This is not another attempt at denigrating the political Left, who are certainly worthy of it all. But, there is real spiritual depravity, and delusion here, that is different from the strong delusion of past generations, and is indicative of the last days delusion that Satan is prophecied to use upon the whole world, in order to bring about his One-World Socialist government, for seven years, before Jesus returns to put an end to it, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on earth!!!
The accusations of the Left are so obviously baseless, and much of the problems they decry, they themselves have created by their belligerent refusal to cooperate with the Republican administration, especially in creating laws that will empower these problem to be fixed, such as the illegal immigration fiasco! I can not believe that the Democrats can't see that their behavior has created this mess, but they like it because it creates problems that the Republicans get blamed for, and the illegals can be easily bribed into voting illegally for the Democrats, anyway!!!
I know that my apparent obsession with the above, which is prophecied to follow my other apparent obsession, the "Gog/Magog Middle-East invasion" must be getting rather tiresome to my readers, but neither has yet begun, so there is still time for some lost soul, who is drawn into this delusion, to recognize their error and repent before it is too late!!!
I suspect that Satan's greatest power has been directed upon this issue, since the obsessive delusion of the Left is so illogical that even a teenager can see through it, except for their greedy, selfish motivation, coupled with the endless Leftist propaganda that begins in public schools, and their Leftist leaning text books, and continues throughout an adult life of lying, main stream media which has its own agenda in promoting the One-World system, which their parent companies are drooling over with the prospect of being able to control the entire world through their cooperative efforts! And, just in case some people are beginning to question their childhood lying propaganda, Satan tempts many into brainless drug addiction, so they can't think of anything, except how to score their next high!
I don't doubt that this Satanic strong delusion will increase, until the above prophecies are fulfilled! After that, it may be too late!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
A Thanksgiving Reflection
Every year at this time, I tend to wax reflective about things, and the Thanksgiving buildup makes me think of my ancestry. Believe it, or not, I have read accounts of my family being able to trace our ancestry back to the original Pilgrim settlers, of the Plymouth colony. I say this humbly, because they were considered in their time to be nothing more than rebel-rousing criminals, and my direct ancestor was briefly fleeing imminent arrest, for the high crime of printing the Gospel, for distribution throughout Britain.
My family is able to trace our lineage back to William Brewster, who was the elected Lay preacher of the colony, for several years, as their real preacher had elected to remain behind with those of his congregation who had chosen to remain behind, in Holland, where they had originally fled to, in order to escape the execution-threats of the British King.
I don't presume to claim any inheritance of his preaching ability, which I assume to have been at least credible, since he served in that capacity for so long. But, I don't doubt that my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior was directly attributed to him and his descendants, who must have prayed for us all, with varying degrees of obvious success. I suspect we may have had our share of irreligious scoundrels within our lineage, of which I was well on my way of becoming, myself, before God got my attention! Thank God there is room for even me in heaven!!! The apostle Paul considered himself to have been the, "chiefest of sinners", so I guess I can fit right in with him, and the like.
I said that I don't presume to compare what I do with that of Elder Brewster, as he was called back then. He preached to a desperate, and courageous congregation, while I merely vent my spleen (the title of one of my former posts) about the sinful politics of this corrupt, humanistic country, and the evil world in which we presently reside! Occasionally, I do wax a little preachy, but nothing that would resound well from a pulpit! So, I have nothing but admiration for my ancestors, those that I am aware of, and those of whom I remain ignorant.
So, to all of you, and your ancestors, and future descendants, I wish you all a, "Happy Thanksgiving"!!!
UPDATE: 11/22/2018--
A few years ago, I was very disappointed to hear that apparently our public school children were being taught that the reason for the original Thanksgiving celebration was so the pilgrims could thank the local Indians, for their bountiful harvest, after nearly starving the previous year. While I'm sure they were very grateful for the help they received in learning how to properly plant their crops (reputedly from their Indian friend, Squanto), the true recipient of their thankfulness was God, who not only blessed their harvest, but sent them Squanto, to help them; as well as providing a place for them to locate their colony. It seems that the real reason they had no quarrel with the local Indian tribes was because the tribe that had originally occupied their choice of land had been wiped-out the previous year, by a terrible plague (probably Measles, likely acquired from the English fishermen who worked the Grand Banks reef, just off the coast of what was to become Massachusetts, and extending up to Labrador, Canada. The English would have built up a resistance to this disease, but the Indians had none, and were wiped-out because of it.) Therefore no one had a prior claim to the land, in the view of the other local Indians, so there was no objection to the Pilgrims. As for the celebration, the Indians were uninvited party-crashers, though they later sent out hunting parties, which brought back enough venison to extend the feast several days!!!
This inaccuracy was offensive enough, because their teachers should have known better, and were apparently choosing to teach a lie. Worse, the textbooks they were using apparently told the same lie!
Now, I hear that some grossly irresponsible College, in Oregon, whose irrelevant name I didn't catch, has been teaching that the Pilgrims are responsible for creating a genocide upon the Indians, who were wiped out a year before the Pilgrims even arrived! They are trying to make their students believe that we should consider Thanksgiving to be a time of mourning, for the poor oppressed Indians!!! There seems to be no end to the Academic, and Public schools' attempts to not only remove God from the classroom, but to blame Him for every problem known to mankind. This sounds like the influence of God's greatest enemy; Gee...I wonder who that could be? So, I guess the public school system, and much of Academia, is given over to this same Diabolical influence!!! More reason for my opinion that the Department of Education should be dissolved, and the power of dictating our schools' curriculum should be returned to the states, and let them decide if they want our children taught to worship God, or the Devil!!! (I can guess which the west coast states would choose!)
UPDATE II: 11/26/2018--
Well, at least the Russians have apparently given up on disguising the source of their pageviews, not that it makes much difference! Today, I found another triple-digit increase in daily pageviews, and I haven't written anything about them in 4 days. But, this time they're located from Russia, so whatever they've been doing to make it seem that they originated from other countries, is perhaps too tedious, considering that it fooled no one! Perhaps they've tired of trying to fool me about their unusual interest. I don't know why they should care, beyond the fact that someone believes they are about to fulfill a 2500 year-old prophecy! I'm sure there are plenty of like-minded Christians that have drawn the same conclusion from their study of the Bible, they just don't write about it in a blog.
My family is able to trace our lineage back to William Brewster, who was the elected Lay preacher of the colony, for several years, as their real preacher had elected to remain behind with those of his congregation who had chosen to remain behind, in Holland, where they had originally fled to, in order to escape the execution-threats of the British King.
I don't presume to claim any inheritance of his preaching ability, which I assume to have been at least credible, since he served in that capacity for so long. But, I don't doubt that my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior was directly attributed to him and his descendants, who must have prayed for us all, with varying degrees of obvious success. I suspect we may have had our share of irreligious scoundrels within our lineage, of which I was well on my way of becoming, myself, before God got my attention! Thank God there is room for even me in heaven!!! The apostle Paul considered himself to have been the, "chiefest of sinners", so I guess I can fit right in with him, and the like.
I said that I don't presume to compare what I do with that of Elder Brewster, as he was called back then. He preached to a desperate, and courageous congregation, while I merely vent my spleen (the title of one of my former posts) about the sinful politics of this corrupt, humanistic country, and the evil world in which we presently reside! Occasionally, I do wax a little preachy, but nothing that would resound well from a pulpit! So, I have nothing but admiration for my ancestors, those that I am aware of, and those of whom I remain ignorant.
So, to all of you, and your ancestors, and future descendants, I wish you all a, "Happy Thanksgiving"!!!
UPDATE: 11/22/2018--
A few years ago, I was very disappointed to hear that apparently our public school children were being taught that the reason for the original Thanksgiving celebration was so the pilgrims could thank the local Indians, for their bountiful harvest, after nearly starving the previous year. While I'm sure they were very grateful for the help they received in learning how to properly plant their crops (reputedly from their Indian friend, Squanto), the true recipient of their thankfulness was God, who not only blessed their harvest, but sent them Squanto, to help them; as well as providing a place for them to locate their colony. It seems that the real reason they had no quarrel with the local Indian tribes was because the tribe that had originally occupied their choice of land had been wiped-out the previous year, by a terrible plague (probably Measles, likely acquired from the English fishermen who worked the Grand Banks reef, just off the coast of what was to become Massachusetts, and extending up to Labrador, Canada. The English would have built up a resistance to this disease, but the Indians had none, and were wiped-out because of it.) Therefore no one had a prior claim to the land, in the view of the other local Indians, so there was no objection to the Pilgrims. As for the celebration, the Indians were uninvited party-crashers, though they later sent out hunting parties, which brought back enough venison to extend the feast several days!!!
This inaccuracy was offensive enough, because their teachers should have known better, and were apparently choosing to teach a lie. Worse, the textbooks they were using apparently told the same lie!
Now, I hear that some grossly irresponsible College, in Oregon, whose irrelevant name I didn't catch, has been teaching that the Pilgrims are responsible for creating a genocide upon the Indians, who were wiped out a year before the Pilgrims even arrived! They are trying to make their students believe that we should consider Thanksgiving to be a time of mourning, for the poor oppressed Indians!!! There seems to be no end to the Academic, and Public schools' attempts to not only remove God from the classroom, but to blame Him for every problem known to mankind. This sounds like the influence of God's greatest enemy; Gee...I wonder who that could be? So, I guess the public school system, and much of Academia, is given over to this same Diabolical influence!!! More reason for my opinion that the Department of Education should be dissolved, and the power of dictating our schools' curriculum should be returned to the states, and let them decide if they want our children taught to worship God, or the Devil!!! (I can guess which the west coast states would choose!)
UPDATE II: 11/26/2018--
Well, at least the Russians have apparently given up on disguising the source of their pageviews, not that it makes much difference! Today, I found another triple-digit increase in daily pageviews, and I haven't written anything about them in 4 days. But, this time they're located from Russia, so whatever they've been doing to make it seem that they originated from other countries, is perhaps too tedious, considering that it fooled no one! Perhaps they've tired of trying to fool me about their unusual interest. I don't know why they should care, beyond the fact that someone believes they are about to fulfill a 2500 year-old prophecy! I'm sure there are plenty of like-minded Christians that have drawn the same conclusion from their study of the Bible, they just don't write about it in a blog.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
America Is Not Allied With Israel Against Russia
I have wondered about that for years. It seems only natural that America would jump at the challenge, as soon as the Russian, and allied invasion of the Middle-East clearly threatens Israel, even if it seems that Israel can handle it, themselves. But, the prophecy is definitely silent on anything remotely implying American aid coming to Israel's defense, even though Israel is our best ally there.
But, perhaps the murder of the Washington Post columnist in the Saudi Arabian Embassy, in Turkey, might drive a sufficient wedge between Saudi and American relations that America won't take sides in a war that at first appears to be between Iran, and Israel. This doesn't seem to make sense, as I write it, but there has to be some reason for the silence about anything that can be interpreted as American aid.
Now the Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed that they are satisfied that the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, who has informally taken over the affairs of the country from his elderly, and ailing father, is complicit in ordering this murder, despite numerous denials on his part. It remains to be seen what kind of penalties President Trump will order, but he is on record that the prince's complicity would require some serious response, even though Saudi Arabia has also been considered a strong American ally in the region. Whatever penalties he decides upon might ruin the previous good relations, coupled with Trump's previous statements that he would like to withdraw our troops from Iraq, and Syria, which is probably the only thing preventing the invasion from beginning.
Israel has been fairly reliably reported to have carried out jet attacks upon the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, in Yemen. These jets consisted of F-18 fighter jets, painted with Saudi insignias, but since Israel is the only Middle-East country that has been allowed to purchase F-18's from America, it seems pretty clear who really flew them. Also, the jets dropped what seems to be Neutron nuclear bombs, which only Israel has developed, with American technology. It has been speculated that this was Israel's way of warning Iran of what they can expect, if they plan on carrying out an invasion, as described in Ezekiel: 38, and 39!!! (I am not the only one who is "crazy" enough to believe the truth of an unfulfilled prophecy given around 2500 years ago!!!)
So, it does seem that Saudi Arabia is turning from trusting upon American protection from their many enemies, to trusting upon Israel, even though they have considered them to be hated enemies for so long! God has a way of making the seemingly impossible things to happen, after all!!!
UPDATE: 11/20/2018--
Now Poland is extraordinarily interested in my Blog!!! That is, all the Poles who speak with a very heavy Russian accent! I know the Poles have a long tradition of great love, and affection for Russia!!! Yeah, riiiiiight!!!!
Yesterday, 109 pageviews were recorded as originating from "Poland", probably from their capitol city, which I think is Moscow! Funny, only 2 pageviews were listed as originating from Russia, and 1 from that famous Russian colony, known as "unknown region"!
I can't figure out these idiots from the G.R.U., or whatever the descendants of the K.G.B. are called! I explicitly wrote that wherever I found a three-digit jump in recorded pageviews, I would automatically assume they were really from Russia, though I have no idea how they are disguising themselves! Maybe a lot of fake beards, and some old-fashioned Groucho Marx nose-glasses, which is about their style! Ever since they recorded a triple digit jump from America, I realized this trend could go on endlessly, at least until the Middle-East invasion. After that, most of them will be dead, and any survivors will be driven underground, for a thousand years!!! Boy, can you imagine how wrinkly they will be after 1000 years???
But, perhaps the murder of the Washington Post columnist in the Saudi Arabian Embassy, in Turkey, might drive a sufficient wedge between Saudi and American relations that America won't take sides in a war that at first appears to be between Iran, and Israel. This doesn't seem to make sense, as I write it, but there has to be some reason for the silence about anything that can be interpreted as American aid.
Now the Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed that they are satisfied that the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, who has informally taken over the affairs of the country from his elderly, and ailing father, is complicit in ordering this murder, despite numerous denials on his part. It remains to be seen what kind of penalties President Trump will order, but he is on record that the prince's complicity would require some serious response, even though Saudi Arabia has also been considered a strong American ally in the region. Whatever penalties he decides upon might ruin the previous good relations, coupled with Trump's previous statements that he would like to withdraw our troops from Iraq, and Syria, which is probably the only thing preventing the invasion from beginning.
Israel has been fairly reliably reported to have carried out jet attacks upon the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, in Yemen. These jets consisted of F-18 fighter jets, painted with Saudi insignias, but since Israel is the only Middle-East country that has been allowed to purchase F-18's from America, it seems pretty clear who really flew them. Also, the jets dropped what seems to be Neutron nuclear bombs, which only Israel has developed, with American technology. It has been speculated that this was Israel's way of warning Iran of what they can expect, if they plan on carrying out an invasion, as described in Ezekiel: 38, and 39!!! (I am not the only one who is "crazy" enough to believe the truth of an unfulfilled prophecy given around 2500 years ago!!!)
So, it does seem that Saudi Arabia is turning from trusting upon American protection from their many enemies, to trusting upon Israel, even though they have considered them to be hated enemies for so long! God has a way of making the seemingly impossible things to happen, after all!!!
UPDATE: 11/20/2018--
Now Poland is extraordinarily interested in my Blog!!! That is, all the Poles who speak with a very heavy Russian accent! I know the Poles have a long tradition of great love, and affection for Russia!!! Yeah, riiiiiight!!!!
Yesterday, 109 pageviews were recorded as originating from "Poland", probably from their capitol city, which I think is Moscow! Funny, only 2 pageviews were listed as originating from Russia, and 1 from that famous Russian colony, known as "unknown region"!
I can't figure out these idiots from the G.R.U., or whatever the descendants of the K.G.B. are called! I explicitly wrote that wherever I found a three-digit jump in recorded pageviews, I would automatically assume they were really from Russia, though I have no idea how they are disguising themselves! Maybe a lot of fake beards, and some old-fashioned Groucho Marx nose-glasses, which is about their style! Ever since they recorded a triple digit jump from America, I realized this trend could go on endlessly, at least until the Middle-East invasion. After that, most of them will be dead, and any survivors will be driven underground, for a thousand years!!! Boy, can you imagine how wrinkly they will be after 1000 years???
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
When The Lunatics Run The Asylum...
...they will elect a bunch of idiot Democrats to run the House of Representatives, nationally; and allow an imbecilic. at best, and more probably, thoroughly corrupt supervisor of elections to count the votes in Broward county, Florida! So, who do I blame for this lunacy? It's us...or as that great, and wise philosopher of the past once said, "We have seen the enemy, and it is Us!!!" ("Pogo", of comic strip fame!)
Before everyone grabs their shotguns to come after me, let me explain that I do not intend the above statements to be merely slanderous insults! It is intended to serve as a wake-up call to those who will try and reason, before it is too late!!!
Let me put it metaphorically, or parabolically, if I can try and explain my point as inoffensively as possible: Let's say you answer your front door, when you hear a knock, and you find two families, consisting of several children, and their parents, each, plus an obvious blood thirsty terrorist, with a suicide belt of explosives around his waist, and carrying an assault rifle in one hand, and a hand grenade in the other. The families ask you to let them come in to dinner, because their children are hungry, and haven't eaten in days. But, you recognize that you can't let them in, without the terrorist coming along, too! Should you let them all in???
The Democrats would say, sure! Let them all come in, and have dinner with you! And, guess what the terrorist has planned for dessert!!! But, the Democrats don't care because they're not at the dinner table! They're busy counting all the largess you pay them through your taxes, and thinking of more excuses to raise even more taxes!!! Then they'll pay some of it for whatever project it's set up for, while splitting up a large portion for themselves!
So, who are the "lunatics" here? The people who knock on your door,...or the idiot who sees the danger, and welcomes him inside??? But, you protest it's out of compassion for the poor families, especially the children! Yes, and I'm sure they'll all thank you, after the terrorist blows you all up!
I'm sure you all can get this silly logic. Forgive me for not being as good at creating parables as Jesus did, but He is God, and I am not! In case anyone didn't know! But, the point here is the danger of allowing thousands of illegal immigrants, into our country, no matter how desperate they are for a safer, and better life than they had in their home countries, because of a few hundred, or so, dangerous terrorists, and violent criminals that are likely hiding among them, waiting for the opportunity to create havoc, once we welcome them across our borders!!! Meanwhile the Democrats isolate themselves from the danger, with the largess we pay them through our taxes, and say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk". at all the trouble that comes with these immigrants! "Surely the Constitution is an obsolete document, that couldn't foresee this crisis, and must be abolished, and replaced with a new one. But, wait a minute, the European Commonwealth has created one already that is for the whole world! Why don't we simply join their One-World government, and let them deal with it all?!!"
Sounds great, huh??? Until the Antichrist takes power over it, and begins his slaughtering of all Christians and Jews!!!
And, for all you smug Christian, and Jew haters, that think you'd be left alone... guess again!!! This kind of evil would think of some reason to come after you, too, if Jesus didn't return after seven years, to put a stop to it all! But, thank God, He will!!! The only question is,...will you still be around when He comes???
Before everyone grabs their shotguns to come after me, let me explain that I do not intend the above statements to be merely slanderous insults! It is intended to serve as a wake-up call to those who will try and reason, before it is too late!!!
Let me put it metaphorically, or parabolically, if I can try and explain my point as inoffensively as possible: Let's say you answer your front door, when you hear a knock, and you find two families, consisting of several children, and their parents, each, plus an obvious blood thirsty terrorist, with a suicide belt of explosives around his waist, and carrying an assault rifle in one hand, and a hand grenade in the other. The families ask you to let them come in to dinner, because their children are hungry, and haven't eaten in days. But, you recognize that you can't let them in, without the terrorist coming along, too! Should you let them all in???
The Democrats would say, sure! Let them all come in, and have dinner with you! And, guess what the terrorist has planned for dessert!!! But, the Democrats don't care because they're not at the dinner table! They're busy counting all the largess you pay them through your taxes, and thinking of more excuses to raise even more taxes!!! Then they'll pay some of it for whatever project it's set up for, while splitting up a large portion for themselves!
So, who are the "lunatics" here? The people who knock on your door,...or the idiot who sees the danger, and welcomes him inside??? But, you protest it's out of compassion for the poor families, especially the children! Yes, and I'm sure they'll all thank you, after the terrorist blows you all up!
I'm sure you all can get this silly logic. Forgive me for not being as good at creating parables as Jesus did, but He is God, and I am not! In case anyone didn't know! But, the point here is the danger of allowing thousands of illegal immigrants, into our country, no matter how desperate they are for a safer, and better life than they had in their home countries, because of a few hundred, or so, dangerous terrorists, and violent criminals that are likely hiding among them, waiting for the opportunity to create havoc, once we welcome them across our borders!!! Meanwhile the Democrats isolate themselves from the danger, with the largess we pay them through our taxes, and say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk". at all the trouble that comes with these immigrants! "Surely the Constitution is an obsolete document, that couldn't foresee this crisis, and must be abolished, and replaced with a new one. But, wait a minute, the European Commonwealth has created one already that is for the whole world! Why don't we simply join their One-World government, and let them deal with it all?!!"
Sounds great, huh??? Until the Antichrist takes power over it, and begins his slaughtering of all Christians and Jews!!!
And, for all you smug Christian, and Jew haters, that think you'd be left alone... guess again!!! This kind of evil would think of some reason to come after you, too, if Jesus didn't return after seven years, to put a stop to it all! But, thank God, He will!!! The only question is,...will you still be around when He comes???
Monday, November 12, 2018
The NEW "Nationalism Vs. Patriotism" Debate...
Normally, I would not presume to lecture a President of a foreign nation... but this is different!
France's Emmanuel Macron is dead wrong when he tried to lecture President Trump, by saying that "Nationalism is not Patriotism." That used to be true, but no longer! And the reason for the difference is because of those who agree with Macron! The word "Nationalism" used to connote Hitler's concept of Nazi superiority, and later the White supremacy of America's "Neo-Nazi's". Certainly both concepts are repugnant to any decent American, of whatever race! But, now we have a much bigger ideological threat than those two concepts ( even though they both stem from the same evil concept of Socialism). Consequently, the definition of the word, "Nationalism" takes on a whole new significance, and a very Patriotic tone in the face of a new evil in today's world.
What many have termed the "Globalist" movement today is nothing more, nor less than the movement toward a "One-World Socialist Government" system, that is thoroughly exposed in the Bible, mostly in the Book of Revelation! It is not only prophecied to be dominant, in the "Last Days", but it is revealed to be the blatant tool of the devil, as he gives control over it to his own "Antichrist" leader, who will use it to facilitate the worst holocaust the world has ever seen (as I've written before, it will make Hitler's slaughter of 6 million Jews look like Kindergarten!!!). He will not be satisfied with the murder of 6 million Jews, as he tries to exterminate every Christian and Jew in the world! And the Leftist Democrats in America are falling all over themselves to support this movement!
Apparently, the big banks and other corporations of the world are "foaming at the mouth"over the prospect of the world being controlled by one socialist government. Socialist governments are very easy to bribe, in order to get what they want, and the thought that only one government would need to be bribed to win power over the whole world must make them salivate, at the thought! God has prophecied that He will allow this system to control the world, for seven years, before Jesus returns to judge those who promote it, before establishing His "Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth!!!
As for Macron, I am not claiming that he will become this Antichrist. But, he sure does seem to be campaigning hard for the job! Interesting that he is said to be facing strong opposition in his re-election bid. Perhaps he is projecting a loss in the next election, in France, followed by a run at the new presidency of the European Commonwealth, which is the fore-runner of the "One-World Socialist Government"...I wonder!!! Yet, he presumes to lecture Trump on "Nationalism vs. Patriotism"??? Someone should lecture him on the ultimate victory in the battle between God and Satan!!!
France's Emmanuel Macron is dead wrong when he tried to lecture President Trump, by saying that "Nationalism is not Patriotism." That used to be true, but no longer! And the reason for the difference is because of those who agree with Macron! The word "Nationalism" used to connote Hitler's concept of Nazi superiority, and later the White supremacy of America's "Neo-Nazi's". Certainly both concepts are repugnant to any decent American, of whatever race! But, now we have a much bigger ideological threat than those two concepts ( even though they both stem from the same evil concept of Socialism). Consequently, the definition of the word, "Nationalism" takes on a whole new significance, and a very Patriotic tone in the face of a new evil in today's world.
What many have termed the "Globalist" movement today is nothing more, nor less than the movement toward a "One-World Socialist Government" system, that is thoroughly exposed in the Bible, mostly in the Book of Revelation! It is not only prophecied to be dominant, in the "Last Days", but it is revealed to be the blatant tool of the devil, as he gives control over it to his own "Antichrist" leader, who will use it to facilitate the worst holocaust the world has ever seen (as I've written before, it will make Hitler's slaughter of 6 million Jews look like Kindergarten!!!). He will not be satisfied with the murder of 6 million Jews, as he tries to exterminate every Christian and Jew in the world! And the Leftist Democrats in America are falling all over themselves to support this movement!
Apparently, the big banks and other corporations of the world are "foaming at the mouth"over the prospect of the world being controlled by one socialist government. Socialist governments are very easy to bribe, in order to get what they want, and the thought that only one government would need to be bribed to win power over the whole world must make them salivate, at the thought! God has prophecied that He will allow this system to control the world, for seven years, before Jesus returns to judge those who promote it, before establishing His "Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth!!!
As for Macron, I am not claiming that he will become this Antichrist. But, he sure does seem to be campaigning hard for the job! Interesting that he is said to be facing strong opposition in his re-election bid. Perhaps he is projecting a loss in the next election, in France, followed by a run at the new presidency of the European Commonwealth, which is the fore-runner of the "One-World Socialist Government"...I wonder!!! Yet, he presumes to lecture Trump on "Nationalism vs. Patriotism"??? Someone should lecture him on the ultimate victory in the battle between God and Satan!!!
Friday, November 9, 2018
The Politics Of Lawlessness, And Rage!!!
The Left finds this concept to be very convenient! Otherwise described as, "if you can't win legally, CHEAT!!! And if that doesn't work, violently protest, and threaten everyone, and everybody, unless, or until you get your way!!! Sounds to me like overgrown spoiled brats, who were coddled as children, and learned that they could force their parents into giving in, by simply throwing a tantrum, or holding their breath until they turned blue!!! Maybe that's why the Democrats are characterized as being the "blue" party!
Now we have many razor-thin victories for Republican candidates, primarily in the South, which are about to go through recount procedures! The danger here is that unscrupulous election officials, like the ones suspected in two Florida counties, can pull fake ballots "of the thin air" (or out of some orifice of their bodies) to illegally throw the election in the favor of their preferred candidate! Florida Governor, Rick Scott, who seems to have won the open Senate race in that state, is suing these counties for seeming to come up with "mysterious" ballots for the Democratic candidates, after the fact, in order to throw the election for their favored candidates! These counties have previously come under scrutiny, for similarly questionable accounting scams; which if proven true, should land some people in jail, rather than some candidates in office!
Also, we have the so-called, "Antifa protesters" surrounding the home of conservative FOX NEWS T. V. host, Tucker Carlson, who was not at home, though his wife was there, alone. She was greeted with the slogans of Rage Politics, such as, "Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!" They then proceeded to pound on the front door, until it broke, though they didn't get in! Thank God they didn't; we can only guess what mayhem they might have been capable of , had they gained entrance!!!
Strange, that these people call their group, "Antifa", which is supposed to be short for, "Anti-Fascist"!!! I thought that Fascist behavior, like theirs, was supposed to be limited to people who were Fascists, themselves. I guess that this is just another example of "leftist projectionism", that I wrote about in one of my posts, last month. This seems to be a calculated method of leftist groups, though I don't see how they apparently feel they can deceive the public, by claiming to be the opposite of what they really are! They obviously don't believe in the words of Jesus, when He said, "They that live by the sword shall die by the sword!" Or, more specifically, He might say today, "Those that threaten, and practice violent protest, shall soon be arrested for their crimes!" How this helps their cause, I don't understand! I guess this is another expression of their belief in the Communist doctrine of, "Out of chaos, comes order." Though the "order" they appear to be promoting, is limited to whatever they want, versus the needs, and wants of everyone else!!!
Now we have many razor-thin victories for Republican candidates, primarily in the South, which are about to go through recount procedures! The danger here is that unscrupulous election officials, like the ones suspected in two Florida counties, can pull fake ballots "of the thin air" (or out of some orifice of their bodies) to illegally throw the election in the favor of their preferred candidate! Florida Governor, Rick Scott, who seems to have won the open Senate race in that state, is suing these counties for seeming to come up with "mysterious" ballots for the Democratic candidates, after the fact, in order to throw the election for their favored candidates! These counties have previously come under scrutiny, for similarly questionable accounting scams; which if proven true, should land some people in jail, rather than some candidates in office!
Also, we have the so-called, "Antifa protesters" surrounding the home of conservative FOX NEWS T. V. host, Tucker Carlson, who was not at home, though his wife was there, alone. She was greeted with the slogans of Rage Politics, such as, "Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!" They then proceeded to pound on the front door, until it broke, though they didn't get in! Thank God they didn't; we can only guess what mayhem they might have been capable of , had they gained entrance!!!
Strange, that these people call their group, "Antifa", which is supposed to be short for, "Anti-Fascist"!!! I thought that Fascist behavior, like theirs, was supposed to be limited to people who were Fascists, themselves. I guess that this is just another example of "leftist projectionism", that I wrote about in one of my posts, last month. This seems to be a calculated method of leftist groups, though I don't see how they apparently feel they can deceive the public, by claiming to be the opposite of what they really are! They obviously don't believe in the words of Jesus, when He said, "They that live by the sword shall die by the sword!" Or, more specifically, He might say today, "Those that threaten, and practice violent protest, shall soon be arrested for their crimes!" How this helps their cause, I don't understand! I guess this is another expression of their belief in the Communist doctrine of, "Out of chaos, comes order." Though the "order" they appear to be promoting, is limited to whatever they want, versus the needs, and wants of everyone else!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
The Takeaway From The 2018 Mid-Term Elections
So, the Democrats managed to steal back control of the House of Representatives, of Congress. I guess that makes Nancy Pelosi a prophet, since she predicted the victory, beforehand. More importantly, perhaps I should admit that my call for all Christian readers to apply the challenge of II Chronicles: 7, 14 (which says, "If My People, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.") was not effective enough to win both sides of the aisle, in Congress. Perhaps non-believers might think so, but not me!
First, I am not so vain as to think that all American Christians have read my blog's plea, though I am sure that many Christians realized the same urgency, whether they read my blog, or not!
Second, I don't presume to be smart enough to always figure out how God chooses to answer our prayers. It may be that giving control of the House to the Democrats was just the first step in unifying our country, though it certainly doesn't appear so! But, God has a way of turning what seems to be failure into victory, if we will simply persevere by faith! The concept of repenting of our own wickedness (or sinfulness, especially habitual sinfulness), must not be briefly done, in the hopes of "conjuring up" God's blessing, before returning to our previous ways. Perhaps God is watching to see if we are really serious, or do we get easily discouraged, and give up on Him, which will cause Him to give up on our blessing.
And, thirdly, perhaps He has given us an opportunity to prove our willingness to demonstrate our humility, not only to Him, but also to our enemies (the Democrats, in case you haven't figured it out), by crossing the aisle to compromise on some trivial issues, that may surprise them, after two years of proving their unwillingness to do so for us! Soon they will realize that cooperating with the Republicans may help them get re-elected, in 2020. It's certainly cheaper than donating 70 million dollars in a losing bid to unseat a Senator from Texas!!!
This may take some powerful biting of our collective tongues, and swallowing of our collective pride, which is horribly painful to bear! It may help to keep in mind our primary goal, which is the re-unifying of our deeply divided country (as in, "A house divided can not stand.") If we had simply won back control of the House, how would that have reunified the country? I don't think the Democrats would try compromising with the Republicans. (I can recall when my 11th grade trigonometry teacher rebuked me for something I didn't do! He was a crotchety old cuss, and had a reputation for bearing grudges for long times! I needed a good grade in that class for my college prep, so I swallowed my pride and went up to him after class, and apologized for whatever I didn't do! He graciously accepted my apology, and later gave me a "B" for the class, which was pretty forgiving, for him!)
I'm sure the surprised Democrats will not initially respond to our willingness to compromise! But, eventually, some will (like Manchin, of West Virginia, who is a popular Democrat, in a state that has turned Republican recently). At first, some maverick Democrats will cross over, and then some of the more moderate Democrats, and eventually we will have a truly compromising House, as it has traditionally been. Who knows, we might even get some Democrats to repent of their sins, and become Republicans!!! I think God has performed similar miracles before, though this would surely rank up there with the parting of the Red Sea!!!
First, I am not so vain as to think that all American Christians have read my blog's plea, though I am sure that many Christians realized the same urgency, whether they read my blog, or not!
Second, I don't presume to be smart enough to always figure out how God chooses to answer our prayers. It may be that giving control of the House to the Democrats was just the first step in unifying our country, though it certainly doesn't appear so! But, God has a way of turning what seems to be failure into victory, if we will simply persevere by faith! The concept of repenting of our own wickedness (or sinfulness, especially habitual sinfulness), must not be briefly done, in the hopes of "conjuring up" God's blessing, before returning to our previous ways. Perhaps God is watching to see if we are really serious, or do we get easily discouraged, and give up on Him, which will cause Him to give up on our blessing.
And, thirdly, perhaps He has given us an opportunity to prove our willingness to demonstrate our humility, not only to Him, but also to our enemies (the Democrats, in case you haven't figured it out), by crossing the aisle to compromise on some trivial issues, that may surprise them, after two years of proving their unwillingness to do so for us! Soon they will realize that cooperating with the Republicans may help them get re-elected, in 2020. It's certainly cheaper than donating 70 million dollars in a losing bid to unseat a Senator from Texas!!!
This may take some powerful biting of our collective tongues, and swallowing of our collective pride, which is horribly painful to bear! It may help to keep in mind our primary goal, which is the re-unifying of our deeply divided country (as in, "A house divided can not stand.") If we had simply won back control of the House, how would that have reunified the country? I don't think the Democrats would try compromising with the Republicans. (I can recall when my 11th grade trigonometry teacher rebuked me for something I didn't do! He was a crotchety old cuss, and had a reputation for bearing grudges for long times! I needed a good grade in that class for my college prep, so I swallowed my pride and went up to him after class, and apologized for whatever I didn't do! He graciously accepted my apology, and later gave me a "B" for the class, which was pretty forgiving, for him!)
I'm sure the surprised Democrats will not initially respond to our willingness to compromise! But, eventually, some will (like Manchin, of West Virginia, who is a popular Democrat, in a state that has turned Republican recently). At first, some maverick Democrats will cross over, and then some of the more moderate Democrats, and eventually we will have a truly compromising House, as it has traditionally been. Who knows, we might even get some Democrats to repent of their sins, and become Republicans!!! I think God has performed similar miracles before, though this would surely rank up there with the parting of the Red Sea!!!
Monday, November 5, 2018
Iran Has TWO Options In Response To Sanctions
Gee! I wonder which one they'll choose!
These people (Iran's rulers, not the average citizens) are belligerent idiots, whose ideology is based on such a demonic false religion that they can not distinguish between right and wrong, choosing to base their behavior (and the policies of their country) on suicidal values; for themselves, and their country as a whole!
We have two competing religions in the Middle-East, both worshipping what their believers consider to be the one true God of the Universe. Islam, and the Iranian form of it (or Shiite), which may be the most blood-thirsty form of it, and Judaism, which predominates the beliefs of the Israelites, and from which Christianity evolved. As both claim to be the religion of the one true God, obviously only one can actually be true. See if you can guess which I think is correct!!!
Now, we have President Trump's announced sanctions, which were removed by President Obama (with the instituting of his ridiculous treaty, which gave Iran everything and required little in return for their so-called denuclearization treaty) about to go into effect, with the exception of several European countries which were given a six-month grace period to wean themselves off of Iranian oil purchases.
Iran, expectedly, reacted by condemning the sanctions as war-invoking provocation, which sounds to me as though they have already determined how to respond, and it won't be to meet the U.S. at the negotiating table, which is the intention of the Trump Administration. They seem to believe that there is a second choice for their response, one described in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, in the Bible! Russia has probably convinced them that they can bypass the stringent effects of the sanctions, by joining in Russia's plan to invade the Middle-East! They will probably agree to invade Israel, which they have wanted to do for centuries, with Russia appearing to be uninvolved, but actually supporting them, so that Russia can later invade the Arab Gulf States' Oil Fields, to take over the oil rich countries, and embargo the western countries that are cooperating with the U.S. in their sanctions.
There is just one problem with their plan! God has no intention of allowing anyone to invade Israel successfully!!! In fact, the prophecy in the last two chapters of Jeremiah calls for the complete destruction of what sounds like present-day Iran, which obviously hasn't yet happened. Could this be God's reward for their belligerence??? It seems to describe a complete nuclear holocaust, either from bombardment, or destruction of their own nuclear facilities!!!
God's prophecy has already pronounced the abject failure of Iran's invasion plans, given to the prophet Ezekiel about 2500 years ago, and expounded upon by me several times through this column, for which there is ample evidence that someone, and perhaps hundreds of "someones" have been keeping track of what I write, in this regard! This prophecy is thoroughly available to both the Russians, and their allies in the planned invasion, but their belligerent pride, and their belief in their false doctrines, will apparently keep them from considering this warning, resulting in the destruction of 83 and 1/3rd % of their invasion force, as God miraculously empowers Israel to utterly defeat them!!!
So much for the power of sanctions to bring our enemies to the negotiating table!!! I wonder how many hundreds of "Americans" (with heavy Russian accents) will obsessively read this post, in the next few days??? Will they say, "Da!, or Nyet!" to the conclusions I have drawn from the prophecies???
UPDATE: 11/7/2018--
The answer to the above rhetorical question is, 134 "Americans", probably with the imagined "heavy Russian accents" that I expected, simply couldn't resist the temptation to read yesterday's post about Iran ( referred to as "Persia", in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 Prophecy), even though my written expectancy was a give-away that I knew the unexpected triple-digit increase in daily pageview stats was obviously not truly from America, since it is not consistently so, and when I don't write about the Ezekiel Prophecy, the pageviews from America "unexpectedly" drop to single, or at most, to double digits, as usual.
Boy, these people are so subtle!!! I am at a loss trying to figure out how they get their statistics to be marked "America"; I hadn't heard that President Trump had recently driven a bunch of tanks, and rocket-launchers, into Moscow, and "annexed" it into "American territory", a la the Crimean Peninsula, that Putin so graciously rescued from their Ukrainian origin!
It amazes me that they try so hard to disguise their identity, only to give it away again by the sheer number of pageviews, which reveals their identity, no matter where they originate from. Are they really so stupid that they can't figure out how to print 133 copies, from the first pageview, and mail them to their espionage cohorts? Then I would at least wonder if they were still up to their tricks. Perhaps the technology for computer printers has not yet been developed in Russia. Or, maybe the cost of ink for their printers is exorbitantly high. Did Trump make computer printer ink part of the American sanctions, for the Crimean invasion??? Oh well, keep trying Vladimir, your spies will figure it out eventually. Even Charley Chaplin's "Keystone Cops" managed to get some things right; I can't remember what, but they must have. They couldn't possibly be as stupid as your "intelligence" people!!!
These people (Iran's rulers, not the average citizens) are belligerent idiots, whose ideology is based on such a demonic false religion that they can not distinguish between right and wrong, choosing to base their behavior (and the policies of their country) on suicidal values; for themselves, and their country as a whole!
We have two competing religions in the Middle-East, both worshipping what their believers consider to be the one true God of the Universe. Islam, and the Iranian form of it (or Shiite), which may be the most blood-thirsty form of it, and Judaism, which predominates the beliefs of the Israelites, and from which Christianity evolved. As both claim to be the religion of the one true God, obviously only one can actually be true. See if you can guess which I think is correct!!!
Now, we have President Trump's announced sanctions, which were removed by President Obama (with the instituting of his ridiculous treaty, which gave Iran everything and required little in return for their so-called denuclearization treaty) about to go into effect, with the exception of several European countries which were given a six-month grace period to wean themselves off of Iranian oil purchases.
Iran, expectedly, reacted by condemning the sanctions as war-invoking provocation, which sounds to me as though they have already determined how to respond, and it won't be to meet the U.S. at the negotiating table, which is the intention of the Trump Administration. They seem to believe that there is a second choice for their response, one described in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, in the Bible! Russia has probably convinced them that they can bypass the stringent effects of the sanctions, by joining in Russia's plan to invade the Middle-East! They will probably agree to invade Israel, which they have wanted to do for centuries, with Russia appearing to be uninvolved, but actually supporting them, so that Russia can later invade the Arab Gulf States' Oil Fields, to take over the oil rich countries, and embargo the western countries that are cooperating with the U.S. in their sanctions.
There is just one problem with their plan! God has no intention of allowing anyone to invade Israel successfully!!! In fact, the prophecy in the last two chapters of Jeremiah calls for the complete destruction of what sounds like present-day Iran, which obviously hasn't yet happened. Could this be God's reward for their belligerence??? It seems to describe a complete nuclear holocaust, either from bombardment, or destruction of their own nuclear facilities!!!
God's prophecy has already pronounced the abject failure of Iran's invasion plans, given to the prophet Ezekiel about 2500 years ago, and expounded upon by me several times through this column, for which there is ample evidence that someone, and perhaps hundreds of "someones" have been keeping track of what I write, in this regard! This prophecy is thoroughly available to both the Russians, and their allies in the planned invasion, but their belligerent pride, and their belief in their false doctrines, will apparently keep them from considering this warning, resulting in the destruction of 83 and 1/3rd % of their invasion force, as God miraculously empowers Israel to utterly defeat them!!!
So much for the power of sanctions to bring our enemies to the negotiating table!!! I wonder how many hundreds of "Americans" (with heavy Russian accents) will obsessively read this post, in the next few days??? Will they say, "Da!, or Nyet!" to the conclusions I have drawn from the prophecies???
UPDATE: 11/7/2018--
The answer to the above rhetorical question is, 134 "Americans", probably with the imagined "heavy Russian accents" that I expected, simply couldn't resist the temptation to read yesterday's post about Iran ( referred to as "Persia", in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 Prophecy), even though my written expectancy was a give-away that I knew the unexpected triple-digit increase in daily pageview stats was obviously not truly from America, since it is not consistently so, and when I don't write about the Ezekiel Prophecy, the pageviews from America "unexpectedly" drop to single, or at most, to double digits, as usual.
Boy, these people are so subtle!!! I am at a loss trying to figure out how they get their statistics to be marked "America"; I hadn't heard that President Trump had recently driven a bunch of tanks, and rocket-launchers, into Moscow, and "annexed" it into "American territory", a la the Crimean Peninsula, that Putin so graciously rescued from their Ukrainian origin!
It amazes me that they try so hard to disguise their identity, only to give it away again by the sheer number of pageviews, which reveals their identity, no matter where they originate from. Are they really so stupid that they can't figure out how to print 133 copies, from the first pageview, and mail them to their espionage cohorts? Then I would at least wonder if they were still up to their tricks. Perhaps the technology for computer printers has not yet been developed in Russia. Or, maybe the cost of ink for their printers is exorbitantly high. Did Trump make computer printer ink part of the American sanctions, for the Crimean invasion??? Oh well, keep trying Vladimir, your spies will figure it out eventually. Even Charley Chaplin's "Keystone Cops" managed to get some things right; I can't remember what, but they must have. They couldn't possibly be as stupid as your "intelligence" people!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Now The Russians Are Among Us...
(The above title is not a sarcastic slam upon the Democrats, and the Socialists of America, no matter how well deserving they may be of such a slam!!!)
They're at it again! Yesterday's Pageview stats claimed 115 Pageviews from America. If that had happened before the rash of triple digit hits from Russia, I might've believed it. More than two-digit stats from the U.S. has not happened over then 9 plus years preceding this year's, so why should I think this is anything but more clever Russian camouflage, of their own obsessive tracking of my views, as if they don't already know what I have to say about their obvious intentions to invade the Middle-East. Anything I say now would simply be speculation, concerning various unspecific aspects of the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy, and my speculation would have no more guarantee of accuracy, than anyone else's.
For instance, I've written previously that the part of the prophecy that speaks of God's intentions to, "bring fire upon Magog (Russia), and upon those dwelling safely on the Coastlands ( which many Biblical scholars have long believed to be America)", I've presumed to be a nuclear exchange between the U.S., and Russia! This would seem logical, after an attempt to wipe out an important American ally (Israel), but the mention of Magog first indicates to me that America would precipitate this exchange! But, it is not clearly indicated, so my supposition is certainly not absolute. Also, I assumed that Russia would retaliate, but, so could China, on Russia's behalf. It makes little difference to me, because I expect the rapture to occur just before this exchange (based on my reading of the last part of Revelation 6, and the account of the 144,000 witnesses, in Revelation 7. My reasoning is that why would God need these witnesses, unless the hundreds of millions of Christians were suddenly unavailable!!!). So, this possible nuclear exchange should not affect me, or any other Born-Again Christian, in the world, and I'm not going to lose sleep over those who remain, either! God knows who believes in Him, and who has received the salvation of Jesus, and as He said, before, "I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy!" God said it, and who am I to argue???
Again I say, my opinion of the above can claim no more absolute accuracy than anyone else's. But I don't believe God would have us come to the aid of Israel, just to be vaporized in a nuclear exchange! But, truthfully, if that's His will, then so be it! We'll all end up in Heaven, anyway, and a Nuclear death would be instantaneous, so that's certainly not preferable, but I'll settle for that, cause I know where I'm going, afterwards!!!
They're at it again! Yesterday's Pageview stats claimed 115 Pageviews from America. If that had happened before the rash of triple digit hits from Russia, I might've believed it. More than two-digit stats from the U.S. has not happened over then 9 plus years preceding this year's, so why should I think this is anything but more clever Russian camouflage, of their own obsessive tracking of my views, as if they don't already know what I have to say about their obvious intentions to invade the Middle-East. Anything I say now would simply be speculation, concerning various unspecific aspects of the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy, and my speculation would have no more guarantee of accuracy, than anyone else's.
For instance, I've written previously that the part of the prophecy that speaks of God's intentions to, "bring fire upon Magog (Russia), and upon those dwelling safely on the Coastlands ( which many Biblical scholars have long believed to be America)", I've presumed to be a nuclear exchange between the U.S., and Russia! This would seem logical, after an attempt to wipe out an important American ally (Israel), but the mention of Magog first indicates to me that America would precipitate this exchange! But, it is not clearly indicated, so my supposition is certainly not absolute. Also, I assumed that Russia would retaliate, but, so could China, on Russia's behalf. It makes little difference to me, because I expect the rapture to occur just before this exchange (based on my reading of the last part of Revelation 6, and the account of the 144,000 witnesses, in Revelation 7. My reasoning is that why would God need these witnesses, unless the hundreds of millions of Christians were suddenly unavailable!!!). So, this possible nuclear exchange should not affect me, or any other Born-Again Christian, in the world, and I'm not going to lose sleep over those who remain, either! God knows who believes in Him, and who has received the salvation of Jesus, and as He said, before, "I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy!" God said it, and who am I to argue???
Again I say, my opinion of the above can claim no more absolute accuracy than anyone else's. But I don't believe God would have us come to the aid of Israel, just to be vaporized in a nuclear exchange! But, truthfully, if that's His will, then so be it! We'll all end up in Heaven, anyway, and a Nuclear death would be instantaneous, so that's certainly not preferable, but I'll settle for that, cause I know where I'm going, afterwards!!!
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