Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Classic Case Of "Spiritual Wickedness"...

I really think I've got it now!!!  After nearly seven months of confusion over the intransigence of Congress, and not only the Democrats (whose resistance to the Trump agenda could certainly be expected), but also the so-called "Establishment Republicans", whose "moderate" views seem to differ very little from the leftist values of the so-called "Progressive" Democrats.  The reason for their obstructionism seems so illogical for people who were sincerely elected  by their constituents, who expect honest leadership from their representatives, and who will eventually hold their leaders  accountable if they don't get it!  Perhaps the Democrats can survive such political chicanery while supposedly serving the people, but it seems to me the "Establishment Republicans" are committing political suicide, especially those from heavily Conservative locations.

I can think of only two reasons why they might think the risk to be worthwhile.   One, they may be being paid huge sums of  money to their "re-election coffers", by the real political power-brokers in Washington, the greedy Lobbyists.  They may feel that this money can be used to sway voters, no matter how corrupt their record seems.  And it may be so much that they may feel a loss would be   acceptable, since they are allowed to keep any unspent campaign money, afterwards (how this differs from legally acceptable bribery,  I'll never understand!  And it seems the whole Washington Lobbying industry is based on the practice).  Still most people would wonder what could make politicians  react in such greedy ways, when the cost to the American people would seem so dire.

For a Born-Again Christian to not see the obvious is truly embarrassing to admit!!!  But, I've come to believe there has to be a spiritual battle going on in the District, now, and the victory, or defeat will have dire consequences on one constituency or another, depending on who wins, God, or you-know-who!!!  Ephesians 6:12 says, "...we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,  against spiritual wickedness in high places." This, I feel, explains it all!

I saw on FOX NEWS today a report on the Bible study that Cabinet members of the Trump administration hold, in the White House, sometimes attended by the President, and Vice President (when their schedules allow).  This was reported as the first time in history that such a collection of believers have been gathered together in the same administration!  No wonder that Satan is pulling out all stops to obstruct their agenda!  He certainly does not want this to become a political habit!!!

Evil people commit evil because "they feel like it"!  But they don't "feel like it", solely of their own volition.  Satan spends years, at times, cultivating a "knee-jerk response" to his temptation to sin; until the sinner feels he is responding to his own desires, and no longer recognizes  the sinful source of those desires.  This must be the basis of this absolutely un-Godly assault upon everything that the Trump administration seeks to implement, as part of their agenda!  Even the Democrats must realize the harm that their obstructionism is having upon the country, as a whole.   But, they probably have such a low regard for the collective wisdom of their constituents, that they are confident they can put it all over on them, and still get re-elected (rightly, or not).

The only conclusion for a believing Christian to have to this crisis, is to collectively fall on our knees, and pray for God to intervene in the hearts of these people, and either bring them to repentance, or to confuse their efforts to destroy this country, before it's too late.  God has given us all the free will to either stand for righteousness, or not.  He will not violate that right, unless enough believers earnestly pray for His Divine assistance!   So, how many believers does he consider to be. "enough"???  I'd say that we probably need one more praying Christian!  And you're it!!!

UPDATE:  (Two hours after publishing the above post)
Right after I published the above,  I hurriedly turned on today's 700 CLUB, on C.B.N.  Pat Robertson was almost angrily excoriating the Congress, almost vilifying them for their hypocrisy, concerning their unwillingness to repeal "Obamacare".  He had just discovered that they had collectively approached former President Obama to ask for relief from the tenants of his insurance bill, which he apparently complied with, in order to get it passed.   He apparently signed an Executive Order to allow the Office of Personnel Management to classify both the House and Senate as "Small Businesses", (even though they manage trillions of dollars per year)  allowing them to have taxpayers pay as much as 72% of their insurance premiums, which can run as high as $1200.00 per year (or is it $12,000.00, I forget which; I'm sure they consider it to be "chump change", either way) for each member of Congress.  Talk about egregious fraud!  Where is the F.B.I. Independent Counsel, on that one!!!  Of course , the rest of America has to cough up the full premium themselves!  Perhaps this is the real reason that they couldn't bring themselves to repeal "Obamacare"!!!

I can understand now why Sen. McCain voted against repealing "Obamacare", since he is probably facing an expensive chemotherapy treatment for his just discovered brain cancer.  But the rest of Congress is without excuse, and should be roundly condemned for their hypocrisy!!!  Pat Robertson put the Congressional Phone # on the television screen (202-224-3121) and told the audience to tie up the line with complaints to their Congressmen, and Women.

The good news about this is that their unworthy subsidy was only established by an Executive Order, and can be revoked by another one, which President Trump has just threatened to do if they don't repeal and replace "Obamacare" soon.   Yes folks, this is our friendly, and compassionate Congress at work for us,  today ; just so long as they don't have to play by the same rules that we do!!!

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