That's a difficult question to answer, because there are so many candidates eagerly vying for the title!!!
So, which is more evil? The radical Muslim terrorist, who wants to kill all Christians and Jews, and for that matter, anyone who dares to disagree with them about anything!!! Or the proponents of the "One-World Socialist" government who are generically referred to as "Globalists", who feel that their subtle efforts to destroy free, and democratic governments, from within, is really the best for all the people, because it makes their own Utopian form of government seem less unrealistic, by removing the competition!!!
The problem is that the Bible has clearly prophecied that anyone who participates in this system, and it's computerized economic system (which will eventually require a "Mark of the Beast", or probably a computer chip inserted subcutaneously under the skin of their right hand, to identify them) will automatically get a free ticket to Hell, for eternity!!! No one else can buy, or sell anywhere in the world, for the seven year duration of their rule, until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!! So, participation in this system might be the "Unpardonable Sin" that Jesus spoke about, without explaining much to His disciples, who could not have been expected to understand what a computerized system of economics would be!!!
Obedient Christians, and Jews will be struggling mightily during that seven year period, just to fight off starvation until the Lord returns!!! Some might be tempted to steal food, for themselves and their starving families, which will probably give them a prison sentence, after they are probably forced to receive the "Mark of the Beast", in their hand, against their will! Perhaps this is the basis for the Lord's statement that, "if your right hand offends thee, cut it off, for it is better to enter into the resurrection with one hand," than into Hell with two!!!
So, perhaps the dedicated "Globalists" are more evil than the terrorists, even though the "Globalists'" intentions are to make the world better for all, because they are helping to establish a system that forces millions to spend eternity in Hell, which is much more efficient than a terrorist who kills a Christian, which sends him to heaven!!!
The most powerful, and effective "Globalist" today would seem to be George Soros! The billionaire who has cleverly set up so many so-called non-profit corporations, which seem to promote peaceful movements, but which all tend to weaken the security of their respective governments, and place heavy financial burdens on their respective economies, with the intention of bankrupting their treasuries, or overburdening their bureaucracies with dependent poverty-stricken immigrants who will overwhelm their governments! He reputedly finances his efforts by investing "short" in each country's stock market, and then striving heavily to create the kind of chaotic situation that will cause the economy to collapse, creating huge profits for himself, for betting against them!!! I wonder if he invested short in Venezuela's stock market, before their government destroyed their economy???
So, who is the most evil man in the world? Perhaps Soros is a strong candidate! So, am I claiming that he will become the future Antichrist??? I don't know, and I don't much care; because it doesn't much matter! He is doing Satan's bidding now, whether he knows it, and intends it, or not!!! I fail to see how another candidate for the Antichrist could be much more evil!!! So, if Soros reads this post, don't be surprised if he claims that it is anti-Semitic, just because he was apparently born a Jew!!! So was a guy named Saul, who was perhaps the most evil man of his day, until Jesus converted him "on the road to Damascus", and he became perhaps the greatest Christian evangelist ever!!!
Perhaps Jesus will give Soros a "Damascus road experience", as well!!! He could certainly use one!!! Then, he might become a modern-day Paul the Apostle! But I'm sure that Satan would find another candidate for his Antichrist; there seems to be millions that are falling all over themselves to become the "most evil person in the world"!!! Just look at the Democrats in the House of Representatives!!! Adam Schiff might like to apply for the job!!!
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