Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Real Goal Of The Conspiracy Is Not The Presidency, Or The Congress, But The Constitution!!!

I have been reading a fascinating "Spy Novel", lately, called "Witch  Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett!

Wait a minute!  Did I just call this a "novel"???  A novel is fiction, and this book is about a true attempt at a government coup, of the United States of America, and some of you may be familiar with that government!!!  This book reads like fiction, for those of us who trust in our Constitutional government, but it is frightening to see how close we came to losing it, and we still could!!!  If you're an American  you had better pay attention to what's been going on, right under your noses, because if this coup had been successful, and it still might be, there might just  no longer be a Constitutional government here any more!!!

While the immediate goal of this blatant attempt was to throw the 2016 Presidential election  to Hillary Clinton, but, having failed to do so, by the slimmest of margins, their continued efforts to impeach the President are so blatantly hysterical that I believe there is a much more diabolical  goal for these conspirators.  I believe they only want to control the power of our government, briefly, just long enough to force us to abolish our Constitution, and willingly join their "Utopian" government; the European concept of "One-World" Socialist government!!!  Secularists refer to this concept as "Globalism", but it's all the same thing!

 Failing that, they will settle for destroying our currency, with hyper-costly socialist programs, which will soon destroy our whole economy, and force the rest of the world to find another country's currency to use as the international currency of exchange.  Gee!  I wonder if the European Computer currency would be available??? The one that Biblical prophecy tells us that all the participants will receive a free ticket to Hell, for an eternity!!!  Oh well, maybe the dollar will have recovered by then???  Ya think???

The very blatant illegal behavior of so many high ranking government officials, from former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and her "clumsy" destruction of legal evidence of her improperly stored government secrets, on an unsecured E-mail account, is so blatantly illegal that I don't think it was accidental!  She had to know it was illegal, just as the F.B.I. officials, and Department of Justice officials, who intentionally broke the law trying to cover up her crimes, while implicating Trump of impeachable crimes, must have known that what they were doing was blatantly illegal, and it would all come out soon, as it is now doing so!!!

So, why were they not sufficiently concerned to stop their illegal activities???  I believe they expected that there would soon be no Constitutional law available to prosecute them against, and if they were to be sent to jail, it would all be overturned shortly afterwards, when the new "One-World" government took control, and reversed their convictions!!!  Thus, the blatant behavior of the leftists, and the perverse platforms of the leftist candidates for the 2020 Presidential election!  They want to overwhelm the Treasury with unaffordable expenses, to bankrupt our economy, and drive us into the new European computerized currency, that the Bible prophecy tells us will guarantee the participants a free ticket to Hell, for eternity!!!

And if these people decide they can't overthrow our government peacefully, the can always opt for the violent overthrow of it all!!!  That's why they are so desperate to destroy our second amendment rights to "keep and bare arms"!!!  They don't want us to be able to resist their takeover!

So, you can see why I feel that this coming election will be the most important election, not only in American history, but the history of the whole world!!!

Hmmm!  Where can I find some "Bear arms to keep"!!!  Then all I have to do is make sure the claws are good and sharp!!!

Monday, October 21, 2019

I'll Grant "Cautious Optimisim" for Trumps Handling Of Kurds

Right now I have more faith in what I hear from Lindsey Graham, than President Trump, concerning the Kurds, in Northern Syria.  If there was a good reason for pulling American troops out of the region, which seemed to give Turkish President Erdogan an unofficial "green light" to invade the Kurds' territory, then I'd like to hear it!   So far it looks like total abandonment, which seems unconscionable, considering the help they gave us in conquering the I.S.I.S. terrorists, in Iraq!

But, if the President talked to Graham, as he says he did, and now Graham says he is "increasingly optimistic" about the President's handling of the situation, then I am willing to give the President the benefit of the doubt, and go so far as "cautious optimism" until I hear something substantial in that regard!!!

I admit I'd prefer to hear some good reason for bailing out on the Kurds, and that this so-called "cease fire", in which both sides seem to be blasting the H*** out of each other, will really turn out to be a permanent cessation of hostilities!  I don't like having to turn against Trump, after he has done so much right, up until this point.  But, I can't support the total abandonment, of a proven ally, especially in a region where there are hostile agents on every side!!!  [more later, as it develops.]

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Will Trump's Sanctions Force Erdogan To Behave, Or Not???

My guess is, "probably Not!!!"  Because Erdogan has probably already planned for such a financial crisis, by joining forces with the Anti-Trump-Sanctions crew:  namely, Russia, Iran, and the others listed in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, concerning the allies with Russia in the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East!!!  I do not make an unfounded judgement, here, but I refer to Ezekiel: 38, verse 6, which refers to two tribes that historically have resided in the territory of present-day Turkey; "Gomer", and "Togarmah"!!!

This seems to me to be a clear reference to Turkey's joining in with the prophecied invasion, that I continue to suspect is about to come to pass!   The objective of this invasion, as well as I am able to understand it, seems to be a takeover of all of the Arab Gulf States' oil reserves, in order to blackmail all of the western nations who have supported Trump's sanctions against them (especially Russia, and Iran), with an international oil embargo, that will make the 1973 embargo look like kindergarten "play time", by comparison!!!  But, before they can conquer the Gulf States, they must remove the only threat in the region who might try to stop them; Israel!!!  But, God makes it clear, in the prophecy, that He will bless Israel, and turn the invasion into a panicked rout, when the invaders begin to fight with each other, destroying 83 and 1/3rd% of their invasion force!!!

 The invasion will apparently begin with  (probably) Iran invading under a "cloud" (of poison gas???), which will not greatly harm Israel, because the government has been handing out gas masks for years, because of concerns that this prophecy would someday come true!  It will begin to end with an apparent earthquake, that somehow devastates the invading armies, and sends some of them in a panicked retreat, which the rest of them try to stop, setting up what God calls, "every man's sword (or, modern weapon), will be against his brother (or, comrade in arms)"!!!  This is how God will allow them to destroy most of their own invasion force!!!

So, am I calling this Turkish invasion the beginning of the "Gog/Magog" invasion?  Maybe, and then, again, maybe not!  This may be another preliminary step, setting it all up; especially giving America an excuse, through what appears to be a blunder on Trump's part, to not participate in the repulse of the invasion, so God can receive all the glory for helping Israel!!!  God apparently wants this to show the "heathen" world that He exists, and that they had better not harm Israel, for fear of receiving His wrath!!!  This seems to be the start of almost all of what is prophecied to come to pass, in the book of Revelation!!!

 So where does this leave us???   It lends an important emphasis upon the scripture to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!!!"

UPDATE:  Seven hours later--

Just a quick thought, that may not have any truth to it,  I don't know!  On FOX NEWS,  I heard a report on Lindsey Graham's enthusiastic denouncement of Trump's decision to pull our troops out of the Kurd's area of northern Syria!!!  I heard it yesterday, on the 700 CLUB, and today I heard Trump's somewhat sarcastic retort, "Linsey Graham wants us to stay in the Middle-East for a thousand years!!!"  I didn't think much of this, at first, but upon reflection it occurred to me that God may have caused Trump to say this, referring to Jesus' one thousand year reign in Israel, after His return!!!  People often have been known to say something "prophetic", which they thought was a flippant remark, but which God caused them to have a deeper meaning upon reflection!

It happened to me, years ago!  I don't remember the circumstances well, but I remember being struck afterwards, that what I said seemed to be more appropriate to the other person's needs than I had any way of guessing, before hand!!!

So, was Trump seriously referring to the Millennial Kingdom, in a sarcastic, unbelieving manor???  If so, that would double my intent to find someone else to vote for!!!  But it will not be one of those Democrat buffoons!!!

Was that what happened with Trump, today???  God knows, but I can only speculate!  Perhaps this was God's way of showing that His anointing was shifting from Trump, to Graham, for the upcoming election, I don't know!!!  I know nothing about Graham's status as a Born-Again Christian, or not, but I will support anyone who stands for righteousness, even Trump, as long as he does so!  And I will vote against him as soon as he stops!   Many secular politicians have been used mightily of God, such as Winston Churchill, in protecting Britain, and the rest of the free world, in World War II!  And U. S. Grant, in the Civil War!!!   Both were cigar-smoking, reputed alcoholics, which is a significant indication as to their concern for Christian values, not absolutely, but somewhat reliably!!!

 That knowledge was behind my voting for Trump, in 2016, and it will be behind my voting for someone else, if he stops standing for what I consider to be righteousness!!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Open Letter To President Trump: Catch A Clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not presume to be smart enough to be the President of America...However, when something as basic as what faces us now is so obvious, I must complain when our President seems either unable, or unwilling to face simplistic choices!   You do not abandon trusted allies, in the name of drawing down the foreign troop levels because of a campaign promise!  Trump seems to place more trust in his pentagon advisors, than any alliance with the Kurds.   Yes, we should basically be more concerned about protecting areas where we have our own interests.   But there are special circumstances that require special considerations, and the Kurds deserve our protection from their belligerent neighbors!
We did not bring Erdogan into the N.A.T.O. alliance.  He inherited his place when he was elected.  If the Turkish people really want such a thug to be their president, they should automatically be ousted from N.A.T.O.!!!

 If you must draw down troop levels, start  with Japan, and Germany, which have proven to be reasonably trustworthy about not returning to the pre-World War II levels of military build-up!  You don't pick on  the trusted allies, in the most volatile areas of the world, simply because the blood-thirsty dictator of a traditional N.A.T.O. ally says he will behave himself, if you will give him a green light to do whatever he wants with the allies that he happens to hate!!!  If Japan, and Germany start to build up their forces beyond agreed levels, it will be obvious, and your obsession with economic sanctions will be much more effective against them to reverse their behavior, than it will to get Erdogan to reverse his genocidal incursion into Kurdish northern Syria.  I think it's pretty hard to repent of the slaughter of the dead, and not simply stop any further murderous slaughter!   Only the Lord can reverse the conditions of the already dead, which He will do when He returns, but I don't think He's quite ready to do that yet!!!

You have demonstrated all the military genius of Barak Obama, who famously pulled out of Iraq, too soon, allowing I.S.I.S. to sneak in to establish their territory, which you had to overcome!  Didn't you learn anything by watching his tremendous blunder???   You have duplicated his lunacy, in a slightly different area!!!  What makes you think that I.S.I.S. will not try to repeat their previous incursion, especially now that "hundreds" of their imprisoned terrorists have "escaped", probably when their prison doors were flung open, in an attempt to show you the disaster you have created!!!

What makes you think I am going to vote for you in 2020, after this display of international lunacy, or any other Evangelical Christians, who voted for you in 2016!!!  Your record for the past nearly three years has effectively been nullified by this horrendous blunder!!!   Economic sanctions will not effectively change the murderous behavior of a tyrant like Erdogan, until he has completed his genocidal incursion!!!  Then any "repentance" he demonstrates will not have much of an effect upon those he has already murdered!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Now What??? I Guess Trump Is Betting We Have Nowhere Else To Go!

When I voted for Trump, in 2016, I basically had to hold my nose, and grit my teeth, to do so!!!  I was not voting for him, but against Hillary!  I have been pleasantly surprised by him since then, but I always felt that I would support him, only so long as I approved of his presidential behavior!  As soon as I felt he was doing something wrong, I intended to remove my support from him, as long as there was someone better available!

His abandonment of the Kurds in Syria, which has brought about the Erdogan ethnic cleansing, of  the Turkish invasion which was so obviously expected after the American troop withdrawal, may have been the proverbial, "straw that broke this camel's back!"  I have been watching, and waiting for some believable explanation, but fulfilling a campaign promise at the expense of thousands of allied lives, just doesn't cut it!!! And, I don't see how sanctions that may take months to feel the pain from will cause Erdogan to stop his invasion before he has finished his ethnic cleansing of all the Kurds, Christians, and Yazidis in northern Syria!!!  Sorry, but I just don't see the logic!!!

I will be watching the Republican Primaries, for a decent alternative, since there is none out of the Democratic clown parade!!!  This side of absolute insanity could never get me to vote for any of them!!!  Or Mitt Romney either!!!  I may have to just stay home!

It's a shame that Trump had to blunder so miserably, so close to the election cycle, he had done a good job up until now, but not good enough to kiss off an important ally, in such a volatile area of the world!!!  I guess I now know why there is no mention of America, or some description that could appear to be us, as coming to the aid of Israel during the "Gog/Magog" invasion!!! What ally could ever trust us to rely upon in the future, ever again!!!  Way to go, Trump!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How Did Britain Lose The Revolutionary War???

I have been watching an account of the Revolutionary War, produced by the History Channel (I think), in which it is stated as remarkable that, "a nation of farmers could defeat the most powerful army in the world!!!   This statement leant some interest to their program, but was only partially accurate.

 America was a nation of armed farmers, who lived in areas where their safety could be in jeopardy at any time, from wild animals, hostile Indians, or roaming brigands, seeking to enrich themselves, with little threat from organized law enforcement!!!    They certainly lacked military training, but they knew how to shoot their guns, which is a skill that the leftists of today are desperately trying to abolish in America, with their campaign against the second amendment of the Constitution!

 We all are appalled by the stream of manic gun toting murderers who prey upon the innocent, and unarmed, as if they would not, if only there were laws to prevent it all!  As if there were not such laws, already on the books!  The problem is not with the guns that are used to kill with; the problem is more with the crisis of mentally ill people, who have access to those guns (legally, or otherwise), and choose to use them to take out their frustrations on innocent people!!!

Years ago the Psychologists and Psychiatrists of this country gave us the roots of this problem, when they collectively decided that the concept of locking the mentally ill away in asylums was no longer necessary, due to the improvements being made in psychotherapeutic drugs, and they supported the releasing of these patients into society, where they would be fine, as long as they kept taking their drugs!  Unfortunately, many of these drugs had unpleasant side effects, which many patients felt were not worth the trouble of dealing with!  So they arbitrarily decided that they were "cured" of their mental illness, and stopped taking their unpleasant "meds"!

I suspect that this attitude is responsible for many of the mass shootings, when the former patients become hopelessly frustrated that they are feeling the symptoms of their original illness, and recognize that they will soon be forced to begin taking their unpleasant "meds" again!!!  They may rationalize that committing "suicide, by cop" is preferable to continuing with the problem.   Mass murder is a pretty sure way of committing "suicide by cop"!

Because of the over-simplistic judgement of the mental health professionals of this country, many innocent people are dying through their collective errors in judgement!!!  It's time to stop this verbal assault upon the Second Amendment, and begin to recognize that some  people must be incarcerated in mental health facilities, for their own good as well as to protect society from their harmful, and even murderous outbursts!   Legal protections can be enforced to protect those who are sane from being abused by the false claims of others, but we need to get the horribly unstable people off the streets!   They can not control themselves, and as Christians we recognize that they are the people that are most vulnerable to Satanic delusion, as in hearing voices that tell them to kill others, and the innocent are at risk by them!

As for the leftist blather that we need to get the guns out of private ownership, it seems to me that they are probably more worried that the guns will be used against them (with good reason), when they try to take over control of the country, and abolish the Constitution!!!  I think our "Founding Fathers" might object to their arguments!!!

UDATE:  10/9/2019--

Today I watched the 700 CLUB, when Pat Robertson talked about most of what I wrote above!  It's like someone ( Gee, I can't guess who!!!) was preparing my heart to be sensitive to this issue, in advance! Pat informed me that the reason that the asylums were closed down was because of the "Bedlam" aspect of  some asylums, where inmates are warehoused in inhumane conditions, and essentially forgotten, or intentionally kept beyond necessity, in order to maintain the income flow to the asylum!

In the 1960's, this was considered a solution to the problem of unnecessary, and interminable incarceration, but the problem of putting helpless inmates on the streets was created, instead!  This seems to me to be a way for the federal, and state bureaucracies to avoid their responsibility of periodically checking on the quality of service of these asylums, perhaps  through unannounced inspections,  and simply washing their hands of the problem, instead!!!

It was also stated that the drugs for various diseases, like cancer have been improved, as recently as 3, or 4 years ago, while many of these drugs used to treat mental illness have not been improved upon for seven years, or more!   The unpleasant side effects could probably be diminished if researched, but perhaps the financial incentive is not as strong.

UDATE:  10/13/2019--

The Ukraine is back at #2 of my pageview stats, though with more modest numbers than before, while Russia has increased modestly also.  Interestingly, Canada has apparently lost interest in what I have to say, probably during the airplane flight back to the Ukraine, and Russia!!!  

Boy the espionage game is so confusing, I just can't figure it all out!!!  It's amazing to see all the trouble that "spies" will go to, just to avoid picking up a Bible, and reading it for themselves!!!  I guess God must have created a special room in Hell, for belligerently lazy spies, who refuse to learn obvious lessons, because of "official political positions" on the existence of God!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Is George Soros Behind It All???

I don't know!!!  But there is enough circumstantial evidence to make me wonder!!!  As a born-again Christian, the temptation is always there to start screaming, "Antichrist, Antichrist..." but there is enough honesty down deep inside me to recognize that I don't have enough evidence to prove that...., (Yet!!!  I'll let you know, if that changes!!!)  But, his name keeps popping up whenever someone discusses the mounting evidence of corruption within , and around the Democratic party!!!  Most recently the discussion of the Bidens' apparent peddling of the Vice President's office for international influence, and guess which countries were the ones to take advantage of their corruption???  The Communist countries of China, and the previous corrupt government of the Ukraine, which was closely linked to Russia!!!

I have my own suspicions of that Ukrainian government, and it's apparent morphing into a "Russia-Jr." mode!!!  For years, I have noticed when I wrote something about the Prophecied  "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, which Russia is prophecied to instigate, that my pageview records would jump to triple-digit numbers, listed as emanating from Russia!!!  I took this as confirmation that I had struck a cord with the guilty party, and that Russia was very interested in what I had to say, as if I had some kind of secret espionage source into their plans!  I wrote about this many times, before I noticed that the triple-digit jumps in pageviews would appear listed as emanating from various other countries, not Russia!!!  I still don't know how they did this, but I assumed that whomever was watching my blog from Russia, was somehow trying to disguise their place of origin.  [This all seemed rather absurd to me; why would someone watch closely what I wrote, when I have admitted from the start that I have no special knowledge, other than the 2500 year old prophecy, in the Ezekiel 38, and 39 account of the Bible!  It is all there for them to read themselves, and they could reasonably predict what I'm going to write, when their own behavior matches up with what the prophecy predicts!  I guess their official belief that God doesn't exist keeps them from reading the Bible, even from a {"know thy enemy"} perspective!]

 Then, this seemed to stop, and I noticed that the "Ukraine" had recently become the second most popular listing of my pageview stats (with America, obviously first).  But, which "Ukraine" was it???  The newly elected government, which was elected to clean up all the corruption of the previous administration, or the pretended Russian-sympathizing government, that Russia annexed, along with the Crimean peninsula, that contained the warm-water port that was so important to Russia!???

(They seem to have read what I wrote, above, because today my stats inform me that the Ukraine is no longer the second largest pageview stat.  Their brilliant spies apparently took a flight to Canada , before reading the above post.  Boy these guys are just too smart for me!  I just can't figure out what they're doing!  UPDATE:  10/5/2019)

 Russia had annexed this territory, after "Russian sympathizers" had taken over the eastern half of the Ukraine, which I had speculated that these "sympathizers" had probably traded their Russian Army uniforms for generic fatigues, while communicating with each other in perfect Russian!!!  Again I have no proof of this,  but a good conspiracy theorist (such as I) doesn't need a whole lot of proof, to smell a rat in the midst of all the filth around this!!!

When I heard that Rudy Giuliani had connected some of the previous Ukrainian corruption to some of George Sorros' non-profit fronts, which have been previously linked to the corrupt practices of the American Democratic party, I began to smell a really big "rat"!!!  I'm not ready to start calling him the future "Antichrist", but I wonder!!!  He is certainly working hard to promote the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, that the Bible prophecys will eventually be taken over by the Antichrist, of the book of Revelation!!!  But is he the soon-to-be-revealed Antichrist, or just another minion that Satan is controlling, along the way to establish his plans???

Only God knows for sure!

UPDATE:  10/7/2019--

Canada is still # 2, in my "Pageview" stats; gee, I just can't figure out why, since it is an almost ten fold increase in my usual pageviews from Canada...Go figure!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Stop The Investigative Stall, And Begin The "Deep State" Prosecutions, Already!!!

The Left gave us the, "Russia, Russia, Russia" stall, and now the Republicans are giving us the, "Investigate, Investigate, Investigate" stall!!!  Bottom line is, a stall, is a stall, is a stall!!!  Get on with the D***n prosecutions, already!!!  Get these "Deep Staters" the H*** out of the White House, with a permanent "black mark" against their names, to keep them from ever being hired by any other bureaucracy, in the federal government, not because they have abused their positions against the Republican administration, but because their behavior should be illegal against any federal administration!!!

The D***n lawyers in the D.O.J. are probably dragging out this investigation as another stall technique, in the desperate hope that the Democrats will win in 2020, and put a stop to any real prosecution to rid ourselves of these anti-American "Deep Staters" running amok in our government, tying to block any effort at true legislation and execution of our laws!!!

I'm sick and tired of all these Leftist bureaucrats meddling in our government's functioning with leaks that seem to imply some illegal activity, that turns out to be mostly fabrication, and not illegal at all, and the leakers are allowed to continue working in the government, and getting paid, while they look for other things to leak, and twist into seemingly illegal acts that will likewise prove to be erroneous!!!  The investigators should concentrate on identifying the leakers, and prosecute them, now, instead of endlessly gathering evidence of their misbehavior, while doing nothing to stop them!!!  CLEAN UP THE D**N SWAMP, NOW, ALREADY!!!

Where the H**l is this D.O.J. Investigator General's report that we keep hearing about, that was supposed to be released "in September"???  How many years do we have to wait for the right "September" to roll around, for them to finally finish their "dad burned" investigation???  Obviously, we have too many D.O.J. lawyers in control of the investigation, who are enjoying their fat salaries, while trying to drag out  the investigation as long as they can!!!   Perhaps they should be the first to go, not for illegal "Deep State" activity, but for their legal incompetence to do their jobs, which is not intended to be endless!!!  There is no reason that the more obviously guilty can not begin to be prosecuted for obvious illegal activity, more to stop their behavior from continuing, than to punish them for their crimes, which will have the additional aspect of freezing the others from their illegal intentions, when they see others getting prosecuted for what they are considering themselves!!!

Bottom line!!!  Stop stalling and get on with the prosecutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!