Even my last post was written with some positive sense of where America is headed, though it was titled, "Time To Prepare For The Evil Revolution!!!" I know God can miraculously deliver even an entire nation from impending doom, but I fear He may not deliver America from the immediate doom that awaits us if the Democrats win the 2020 election, retain control of the House of representatives, and gain control of the Senate!!! Politically, I can't think of a greater disaster than that to destroy our nation, but looking at it from God's perspective, it makes sense!
As Christians, where does our faith lie? With God, or the Constitution of the United States?!!!
I wonder if God is testing us to see where our faith really lies! We have had it so easy
compared to other Christians, because of our Constitutional protections, but why should we
not suffer like other country's Christians have had to??? The Middle- Eastern Christians have
been persecuted on a scale equivalent to the first century Christians!!!
Before Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we know that Satan is to be
given one final chance to prove that he can rule the world, through his Antichrist, during the
seven-year "Tribulation" period, when he will give the control of the world to his leaders in
Europe, and China, to destroy the church, and the Jews in Israel!!! But, perhaps he must be
given complete control, which can not be accomplished as long as a counter-Socialist country
like a free America exists to show the world why they should not participate in his evil
Socialist, One-World government! If that means we must survive in a non-Christian America, when our Democrats drive us into the European Socialist system, God can protect us, even
then, individually, in spite of the loss of our Constitutional rights!!! I suspect this may be
necessary to give Satan no room to say he was not given a fair chance to prove he was
better than God, at running the world!!!
My basis for this "doom and gloom" view is the latest reports on the Durham report "perhaps"
not being released until after the election!!! I was very concerned at the obvious stall of the
report, which was supposed to be released in June!!! Why should it not have been released
already, unless he was trying to protect a huge part of the F.B.I., who would be found culpable
in the anti-Trump conspiracy!!! The stated purpose in waiting is so that, "it would not seem
to be political!!!" We can assume that the "politicizing" of the report would have to throw the
election to Trump, and the Republicans,
which "certainly must not happen!!!"
So, who benefits from this decision??? The Democrats, and their Deep State lackeys in the
F.B.I., who are probably guilty as Hell, but will be "exonerated" in a Democrat-controlled
I'm sorry to be so depressing in my view of recent events, but I can't see any other way to call
it! Let's all hope and pray that I am wrong, but if I am right, remember that God is still in
control, and He will protect us all, even in a Democrat-controlled America!!! God save us all!
I apologize for the absurd change in my margins. It almost seems as if someone externally was trying to meddle in my editing!!! I have corrected the problem in my rough draft, but
"somehow" those changes didn't come through the printing!!! Gee!!! It seems like someone
is reading my post as I write it, and trying to screw it up in the printing!!! Pardon my
paranoia!!! It couldn't be leftist censuring from Google, could it???