We will see!!! If the Democrats in the House of Representatives dare to return from their home districts for Thanksgiving break, having tested the local polls concerning their approval ratings, only to follow through with their plans to establish articles of Impeachment, for President Trump, it will show whether they, and their constituents care more for this nation's peace, safety, and personal, and collective prosperity, or for their hatred of President Trump, and the propagandized values of the leftist media!!!
Frankly, I wonder!!! In my lifetime there has never been such a blatant propaganda campaign against a sitting President, even against Nixon, whose illegal political activities were exposed publicly, before the Impeachment proceedings began! By burglarizing the Democratic Offices, at the Watergate Hotel complex, and funding it with his "Dirty Tricks" slush fund, Nixon committed Political suicide, for which even his Republican supporters in Congress didn't dare defend him!!!
President Trump, on the other hand, has been proven guilty by Leftist "presumptions", "wishes', "opinions", and outright hatred, but nothing that constitutes legally proven, "Bribery, Treason, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors", as the Constitution specifies as the only grounds for Impeachment of a President!!! "We don't like him" is not one of those listed grounds for impeachment, nor do all of those emotional assumptions the Democrats have witnessed against him, constitute impeachable offenses!!!
So, we will see if the traditional view of the "loyal opposition" of the defeated party in the 2016 election remains!!! Or has the leftist propaganda of the Mainstream Media so captivated their audiences, that they will continue to support the lying, political "Witch Hunt" of the Democrats in the House of Representatives??? If so, they will make no one proud, except the memory of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, for Adolph Hitler!!! And his efforts were far more blatant, because they were openly referred to as intentional propaganda!!! The present-day media absurdly claim their reporting to be "truth", which is so blasphemously false that I sometimes expect the earth to open up under them, and drop them straight into Hell!!! I don't know why the Lord waits to give them the due judgement for their sins, but I guess He has a good reason, just as He did when He waited to give me time to realize what I was doing, and to repent of my sins!!! Else I would be roasting in Hell, beside the unrepentant media journalists of the past!!! Thank God that His mercy is for all, as I barely made it, in spite of myself," by the skin of my teeth", as the expression goes!!!
The only reasons I can guess why the Democrats will not Impeach the President, are because, one, the Democrats who won in districts that went heavily for Trump, in 2016, will have a tough time explaining to their constituents why they voted to Impeach the President, that their constituents helped elect, when he will be far more popular with the voters in the 2020 election!!! And, two, the Republicans have announced their intentions of subpoenaing the likes of Joe Biden, his son, Hunter, and especially that blatant, compulsive liar, Adam Schiff, to testify before the Republican controlled Senate, after the President is Impeached!!! Schiff can lie his "you-know-what" off, when he is not under oath, without facing penalty. But, when he is under oath before the Senate trial, he must tell the truth, or face criminal prosecution for committing perjury!!! I don't believe he has the guts to face that dilemma, so he may not press the matter, because there will be no trial if they don' t impeach the President!!! So, all those blatant lies he made in a desperate effort to implicate the President as guilty of impeachable offenses, might come back to haunt him, and cause him to not support impeachment, in the final analysis!!! If he goes through with it all, he will end up in jail, which is what the Trump-haters wanted for the President!!!
God loves to turn His enemies' plans back on themselves, until they suffer the same punishment they intended for those who follow His plans!!!
UPDATE: 11/26/2019--
The real test of whether God is behind a move to not Impeach the President will be recognizable when Democrats in "safe districts", that have historically voted for Democrats for years, begin to speak out against Impeaching the President!!!
Such a district is in the eastern part of Detroit, where the Congresswoman who won in 2016, (I believe her name is Brenda Lawrence) has just come out publicly opposing Impeachment! While she also called for the President to be formally censured (I guess for the indiscretion of winning in 2016), she says that Impeachment is not a good idea!!!
If this becomes a trend in other "safe districts", where the Democratic representative does not face a difficult reelection bid, than we will know that God is behind the move!!! I doubt if many Democrats will do likewise, simply to protect Adam Schiff from being subpoenaed, in the subsequent Senate-run trial, where he would be forced to admit the truth, under oath, or face jail time for his blatant lies!!! I doubt if that many people really care what happens to Schiff, so this would seem to be a reliable indication that the Lord is behind the move!!!
UPDATE: 11/27/2019
Yesterday was not over, yet, when Congresswoman Lawrence was seen publicly "flip-flopping" in the House of Representatives, by proclaiming the she, "was always for Impeachment" of the President!!! I think we can safely assume that somebody, "higher up" in the Democratic cabal, "got to her", and convinced her of the "wisdom" of "flipping" her position on impeachment!!! I don't think it would have been Adam Schiff, because he must be cowering under the weight of having to tell the truth, if this all goes to trial; or go to jail, if he upholds his blatant lies (I wonder which he fears the most???).
Nancy Pelosi may have gotten to her, because I'll bet she considers Impeaching the President to be her last official act, before she retires next year (knowing that the Democrats will lose control of the House, in the 2020 election)!!!
I'll keep you all informed of any future "flip-flopping", as the Democrats squirm under the weight of the farce they have created, in the House of Representatives!!!
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