This is not another attempt at denigrating the political Left, who are certainly worthy of it all. But, there is real spiritual depravity, and delusion here, that is different from the strong delusion of past generations, and is indicative of the last days delusion that Satan is prophecied to use upon the whole world, in order to bring about his One-World Socialist government, for seven years, before Jesus returns to put an end to it, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on earth!!!
The accusations of the Left are so obviously baseless, and much of the problems they decry, they themselves have created by their belligerent refusal to cooperate with the Republican administration, especially in creating laws that will empower these problem to be fixed, such as the illegal immigration fiasco! I can not believe that the Democrats can't see that their behavior has created this mess, but they like it because it creates problems that the Republicans get blamed for, and the illegals can be easily bribed into voting illegally for the Democrats, anyway!!!
I know that my apparent obsession with the above, which is prophecied to follow my other apparent obsession, the "Gog/Magog Middle-East invasion" must be getting rather tiresome to my readers, but neither has yet begun, so there is still time for some lost soul, who is drawn into this delusion, to recognize their error and repent before it is too late!!!
I suspect that Satan's greatest power has been directed upon this issue, since the obsessive delusion of the Left is so illogical that even a teenager can see through it, except for their greedy, selfish motivation, coupled with the endless Leftist propaganda that begins in public schools, and their Leftist leaning text books, and continues throughout an adult life of lying, main stream media which has its own agenda in promoting the One-World system, which their parent companies are drooling over with the prospect of being able to control the entire world through their cooperative efforts! And, just in case some people are beginning to question their childhood lying propaganda, Satan tempts many into brainless drug addiction, so they can't think of anything, except how to score their next high!
I don't doubt that this Satanic strong delusion will increase, until the above prophecies are fulfilled! After that, it may be too late!!!
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