rest of the world!!!  I admit the charge that they might have done so seemed to be so diabollical that even I felt it might be going too far with my suspicions, but since I presented it in a hypothetic manner, I felt it was reasonable for people to speculate on.  My point was not that they had done so, but that they were evil enough to do so!!!

I just spent an hour, or so, going through the list of previouse posts, to see if I could find the one where I made the facetious charge, in my Archives, but I could not recall the title of the post!!!  I remember writing it, but I don't recall the main point of the post!  If anyone wants to search the archive list to the right of this column, I would appreciate their informing me of it's location!  It would have to be a post written after the January outbreak of the pandemic!!!  You can contact me through the "No Comments" indication, at the bottom of this page!  I know it seems to suggest that comments are unwelcome, but that is not the case.  I suppose that is my blog server's way of letting me know that there are no comments, yet!  God Bless!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Democrats Have Given Up Trying To Win Elections Honestly

So, if they can't win honestly, they'll cheat!!!  I firmly believe that was the real basis for their desperate efforts to stop Trump's efforts to stop the illegal immigration!  I'm sure they planned to have millions of latin-Americans trying to vote illegally for Democrats, so they could each receive a few bucks for their effort!

Even their faux compassion for corona virus distancing, and closing businesses was likely intended to tank the economy, to negate Trump's best calling card, heading into the election!

Now, the massive mail-in ballot effort,which is reputed to be a way of allowing people to avoid going to the polls, and risking corona virus infection, is more than likely an effort to open the election to fraudulent
voting, by those who steal ballots out of other's mailboxes, and by others posing as the recipient of the ballot that was mailed to a dead person's address!   

I wrote previously about the possible plan to simply overwhelm the ballot counting process, either legitimately, or falaciously, in order to keep the Electoral College from knowing if there was a clear winner, until after January 20th, of next year, which would automatically throw the election to the Speaker of the House, whom they presume would still be Pelosi (God forbid!!!)!

It sure appears as though the Democrats have already given up trying to win the election honestly. and are scrambling to cheat their way to "victory" by any means possible!!!   

I don't want crooks like this running my country, how about you???

Saturday, September 5, 2020

President Pelosi??? America's Worst Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[It occurred to me, after publishing the following, that liberals might dismiss my opinions as conservative bias against the concept of a woman preident!!!   That is not the case; but I am vehemently against this woman to ever become Preident, not because of her gender, but because of her political lunacy, as I was as vehemently opposed to the thought of a Preident Hillary Clinton!!!  There are many men that I could not stand to become President, mostly within the Democratic party, and even some within the Republican party!  But this one has a chance of pulling the victory off, to the great shame, and horror of our nation!!!

 What a horrible thought!!!   Yet it could happen, and it seems that the Democrats are trying to swing things that way!  

Judge Andrew Napolitano, on FOX NEWS recently explained that if the election results dragged on beyond Jan. 20th, without a clear winner, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the "Acting President", and hold the position for the next four years!!!   That sounds like a more realistic effort on the part of the Democrats, than trying to elect "Sleepy Joe" Biden!!!  I have long thought that the luke-warm effort to support Biden seemed somewhat artificial, and now I suspect I know why!!!

The call for massive mail-in ballots sounded so concerned about voters possibly contracting coronavirus, yet Democrats rarely have compassion for anyone, unless  there is a potential political benefit in it for them! 

So, to assure that the Democrats can't legitimately steal  this election (as opposed  to the Democrats false claim that Presdent Trump's victory in the Electoral College was a theft), one of two things must happen:  First, lets reelect President Trump with a clear enough victory, that any sluggish vote counting (or, intentional foot-dragging in Democratic-controlled states) would not interfere with the Electoral college vote.  Or, second, lets vote Republican control back to the House of Representatives, so that any Democratic meddling will still work against them!!!  If the Republicans regain control of the House, then any stalling by the Democrats would still put a Republican in the Presidency, and Trump cold be reelected in 2024!!!  Boy, would Pelosi stew in her own vomit then!!! 

Any way you look at it, it is imperative that we all pray dilligently for God to work this all out for our good!!!   Never before in America's history has such a blatant effort to overthrow our Constitutional government been so determined by one of the major parties!!!  From the effort to flood the nation with mail-in ballots, which will make the election rife with possibilities for fraud: from ballots being sent to addresses of people who are dead, ballots being sent to maiboxes where they are stolen, ballots being sent to the addresses of people who are not even American citizens, with no means of them being forced to verify ciizenship before voting, to the afore-mentioned effort  to bog down the tabulating process, until after January 20th, so Pelosi could be named acting President (God fobid!!!), not to mention the endless propaganda of the Mainstream Media, the fake news, and the bullying of Conservatives, by liberals, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and other George Soros-funded anarchists!!!

Anyone who cannot see that the effort to blatantly steal the election is now full blown, simply is not paying attention!!!   I have said before, and I reiterate, that I believe the liberals are desperate to win this election so they can force us to abolish the Constitution, as an obsolete document, and set us up to join the European "One-World Socialist Government" system, that the Bible prophecies Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to persecute all the Christians and Jews of the world!!!  That alone should scare the "willies" out of all of us, and drive us to our knees, in fervent prayer!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

It's Amazing What It Takes To Get Through To Some People!!!

The Democrats, and other Socialists in this country are so bound up in the Socialist Revolutionary Model that they really didn't see this coming! 

They really thoiught they could  allow all this rioting and looting, and senseless violence, in primarily cities that were governed by members of their own party, and we would all be so stupid as to not realize that they were causing it by their inaction to stop it, and that President Trump would not be blamed for it!!!   Democrats are just now realizing that they must condemn the violence, not becuase it is evil, but because the polls are beginning to show that Trump is catching up, over his "law and order"campaign!!!  

That's called, "not knowing the difference between right, and wrong"!!!   Did they really think we were that stupid???   Just because they are that stupid doesn.t mean that we are!!!  So, do we really want them to run our country, when they won't even protect the cities that were stupid enought to elect them as mayors, governors, and attorneys general???   When an angry, bloodthirsty mob is beating down your door, do you really want to call in a Social Worker to try and teach the mob how to, " get in touch with their inner selves", rather than a police "Swat Team" to round them all up and take them to jail???   Do you really think Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is going to swoop in and save the day???

The above mentioned Socialist Revolutionary Model worked in countries where the ruling class had absolute power to kill anyone who rioted, and a justice system that would probably lock those arrested up, and throw away the proverbial key!!!   In a system like that, it would be easier to start a riot, and have the authorities look bad, if they over-reacted in their response!   But in a Constitutional government, like ours, where the police can't control the sitution, the President must wait for the Governor, or local authorities to ask for Federal assistance before he can send in help.  If that help is not requested, the local authorities bare the blame for allowing the chaos to continue, and even worsen!!!   (Witness Portland Oregon, over the last 90 days!!!)   They are probably waiting for George Soros, to figure that the rioting is getting too expensive to finance!!!  Then the rioters will simply pack their bags and go on to the next "spotaneous riot"!!!

Do we really want "Sleepy Joe", and his "Keystone Cop",  Deep State bureaucrats trying to control our country, while potecting us from international thugs who have nuclear arms to throw at us, and not just fireworks, and Moletov cocktails???   Think about that, between now, and November!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Democrts Want To Intitutionalize Chaos In America

I can see only one reason for the blatant Democratic supporting of rampant chaos in American cities, today.  Never before in American history has there been such an obvious devide between the patriotic fervor of the two major political parties, and it seems 

that one party wants to promote their view of how to keep our nation strong, and safe from outside forces that wish to destroy our Constitutional form of government, and the other that seems to want to aid those very destructive forces, as if they have a more preferred alternative elseware.  And, I suspect I know where that alternative is!

The Democratic Party has long been a haven for"closet Socialists", who never wnted to admit that their views matched the principles of Karl Marx "Communist Manifesto", yet they felt a freedom to voice their advocacy of those same values.  Now, we see some of those same "closet Socialists" blatantly calling for policy changes that can only serve to make our nation less safe to live in, as if they want us to consider an  altrnative to living here!   But, they know most of us will not want to move to another country, so perhaps they can bring "another country" here, instead!  That "country" is being developed in Europe, right now.   It is the "One-World Socialist" government that Europe is trying to develope, but may be having difficulty getting others to join bcause they rightly fear that joining will hurt their trade relations with us.  So, it is in Europe's best interests to  enourage anything that will make America look bad, by comparrison to themselves.   All they need are some willing conspirators here to encourage destructive policies that are meant to destroy America from within, so Europe will seem more desirable to us!

That;s where the Democrats come in!  They would love to see America become a Socialist country, but realize, that we would never vote for that.  So, they want to make Amewrica seem so unlivable that we would consider our Constitution to be obsolete, and the new "One-World" system as preferable.    I maintain that it seems that George Soros' fingerprints seem to be all over this plan, as he has orchestrated such leftist chaos in other countries before!   While he encourges chaos in those countries, he buys top stock options "short", meaning he expects the value to drop soon, so he can buy them at a discount, and resell them at a profit, once the chaos ends, and the stocks recover their previous value!   I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he may now hold some of the "blue chip stocks"on Wall Street "short", now salivating over their precipitous decline in value, so he can rip off this country's wealth as he has done so many times, in other countries!  

So, what can we do to stop this chaotic assault on our nation's freedoms???  We can vote these Democrats out of office, in November, and send them to their new homes in Europe, and say good riddance to them all!!!  

Monday, July 27, 2020

The American Communist Revolution Has Started!!!

It is clear that the protracted violence that has beset our country's cities recently was a well thought- out plan by those leftist followers, who hate our Constitutional government, and the individual freedoms it guarantees.  They hate it because it protects us from the tyranny of people like themselvs, from trying to enslave us in their bureaucratic quagmire that allows them to steal our money, while forcing us to obey rules that we find odious to even consider!!!

But, I maintain that the main goal is not to overthrow our government, so they can set up their own in its place.  They probably want to merely weaken our government sufficiently in order to benefit the development of the One-World, Socialist government that Europe is trying to develope!   That governmrnt is ready now, but other countries are probably reluctant to join it because they feel joining in a system that will openly compete with us will eventually be harmful to trade relations with us, and rightly so!!!  So, the strategy is to destroy our economy, so those other countries will have no alternative than to do business with Europe!

I suspect the plan is to follow the example of Venezuela, by electing a corrupt socialist dictator, who will systematically weaken all our freedoms till we have relatively nothing left!  Joe Biden is the perfect corrupt politician for the job, having used previous positions to enrich various members of his family, though he is too weak to be a tyrant.   So he will be a figurehead president, relying on his Deep State lackeys to tell him what to do!!!  This way, it matters little whether America can be forced to join the Euorpean system,   if our econmy is destroyed,  Europe will have no real competition, and the smaller countries will be desperate to join them!!!

As for who is responsible for all this, if George Soros is not, I'll be amazed!!!  He has done this kind of leftist revolutionary meddling before after buying various stocks "short", for those companies which could be expected to plunge in value due to his meddling, then he buys them up at a cheaper price, and after  the crisis is over, their prices return to the higher levels, and he sells at a huge profit!!!

All his incendiary meddling is promulgated by his various "non-profit" organizations, which are probably run by some of the leftist "protesters", who are running amok in our cities streets!

[Surprise, surprise!!!  This post was almost finished, when the above editing error of my last line "miraculously" appeared out of nowhere as if the hacker was randomly checking to see if I was typing a post!!!   Well, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of this moronic hacking!!!  I suspect GOOGLE is his, or her employer!!!]   

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reasoning Through "What-Have-You-Got-To-Lose" Theology!!!

Most Christians remember questioning their faith, at first, with something similar to the title above!  Before such questioning, I was living in an arrogant form of hedonistic agnosticism, believing in some form of "God", but not really considering it much!!!   It was as if I felt "God" would leave me alone, if I left him alone!!!  I had no concept of what "being left alone by God" really entailed!!!  I'm sure there are many people who have died, and gone to Hell, with the same attitude that I had for many years!!!  Thank God that He allowed me to live long enough to come to understand the inadequacy of my early views of His Salvation!!!  

But, as a first step toward understanding His plan for our salvation, it may well be important to view Christianity in this manner!!!   It is the same thing as the cliche, "Hell to shun, and Heaven to gain!"  If one starts with this, it matters not whether they actually believe it, or not;  the meer possibility that it might be true, should scare the average person into at least examining the possibility of it's truth!!!   From that point,  they are likely to begin reading the Gospel, to consider God's perspective of what constitutes "sin", and the consequences for dying  without absolution of such.  When they reach the point of recognizing that God has provided a way of escaping the  horrible consequences of our sins, through the substitutionary death of Jesus, and that it only requires a minimum of faith, and the confession of our mouths, that's when salvation becomes very appealing to most people!!!    

So, while the "what-have-you-got-to-lose" perspective is not enough, it is a good starting point, which can prick the curiousity to investigste further, which may ultimatelylead to salvtion!!!  

Friday, July 17, 2020

Is Durham Trying To Protect The Deep State???

It would certainly seem so!!!   By not releasing his report until after the election, he supposedly avoids the appearance of politicizing it, but for which side???   If the report confirms the suspicions of many, that the F.B.I., and the D.O.J., were up to their eyeballs in corrupt behavior trying to keep Trump from winning the 2016 election, and promoting the impeachment effort, afterwards, then it could only be of political benefit to Trump's campaign, if it were released before the election.   But, by holding it until after the election, it is just as politically beneficial to the Democratic candidate, so the ruse of trying to keep it from being political is absurdly debunked!!! 

I suspect Durham's  real reason for this ploy is to protect some good-old-buddies within the departments who will not only be fired if the report comes out, but may be prosecuted for their misbehavior in office!!!  If so, he would be protecting friends, at the expense of our Constitutional government!!!   How long can our government stand blatant criminal behavior within its ranks, and anarchistic criminal behavior in the streets??? 

We all know that our Constitutional government has withstood it's many trials to date, because our founding fathers were diligent to produce a document that respected the Biblical values of the majority of the American people!!!  Even if their own beliefs fell short of these values, they recognized  that the people would not respect any document that did not honor them!!!   Our  problems today are derived from fools that don't believe those values are relevant now, if ever\, and would much prefer a system like the One-World Socialist government that the European Common Market is trying to develop!   Fine, if they want to leave and go there, but they seem to want to destroy our freedoms, here, before they go!!! 

So much for all the praise that Durham received upon his appointment!!!   If he is determined to stall the release of his report, he is institutionalizing the Deep State shenanigans that we have seen the past several years, by helping a Democratic victory, come November, and allowing them to shut down any investigations and protect the Deep State from any prosecution for their crimes!!!   The same government that drove out Aaron Burr, and defeated the treasonous Confederacy, should never stand for such evil behavior in their  ranks, today!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Post Mortem for America????

Even my last post was written with some positive sense of where America is headed, though it was titled, "Time To Prepare For The Evil Revolution!!!"  I know God can miraculously deliver even an entire nation from impending doom, but I fear He may not deliver America from the immediate doom that awaits us if the Democrats win the 2020 election, retain control of the House of representatives, and gain control of the Senate!!!  Politically, I can't think of a greater disaster than that to destroy our nation, but looking at it from God's perspective, it makes sense!  
          As Christians, where does our faith lie?  With God, or the Constitution of the United States?!!!
          I wonder if God is testing us to see where our faith really lies!  We have had it so easy
          compared to other Christians, because of our Constitutional protections, but why should we
          not suffer like other country's Christians have had to???  The Middle- Eastern Christians have
          been persecuted on a scale equivalent to the first century Christians!!!

          Before Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we know that Satan is to be
         given one final chance to prove that he can rule the world, through his Antichrist, during the
         seven-year "Tribulation" period, when he will give the control of the world to his leaders in
         Europe, and China, to destroy the church, and the Jews in Israel!!!  But, perhaps he must be
         given complete control, which can not be accomplished as long as a counter-Socialist country
         like a free America exists to show the world why they should not participate in his evil
         Socialist,  One-World government!   If that means we must survive in a non-Christian America,          when our Democrats drive us into the European Socialist system, God can protect us, even
         then, individually, in spite of the loss of our Constitutional rights!!!  I suspect this may be
         necessary to give Satan no room to say he was not given a fair chance to prove he was
         better than God, at running the world!!!

         My basis for this "doom and gloom" view is the latest reports on the Durham report "perhaps"
         not being released until after the election!!!  I was very concerned at the obvious stall of the
         report, which was supposed to be released in June!!!   Why should it not have been released
         already, unless he was trying to protect a huge part of the F.B.I., who would be found culpable
         in the anti-Trump conspiracy!!!   The stated purpose in waiting is so that, "it would not seem
         to be political!!!"   We can assume that the "politicizing" of the report would have to throw the
         election to Trump, and the Republicans, which "certainly must not happen!!!"

          So, who benefits from this decision???  The Democrats, and their Deep State lackeys in the
          F.B.I., who are probably guilty as Hell, but will be "exonerated" in a Democrat-controlled

          I'm sorry to be so depressing in my view of recent events, but I can't see any other way to call
          it!   Let's all hope and pray that I am wrong, but if  I am right, remember that God is still in
          control, and He will protect us all, even in a Democrat-controlled America!!!  God save us all!

          I apologize for the absurd change in my margins.  It almost seems as if someone externally was           trying to meddle in my editing!!!   I have corrected the problem in my rough draft, but
          "somehow" those changes didn't come through the printing!!!  Gee!!! It seems like someone
           is reading my post as I write it, and trying to screw it up in the printing!!!  Pardon my
           paranoia!!!  It couldn't be leftist censuring from Google, could it???

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Time To Prepare For The Evil Revolution!!!

There is a new revolution in this country, and I don't like it!!!   To resist it will require not only American Patriotic fervor, but overwhelming faith in God, through Jesus Christ, His Son!!!

I draw my conclusions, not by empirical  evidence, but by common sense reasoning, as to who benefits most from all the lawlessness that pervades our country today!  Does the "Black Lives Matter" movement gain political power to eventually take control of the American government?  Or,  are they really just trying to destroy what exists here, so that someone else can dominate the world, who really wants too!

I maintain that the whole leftist movement, worldwide, is intended to set up the eventual power structure of  Satan's Antichrist, who is prophecied to take control of the European One-World Socialist government that is being developed today!  Those who promote this Socialist agenda don't realize that Satan is behind this, most of them probably don't even believe he exists!!!  But, that's how Satan works, not by convincing them that he knows best, but by convincing them that they thought up the idea themselves, and the rest of the world is too stupid to realize that it is "best", for all!!!

 But, there is a problem that is blocking this plan from becoming widely accepted worldwide!!!  It's called America!!!

The very fact of our existence, as the richest and most powerful nation in the world lends proof as to why the European Plan must fail!  To remedy this perception, the Socialists must create a better system (which they can not do, because Socialism depends on taking away personal freedoms, whereas America's success is built upon allowing the people to make free choices for their freedoms, with a minimum of bureaucratic interference)!!!

 So, the only option for the Socialists is to destroy America's success, with the fallacious assumption that this destruction will automatically result in the increased prosperity of the Socialists, when all it will do is to create a greater poverty, for the whole world!!!  Socialists will never recognize that the removal of freedoms will never replace the success of people acting freely in their own best interests!!!  Satan's original sin demands that we all are forced to live under his "greater plan", because he still believes that he can run the world better than God can!!!  The most arrogant lie ever devised is still his all-consuming motive, and God is giving him time to try and prove it, before He sends Jesus Christ back to end it all, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

In the mean time, we must resist all efforts to destroy America's freedom, to forestall the temporary destruction of the left, knowing that our inevitable failure will eventually be rewarded, when Jesus returns!!!  The Antichrist will temporarily prevail, but lose out, in the end!!!  Praise God!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Who Is Really Behind All The Lawlesness. And Rioting???

We are blaming all the ideologies that  stand for the chaos, but the real culprit waits quietly to see the result!!!  I'm sure all the "Antifa" thugs are having a blast destroying property, looting businesses, and beating up, and killing people!!!  The truth is, they' re not anti-fascism, they are for their fascism, just not anyone else's!!!   Their rationale is probably the old Marxist tome of, "out of chaos comes order", so they feel absolved of responsibility for their lawlessness, because they foolishly believe that the end result will be what they call, "order" (or, socialism!)!!!

But, God is keeping score, and for those of these thugs that end their lives without repenting of their sinful past, they will be surprised to find that there are very severe consequences for what they have done!!!

I am especially suspicious of all the so-called "non-profit" organizations that George Soros has set up, because they seem to always center their efforts around countries that are experiencing serious revolutionary chaos, such as we are right now!   Soros's stinky fingerprints seem to be all over these "Antifa", and "Black Lives Matter" riots, and he has a reputation of buying stock options "short" just before an expected crisis, that may lead to a swift sell off of the nations stocks.  Then, he buys them up at cheap prices and waits for the rebound, to sell at a huge profit!  I wonder if he has bought American stocks  "short"!   Wouldn't it be "poetic justice" if the stock market did not crash after all this rioting, Trump got reelected, and Soros lost a bundle by betting that the market would collapse, and it didn't!!! 

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Long Horrendous Winter Seems To Be Over!!!

Horrendous is just about right!!!  Tragically, many people died from the "Covid 19" disease, and my computer died from whatever computers die of!  It was probably my fault, since I am barely computer literate, but my T.V. went "on the fritz", simultaneously,  so I know very little about what has been going on, for the past two, or three months!

One of my most recent posts tried to equate the Pandemic with the necessary evil that may bring this country back to some form of unity, before we experience the destruction that the Bible refers to as, "a house divided against itself"!!!  I admit that I am having trouble maintaining that view, but if it is God's will, it will be done, whether I can see it, or not!!!  So, lets keep praying that something good will eventually come out of all this suffering!

All the rioting around the country merely emphasizes my view that Satan is orchestrating all this bedlam in order to convince the nonbelievers that our Constitution is obsolete, and only the European  One-World Socialist system can bring real order to the world!  But, the Socialist concept of "order" only comes when everyone submits to their concept of  lawfulness, and that usually means great reduction in personal freedoms, bordering on enslavement!!!   The Bible predicts that this system will eventually be taken over by Satan's antichrist, who will require all buying and selling to be done by those who have "the mark of the beast" on their hand (probably some subcutaneous microchip),  and the rest of the world  can starve, for all they care!!!Plus, the Bible says that receiving this mark will grant the recipient a free trip to Hell, for an eternity!!!

|So, one can easily see why this situation must be resolved soon, and it seems that only God can do it!!! Do not be impressed by the apparent sincerity of the leftists!!!  Remember,  "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions"!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stop The Fatal Foot Dragging!!!

I have no evidence of the charges I am about to make, and I certainly hope I'm wrong, but it does seem as though the powers that be in the medical "industry" may be placing their own greedy self interests above the safety of the American people!!!  Else, why this unbearable foot dragging with regards to the drugs that are showing consistent promise in treating the Coronavirus, and holding onto the development of a vaccine,which could take years to develop, when massive treatment with these "off label" drugs, and use of plasma taken from recovered patients, could possibly "lower the curve" of the spreading of the disease immediately, if not eradicate it altogether in months!!!

I realize that the development of a vaccine may cost billions, and the "Big Pharma" companies that are trying to produce one are holding out the hope of recovering their investment with the sales, which might be eradicated along with the disease, if these "off label" drugs were to be successful in ending the pandemic before the vaccine could be produced.   But, some compassion must be utilized in determining whether to proceed wholeheartedly, on both fronts!!!   Economically, and health wise,  it is imperative that we eradicate this pandemic as soon as possible, so we can all get back to normal living standards, before the whole economy implodes into a greater depression, than the last one!!!

Perhaps the government could promise to reimburse for proven legitimate expenses, if the vaccine were to be developed too late to help in the eradication of the disease, and the "off label" drugs had already done so!!!  I know this does not sound like wise free market principles, but as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures, and this would surely be less expensive than bailing out a collapsed economy!!!    The important thing here is that we are all on board with developing the quickest, and safest way of ending this horrible pandemic, before, as they say, the cure is worse than the disease!!!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Stop Listening To Lawyers, And Get On With The Treatment!!!

I suspect that the whole Medical profession is way too paranoid about lawsuits, if they prescribe medicine that fails to cure, or even harms the patient!   In this present pandemic, with hundreds, and even thousands of people dying, one could certainly expect that many of those patients were in severe enough trouble before they died that they would have gladly waived all of their families rights to sue if the drugs issued did not work as intended!!! 

We keep hearing about various drugs that have been developed for other diseases that seem to be effective in treating the Coronavirus in patients, even bringing very sick patients to the point of being released from the hospital!!!   We also hear about massive amounts of these "off label" drugs being shipped to hospitals recently!!!

So, get on with it, already, and start using them on a massive bassis,
and maybe we can see the Coronavirus pandemic eradicated in weeks, instead of months, or even years!!!   I feel no sympathy for the "Big Pharma" companies that have begun to invest time and money on developing a vaccine, which is projected to take 12, to 18 months to develop!!!   These are the same people who charge horrendous fees to cancer patients, and look at their track record for curing them all!!!  The drugs that I'm talking about are already available, at a cheap price, which is why "Big Pharma" doesn't want anything to do with them!!!   The profit margin seems higher if they make us wait, and they don't care how many die in the mean time!!!

So, lets get on with it, and let the lawyers, and "Big Pharma" be damned!!!   They already have their reward, in this life, at least!    Guess what their reward is likely to be, in the next!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hallelujah!!! God's Revival Is Called "Coronavirus"!!!

I don't believe it is totally inappropriate to connect the Coronavirus Pandemic with the revival that I  have been encouraging my readers to earnestly pray for!!!

I certainly don't mean that God wants to kill thousands of people all over the world, but He historically has preceded some of the most horrendous wars human-kind has managed to afflict themselves with, by some of the most powerful revivals, in various parts of the world!!! 

Unfortunately, mankind has an infinite capacity to be stubborn, in the face of reason, and it takes some  people real tragedy to knock them down, flat on their backs, to get them to finally look up, and realize that God was waiting for them, all the time!!!   Perhaps this horrible pandemic is just such a necessary tragedy!!!   Who knows, perhaps this can even bring Nancy Pelosi to the point of actually praying for Donald Trump, instead of merely pretending to do so, while she rips up his speech publicly!!!   That would be a miracle on the scale of the parting of the Red Sea!!!   

I think a good way of conftrming that this is all part of God's plan will be if He brings it all to at least a temporary halt, during the summer season, giving the hospitals time to recover from the onslaught of the infected patients, and the economy time to bounce back from impending collapse!!!  People have been speculating that the pandemic may continue all the way through the fall, without a typical break during warmer weather!  But if it weakens long enough for us to recover, and give us time to develop a vaccine, we may come out of this stronger than before, as people of different political views may have learned how to compromise, as our Founding Fathers intended!!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

When Greed Becomes More Important Than Life.

This seems appalling to me.

Today, we have reports that the governor of Michigan has threatened the doctors of her state who prescribe the anti-Malarial drug that has shown such promise in treating the Covid-19 disease, with possible prosecution.     I can see only one reason for doing this.   I suspect that the "big Pharma" companies  are exerting pressure, in order to protect their demand for a vaccine, which is expected to take a year to produce.  Certainly, these companies can expect to charge huge fees for any effective vaccine that they produce.  Could they have offered the governor a huge bribe once the vaccine has been produced, and marketed at horrendously high prices???   To pressure someone to not allow effective treatment,  or even possibly effective treatment, for fear that the disease may be eradicated, by the time a vaccine can be produced, is effectively condemning  perhaps  hundreds, and even thousands to death, in the mean time!!!

If my suspicion is correct, this governor, and any companies that pressured her are complicit in premeditation of mass murder, and should be prosecuted accordingly!!!  We certainly expect that the passage of  a law for 2 trillion, plus dollars would attract all kinds of felonious schemes, but this is just too appalling to even imagine!!! 

UPDATE:  12 hours later--

It seems to me that there are three approaches being made to the Hydroxichloroquin treatment aspects of the covid-19 crisis.   One, the causius approach of the medical personnel, vs., two, the front line Doctors who see the influx of patients, and recognize the potential benefits of treating patients, now, who may not live long enough to have whatever vaccine is eventually produced, be available for them, if they are dead months before it is developed!!! 

And, then there seems to be a greedy, self- serving bunch of "Big Pharma" company executives, who care nothing about the people who may be dying, now, who might be saved by the treatment of these existing drugs, which have already been proven to be safe, when administered for other conditions, which migt be effective in treating the coronavirus!   They seem to be concerned about protecting the inherent demand for the vaccine, even at the expense of lives who may be saved by the treatment of  these drugs, that were developed for other diseases, but seem to be beneficial for this one! 

If my suspicions are true, lets pray that our President, and his advisors have both,  the wisdom to see through the silly causions, and the greedy callousness of the detractors, and begin to promote the causious use of these "off label" drugs, even with an experimental perspective!   The data from these efforts can assist in deciding who can be given the drugs safely, and if there are some who should not!   In  any case, if some are saved by these drugs, who appear to be otherwise hopelessly ill, I don't see the harm in trying them!!! 

Friday, March 20, 2020

I Got Sick, Yesterday!!!

Yes, I got sick yesterday, and it had nothing to do with the Coronavirus Pandemic!!!   It was more of a heart sickness, on behalf of a friend I was casually talking with!   We started to discuss our political views, which can always be dangerous, but this time I was struck by how perfectly she was articulating the leftist dogma, as if she had been totally brainwashed by the leftist mainstream media!!!   In fact, I accused her of watching too much news on CNN, or MSNBC, which she immediately denied!   As if to convince me of that fact,  she said she got her news from (and then she named one of the major commercial news networks)!!!   I explained that those networks had all been spouting the same blatant lies, since well before President Trump was inaugurated!!!   It didn't take long to realize that she had been thoroughly indoctrinated in all of the Hate-Trump dogma, and she was desperately waiting for the Socialist vindication of the 2020 election, which she was convinced would defeat Trump, and probably turn the Senate over to the Democrats, as well!!!

I eventually realized that I was getting nowhere trying to reason with her, but it struck me how perfectly opposite her arguments were to mine!   Almost every charge I made against the mainstream media mob, she claimed the same thing against FOX NEWS, which I have found to be the last bastion of truth in the media, today!!!   It so perfectly matched some of the most absurd charges that we hear regularly from the Left, which  I've noticed were simply reverse-logic charges that the Left made to blame the Trump administration, and Conservatives in general, about anything that we charged them with first, no matter how logically absurd the charges were, when they were returned  against us!!! 

 I was offended to realize that some of my friends were becoming so brainwashed as to believe some of the absurd dogma that comes out of those mainstream media outlets!!!   The very network news stations that we grew up trusting in their veracity, had been turned into propaganda distribution outlets for the Left, and I could hardly believe my ears!!!   As always, my conspiracy- theory mind tried to blame someone for this, and it didn't take long to recognize that this kind of brainwashing had to be supernatural, it was so absurdly illogical!!! 

 I knew there was only one source for the kind of blindness that embraces this kind of dogma, and it's the same source for the movement to develop the European "One World" Socialist government!!!  It takes supernatural power to blind people into believing such drivel, and Satan is using all of  his God-given power to deceive the whole world to accept his plan to turn over control of the world to his chosen Antichrist, who will probably be revealed soon!!!  Satan is "God's devil", and God is allowing him to deceive all those whom he can, in the last days, before He sends Jesus back to judge the whole world, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

Praise the Lord, and "even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come"!!!