My guess is, "probably Not!!!" Because Erdogan has probably already planned for such a financial crisis, by joining forces with the Anti-Trump-Sanctions crew: namely, Russia, Iran, and the others listed in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, concerning the allies with Russia in the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East!!! I do not make an unfounded judgement, here, but I refer to Ezekiel: 38, verse 6, which refers to two tribes that historically have resided in the territory of present-day Turkey; "Gomer", and "Togarmah"!!!
This seems to me to be a clear reference to Turkey's joining in with the prophecied invasion, that I continue to suspect is about to come to pass! The objective of this invasion, as well as I am able to understand it, seems to be a takeover of all of the Arab Gulf States' oil reserves, in order to blackmail all of the western nations who have supported Trump's sanctions against them (especially Russia, and Iran), with an international oil embargo, that will make the 1973 embargo look like kindergarten "play time", by comparison!!! But, before they can conquer the Gulf States, they must remove the only threat in the region who might try to stop them; Israel!!! But, God makes it clear, in the prophecy, that He will bless Israel, and turn the invasion into a panicked rout, when the invaders begin to fight with each other, destroying 83 and 1/3rd% of their invasion force!!!
The invasion will apparently begin with (probably) Iran invading under a "cloud" (of poison gas???), which will not greatly harm Israel, because the government has been handing out gas masks for years, because of concerns that this prophecy would someday come true! It will begin to end with an apparent earthquake, that somehow devastates the invading armies, and sends some of them in a panicked retreat, which the rest of them try to stop, setting up what God calls, "every man's sword (or, modern weapon), will be against his brother (or, comrade in arms)"!!! This is how God will allow them to destroy most of their own invasion force!!!
So, am I calling this Turkish invasion the beginning of the "Gog/Magog" invasion? Maybe, and then, again, maybe not! This may be another preliminary step, setting it all up; especially giving America an excuse, through what appears to be a blunder on Trump's part, to not participate in the repulse of the invasion, so God can receive all the glory for helping Israel!!! God apparently wants this to show the "heathen" world that He exists, and that they had better not harm Israel, for fear of receiving His wrath!!! This seems to be the start of almost all of what is prophecied to come to pass, in the book of Revelation!!!
So where does this leave us??? It lends an important emphasis upon the scripture to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!!!"
UPDATE: Seven hours later--
Just a quick thought, that may not have any truth to it, I don't know! On FOX NEWS, I heard a report on Lindsey Graham's enthusiastic denouncement of Trump's decision to pull our troops out of the Kurd's area of northern Syria!!! I heard it yesterday, on the 700 CLUB, and today I heard Trump's somewhat sarcastic retort, "Linsey Graham wants us to stay in the Middle-East for a thousand years!!!" I didn't think much of this, at first, but upon reflection it occurred to me that God may have caused Trump to say this, referring to Jesus' one thousand year reign in Israel, after His return!!! People often have been known to say something "prophetic", which they thought was a flippant remark, but which God caused them to have a deeper meaning upon reflection!
It happened to me, years ago! I don't remember the circumstances well, but I remember being struck afterwards, that what I said seemed to be more appropriate to the other person's needs than I had any way of guessing, before hand!!!
So, was Trump seriously referring to the Millennial Kingdom, in a sarcastic, unbelieving manor??? If so, that would double my intent to find someone else to vote for!!! But it will not be one of those Democrat buffoons!!!
Was that what happened with Trump, today??? God knows, but I can only speculate! Perhaps this was God's way of showing that His anointing was shifting from Trump, to Graham, for the upcoming election, I don't know!!! I know nothing about Graham's status as a Born-Again Christian, or not, but I will support anyone who stands for righteousness, even Trump, as long as he does so! And I will vote against him as soon as he stops! Many secular politicians have been used mightily of God, such as Winston Churchill, in protecting Britain, and the rest of the free world, in World War II! And U. S. Grant, in the Civil War!!! Both were cigar-smoking, reputed alcoholics, which is a significant indication as to their concern for Christian values, not absolutely, but somewhat reliably!!!
That knowledge was behind my voting for Trump, in 2016, and it will be behind my voting for someone else, if he stops standing for what I consider to be righteousness!!!
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