Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When The Lunatics Run The Asylum...

...they will elect a bunch of idiot Democrats to run the House of Representatives, nationally;  and allow an imbecilic. at best, and more probably, thoroughly corrupt supervisor of elections to count the votes in Broward county, Florida!   So, who do I blame for this lunacy?  It's us...or as that great, and wise philosopher of the past once said, "We have seen the enemy, and it is Us!!!" ("Pogo", of comic strip fame!)

Before everyone grabs their shotguns to come after me, let me explain that I do not intend the above statements to be merely slanderous insults!  It is intended to serve as a wake-up call to those who will try and reason, before it is too late!!!

Let me put it metaphorically, or parabolically, if I can try and explain my point as inoffensively as possible:  Let's say you answer your front door, when you hear a knock, and you find two families, consisting of several children, and their parents, each, plus an obvious blood thirsty terrorist, with a suicide belt of explosives around his waist, and carrying an assault rifle in one hand, and a hand grenade in the other.  The families ask you to let them come in to dinner, because their children are hungry, and haven't eaten in days.   But, you recognize that you can't let them in, without the terrorist coming along, too!   Should you let them all in???

The Democrats would say, sure!  Let them all come in, and have dinner with you!  And, guess what the terrorist has planned for dessert!!! But, the Democrats don't care because they're not at the dinner table!  They're busy counting all the largess you pay them through your taxes, and thinking of more excuses to raise even more taxes!!!  Then they'll pay some of it for whatever project it's set up for, while splitting up a large portion for themselves!

So, who are the "lunatics" here?   The people who knock on your door,...or the idiot who sees the danger, and welcomes him inside???  But, you protest it's out of compassion for the poor families, especially the children!   Yes, and I'm sure they'll all thank you, after the terrorist blows you all up!

I'm sure you all can get this silly logic.   Forgive me for not being as good at creating parables as Jesus did, but He is God, and I am not!  In case anyone didn't know!  But, the point here is the danger of allowing thousands of illegal immigrants, into our country, no matter how desperate they are for a safer, and better life than they had in their home countries, because of a few hundred, or so,  dangerous terrorists, and violent criminals that are likely hiding among them, waiting for the opportunity to create havoc, once we welcome them across our borders!!!  Meanwhile the Democrats isolate themselves from the danger, with the largess we pay them through our taxes, and say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk". at all the trouble that comes with these immigrants!  "Surely the Constitution is an obsolete document, that couldn't foresee this crisis, and must be abolished, and replaced with a new one.  But, wait a minute,  the European Commonwealth has created one already that is for the whole world!  Why don't we simply join their One-World government, and let them deal with it all?!!"

Sounds great, huh???   Until the Antichrist takes power over it, and begins his slaughtering of all Christians and Jews!!!

And, for all you smug Christian, and Jew haters, that think you'd be left alone... guess again!!!  This kind of evil would think of some reason to come after you, too, if Jesus didn't return after seven years,  to put a stop to it all!   But, thank God, He will!!!  The only question is,...will you still be around when He comes???

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