I do not presume to be smart enough to be the President of America...However, when something as basic as what faces us now is so obvious, I must complain when our President seems either unable, or unwilling to face simplistic choices! You do not abandon trusted allies, in the name of drawing down the foreign troop levels because of a campaign promise! Trump seems to place more trust in his pentagon advisors, than any alliance with the Kurds. Yes, we should basically be more concerned about protecting areas where we have our own interests. But there are special circumstances that require special considerations, and the Kurds deserve our protection from their belligerent neighbors!
We did not bring Erdogan into the N.A.T.O. alliance. He inherited his place when he was elected. If the Turkish people really want such a thug to be their president, they should automatically be ousted from N.A.T.O.!!!
If you must draw down troop levels, start with Japan, and Germany, which have proven to be reasonably trustworthy about not returning to the pre-World War II levels of military build-up! You don't pick on the trusted allies, in the most volatile areas of the world, simply because the blood-thirsty dictator of a traditional N.A.T.O. ally says he will behave himself, if you will give him a green light to do whatever he wants with the allies that he happens to hate!!! If Japan, and Germany start to build up their forces beyond agreed levels, it will be obvious, and your obsession with economic sanctions will be much more effective against them to reverse their behavior, than it will to get Erdogan to reverse his genocidal incursion into Kurdish northern Syria. I think it's pretty hard to repent of the slaughter of the dead, and not simply stop any further murderous slaughter! Only the Lord can reverse the conditions of the already dead, which He will do when He returns, but I don't think He's quite ready to do that yet!!!
You have demonstrated all the military genius of Barak Obama, who famously pulled out of Iraq, too soon, allowing I.S.I.S. to sneak in to establish their territory, which you had to overcome! Didn't you learn anything by watching his tremendous blunder??? You have duplicated his lunacy, in a slightly different area!!! What makes you think that I.S.I.S. will not try to repeat their previous incursion, especially now that "hundreds" of their imprisoned terrorists have "escaped", probably when their prison doors were flung open, in an attempt to show you the disaster you have created!!!
What makes you think I am going to vote for you in 2020, after this display of international lunacy, or any other Evangelical Christians, who voted for you in 2016!!! Your record for the past nearly three years has effectively been nullified by this horrendous blunder!!! Economic sanctions will not effectively change the murderous behavior of a tyrant like Erdogan, until he has completed his genocidal incursion!!! Then any "repentance" he demonstrates will not have much of an effect upon those he has already murdered!!!
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